th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 13 ,2 01 8 | 18 Members of the Kinsmen, Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary present the charitable donation from the Georgetown Craft Beer Festival to recipients. (Front row) Eva Podoski from Food4Kids, Julie Liddle from CAShh, Doug Lounsbury, Linda Dilks, John Fini, Gayle Kabbash from Food4Kids and Glen Price-Jones. (Back Row) Sean Ashbee, Bryan Whitteker, Mike Francis, RJ McLaughlin, Alan Ryall, Mark Maramieri. Frost Photographic/photo GEORGETOWN CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL DONATION Upper Credit Humane Society has put together its Festive Campaign wish list. UCHS serves to pro- vide humane care of ani- mals. It serves an area that includes Halton Hills, Erin, Terra Cotta, Bel- fountain, Hillsburgh, Rockwood and Caledon Village. Donations of the fol- lowing items would be ap- preciated: wet food (for cats, kittens and dogs), liquid laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaners, heavy-duty garbage bags, latex medical gloves (me- dium and large), wet and dry specialty foods (gas- trointestinal, urinary, dia- betic, urgent care AD re- covery), kitten care (un- flavoured Pedialyte, rice baby formula and chicken baby food), paper towels and toilet paper, dog and cat toys, dog Kongs (large) and gift cards (gas, pet store, office supplies). Donations can be dropped off at the shelter, at 5383 Trafalgar Rd. N., in Erin, or at the Upper Cred- it Humane Society Thrift Shop in Georgetown, at 68 Main St. N. The thrift shop is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday. The UCHS has found homes for more than 500 animals this year, includ- ing 380 cats, 78 dogs and 61 small animals (hamsters, guinea pigs, rats). It has found homes for more than 6,600 animals since it was incorporated in 2003. COMMUNITY HUMANE SOCIETY FESTIVE WISH LIST We're there When neWs happens in your community. FIND BREAKING NEWS DAILY AT THEIFP.CA