th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 7, 20 19 | 4 Norval United Church will be on the move later this year. The new 15,000-square-foot church is being built on the corner of Eighth Line and Danby Road, between Gellert Commu- nity Centre and the Halton Hills fire de- partment's headquarters. It will replace the current church at 486 Guelph St. in the village of Norval that was built in the late 1800s. JUST THE FACTS: • Construction is expected to be com- pleted by the end of July, and Rev. Paul Iva- ny hopes to be in the new church by Thanksgiving. • Ivany said the move was necessary to continue to offer the services the church provides and to expand on them. "We've outgrown our space," he said. "It's a won- derful building, but it's no longer practical for the services we offer. It's 130 years old. It was built before electricity and cars." • The new church will include a 400-seat sanctuary, a full-sized gymnasium, a fully serviced kitchen, a 56-seat chapel, six meeting rooms and will be fully accessible, with everything on the ground level. • The church is being built on a five-acre property and is the first of three phases. • The second phase will include a ban- quet hall, as well as meeting and office space that can be utilized by community service groups so people don't have to trav- el to Oakville or Burlington. "There are groups that need to be in Georgetown for a day or half a day a week," Rev. Ivany said. "We want to create a community hub where a number of groups can come to- gether in one building." • Among the potential uses for the third phase is affordable housing for seniors. • "People say nobody builds churches anymore," Rev. Ivany said. "We're an out- ward-looking congregation. We want to build a community. This will allow us to serve and give back to the community even more." COMMUNITY WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? NORVAL UNITED CHURCH WHAT'SGOINGON WONDERING WHAT'S GOING ON SOMEWHERE IN YOUR COMMUNITY? VISIT THEIFP.CA Norval United Church is building its new church on the corner of Eighth Line and Danby Road in Georgetown. The church is the first of three phases to be built on the five-acre property. Herb Garbutt/Metroland HERB GARBUTT PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER '<=24?@=%2>#@;:>#?5##0)/<+@9;$%@-@"9<@,1% !4@87*.3 '%#.-*"++&".-/!)(-,!+,*+/-+.+*$ 9)25825 -'7(5)03%,2.4 $63!!1"7 25(*30#%/6#&6#2+ EXPERIENCE THE VIBE MUSIC IS THE UNIFYING FORCE Just gowest on Hwy7 to 43MILL stReet eAst ACton 519-853-4444 VInyLAnD45@gMAIL.CoM www.VInyLAnD45.CoM expert stereo and equipment repairs. Buy. sell. trade. Cash paid for records BABy It's CoLD outsIDe… sowARMuP to ouR PRICeMeLt Down! • LP RECORDS -Minimum of 20%Melted! • STUFF - 20-50%Melted! •stereo Deals! FREE Posters with purchases! s tar ts now ! SALES SERVICE INSTALLATIONSESA #7003060 DEKEReLeCTRIC ltd. 905-702-0515 Visit our new website the future is NOW! we install allmakes andmodels of electric car chargers