5| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,S eptem ber 27,2018 theifp.ca NALP ECNANETNIAM EVITATNEVERP RUO HTIW SRIAPER LLA NO %02 EVAS More than 5,400 patrons gathered at Trafalgar Sports Park on Sept. 15, for a day of scorching hot weather and ice cold brews. The fourth annual Head for the Hills Craft Beer Festi- val made some upgrades for 2018, featuring a larger event space, as well as more breweries, more food trucks and more buses for shuttle service. This year, the festival housed 43 brewers and was supported by 170 volunteers. "That's a step up," said Doug Lounsbury, one of the Head for the Hills organizers. "It's almost double the amount of volunteers we had last year, which is pretty great." The festival is co-managed by four Georgetown com- munity service clubs. The Lions, Kiwanis, Kinsmen and Rotary Clubs supply the leadership year round and all ser- vice club members are front and centre the day of. While Head for the Hills has donated all funds raised to Food4Kids in previous years, this year three additional re- cipients were added: Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills (CAShh), the Georgetown Hospital and the town's Field of Dreams project. The festival's executive committee members have al- ready rolled up their sleeves to begin planning for the next one, to take place Sept. 14, 2019. COMMUNITY HEAD FOR THE HILLS BEER FESTIVAL AMPS UP ITS DRINKING GAME Ray Lavender photos Clockwise from top, Keegan McGowan and Colin Bedard make an accurate toss in the Giant Beer Pong game. Dan Fisher, of Georgetown, salutes the team at Milton's Orange Snail Brewery. Representing Orange Snail are Damion Orsi, Jordan Waldrop and Kevin Greer. The band Southern Belle plays before the large crowds. Some of the many volunteers who help make the Georgetown Beer Festival a success. Great weather greeted the large crowds in attendance. Jeremy Butt and Sandra Delima toast the team at Caledon Hills Brewing during the Georgetown Beer Festival. Caledon Hills is represented by Dave Hennig and Stefan, Christian and Sebastien Riedelsheimer.