th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 12 ,2 01 9 | 28 GEORGETOWN HOSPITALDECEMBER 2019 www.haltonhealthcare.comYour Hospital Your Ontario Health Card and any additional health insurance information. The name and address of your family physician. COAST: Crisis Outreach and Support Team For Halton Region resident 16 years of age and over experiencing a mental health crisis. Crisis Line: 1-877-825-9011 ROCK: Reach Out Centre for Kids Assessment and treatment of children, adolescents and families. Mobile Crisis Line: 905-878-9785 SAVIS: Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Service Support for survivors of violence. Crisis/Support Line: 905-875-1555 Distress Centre Halton To better cope with crisis, loneliness and emotional stress. Oakville: 905-849-4541 North Halton: 905-877-1211 Burlington: 905-681-1488 All your medications in their original containers or a written list of any medications, herbal remedies and vitamins. Don't forget to include dosage and frequency of medications. Bring a list of health related information, allergies and past health issues. Your Health Card All your Medications Related Health Information 1. Know your healthcare options, visit 2. Locate your closest walk-in clinic and check their holiday hours at 3. Always clean your hands to prevent the spread of germs 4. Get the flu shot to protect you and your family 5. Update your medication list-visit and search 'Medication List' 6. Know your doctor's office and pharmacy holiday hours 7. Refill your prescriptions before the holidays 8. Update your emergency telephone lists and include TelehealthOntario 1-866-797-0000 for access to a Registered Nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 9. If you are sick, stay home! Don't risk infecting your friends, coworkers and family Have a healthy and safe holiday season! What to Bring to the Emergency Department Feeling Overwhelmed? Call for Support 24/7 Our wait times may be longer during the holiday season because of the reduced operating hours of medical clinics and physician offices in the community. Patients are seen on a priority basis, not a first-come first- served basis: • This ensures that the sickest patients get the care they need first, even though they may arrive at the Emergency Department after other patients. • Patients are assessed and prioritized by a specially trained triage nurse using the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS), based on the patient's complaint and the symptoms they may be exhibiting. If You Need Emergency Care Call 911 or go to your closest Emergency Department. Healthcare Reminders for the Holidays