th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 15 ,2 01 8 | 4 gion or spiritual beliefs, even restricting the partner from exposing their children to it. Emotional abuse too can take many forms, from controlling and belittling beha- viour, to isolating and causing the woman to essentially lose her true personality. "Once you lose yourself it's difficult to have the ability to function as you want to," said Beaulieu. Halton is also no stranger to domestic vio- lence. In 2012, a prominent Brampton principal was the victim of a murder-suicide by the hands of her husband in their Georgetown home. In early 2018, an elderly Oakville couple was found dead in an apparent murder-sui- cide. In the past year alone, 106 women and girls have been killed by intimate partners in Can- ada. "The warning signs are typically control- ling behaviour," said Beaulieu. She said that one sign can be if a woman is missing work frequently without strong rea- sons why, she may be hiding bruises, or suf- fering emotionally. "The emotional abuse leaves them quite unable to function sometimes," said Beau- lieu. She advises residents to be vigilant of women whose partners are being alienated from their families. "It affects the children, it affects the fami- ly," she said. If someone suspects abuse, Beaulieu ad- vises to quietly and discretely broach the top- ic, invite her out for coffee. "Just opening up the conversation," she said, "a lot of women feel like they don't have anyone to turn to." For Rollo, the moment of realization came after her daughter told her that something was not right. "He didn't make physical contact," she said, noting that there were distinct signs of emotional, mental and financial abuse pre- sent. "I could not identify that as abuse." She said that after coming to the realiza- tion, she felt alive, she felt pain, and that was the beginning of a healing process. Since then, Rollo has become the chair of Survivors Advocates for Empowerment, which advocates for policy changes and awareness for domestic abuse in Halton. She said that the region has a long way to go still, in the affluent community abuse is still a taboo subject. "They're still very hesitant to talk about the issue," she said, noting that the most im- portant changes are teaching men and wom- en what healthy relationships look like, and trusting women when they come forward. "You believe survivors," she said. "You be- lieve them when they come forward and you speak out." NEWS Continued from page 1 A WOMAN'S FREQUENT ABSENCE FROM WORK COULD BE A SIGN OF ABUSE THE ISSUE: RECOGNIZING WHEN SOMEONE MAY BE THE VICTIM OF ABUSE LOCAL IMPACT: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS PREVALENT THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY, INCLUDING HALTON THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: More than 100 women and girls have died as victims of domestic abuse in Canada in the past year. Thank you for your support. With your support, my campaign achieved a strong result in Ward 4, only a few hundred votes behind the two incumbents. This shows that the issues we ran on remain important to people in Georgetown - stopping a wasteful town bus system, reining in overdevelopment, and holding the line on taxes. My commitment to you is to keep working on these issues in the coming years. Georgetown is the home we love and needs people who will fight to keep it a great place to live. Candidate For Ward 4 Councillor 416-577-2260 3pm Saturday, December 1st, 2018 at the J.S. Jones & Son Funeral Home 11582 Trafalgar Rd., Georgetown Presiding over the service Rev. Paul Ivany Monsignor Sheridan Refreshments to follow in the Trafalgar Room Please call the Funeral Home at 905-877-3631 to confirm your attendance December 1 2018 An Invitation To You &Your Family To Our Annual Christmas Remembrance Service GIVE THE GIFT OF SPARKLE © 2018 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved Georgetown Marketplace 905-873-6662