th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 16 ,2 02 0 | 14 2020-2021 KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM REGISTRATION For language assistance while registering, please contact Halton Multicultural Council: 905-464-3187. Si requiere de asistencia con el lenguaje para inscribirse, por favor contactar al Halton Multicultural Council 905-464-3187. Jeżeli państwo potrzebują pomocy językowej w rejestrowaniu, proszę skontaktować się z Halton Multicultural Council 905-464-3187. Para assistencia na sua lingua a fins de registo, favor contactar Halton Multicultural Council 905-464-3187. HCDSB now offers online Advanced Kindergarten Registration as part 1 of the registration process! After filling out the online registration form, parents must visit their home school to complete part 2 of the registration process. Advanced registration for children in Year 1 or children new to their school in Year 2 (Kindergarten) in Halton Catholic elementary schools will be held on: Tuesday, January 21 & Wednesday, January 22, 2020 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Year 1: Children must be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2020. Year 2: Children must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2020. Please note: children currently registered in Year 1 are not required to register for Year 2 (Kindergarten). Visit our website at: For registration requirements To determine your home school Register online & bring the required documents to your family's home school To learn more about our before and after school programs. There's now a familiar face at the helm of the Ac- ton Business Improve- ment Area. Local resident Alex Hil- son is the new co-ordina- tor of the organization that oversees Acton's down- town core. "I have worked with the Acton BIA through a vari- ety of channels over time, both as a volunteer at BIA events and through my work as an arts and com- munications profession- al," said Hilson. "The well- being of downtown Acton and of the general commu- nity has been a major fo- cus of mine over the last couple years. I've derived great satisfaction working with residents, local busi- ness owners, non-profits and government and am looking forward to grow- ing and building upon those relationships in this new position." Hilson brings a broad range of community expe- rience to the role, includ- ing his work with the Ac- ton Music Centre, Acto- nUp, the Acton Tanner and the Town of Halton Hills. He sits on the boards of the Acton Foodshare and Inspire Halton, and volunteers for PREVNet, Mediaeval Productions and the communications committee of the Anglican Church of Canada, among others. He was chosen as one of three Canada 150 ambassa- dors for the Town of Hal- ton Hills and has been rec- ognized by the Association of Fundraising Profession- als and the Halton Hills Cultural Roundtable for his volunteer work. "The Acton BIA wel- comes our new co-ordina- tor and is looking forward to new things downtown," said BIA vice-chair Moni- ca Galway. "It's going to be a big year for us, and we're excited to get moving." NEWS Acton BIA Vice-Chair Monica Galway welcomes Alex Hilson as the orgnization's new co-ordinator. Acton BIA photo ACTON BIA NAMES NEW CO-ORDINATOR