th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 5, 20 20 | 12 For International Women's Day, Jenni Veneruz reflects on her buisness joruney and seizing every opportunity to get where she is today. Veneruz created and established InFocus RehabilitationCentre more than 10 years agowith a visionof being able to provide her community with excellent healthcare and services that were not readily available. Asmany business owner will experience, whether they aremaleor female, thereweremany challenges along theway for her. "The learn- ing never stops and there are always opportunities for growth", she says. "Oneof mygreatest accomplishments is building a teamof amazing people, whom I love going towork with everyday." Empoweringpeople, especiallywomen, tomanage themselves andcareabout their work is important to Veneruz. "Leadership is about helpingpeople to succeedandenjoywhat theydo,while teaching themgently along theway." This is a strong val- ue that she embraces everyday. For Veneruz, her advice for readers this International Women'sDay is to follow your gut, create your vision and find great people to help you along theway. InFocusRehabilitation Centre Jenn i Veneruz , Regis te red Phys iotherap is t 81ToddRoad,Suite201,Georgetown 905-702-7891 For International Women's Day, Dorri Bland is celebrating by taking better care of herself so she can take better care of others. This is just one of many lessons she's learned in 29 years of being in thewellness business. "As I enter my 60s I find myself wanting to inspire and teach what I have learned along theway, not only tomy age group but to the younger generation as well," says Bland. "As I move forward with this new chapter I will continue to explore health, fit- ness, nutrition and lifestyle so thatwe canachievebeauty from the insideout."Bland's philosophy for healthy skin is to prevent, maintain and reverse, so women can feel their best every day. She takes care of her skin and wellbeing using treatments and products that are based on natural healingwith non-toxic ingredients. For Bland, women can better take care of those we love by ensuring our own health is in check. She sees this as a personal responsibility to learn, share, and indulge in a healthy lifestyle. "Maybe one day I will be considered an anti-age specialist, that'smy goal," she says. Just likemany women all over the world, Bland strives to achieve her per- sonal and professional goals every day. Bland's essential pillars in all aspects of her life include integrity, authenticity, and commitment. These three quali- ties never fail to help her succeed. DowntownSpa&Relaxation Centre Dorr i B land , Founder and Owner 185MountainviewRdN,Georgetown 905-873-4907 International Women's Day 2020 #BecauseOfYou International Women's Day International Women's Day 2020 #BecauseOfYou KabinetPro Margaret Olah , pres ident "International Women's Day is an opportunity to honour the strength of womanhood, a day in the year to reflect on all that women have survived, changed and will continue to change," saysMargaret Olah. As president of Kabinet Pro, Olah was raised to believe that she was "capable, intelligent and regardless of my gender, I would have the opportunity to pursue my goals and dreams through hard work and perseverance." That's taken the successful entrepreneur far in her life and career - one that she says is even more successful thanks to her love of what she does. Olah explains that her belief in herself and her team has helped her career and that she men- tors "a new generation of promise and poten- tial" by imparting her experiences on young people. "Follow your passion and expect that there will be many sacrifices along the way in order to achieve the level of success and happiness you desire," the entrepreneur advises. 348GuelphSt.Unit16,Georgetown 905-702-7719