th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 2, 20 20 | 12 Tom Shepard was sitting at home when a light bulb went off in his head. "We've got trees of hope with lights on them," he thought. "What better time is there to have them lit up?" Shepard called fellow Light Up the Hills committee member Gerry Kentner and got an enthu- siastic response. From there, Shepard and Kentner contacted the town as well as the committee members who look after the Acton and Glen Williams sites. Within an hour, they heard back from everyone and got the go-ahead to light up the trees. "I think in these times, it's an excellent idea," Kentner said. "They are called trees of hope for a reason. We need a little glim- mer of warmth, a sign that says 'We're here and we're thinking about you. We hope you're safe.'" The lights have been dark since Jan. 3, the final night of Light Up the Hills. And it would have remained that way, except some bad weather nixed their original date to remove the lights from trees. By the next date, COVID-19 had required social distancing, so the lights remained. In each location, all that was needed was the approval and a couple of extension cords to light up the trees. The trees will remain lit 24 hours a day, seven days a week. "People love the lights at Christmas time," Shepard said. "Anything we can do to bring a cheer people up, if it gives people cause to smile, that's great." COMMUNITY The tree of hope at Dominion Gardens as well as the trees in Acton and Glen Williams will remain lit around the clock as the town deals with the coronavirus. Torstar file photo TREES OF HOPE TO LIGHT UP ACROSS HALTON HILLS HERB GARBUTT "They are called trees of hope for a reason. We need a little glimmer of warmth, a sign that says 'We're here and we're thinking about you. We hope you're safe.'" - Gerry Kentner 905-873-2718 Anita Huggins - Matthew Hill - Christopher Stewart SALES REPRESENTATIVES 10525 Heritage Rd Brampton $1,175,000 COUNTRYSIDEBUNGALOW.COM 4 2 1 4 3 4 1 1 3 2 1 GEORGETOWNLISTINGS.CA CALEDONLISTINGS.CAHALTONCOUNTRY.CA 9299 Eighth Line Georgetown $1,269,000 15614 McLaughlin Rd Caledon $750,000 11 Thompson Dr Georgetown $1,010,000