th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, M ay 31 ,2 01 8 | 36 A local teenager who started a business last year to teach kids about robot- ics and coding has another round of fun-filled classes starting on May 30. Halton Youth Robotics (HYR) is the creation of 18- year-old entrepreneur Ai- dan McMahon, an avid la- crosse player. He would like to stage an extended summer camp but will be employed part time job with the City of Bramp- ton's construction and en- gineering department up- on graduating from Christ the King Secondary School in late June. McMahon said he has been interested in robotics since age five and got the idea to get HYR up and running last year with the help of friends Colin Dock- er and Brayden O'Connell. He added that the focus of the program is to give the participants a head start on learning the fun- damentals of STEM (sci- ence, technology, engi- neering and math) princi- pals. There are three age groups - four to seven, sev- en to 10 and nine to 14 - with classes taking place on Tuesdays in Acton and Wednesdays in Glen Wil- liams. "We started with just one class of 15 kids, and now we've opened it up for an older age group, so ev- ery week we have four clas- ses of the younger groups and an older bunch," said McMahon, who plans to take mechanical or electri- cal engineering at either Fanshawe College or Con- estoga College beginning in September. "Generally, we divide everyone into groups of two or three or four. They get together on building the robot first and then program it." The spring sessions had close to 50 participants, and it's not too late to regis- ter for the next segment of the program, which begins May 30 and runs for six weeks. For more info, visit the website www.halto- or call 416-919-4573. COMMUNITY McMahon powers up Halton Youth Robotics EAMONN MAHER Eighteen-year-old Aidan McMahon is running a six-week summer session for his Halton Youth Robotics program for kids age 4-14 beginning May 30 in Acton. Taking part in one of the recent sessions, in which an iPhone is used to control a Dash & Dot, are (from left) Kingsley Tomlinson, Mason McInerney, Kaleb Kovacs, Connor Yong, Hayley Kovacs. Eamonn Maher/photo GETTING THEIR KICKS ON GSC'S OPENING DAY The Georgetown Soccer Club marked its 50th anniversary with the annual Opening Day on Saturday at Trafalgar Sports Park. House league teams began their seasons in a festive atmosphere and Town of Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette, along with local MP Michael Chong, stopped by with commemorative plaques to present to executive members. Pictured are Aidan MacDonald of Grant Thornton Insurance under-12 boys' team tries to outrun Agent Ross defender Ryan Ramirez on Opening Day. Ray Lavender photo SPORTS Don't miss out! Visit website for details and to register! Soccer/Sports Camps - available in July and August at the Gellert Centre REGISTER NOW! Have the summer you've been dreaming of! ENJOY 3 MONTHS of UNLIMITED GOLF for just $2200*! eaming of!Have the summer you've been dr TEE TIME MELANIE FRAZER 905-877-5236, Ext: 400 | *HST APPLIES ALONG WITH OTHER FEES. PLEASE CONTACT THE CLUB FOR DETAILS. Enjoy the private club experience with our 2018 Trial Membership offer. *NEW* REDUCED FEE FOR MEMBERS UNDER 40! Full season trials also available eaming of!Have the summer you've been dr ENJOY 3 MONTHS of UNLIMITED GOLF for just $2200*! eaming of!Have the summer you've been drHave the summer you've been dreaming of! ENJOY 3 MONTHS of UNLIMITED GOLF for just $2200*! TEE TIMETEE TIMETEE TIME