19| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,A pril 12,2018 theifp.ca Tap into the benefits of volunteering (NC) Yearround, volunteers enrich their communities, help their neighbours and make positive changes. Every April, we take time to recognize the enormous im- pact of volunteers in their communities. Some studies estimate that the hard work of volunteers delivers billions of dol- lars in benefits to towns and cities across Canada. At the same time, volunteers themselves benefit. It can be a great way to gain work experience, develop a skill set, stay healthy and meet new people. Volunteering comes in many forms and it can be difficult to know how to start. Here are some quick tips on how to choose the right opportunities for you: • Think about the causes you care about. One idea is to think back on the work or experiences you've had that have been the most meaningful. This kind of reflec- tion may be a helpful way to decide which causes have the closest connection to you. • Where do you want to make a differ- ence? Are you looking to give back to your local community, or are you more globally minded? These two can often go hand-in- hand when you connect with local volun- teers with an eye on global developments. • Consider how much time you have to give. Research shows that people who vol- unteer feel as though they have more free time. Nonetheless, it is important to think about how much time you can spare and it is worth reviewing your weekly schedule before making a commitment. • How can you contribute most effec- tively? It is always a good idea to volunteer your time doing something that you are skilled at or have some experience with. That doesn't necessarily mean doing the same work you have done in your career. It could also be a skill you developed through a hobby or pastime. You want volunteering to be fun, as well as fruitful. • Connect with an organization. With so many different ways to give of yourself, donating your time to a grassroots organi- zation can add some structure and inspi- ration. Organizations offer opportunities and resources ranging from letter-writing, event organizing and many other forms of volunteer work. LUNTEER WEEKV National April 15-21 Weextend a huge THANKYOU to ourwonderful volunteers who contribute their diverse and unique talents every day to provide exemplary care and experiences to our patients, visitors and staff. www.haltonhealthcare.com Our VOlunteers AreWOrld ClAss VOlunteer AppreCiAtiOn Week April 15 - 21, 2018 A great big, heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our volunteers for making our world a better place! www.links2care.ca 905-873-6502 The Georgetown Hospital Foundation is the fundraising arm of Georgetown Hospital. The Foundation plays a key role in partnering with the communities of Halton Hills and surrounding areas to ensure that Georgetown Hospital is equipped to provide the highest quality patient care possible today and in the future. We are seeking enthusiastic community-minded volunteers interested in joining the Board of Directors. Experience on a board, volunteering or fundraising is an asset. Generally, new volunteers serve for one or more years on a committee before joining the Board of Directors. A Nominating Committee will review applications and the recommendations will be submitted to the Foundation Board of Directors for approval. Interested persons should e-mail a resume and cover letter byMay 9, 2018 to: Sandra Taylor Executive Director, Georgetown Hospital Foundation sataylor@haltonhealthcare.com All inquiries will be kept in strict confidence. For other volunteer opportunities, please contact the Foundation through the e-mail address above. Volunteer Opportunities Board of Directors 1-855-395-8807 www.volunteerhalton.ca Celebrating the Value ofVolunteering April 15 - 21, 2018 Thank you Halton Hills Volunteers for your tremendous contribution!