rr jantjaby 3rd 1035 the acton free press it mift 9m prraa hnrt tnrg towed under by rowland thomas jackson bo wo oaaled hftni in deference to ota shipboard algnlty et jownhte phtth muff of tea half emptied mm krofcod about tbe mesaroom thought fimy theres aotnethlne about christmas cut away the soft talk and got on with the story the sallow yoong fellow who sat beside me called impatiently jtammy was his nmo and the heavy immi of london had graven us mark steep all over him well it wao on the wayne tho admiral began gliding down into his swivel chair and throwing his feet across she corner of the table shefla itytlo jbmg beside this one two thousand two aaybe but shoa the fastest of the trans port fleet and cleaner nicer ship fur am never was built we went out from new york by way the sues and we had cargo of con pressmen youd find em on tho bridgo and pokln round the stokehole and stefan in with the crew in tho forecvl and wherever you missed congress mn youd run against senator it waa some kind of committee of inves tigation going out tp look at tho jhlllp pine year or two alter the treaty was signed and nnd out how bad witd jrot stuck on the bargain there trover ollkhatteder ship pulled out of the wayne was that ami ooii itnguto the crew good and happy to have all that crowd of owners aboard the admiral flapped the hocu ei his big carpetallppera meditatively ive often thought would interest passengers to know how snipes crew goes around shun them up on uie quiet he said man lies easy in hid dect and the sailor whos cleaning thn alongside him can tell you whether is shoes have been halfsoled or not we damaged the character of all of cm impartially and finally wo settled on one to last us out the whole sixty days old oiler plate sumo one called him and the name stuck lie hod nice movable sort of face that worked on hinges and dignified important txprcs alon that looked ad if it had been weld ed on and with hvfcu there were dents here and there whit the blacksmith leid got cureless with hie hammer doubt if one man wan ever hated more to the square yard than that man was by the crew of thu wayne alter he got over being seasick he put inhisrtime rummagin over thu ohip an fcf she belonged to him and he suspected oino one was trying to spoil her ilod paid hours watchln gang at work ad at last they got pretty tore over it wasnt las looking but the way he looked star hi straight uirougft you wlul that immovabl face un if you werent worth wlnkln an eye for w4j tottde oil tlio regular transport mtal that trip glbraltarrmalta said aden and the rest ajostof ula pas pecuon of eaclt port but old oillr plate would just lie tji long dockchair xid tizo tun up and you could tell by the look of his eye that ho thought euch traces was mighty lucky to huv man uwuhbtlwl tif vti fm rir pacific day or two before and long lazy swell was ruruilft down out of tho northeast and brwtucln into good bit of aoa in the channel between the litlo kdand and of but it wasnt the swell that bothered us tho whole current from tho china andsulu seas comes runnln out throun the san bemardina strait right tlicrc five knots an hour itll set to tho east ward at times and itll take tho biggest ufalp off bcr course as easy as tho eddies below inllldam sweep wherry round what with hint of wind in tha clouds and the knowledge that the tldo uould bo maicln from the pacific by noon and meeting that san bornardlnu current and tho whole thing mixing up with that groundswell there was prospect of wet passage when we shoull stoat back in tlie afternoon but of course wo took our orders like any other kind df medicine and ran in shoc hi very bad temper us ive said when wo readied the bar at tho mouth of tho river sandy took tho wheel rrom tho coxswain and satt tho otlier hand foxward with tho soundin polo wu plouglicd up and up tliat river hajf spoed most ot uw time and sandy steor ln all tho way lie was good man with boat or wed have hung up early in tho game never sajv worse chan nel tho river was liko oil undlcsu strjt between tho big trees and after on hour or two sandy said its liko th wed butter put bacjcttf you wont to make uio aliip to night our friend didnt even bother to louk at him just kept borln ills eye into tlie timber ashore im usln uita lnuch for purposes of invesugotlonvorv or officer ho wild and must decide for myself wlun xvc beuil enough sandys jaws came together with snap and ktiuw uioy wouldnt opoii till ilia fuelbid blew em apart wo kept on going till about noon and wo must havo been thirty mllfu upstream when all tit once simdy put liii helm over and swung her down sucom wltliout word glanced out uiidor the awuln and saw wlmt was the matter it wui still enough on tlio rivcr but the topfl of tlio troea wore sluudng uiid the air was full of low hummlug sound our passejiger almost looked surpris ed what id tlw meatun of tills youn man lie asked at last sandy let go the wheel with ono hand and linlf turned iumid wltli hu eyei fctickuv out of his head ills jtiwo opened ull right wind ho uhouted waving his hiuid ut the tree wlnd wind docj that leak thiough your armorplato is it you or the engine thati gettln tired jackson stood by for tin explosion from tlic passenger but never musclo ofhk face hioveil we kept ontlowruitreiinrr faking nil thu ipeed wo could but its liarder takln fairly llew once he straightened up with grurrtand peeled off his long blalcx coat jt flyin down wind as he picked up his bucket again ho had the cockpli dry quick as pump could do it and thcri ho ripped oil hds collar and toio open the front of his shirt evid ently he was warmin up though hu tadb djdnt change wliat next ho aaked ticavo some of those aoheo over board with that scoop said the big shovel scraped on tho iron and straightened up for look ahead but ducked again qulokfori thought id poked my hood into melted hail storm turned round to say something for it scented mr if anybody ougtjt to know better than to heave loooe asheato wind ward in gale but be was digging nrk ifpt we couldnt understand lljor while ids dispositlort bebig so prying in roost tiling but at last weiuudo out that lie tlkmt think much of foreign colonlui anyway and wa saving up his energy to fapciid on his own possessions for when wo got to the willlppines began to look the islands over juct uie wuy he liad the slilp no place was too small or far away for him to have ttare at tho rcit orf tlie croud dropped oif ono by oiu they got tothliikln of the society and loo plant hi manila but the old man who was chairman or tometlilng kept weavin tlie tililp hi and out among tlie isuiida and op uie morning of decem bfir 3itli juat little over yar ago of all un christmassy placed we found ourselves on out nortlioast coast of tiamar tha trip waa all but ended tlioro ws just time to crowd on and make wanila by tlie id of cluistiiuis aiur nooai and you wouldnt think unyonowlu could get uway would toay on that coast but thld friend of otm hud heard of river tliereabouu wltli same special kind of tiiubvr on it oiul nouiuig would dd but he hiuit liave the jauiieh and and atcit we were sore lot when tlie wiiyn rounded to under tlie lee of little inland about live trilled orf kliore and dropvcdui overboard sandy mucmurr ly tlwriitli otflcr watt in churue hi woj rvdluxtdod scotch boy with bad temper then wim ooxwulil mid and vwaa runiibiguioiigtiiet our friend at in uie cockpit forward opposite sandy atartng atraight aliead ho didnt look round cvejv wiiei sandy begaxi talking tit in tpx ids btauric oij her lr4hctoam slie toiuaxxy he aw wnl jrotafftcr tbailwllcnuit by the look oi the aky ut an innocent place to send uunoh anyway it did not look promising its bid coast there oiled tip with unchr4d coral reefs and sand banks the tall of typbooo had passed out into the bad ciiannel with tlie current than against it and it woo well on toward sunset when we swung into the last stretch and tho wind caught us for tlie ilrsttliuc itwas blpwlnlalivmi hale all at once welioard the waynoji ftlren and looked downttreum with jump she woji jyinjust off the outer edge of tho bar it seemed and for moment wo uiought she must bo aground but she wan rlsln and falllu with tlie sea and we smui umlfntoodr the nvemljjj cjiannol outside was ono btretch of breakers and tlie captain hna dono what not one sklpjor in fifty would dare to try and not one in hundred could do stood over through those reefj and swung her inshore with sternwy on tojnck ua up jdown toward tlie moutsi of tho river uie channel hugged tlie west bank ami jjbf uio time he hod the ashpit clear wod run down pretty close to tho wayne and tho id of heaving line coma rat tltng across the awntng tho first of ficer was standing by the afterbitts toko thp hawser aboard and nan on ho shouted to sandy its your only chanco we find you cant to vy well cut on this end you hang on till further ordoio lake most portable launches tho one we were in was bit topheavy ijid when tlie wjjid caught the awnings it just canted her over to tstarboard and upjuiuute tile iiawaer tautened isho went still furtliec oivo her more steam sandy yelled and hi second tlio hawser was slack again ilia coisrvfbixijli was standing right buck or sandy why dont you let tho tihlp tow lis now ho asked siaidy flung hk jiead half ro tossed ills little speech over his head in moutlifubt as ho jiggled tlie wheel up and down with hlr one liand ever tee patent log lloaskcd ever ju uio spuuier on it tip in no harm of course but make too dizzy to swim well soii clya remarks dkfaiicall1or answer and could see the passengur keeping weutlier eye on iliat bit of rope tm we ull were luul full head of steam on and tnosily we kept it afloat but it woqjduztufc ibned and once when uie crest of wayo slowetfnls nhe felt the bite of it and camo wlthm an inch of turning turtle sandy began to liail tlio deck for the itrtit oificur but of course lie waa busy fprwardantiwe got nounswor why dont you cut it asked the paiiienger getung on to wluit was tlie mutter orders sold sandy sliortly swlng ing lier bit to meet sea ill pas tenger looked at him sliarp it oughttobe cut ho asked sure wild sandy unlesd wo want to be towed under just stow your eon versauon till im uurough steering will you tlio passenger looked at sandys back again and tlieii ho pulled out big cuuipknlfe blgaaa cleaver it teemed and crawled out on tlie overhang imd began hacking away at uie twoinch rope tlur uiiich rode easier the minute she was free of tlie drag of it and wuc thinking evuryuilng wan right when sandy knees seemed to dbublo up toko tlie wlieel coxswain lie said dakedljke imd sank down in lttuo heap in tlio water tluit was slaahin round uio cockpit for minute tared at sandy und then uie osseiiger picked him up and laid him down ajkitf the seat all limp hud begun cutting away ills leftsleovo wltli the big knife never want to set wopjo sight than sandys forearm was the bullet had torn it all to pieces but uie boy had just hung to his wheel with one lumd and never knew he was hurt biulllllhlsboat was tufe and youll see many merry christmas hereafter if you and get out of thrs and sandy supose dreamln jbowas youngster again back at homo sort of half opened his eyes and smiled kind of weak and for once in jala life sarjdy was sort ot goodlooktn too the admiral picked up his thick mug rricchdnlcally cook sip of the luke warm too and straightened up with wtaxt became of sandy asked waterrtender as softly as his big voice would let him sondyl echoed the adamlral ob tho congressman got the idea someway that sandy was good num lie hap pened to have pull with tho moll lino sandys second onicd on ono of thoso now boats and hell be captain by the umetos thirty sammy took his elbows from the odgo of the tsvble and drew as long breath as hid narrow chest would hold loav in out the chrlsintos party wlch is just gymo to pleano the kiddles ho eadd cruocally lfw bloomtn good storyr was all right that old bloke an tho young scotch chap was all right too olvo me chaps as aint sofucs every time just then heavy fist thundered on tho door of uio mesaroom and volcj roared eight bells first relief to tho engine room and they alt got up stiffly and shuttled down to their siel bound prison to drive uio old ship watcn farther over tho snowy sea deepened and wo were runnuigdowilll yl nlf us at more than full speed when somouiing liapiuiied loen puiftf of smoke burst out of uie bruidi to nort and uie bullets sung overhead as usul tjiot may yound like fairy tale but those out law down tliere liave way of doing such tblngu saniars bad island uio admiral eonujitiitd mildly but they ought to leorii uk1ioqj wiui uielreyei opn we run on quarter of mile aiil were close on uie bar wlien tliey uave ua another volley tliere was chug ging sound and sandys left hand fjll from tlio wlieel as if someone liad jerked it looi the cosoiwain jumped towutd him but suiuly ilmply headed her straight for uie iwur with his right hund oo forwarti ui cateli the lino he orertvd bin and tho jwissimer stand by to bail and wo struck the mothr on the bar how wvtot throuuh it dont iaiov but we did and when it got llttlu juiioouier tound uie pusnenger in my bockpit culm as evtr while wnter was woahuv our allkleti vwhat ahajl do he nsked lake nt htiivtnd ium laid its all day wlul us if the wuter reacllid uio grates and turned to put our ihtbr stcaoi pump bi aouoii but watched liim ouof uie coriur of myeyo as worked lie was good man wiui bucket and ilia long arms every careful and observant mother knows when her child milfenf from worms slio also knows tliat if coma remedy be not tipoedlly applied much harniwul result tojlle infant an ex cellent prcjaratlori for tills purixteo is millers worm iwdenr yhtfray wmi worms from the system and fcet up stim ukitlng und aouibig cifects so tliat the chlldrt progress tliereaftcr is pasn and satisfybig cotitrxgxm slats diary by robs fanqohaai friday are teechcr was nrdtcbig call at are house today and abe was telling ma that undse they get cum moce mumiy the skool is gomg to half to cut out of are etudys in skool and when sho had went home ma est mo witch study wood drainer do with out sod dkldcnt carp just so uiey wood leave un keep on studying jografry ma agreed with mo that joggarffy was emportcot study bocaux it tot you where cvsry country was looaui at and ret well mcoby sho is tito but it all oo is good place to hide pirate story if yoi want to rood hi okool time 6torday ajit einmys sister witch moved to tne city last week hod dte ooipolntment the 1st wedc she wen to the bank and tryed to open charge account sunday joe hlx got sore at his wife today he went to takaa batli and got mod becuz there wosscnt no water to toko bath with and pis wife told him tho water hi the oath had been timed off rdnce thanksgiving munday ma was bragging about how bowtlful mies qlancyti sence she has went away to coludge and pa agreed yltit her and wo got cold eour crout supper enemies of canadas fobsst8 there is reason to beuevo thai the average annual damage to the foreits or canada caused by basccta may ap proximate in value that caused by ore which averages nearly tlqjwoooo canadian field crop make iaoe oaen canadas field ceops for rfltf an ccumbtcd gain of 113aoidoo to value this improv is attribute mainly to better prices for farm products nually said craig in paper arid oonielirrproyluento byleldsjukd read at one of tho sessions of the con may bo rjegarded as significant anal fcrcncc of oniccrs of the dcninion bn hopeful step tn the recovery of ftfcnadlf tomologlcal branch dominion depart agrlculturo according to crop svjporb merit of agriculture held recently in iauued by ihr rjomlnlon bureau of ottawa mr craigs paper was entitled statistics the value of the 1034 add the forest resources ot canada their protection against insect pests continuing he said that the loss to tlio forest wealth caused by insect pests constitutes most serious drain one ono of tlio most valuable of tho xxxnlnlonu natural rcoourcco the extent to which insect can carry on their work of dev croiw ia estimated at 9s3o49irfioo pored wui the 1033 valuation of 9423 507000 and readies uio highest level since 1030 tho grcotst value increasco ore shows by the grain and fodder craps but these are ollsot to somo extent by sharp decline tn potatoes and lesser decline inaction isnot readily realized by thp bi sugar beocs hay and oldvcr account vi tounday sondv mccrary was up on tho golf corse all day munday lie told pa that if ho waa lucky ciiun to thjjl cupla lyea ho mlbi play golf next ciim her tnebby wensilay kfy jlreiit was lookbyr for ward to very dull crlsmus but her luri bndg6t ills leg broke week before crlsmus and the rot to ant emmy and slivriiaofouimlhor husbend grate oiuie ilollowdays tlilrsday ma give me tlio djekeils bocus went to uio party lawt nilo wlul out takelnjf buui and warshlng my tenth wnll it was all her fall becuz ateis ym hubby nlic bunk has re turned that cheque wife lait that sylendld what call we buy with it tills time we cannot make any real and perman ent cliarige in human life unless wo educate uio young tfor itif wolli forest ltlea nor by those cngagctjr in uio forcsi industries ernpnahvd uio cconomws value of the work of en tomolagists and saia that in his opinion uie introduction of parasites as means of biological control fci proving ono oz uie most citecuvc means of direct attack and maintained tliat great credit is duo to uio dominion entomological branca tar what has been done hi this field pungl is also anotlier cause of groat ioss in uio forests tlie forests of canada cover 1150000 square miles or about ono third of tlie total land area of tlio country tlio stand of merchantable timber is estimat ed ut 165880000 cubic feet valued at 41089000000 the young growth is placed at 400000000 cubic feet from uio standpoint of forest economy it is most important to protect uio yourg stands of trecei from insects ungi and tire uio tlirejt principal causes of low ia uio future of uw forest industrlrti dciieiida on these young treei about 82 itarocnt of uie accessible timber of com mercial size hi coniferous trees 11 per cint hi tolerant hardwoods white birch and poplar and seven per cent and olmt mix te of cornstarch with cup of salt for table ulo and it will not gather dampness uio salt of course od for 31 nrrutflsj dollars wheat advanced 30v4 million dollars brvalae oats were better by 3l million dollars and barley showed gain ba value of million dollaru tlio ofiumated value of tho potato crop js placed million dollars lower uian in 033 des plto tho lilghcr productjon in 1034 all of the provinces icported inoreae tn tho value of bold crops with the ex ception pfprinoe edward tinnrt where very slight reduction was shown both nowa scotia and now brunswick show liicriuus duo mainly to the improve ment in liay prices in quebec fairly geiurcil betterment in yield und prices caused an increase of million dollars or 45 per cent jn uio valuoof field crops in ontario higher prices for grains and fodder offset tlie lower production and uio estimated value of hold crops is up 17 million dollars or 14 per cent monltobavj yields were also down but wltli gwiieruily higher prices the ruin of field crops is placed 164 million dol larri or nearly 50 per cent higher than in 1033 similar condition prevailed ill saskatchewan which shows an mi pwvemciit of 10 million dollars or roughly 30 por oentaibg field troy v1l orp iwrhmfitt tw about 37 per ocntor 2bu nulhon dol lars british columbia shows sllghs betterment over 1933 valuations every day we indulge bl un evil habit it wocms less wicked as tho old follow stood looking down at it those dents in hla face moved in imd out slow on if hed sstarte joint and hla plates were workbi jqut in minute he wils calmlooking oh ever mid began cu ting strips from hls own shirt and tying up uie arm tho best way he could to stop the bleeding all uibi time the coxswain had been buaklng her into uie seas and wed woilfced off short little she made very baov weauior and went very nlowly but ijie went and after while we saw had good flghtin clianee to get ftcrosa tliit elianuel into uio lew of the island wliore we know tlie wayne would when wo were about halfway across sandy moved wuttle on tlio bench iind begun to niuniblo bouutlilntf tlio paui and losjj of blooil had driven him dllrl ouii guetsl tho piisseaiger stooped over him and wenieti to listen and after bit ho picked uie boy up in uioso ions arms of his and sat down with him cuddled up agdiiuit hlt breast like baby it waj funny sight for the old mans face was dirty clear down to hu waist where that shovelful of ashes hid hit his ut skiii and sandys blazing head lay aualnst like some now fangled tloww but fuiinehow didnt feel like laughina you could iwe hed fbgotun uie launch and the sea und everyuiing after bit sandy tpoku again little louder ivyuierl cimt net tre soteh sot lo fj the pilsisiger bent uiat liard face of his lower ywi son he my sandy moved hbi head utile jii lili shoulder itll be chrlstnij tho mor row he mild the passenger snuggled hun up clos nalkl looked at thef boyhoad oritof half tiurirled uul whole lot uslnuiird and ulai all at once hu face kbid of bllt open irt uio middle and tell you of nil the pcvuyiinilled over aaw unit old man luul uie pfeuwt right then yea uli lie said itll be christmas the now ford vb lor 1535 in cenf evoir bujjlt it is ot alrik ingly handsomecarvllli rri linos and aewv luxurious appoinlrnonls bui vnot impodant oj all it in apociauy doalgnodio crivo you smooth easy riding ovbi all landii ol roacbi ironlaoat rido for hackanal ridora thii ease of riduig la achiovod by the ubo of throo bouiic principloa novor bo xoro combinod in lowpri co car correct diiilribulion of car woighlty moving ongino and body forward eight and hall snchu now location of iteal hy which tho new ford vfl that brings new beauty dependability and economy ut new safety and new kind of riding comfortwithin reach of millions of people tho result ia conlifopoiso which nol only gtvuij youa ndw riding comfort but roar uoctl in moved orwatd toward tho contra of tho car away from tho roar axlo and away from tho bumpsl 3nfow upring susponaioa which por njils tho uuo of longer rnorofloxinlo upringil and incroanod tho bpnnghauo to 123 inched addii to tho lability of tho car and ib octito handling you can tako curvoa from suvua to eight miloii faster vith ported liafoly there are many now ioaturo4 in tho ford for 1935 which make tho car uiilloaiuer to drive new brakpu give mojttipqwnr nr minppingqiiidldywithfar tho service of over million owners there am refinemonut but no change in basic design you buy premium perform ance when you buy thin ford v8 full 90 horsepower and 85 railed an hour wo invito you to see thin now ford v8 at the uhowrooms of ford dualorn you will want to rido inlt to drive it yourself you lpill find it noiv experience in motoring loud foot pretumro on tho podal now type of oasiypressuro clutch omployu centrifugal force lo increase efficiency at highor speeds nevsiooringrnochamhm rnakoflthecar still easier to handle tho new ford v8 for 1935 retains tho v8 engine which has demonstrated its ford v8 prices are low 11 body types coup wwoj vms tudor sadali sb lordor sun s7s0 de luxe rod1 with mm bltv til hrcoup0wlndow v720 phataw x72s tudor sdn 730 cufarlolt with himliu sajsordorsl m10 tourino sedans with bxlltlii trenu tudor tourlntf illan j7s0 forxlor tourlna ew1it j830 tkou el wlijkoilirtl duiiiiiw li id tbc iir six 11 iluwt mymitul cuivti tiu be sit to tlne ew heavydoty trucks ad the hew commehciax cah8