th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 18 ,2 01 8 | 34 Most people aren't like- ly to think of town halls as interesting places for spir- its to haunt, but paranor- mal investigator Peter Roe says that's a popular mis- conception. "Normally these (inter- esting) types of locations involve prisons and courts and places of torture, like castles, even theatres, where there is a lot of dra- ma played out," he said. "But really, when you look into town halls, many of the places involve those very things, plus they're places that people have flocked to over the years and congregated and ex- pressed emotions." Roe's debut publication Haunted Town Halls chronicles a series of short-term investigations, conducted with his team at The Searcher Group, of six town halls across Ontario, sparked by a deep-seated interest in the paranormal history of Acton Town Hall. A longtime Georgetown resident, Roe says he has always admired the Acton Town Hall committee's ad- mission that they have a ghost among them. "I love that, and I admire that, because there's still a stigma around the subject, definitely," he said. Following the Acton in- vestigation, Roe's team be- gan looking into five addi- tional town hall locations: Waterford, Stouffville, Ca- ledon, Orangeville and To- ronto's first city hall. Roe says each location had one major similarity: they were all haunted - and by more than one spirit. In Acton, the group be- gan searching for a spirit named James "Jimmy" Robertson, a former live-in caretaker who saved the town hall from a fire in late 1945 and died in 1960. "We think we found someone named Jimmy, but whether it was the real Jimmy, we'll leave it up to the reader to decide," he said. "We've found more in- formation about Acton Town Hall than any other investigative group." Roe says when out in the field communicating with spirits, he and his team act like mediators, forming a connection between the living and the dead. He says one of the things that differentiates his in- vestigative team from oth- ers is that they do not often clear spaces. "We found that (spirits) are very social and there are usually good ones and not-so-good ones. And the COMMUNITY GEORGETOWN'S PETER ROE LAUNCHES DEBUT BOOK ON HAUNTED TOWN HALLS Richard Palmisano and Peter Roe measuring energy readings outside Toronto's First City Hall (main aisle of the St. Lawrence Market), Halloween 2015. Kent B. Armstrong/photo THE PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR WILL BE GIVING A PRESENTATION FOR HERITAGE ACTON ON OCT. 21, DETAILING HIS RECENT FINDINGS. VERONICA APPIA See EACH, page 40 The QUEENSMEN MALE CHORUS And the Jazz Trio SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21ST - 2:00 P.M. Tickets: $10.00 Youth 16 & under: Free Performing At ST. ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH 89 Mountainview Road South, Georgetown 905-877-4482 St Andrew's 1958-2018 The Halton Hills Concert Band presents With Glowing Hearts The Sixth Annual Musical Tribute to the Armed Forces Saturday, November 03, 2018 • 7:30 p.m. Georgetown Christian Reformed Church, 11611 Trafalgar Rd., Georgetown ON Featuring guests bands Lorne Scots Pipes and Drums, Georgetown District High School Symphonic Band and Colour Guard featuring members of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Chaudière, 676 Lorne Scots Royal Canadian Army Cadets and 756 Royal Canadian Air Cadets Tickets: Adults $20; Students $10; Children 12 and under-free A portion of the proceeds will be donated to War Amps Canada (local) For Tickets call 905-873-6144 or visit J.V. Clothing, Miller's Scottish Bakery or any band member. Also available at the door. 360 Guelph St., Unit 44 Georgetown (In the Knolcrest Centre) 905.877.8828 Armstrong Ave Delrex Blvd Charge throughout the NIGHT Wear throughout the DAY And love what you HEAR Call to book your complimentery assessment today