17 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,July 16,2020 theifp.ca WALK-IN & FAMILY CLINIC Where good health begins 221 Miller Dr., Georgetown 905-873-1001 • GenesisHealthTeam.comAccepting New Patients. Open 7 Days a Week We're OPEN 7 DAYSAWEEK with EXTENDED HOURS • Phone Consults • Appointments •Walk-Ins 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, L7G 5G2 | 905-873-2600 | 1-877-712-2205 | haltonhills.ca TAKE NOTICE that the Council for the Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills has passed temporary By-law No. 2020-0037, requiring the mandatory wearing of a mask/face coverings in enclosed public places during the COVID-19 pandemic. Council for the Town of Halton Hills has the authority to enact by-laws, pursuant to Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25 as amended, with respect to economic, social and environmental well- being of the municipality, including respecting climate change; the health, safety and well-being of persons; and the protection of persons and property, including consumer protection. Based on a growing body of evidence outlining the effectiveness of a mask or face covering to act as a barrier to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others, the Council for the Town of Halton Hills deems it necessary to implement a requirement for persons to wear a mask or face covering while in certain enclosed public places/spaces to assist in reducing the spread of COVID-19 within the Town of Halton Hills. For more information including the full by-law, FAQs and other resources, visit haltonhills.ca/covid19 Notice of Passage - By-law 2020-0037 Residents are reminded that masks/face coverings should be used alongside other public health protocols including frequent hand washing, physical distancing and staying home if ill. Here we are well into an- other month of social dis- tancing and wearing a mask in public. I would like to thank Wendy and Michelle for their work at keeping us ac- tive, even while we are still at home and keeping us in- formed as to what is hap- pening at the centre. They have been doing a great job either via email or tele- phone contact. Also, a big thank you to our telephone committee who have contacted our members, for conversation or to see if they needed as- sistance, over the past few months. They have spent over 200 hours on the tele- phone. Congratulations to Ab- by Matthews of Acton High school for receiving the Hillsview Active Living Center Award (Acton). This award goes out to the student who has completed the most volunteer hours over the past four years (re- quired hours are 40). Abby went well above and be- yond, completing 814 hours. We wish her well. Over the past few months we have had the sad news that several of our long time members have passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. The planned May trip to Ireland was originally postponed until Septem- ber, but due to ongoing travel restrictions has been cancelled. It is now (hope- fully) going to take place in May 2021. As we continue on the next step to getting the centre open, we ask that you be patient as we follow the protocols that are being put in place. We have missed a few milestones -- Seniors' Month and our 25th anni- versary, as well as our din- ner and dances. Stay strong for when we come back; it's going to be one big party. We will get there, but your safety is our main concern. David McLean is the president of the Hillsview Active Living Center in Acton. He can be reached at david@mcleanweb.ca. OPINION THANKS FOR KEEPING OUR SENIORS CONNECTED WE'LL BE MAKING UP FOR MISSED MILESTONES AND SPECIAL OCCASIONS . EVENTUALLY, WRITES DAVID MCLEAN DAVID MCLEAN Column