th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 2, 20 20 | 22 "Working with you face-to-face" EstatEs & trustslegal matters M. Jasmine Sweatman B.A., J.D., LL.M., TEP., C.S., EPC, CPCA Certified Specialist in Estates & Trusts Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Estate Litigation and Administration, Corporate, Real Estate 145 Mill St., Georgetown 905.877.0121 * *Sweatman Law Professional Corporation Our office and team are available to meet and correspond with you for any of your legal needs via phone, conference or video to make sure we are still available and working through these times. Yvonne Foster used her carpentry skills to delivery a vital message - on the importance of social distancing - to all those in the Winterberry neighbourhood. Leslie Fredo photo CRUCIAL MESSAGE VISIT THEIFP.CA TO LEARN ABOUT LOCAL PEOPLE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THEIR COMMUNITY KEEP CALM! Please stay safe! Your friends at …and Wash Your Hands! Find a place to call Home!