21 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,S eptem ber 26,2019 theifp.ca1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, L7G 5G2 | 905-873-2601 | 1-877-712-2205 | haltonhills.ca NOTICE OF UPCOMINGWARD MEETING Join your elected officials and discuss issues important to you. Light refreshments and snacks provided. For more information visit letstalkhaltonhills.ca Ward 4 Meeting Wednesday, October 2, 2019, 6 - 8 p.m. Gellert Community Centre, Kinsmen Hall 330 GUELPH ST.,GEORGETOWN (opposite Canadian Tire) 905-877-0596 millersscottishbakery.com WARM & HEARTY MEALS Made Easy! Freshly Made & Baked On Premises Breads, Buns, Pastries, Meat Pies & More! IMPORTED BRITISH CHEESES ARM & HEARTY MEALSARM & HEARTY MEALS millersscottishbak MILLER'S ScottISh BakERy MILLER'S ScottISh BakERyA Georgetown mother recently turned to local residents for book donations to help children in the Philippines - and the community overwhelmingly delivered. Rosa De Dieu said she received thou- sands of books, which she was able to largely package in 11 boxes and ship to the main island of Luzon. She plans to send the remainder shortly to the Visayas region in her home country. As the boxes from the drive arrive in the Philippines, some schools have started sharing photos of the books being distrib- uted. "To look at those kids' faces, each of them holding books to read, and see how happy they are - that's what the George- town community did," said De Dieu. "These schools benefitted because of our generosity." The local woman hails from the Philip- pines and said the schools there don't have enough resources to go around, with the books that are on hand often being in poor condition. While the community interest in her cause continues, De Dieu said she tradi- tionally does the book drive every two years and can't accept any further dona- tions at this time. BOOK DRIVE FOR THE PHILIPPINES A MASSIVE SUCCESS MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ metroland.com Students and teachers in the Philippines unpack boxes of books donated by local residents. Rosa De Dieu photo COMMUNITY