Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 3 Jan 1935, p. 8

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jijuiiiiii rivfhtvvr mob bobt ihb actqn free pres thdrauay january wbuoc ol birth ahrriaca ud nvtfca an buoud to al eolaaui without cwii jfr km mafcoriui hotlcc oc ud loc pn iw ajltlwul tor pmtr bokn uuktbebffl in aettia hunadft jamiart srd hub to mr and mrs bui hi lambert me 1ft ot arangn ter died joshua binghams neighbor tt4 by olarice gltay 7fb joshua bkham plttl on bauigw ostassl 1vi ouna hta small domain neat 4ljt papniokrai bt joacpha would hav been oft impudent craaa hopner that dared dlaport hlmaalt slsesuosrso or hop um afeht of on ed hojbnd ofeetooa duval in his moat drora mr ilniam frantic soth jcar tt ue did netfiioa uk that kind at man bi tu qolet peaceable banker baciielor who belonged to aoveral clnba urat reader and ha va oan you write it 1336 yet the new year iay was stormy recto bradley was given an ac clamation in elora jtabms were reported as aeen acton on new year day school started again thto marningft after the christmas va 348 townshijs have ooeepted tliu now hydro contracts out of357 acton juveniles have entered team ia the junior western hockey lcoguc there were no cases in pouoe court jn the usual thursday session today ivttfsdan with blk imiubekoenorurm henri ettit flood after mr bin glum had regarded his own premise he went to tne southern fence ami miked over the white palings he retired fi con mher fusion blushing nil over hia rather nice face henrh itu he aald to mrs flood did you know that the cottage next door hud been rented sold rather onld mr flood handing him cupful of tea have you seen the wonnm with bobbed hair and knickers on believe did cntch glimpse if somebody he en id huutlly and after tbut mr flood went out into the kitchen and he wih ieft to worry about the hew neighbor now wondor what 4tlud of woman is liv ing next door in thought dlacon aolately caught glimpse her and henrietta confirms bobbed haired taiddleagid wo th terrible chlckvn houes the rank the new cars for 1936 are how being grans uie gonetoseed garden the announced with all their new feature boul wu aay not to boy the place niywlf tlx it all up and dty etectlontir jurtaa big an rent it to somebody 1j event rural aflatr the city tle eat folk fa stepped alowly down the street to ward the bank hi had to pass his weston by an overwh major neighbor kh waa out in the my deckled againat having beverage ront yard now rrvh and rpretty looking in pluu frock directing mr binghams bpcclnl helper benjamin brown jjcnjumlu wita tearing down the vines that grvw away to the roof of the little hoiuu also th honey suckles that covlrvd the front ver anda were on the ground mr blnghuhi lifted bin hat in stately fiyihlon and the woman aald 0ood morning in pleasant culti vated voice at the bank he called the casbjer mr morme he said gravely why 1m hie woman who has bought the cbttuge next door to me why that in minn lucy 8weet aho write storlekror glrla the min ister and his wlit uued to know her in amity vlllc they nay ithe la splen did woman it ruthor hiwi11 mr binghams luncheon io go iiohio iihd wltneas ulna lucy swtsti tirensed la khaki ovirullh uandliiir mi scaffold palot ing the front of hir little house but womuti of her iiuo and protesalon to be pulbtthg jiouiia was too much to bo wltliui two duyittlie ntue housowa ilnlliedoiid tlie villon reunited to the irelllu tiieij uf lucy tiweet and benjumlu bejjim to rlemoip the place and ut luut the whole place was cleun now for the january sales and mid winter offerings pollow jthe advertua menta quite number from bere attend ed the firemens dance at okorgetowii ontuesday the bllaards of saturday and tuctt day have kept the snowplows actlvo hi clearing the roads over 7000 feet of flooring ore ixv quiirsdln the new 14 bulkling li was delivered yeoterday the carpenters and pa aro puitirkg on the flniahing touches in ihs new building now printer ins been made mayor of toronto but jhmjue simpson has bem lrouod uio hull loryer twenty years number df buhscrlbers lxave uvu1 advantage of tiis pc ikss faubscrip tion otfer it la an ejtcepuoual oppor tunity news of acton and thelmstxict mall carrier flgnta thog ijomtm after straggte brutally attacked late tuesday night iie was leaving hls livery bain at mora after malflg final round for the night albert hammlu mail car rier wasbodly hurt when he gave battle to lane bandit who escaped with 10 canfrantett by the thug who was nrmed with an iron pipe hammlu grappled with him the battle lasting for several minutes the moll carrier wrenched his back severely in the strugg finally forced to amende hla money half anj hour later constable itankln and william brown passing tbar the botn heard cries or help and came to hammhto aid canadian fish values higher no with the fact that ihe datch was slightly smaller than in oc tober 1b33 the landed veduo of canadas sea flsbcrics in october was over ona million douirs in every month eo far hi 1934 the landed value of the nw fisheries catch has been greater ttum7hl lhe same month of 1933 smaller land ings in both nova scotia and now bruns wtck were responsible for the decrease in the october production bxitlai columbia quebec and prince l3dward island all increased their catahea total kiiuied value for the taonlh for the nvo sea fudiery provinces was 1089500 hi round ngurcfl compared wltli t80doo in october of last year the total catch wflffimvthrig over 714700 cwu cpm parcd with jiearly 733so0 cwts lu ue same month of the preceding year ayja when dorothy found jj true love by duford jenne as doitotuy houltutid nt the door ofttho boardlnc hu drcadluis to go out into the wild wintry night sturdy llkuro utepped ju nnd aho recognised chester irwlii one of the tflvbred roomerii whero under thu ijun nr you go log on night llko thl3tofottiyt7lie usked quickly frftm tljft menient she httdmet him oandixions ani alfalfa coe 4awq rleu the woodwork luu been ttalned tnd tlio lloor is being laid hi uie ihibllc utuitjis office of uic new memorial nnd sweet inside mid oiit with chick jjuljdituri white kghonis juafc llko mr lungbiims in the neut wlilto pens ilia threat from guelph foiled to lowers isiinni up an if by mug keep liu local boys out of hoekiy lirt un nil the imrdy hhruba were weeds the irrigation farmer must con tend with becaumj of the importanco of lils hay llclds and permanent pastures perhaps the most alarming uspect of th3 dalidcljoii problem in recent years in western canada has been the rapidity with which the weed has spread ha the alfalfa acids of the older irrigated dis tricts many of these fields aayu mr calmer of the dominion expert mental station lethbridgc alberta wen eo badly overrun tliat tlie alfalji aippcttrod to be almost entirely crowdd out and dt seemed nocetsury to plough the nelds rand scod oiher exops at hist tlie farmciuuiought tliat tlie okt ilckifj whicli hod boon in alfalfa con tinuously for ten years or more were tlie only ones being superseded by tlw dande lion xuid tiiut it was merely cahc ol tlie alfalfa plants tiiiimlng xut with agu tlie dandelious taking their place how ever hivestlgations ahowed uiut til ulfalfu plants were tuli present ljl molt plaoes but were malchig ineagre groaui it wok also noted tliat the jairulfa wasoften unthrifty wliere ho weedj occurred fuitlier observatlonj revealed tluit while old alfalfa heidi were unuiually overrun nuiuy tliat had been bcedtid only tlueo or four yearj before were badly contaminated but hi uhuot tvecy iiutaiioo eucii tedn had nlglit wander what tlie royal city will try next guelph nowls two il games scheduled for tlie some tright more blariie for tlie onit a7 wti euppofie tlie toronto star can claim vlc iwy when all tliroe of tlw otlu city neweijvtnl wre allied agalast it on uiev mayoralty campaign uof hui mabel btudylng geograpliy oh nurae im glad mummys oiily gotus ihree chijbdreu nuxse why dcaa mabel becouik it says tliat very fourth chlkl born into thd world la cklatrt tllii bkvflnltton party platform is mlglity import ant consideration said one stateaman yes teplied the other party plat form in politics it good deal ilk bunker hi golf tlie rules require it but you show your skill hi avoiding it wouktlu xj1 what your occupatuaiv oocoapufi bauer havs you ujways sold cocoanuuy no started with mankeynuu and worfctidmyptjlf up wukn you lokk inltuiht blooming mid mu sieda were pushing hlurdy lioota thrnugli the rich soil ahout this thuo lliirlettn had esuib ilahcd hackfeuee ucnunintunce with mlaa sweet afrtnninghiimpprovd6fuio little whtto house whuh lhado tt very dreihy neighbor to his own tmiull home but kllu ho could not rocoucllo hltn kelf to mlus lury sweets working clothes hcciiuse it wiih bin duty aa ufiliili bor and geiitlemun mr blnghuni cniiw home from ilio bunk ono day ut tbroo oclock put on his best clothes took bin walkingstick aud went to csl upon mins sweet her tittle maldcunie to the door yes sir mlsii hweet utdtung la the front room uuld the muld aud slieopnd the do4r und sure enough there stit miss lucy sweet reading proof kthets tiiul ininy with pencil beciiln alfalfa for number of year tlie ivait tuid luid beeijjmkiiiiup uied for oilier crops for uiew years tand tlie tcsiieded to ulfalfa this hidlcivted quite clearly tluit tlie growhig of alfalfa io number of yearfi iiad rendered the jill unlit for the crop and that uio prea ence of tlio dandelloni was cecopdary iactor top dreiung with barnyard manure liad helped alfalfa at tho letlibrldye jsliuiin but did notkopthc dandelicrtis in check in tlie spring of 1031 field where tlie alfalfa was very imtliruty and the dandelions liad become well eitab llihed was treated with 100 pounds of triple fcuivrpliotiphate per acre drilled into iho eoll about onehalf inohafruji with fertuisier drill leavhig etnp uiifertlllzeduitja clieck the first cut ting of iiay was not noticeably beneflttid by the fertluwr but uie effect on tho second cuttiiig was startling the uir ttirlftly growth gave place to heavy crop of liay tliat completely oversliadow ed tlie doiidellon uiree years tlie alfalfa tuis maln taliied lie vlor and uie daivdellon pkpis fl wlien you dijeowr tliat you ate losing interest hi your friendships in whatever rnakes you wortli more yoursolvca and others it is time to find out the reason if you do your work just because you wontyyur wages at the end of the week or attend the young peoples moejig because if you stay away your friends will ask why your service is format lifeless prmtlcauy worthless sometime you lose interest because you are ured yoi need change rest perhaps totoje somatomes you lose lnfem wobbled tbe yoq have lost sight of your goal mumnr tte reason learn what tt la and rrnot whet fa wrong utr psle pink silky lup waa mid ux smul kittens hose mother blinked tit buukfet horlv io forgive me fur not guttluj up the wild tp the niuu who appeared to be so much ol und they shook hutids wurmly und fell to talking about tlie klttemi und then about lowers und uboul the two houses ami ubuut books the inuld brought tee and fresh cook leu and joshua blng huni went hoi jo thinking that hi splt of her tdtort sofuyciirlljg white hair lucy sweet wns churiulhg little wouiun he could never liuve told you bow tint weeks flow by un the duys passed und there cauie ho warciiy dy thut hu fulled to kuip ut mls lucy for cupful of umi unit tholutest newu uboul whtit she wiw writing iibout mrs llwiriettu ilmul secretly looked for new job my eye dont de ceive inn ht averred to her friends ulidatolpiwtta life long before mr llliicbam awownril to tlw fact that be wu fur the iirl lime in his life duep ly love tt uu novembei duy in ittiratuau ii lu old her how it wn wliji itiiil prttty miss lucy sued vef 1gin iuni and sllowid idm le ber lk ami md mr ulugbain hap pily wtu hiiw uur two cottages jplotv jgether uil made one jus as wj anal be lueyr of course jwsjium ah saidl lthoughetri rjtpwwbutrarsipindry ers undergrowtli otlior similar nelds liavi reupondud to phobpliate hi tlie some way and it now seems evident tluit with proper fertlluatloii alfalfa will icoftp dandelkww jin check as it doed inout weeds chance fote collkgkan young hian who had rooulved hu diploma had ben looking around aun ceitulvely for position for employ muni and for job taring an office lie tuiked to see tlie manager and whllj waiting he taid to uie office boy do you suppose tliere ts any opening hore for college graduate well dere will ui was tllo reply if de boss dont rulse lut ipilary to ttv dollars week by termorrer night hvllt hint flope youll dance with uie to night hui oh certainly hope you dniit thhtk came down hero merely for plea sure comjdlsouy he as his wife pttcjchig doul thbtk you ought to wearthat utuilnj huit heidi she but dear have to you j110w liow atrict they ore at the beaches only week before his eniy nianner tt comradetthlp innftvoii ivr ruid now hi first user of iiorothy gave her little thrill bui khe covered wlth am going to earn my bread und butter kind sir well you ouglit ioiht in hero where it isvafe and anug hu urged as aha tramped down the avenue lh rough the snow facing the keen wind the friendly tones of lis rich manly voice followed her and com forted her between lier hard hody atrthe conservatory of music hor ii ml ted funds her high work to whicli who wag going und the ehnnee that whe might not win theheholurshlp for which she was trying the had bunco to worry buck up honey she udvlsed her belf its dogged iiudoes it she turned into the lobby of uie cheap avenue movlir pnlneo tiiero hio was to play the tlnpunny pluuo thcough tbo ovttilng performance itwus tired girl who drugged her weary feet buck through tho heavy ihctvj to the hoiirdiiig house and there irwlu met her lmve had ilrs mccurty keep hotjuncb for you lo the kitchen utle xusa siinwhlnln kitchen you go be announced she stood slleut forcing back the tears dont be too good to me dont deserve it 11 she knew in uu instant that soiju keen seute of uymputhy lm possessed had wurned lilin whitr her mood wss ho his word were bantering the good are tievvr rewurdett acr cording to tlelr deserts bo am told but mrs mccarty will have my scalp and your if you dont out it he did not follow her to th kitchen instead ho went with joking good night word the next day her cup of bitterness was tilled to the brim when she woke she knew shehnd caught cold thntjromlsed to be real one then cuine her fear of ono disastrous ro sult tho owner of the movie psl ttce whllo fulr ttioiigb hnd ids prob lems und bo told her that lto must be on hand if she inlawed ono eve ning filio was done simply must go must sho told herself in something of panic motherly old mrs mccarty tried to doctor her up am urged her to give up tho thought ofgolng to tho palace but dowthy know wbnt the money bbojxijxiij meant to her then tho mnll brought long ofllclul envelope and letter that told hor the scholarship lint been otherwise dlpotod of jfn the seclusion of her room she fought the battle through but it was kick girl who bundled herself uj nnd went to tho door to bo cuugljt by strong lunula she turned to look juto irwins face youre not going out tonight jittlo lrl ho said and his voice was firm but bovo to play obes chester rirplayattherinlnco for you ho unnouncod kikj went back to her room wltli thrill running tbrmikh her ho bad held her just moment lu his arms nw ho removed horcont in hor room alio found one of the gtrlo with newnpiiper turned to uie luualottf page dora if that ljuit cheater irwin wlio is it im sure oflt dorouty stared at tho face there is ho doubt of it ituth it is won der why ho concert pianist and see wbnt they say of hlml she drew back her mind id wbirl tfhat wae he doing here or could it bo mistake ami what had bis klud ueaaloner meontt she found out later hor heart be gun to poutm as he mounted the stairs und the beard him pause well youve vest your job dor othy rvotgott come out mo ment he suggested sho stepped out und beelng borrbls eyes grew serious you look as if what is ut his eyes canghtrthe newspaper still clutched in her bunds und she saw that his swift mind had viised connection between it und her mood she held out uie paper und ho saw the picture lie folded tho puper returned it then looked up and down tltuutulra wna golng to tell you tonight who wns because cunie here to get uuiiy front my worl und rest am going tomorrow and uiu going to mite you with me she swayed ullghtlyr you were good lltllflglrl whon told you to juy in onlcht uro you cnlng to be good ubinil tblw how could she tpeujt wlth teurs miiylng till hiuch7 with his wlue tuidenduudlug he did not wi4t but giilbered her in his tiring tmdus rihe felt their strength iihint htr she lniiv he was safe now from cold uud wind from weurlucss mill wmijyjlij dottiit wild illlrjtlniju the ctrolo of his lpve turkeys are scarce uiis year soys poulterer doat blarne thetnl clear tot the clutteb some people carry around eo much luggage that they have mttlff strength left for the necessary burdens of life take grudge for instance years back your graoechooldayi aorno classmate got tile better of you by bit of sharp practice ever pinoo when you look at him you experience that same hot resentment that you felt the day the incident oocured just think of the ene nave wasted on thaz grudge andt whet you might have accom plished with it if you had saved it for oonwpxlng worth while tlie same is true of certain sort of rttreti young people will lie awake at night brooding over some silly act they have committed which made them the butt of thcirjrtcnoobjiatea rldioule for time but walchhjveryone else forgot long ago clear out all this clutter of things better forgotten save the space for boine thing worth while gems of thought the greater proportion of the pop ulation of this country do not know what real sunlight is unless they leave their homes newton we profess to be cbrlsuons and then wc uue tho talents god has given us to discoycr tho worst methods of man killing sir itobcrt baden iowell opinions alter maimers change creeds rlu and fall but the moral law is written on uto tabic jf eternity froude the difficulty hrnot so groat to die for friend as to find friend worth dying for home how much easier it is to bo generous ast tmeix are sgnirttniea bountiful yvn htc ty tfunhit what thou wilt tliousliall rather en force with the smile then hew to it with thy bwordtshakcspearc when wo obey becouso wo love hint who speaks to us then our obedience is glorious floyd tornkbut not broken wills hot crucified wills but consecrated wlljs docs ha seek to pour his will uirough samuel long fellow if your cup is small fill it to the brim make tlie most of your opportunities ot honest work and pure pleasure dr van iyke mmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmummummmmmmmummmmmmum mi ere sibe new 1935 ford v8 the new models that everyone has been waiting to have been shown to the public and met with splendid roci tion the 1035 fprrf will be shown in acton at norton motors on or before january 15th watchfor the exactdate of display but be assured we will have brie of these new models ready for your inspection just as soon aspossibtn for prices and 1935 features of the ford v8 see pago three of ihis issue ri ul norton motors phone actov ontario watch the fonts go by for best values consult the ads it doesnt matter what your appetite calls for youll always find choice cuts from selected stock at pattersons meat counters we have on hand sevekal kinds ov first quauty fish pattersons meat shop phone 178 we deuiver promptly look at it is retail store regards itselfas being public servant thereforo it is wholly fit ting that it should try to be the best and most eager servant possible retail store which hides itself from those whom it wants to employ it becomes underemployed ahd so its sales decline tlie public inclines in largest numbers ih whic anitcustoni it takes the advertising store at its own valuation it likes to do business with those who manifest eagerness to serve it it likes to buy ut those stores which havr to renew their stocks frequently advertising is jusr communicating news und information about ones store und ser vice it is just form of talking it is those who talk who ure listened to silent stores lose out to stores which carry on conversa tions in the form of newspaper advertise uunts with iiidko whoso cuctain they want any reiailer who wants to get more cus tomers for the replacement of customers who becumeiost to hiiujiildfathcexpiui sion of his business can surely get thorn by making his store important in their oyes uud by putting in his advertisements the kind of information which will help buyers come to decisions our newspapers advertising department is ever willing to help retailers prepare the right kind of adyertlsefflents ance of course

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