th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 1, 20 18 | 4 it is possible for a judge to order that upon receiving the IP address the respec- tive internet service pro- vider will give further in- formation, it is not likely. And without a judge's order, internet service providers will likely be unable to provide further customer information to an investigator, Grant said. "I think privacy legis- lation (PIPEDA) general- ly prevents the disclosure by businesses of personal information collected in the course of their busi- ness," he added. Toronto lawyer Mark Donald says, based on his own limited knowledge, a Norwich order to identify the IP address of the send- er of an email is more likely to be successful if the email was sent from a personal system, rather than a public one. If an email was sent within a company or or- ganization, there would likely be no need to apply for a Norwich order, as the organization would probably be able to access employee emails internal- ly, he said. "But if that person was using a public computer, such as the computer at a local library, it would be difficult to identify that sender," he added. Once an IP address is obtained, what are the next steps? An IP address is a set of numbers used to identify a machine on the inter- net, John DiMarco, direc- tor of information tech- nology in the Faculty of Computer Science at Uni- versity of Toronto said. "When that machine connects to a mail server, the server will normally log the address, which is a special number belonging to the incoming ma- chine," he said. "If some- body wants to identify someone who has used an email system, they want to find out what the unique IP address of that machine is so that they can identify which entry in the logs of the server corresponds to that per- son's accessing the ma- chine." DiMarco says an IP ad- dress is composed of four numbers, separated by dots, one of which identi- fies the internet service provider pertaining to that particular device. Once the internet ser- vice provider is identi- fied, the next step would be for an investigator to obtain a court order to get the provider to release specific customer data. NEWS STORY BEHIND THE STORY: An anonymous email, sent Sept. 4, alleged the Town CAO was 'engaged in nepotism.' The CAO has categorically denied the allegations. Court documents reveal the Town is keen on identifying the sender of the email. The Town suspects the email was 'likely authored and sent by a town employee,' according to court documents. Continued from page 3 SECOND COURT ORDER REQUIRED TO RELEASE CUSTOMER DATA: EXPERT Halton Hills Town Hall Alexandra Heck/Metroland offer ends - february 28th, 2019 Christ the King CatholiC ss thursday, november 8th, 2018 6:30 Pm- 8:30Pm grade 8 Parent information night The Staff and Students of Christ the King Catholic Secondary School Cordially invite all parents of Grade 8 students to our: Come and discover our range of programs and course offerings. Staff and students will be present to provide detailed information and answer questions about the school and school life. Please join us. All are welcome! Grade 8 Parent Information Night Learnmore about our: Registration Process Course Selection Information Program Demonstrations StudentVoice and Leadership Opportunities ChRISt the kIng CathOLIC SS 161 Guelph Street Georgetown, ON 905.702.8838 OPTICAL GEORGETOWN Marketplace Mall 905-873-3050 In Store Eye Exams. Call 905-873-0367 BOLTON McDonald's Plaza 905-857-5556 In Store Eye Exams. Call 905-857-7830