3 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,June 25,2020 theifp.ca FULL-SERVICE RETIREMENT HOME 905-877-1800 222 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown www.mountainviewresidence.com Seniors enjoy an independent lifestyle with comfortable accommodations, personal care and other supportive services. Retirement living can be the best of times when you live in an atmosphere of comfort and family caring. Mountainview Residence Of Georgetown &*6?*+ We are Diesel Vehicle Specialists! Fleet Maintenance/ Programs Available JUST ASK! Best Pricing on All Products 20 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown ✃ ✃ Certified Mechanics on Duty 905-877-1237 TIRES! All Sizes All Brands Auto, Truck & Trailer Service and Certification 10 B;>0 )+&* )== <0;D48 1@G0E '=;20D" *8=: #FIJC$0; @8DA;==02I A ( 9). -4DA 30B@5=0D ( 9). -4DA 30B@5= #!CCH *+/, 6 G"O P 0"O7); 5#BM%) 6 :M7"(;))K) 5#)@! 6 I4A;"@B7"=M 6 &? <="M7 "M9<)@7"=M 6 8B77);L P *"<); 8OB>) 5#)@! 6 0/22 0I,J3 -GF ,F. Special!* -)7+9%+)+&% E ,< 7= $ I7;C I"N"7)> 7"N) =((); " )4'23-+ .5 1%7.&+.$/ (25! 6,# +*.230 %$0, ),"$+2$( ' "9#" /(-79*$ ' 74& +4,* ,!! (#"&- ,*/#!/.!& 1 -.06 5 +688)21%3! 5B; P -;4@!D :-+D /+D H=7=;@L@O)9D .M=1N=A"O)9 P H=;)' WE'RE STILL OPEN! Due to Covid-19 we're taking every precaution by implementing extra sanitizing measures and a no contact system. Silver 2018 HaltonH ills * Up to 5 Ltr. Limited time offer Those who smoke and vape are at high- er risk of contracting coronavirus, cau- tions Halton's top doctor. Details on how tobacco, vaping prod- ucts and water pipe use can make people more susceptible to COVID-19 were out- lined in a recent memo to regional council from Halton Medical Officer of Health Dr. Hamidah Meghani. "When tobacco smoke or vaping prod- uct aerosol is inhaled, chemicals damage the lungs and weaken the immune re- sponse," she said. "This can allow viruses such as COVID-19 to enter the lungs more easily, and increases the chance of con- tracting respiratory infections. In addi- tion, smoking and vaping involve fre- quent contact between fingers and lips, which can further increase the risk of contracting COVID-19." The risk of transmitting the virus is al- so higher among people who smoke and vape, Meghani noted. "In many cases, tobacco, vaping prod- uct and water pipe use involves the shar- ing of products and mouthpieces within groups," she said. "This sharing can facil- itate the transmission of COVID-19 be- tween individuals." People with a history of tobacco use who contract coronavirus are more likely to experience severe symptoms and ill- ness, added Meghani. She explained available research sug- gests mortality rates are higher for those individuals when hospitalized with the disease, compared with nontobacco us- ers. "Exposure to second-hand smoke can also increase the risk of developing more serious symptoms of COVID-19 due the damage caused to the heart and lungs by the exposure," she said. While some media outlets elsewhere in the world have published claims that to- bacco and/or nicotine use can reduce the risk of COVID-19, Meghani said there's currently no scientific evidence to back this up. The medical officer of health's infor- mation will now be shared with local health-care providers and the Youth Vap- ing Roundtable, which will host its next meeting on June 24. NEWS SMOKERS, VAPERS MORE AT RISK FOR COVID-19: MEDICAL OFFICER MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@metroland.com