th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 7, 20 19 | 16 A new cemetery for the general public is taking shape for residents in Halton Hills and their families. Devereaux Cemetery is located in a quiet country setting on the 17th Side Road, just west of Trafalgar Road. It's adjacent to the Holy Redeemer Cemetery and open to people of all religious faiths. Contact us for information about available interment options, either at time of need or in advance. 905-877-8500 l Owned and operated by The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Hamilton We are undertaking the creation of a newOfficial Plan for the Town of Caledon that will take us to 2041 andwe are interesting in hearing your comments and thoughts on this process. WHAT IS ANOFFICIAL PLAN? An Official Plan is a legal document containing goals, objectives, and policies intended to guide land use, development and growth in a municipality. WHYAREWE REVIEWING IT? It is now time for us to review the Official Plan to ensure that the policies are in conformity with the latest provincial policies and the Region of Peel Official Plan. As part of this process the reviewwill also look at the Town's strategic goals, to ensure they reflect the vision and needs of the community. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any interested person may speak at the Special PublicMeeting of Council and/or makewritten submissions. The meeting Chair will invite anyonewishing to speak to come forward at the appropriate time during the meeting. Written submissions must be forwarded to Legislative Services, 6311 Old Church Road, Caledon ON L7C 1J7, or; 905.584.2272 x.2366. If you require an accessibility accommodation to attend or participate in this PublicMeeting, or to access any materials related to this item in an alternate format please contact Legislative Services by phone or email at Requests should be submitted at least 10 days before the PublicMeeting. For further information or to be added to the project mailing list, please contact: MarisaWilliams at 905.584.2272 x.4264 or via email at The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public. PUBLIC NOTICE HAVEYOURSAY 6311 Old Church Road Caledon, ON L7C 1J6 T. 905.584.2272 | 1.888.225.3366 | F. 905.584.4325 Noticeofpublicmeeting: OfficialPlan2041 WHENANDWHERE: Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Info Session: 6 p.m. Start Time: 7 p.m. Meeting Location: Town Hall 6311 Old Church Road, Council Chamber L7C 1J6 LANDUSECOMMUNITY RESOURCES GROWTH A special publicmeetingwill be held to start theOfficial Plan 2041process. Municipalities are required to update their Official Plan at least every five years, in accordancewith Sections 17 and 26 ofThe PlanningAct. Your input and insightwill help informand shape the newPlan. CALEDON Georgetown District High School stu- dent Arial Gladwish has fallen in love with the skilled trades, but there's just one thing she would change about the industry: The ratio of men and women taking on these roles. The Grade 12 student has made it her goal to introduce more young women to welding, manufacturing, auto tech, wood- working and robotics, by planning and running the first-ever Women in Tech Day, held at her high school last week. "I've been taking technology classes for the last four years I've been in high school and I've really enjoyed it and have learned so many hands-on skills that you just can't get anywhere else," she said. Georgetown District High School's tech department is the largest in the Halton board. Paul Barnes, a professional welder who started the welding program there nearly 10 years ago, says each year he usu- ally gets three female students out of a to- tal of about 120. "There's 50 per cent of the student pop- ulation we are missing out on," he said, adding that even if students do not end up pursuing one of the trades, they will leave having learned transferable skills. "They're going to own a car, they're go- ing to buy furniture, they're going to have something broken in their home. They're going to want to buy a home, they're going to want to have a basement fixed. They are going to need to know how much wood they need or how much metal they need," Barnes added. "This is what we are teach- ing kids." As part of her Women in Tech Day, Gladwish invited 40 Grade 8 girls from feeder schools (Gardiner Public School, Centennial Middle School, Stewarttown Middle School and Silver Creek Public School) to rotate through the tech rooms and experience first-hand what it's like to dive in to the skilled trades. "I want to spread all of the knowledge that I have learned in these classes to other people because they are such valuable life skills that people are missing out on," she said. "I want them to know that this is an ev- er-growing field and there are so many jobs in the future that are going to be in the skilled trades and that we can do every- thing our male counterparts can." COMMUNITY GDHS STUDENT HOSTS WOMEN IN TECH DAY VERONICA APPIA Grade 12 student Arial Gladwish spearheaded Georgetown District High School's Women in Tech Day on Jan. 30. Veronica Appia/Metroland SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT THEIFP.CA