paobsxx fhb acton free press thufsday january 1mb 1933 know somxranto good jaaovtt vov wouldnt urfa old world be better ix 3m xolks ire meet would eay know aomotblnv food about you and to tromt ua jttftt ttuu vmyr wooldat it be floe mod dandy ix each handclasp warm and true carried with it this ensure ttftow aomethin good about you woqidiit thmffi hero be more ploaamnt it the ood thai in ua aoi were the only thing about ua that folkabotbered to recall wouldnt lhe be lota more happy it wedpralse the ood we aee ftar therea such lot or coodneas in the wont of you and me wotudnt it be idee to practice this fine way of thins too you know something gnod about me know something good about you menu hints aunbjui tar new kafl naval for sharpened winter appetites with cold weather at hand to sharpen appetites this tsthe eeason of the year when ail the family win elve toustng welcome to the appearance of the muf fins waffles and griddle cokes on the breakfast menu below is convenient thiwinoao recipe that will be as welcome to the busy housewife en the results of her efforts will be to father and the children since the recipe calls for bran theie will be the satisfaction of knowmg that it will provide real contribution tbc health of the family for the bra provided the bulk every normal person needs to keep his system in good working order lbs japan tea dust 100 34 lb bo valen raisins for 100 10 lb granu lated wugar for 100 lbs pearl tapioca for aso can 10o can com iao john hon son advertised all wool gray flannels from eo to 3o canton flannel from loo to 30c all wool can adian blankets from 300 to 000 mens shirts and drawers from rlho to floo mentsfeh hats from mo to 340 and bdlea ulster cloths from 60c to 100 nelson mccrea op were qubunir mens suits at from 14 tole and ovcaposts in uio same range theto were ior tailored clothes readymade suits and overcoats were quoted at s00 checked chtnu waa iayc to 10o win ceys all colors were so to 10c whlto cotton was 1c to i0o layer rolslns were 135 per box but must ccoae for this week 1680 and 1030 bring demands for other thingt but old folks like to recall old tunes drunken drivers far rheamauo pain the pains and aches of sciatica and rheumatism should to treated with da thomas oil the soothing and heaing proper ties of this famous remedy have been demonstrated for fifty years use it kto for inflammatory pains cuts scratches bruises and sprains cither in human beings or the lower animals ua ii mi nith nrrnrr for muf wafflui an or cup all bran choosing the mhffdprs it la by uciocung for desired charac teristics that real results in poultry breeding are obtained there are num erous cluuacbjrrisucs that boujtry breed ers desire but the most important arc health egg production egg six and bread type it is admlurt that the drunken driver conststuteo one of the moat dangerous jhjuiards on the highways the greatest difficulty in the courts to estimate the degree of intoxication which must be noted before man can be declared drunk dr william alayo of the famous rochester clinic has eomethuw to say about this hoi oontentlaa that ihc man who tries to drive cor with one or two cocktails in his system is even greater monaco to motorists than the man which is blind drunk couple of cock he says will slow up the normal mans recreations that it takes him two to four times us long to react to an emergency as man without any alcohol in his stomach cold solar driver proceeding at 40 miles an hour will travel about 30 feet be fore ho can toko artflon to meet sudden danger the man bauaotod with pair of cocktails will require 60 to 100 feet the drunken driver says tr uiyo will crash into pole before long and thereby take himself off the road but the driver with only couple of cock tails will keep on gomg ids stowed up actions to danger and emergencies con stitutes the real menace this lu something to think about man la drunk when he is under the influence of liquor to such an extent that his judgment is adversely affected dr mayo says mans judgment is effected after very few drinks when few more doctors make the same pronouncement ad they no doubt will the oaf est course to adopt is to refuse to drive car alter one drink hbflflth la the mnhi water going to waste over 8000000 gallons run to waste frmii vt hi gng jrtuibuxlt them can amy th5funure all other respects after culling out the leas vigorous blrdwthc next step is the jkjloclittn of birds that liavo the other required character is tics breeding from uie hlghut producers each spring will not necesjuirily icjaih in uu uio dauh ura being high producers but the uvr ago will remain high if buiocuoii has been well done it would rocm uiit hock production uveragahavc in many ciuui almost reached peak atten tlon muiit now be turned to tiie prpbleri of breeding birds ulth uulftclent produc live pciltency continue uieir heavy laylnir into the recond and uilrd yeir wheii thlsfcoul hail been reached it will be unneceiary to raix za muny puuuu each ycur bcnuw it will be profitable to keep the yearling for another year or jj with tilt in view uioae yearling uiat have shown iueady ejn product ltn over blooilcal or layiu2yiiar close to or if possible exceeding 3ti5 days dioud be retalnid for ulc as breedera th2 pullet that periklr injayhu along into october or november at the cndwj the unit layln year it the lood protlucer of course iirodiiu cm undesirable chir acteritic ticunesr or ule use of the pullet iu hatching medium will huv to be discounted rixarch work is uncovering mahy trutlu help the poutryman in the choice or hu breeders for instance it la been found that small body weljthc at lirst ecu and heavybody weight at the close of tlld3c5diy jujrlod or laying year are associated with high laying persistency the observant poultryman can use uils knowledge to advantage egtf nbio mustnot be neglected if umall egg is set in uie hicubator you are likely to get pullet that will lay small tegg there is usually few cents dllfercncc between eg gradea so that thu poultry keeper who bvceda hi birds to lay eggs uiat will grade largo will ikt ahead uie one wlu payirno attenuon to ujs cliarocterliillc with uio male uio member uiat con stitutes half uie hock groat care must be taken to bee uiat lie is from hlgli producmg onclry and uiat ha eiiowj uio nnct breed character uucs and egg typa such as depth tlf body lengui ind width of back tdootli wellshaped head nitd bbrbrhfcyi tl fc ur op hi th tunnel whose flow has varied from 0000000 to 20000000 trullons day and it now about 10go00oo gallons about 1000000 gallona day are iiupplied to neighboring villages ahd the reit la pumped into the severn tjlie water mut be disposed of becaiuio of uie tunnel and the great western hallway company would bo only too pleased if it could he utilized instead of being discharged to waste it hi pure spring water and uius eminently sulttlblo to provide walr supply questions of cost have hitherto proiehted any of uie public bodies whleh liave invejtgated the possibilities from doing anyuiing to utilhuj uio water but it would have praved very ujxful during tho recent dry spell famuoar sayings based on pibuoax expressions fio ha that runs may read prisoners ot hope unstable as water labor of love at cnclr wits end all things to all men put not your trust in princes filthy lucre apple of my eye my name is legion still small voice in tho twinkling of ah eye man after his own heart rule with rod or iron oreat men are not always wise no respecter of persons to the pure all things are pure good old age tho wfngs of the morning at tho parting of thownys nothing now undejr the eun under hki vino and fig tree stranger la strange land there is nodlscharge iniho war whitod sepulchres olouicd and in his right mind signs of uio umcs the sleep of tho laboring man is sweet beat their swords into ploughshares charity covers multitude of sins mako light of it good man and just one darkness that con bo felt there ta no truth in him the salt at tho earth of uio making of many books there no end can leopard change his spouj living iotf la belter than deid lion ecopei with uio skin of my teothj eat drink and bo merry aocd3ent8 and compensation under tub workmens compensation act the summary of figures for the workmens compensation board of on tario for tho year 1034 shows total of 04730 accidents reported during the year as compared with 38043 during tho prior yeart tho fatal accidenta nujibered 270 aq compared with 328 during 1033 tile total benefits awarded during uie year amounted to mwd70723 ns com pared with 300000805 during 1033 the 1034 figures being mode up of 3607 00883 compensation and 004173841 medical aid taking basis of 300 working days uie average dally benefits awarded amounted to about 19000 requiring an average of 00 cheques per day the average number of new claims reported dally increased from 127 in 1033 to 183 in 1034 tho accidents reported during decem ber numbered 4328 as compared with 4840 during november and 3421 during december of 1033 difference heci1et wlullng mnnlr ttheetnf whltji iiapcr illwater army doctor jjxamlhmg recruit who haf reported sick with soio throat hui lilt of swelling but surely you would not come to tna with thing like una in civil wo7 recruit no sir would send fcr you attack the cause of jlhfumatism business directory mxdioai dryj mcnlven office snd oormt aveouo and dln street dr nelson fhysjetan and sargeaai electro therapy leo ac phone noja beat wm harold nash farmer barrfater souettar notary fwafa mill street acton ont 3iours030 to 1260 noon ioo to 500 soburdays 12i0 oclock kenneth langdon barrister 8ehettar notary fnfa offices acton oeorgatowa owbttoeymickr caf main street for appointments phone acton oeorgetown 80 office hours acton tuieaoay thursday 110 to 4m tnga on request bu dental borgeon office tn leishman block hours until rj tn by appointment ohm for extraction tj vv aftern phone ltf cur tups sour milk cup sliortenlng mi cup bugar eggs bcftleil well cupd flour teaspoons baking powder teaspoon toda teaspoon salt put ullbran to ioak in the iiur milk cream uie iliortcnin and iuar add vgs iiour milk and uu bran and mix uuiroughly ilft flour ului boiong pow der aoda nid ih and udd to first mbi ture tirrini only imtil riour cuuppcar llake in grioied muifln tins in modr utr oirl for 20 to 2j mlnuuj or in iiat wafile iron some of uie mixture may be uilnnad wrui waier or milk aid uii for griddie ck provide ic imall muflliij vaifij or griddle cis timiptv dish niy no it art that cold dinitr wih duchc sojp smooth creamy void full uivor this ioup hui itifyiiitrly abilantiu bjdybut dellcitejy it thicken fd with tapioca that it muktj in initaiit appalio tic appetite duc1iksssoup uibuikwiis quick cooking uiploco teaspoon iili teaspoon jiopper tibiapan minced onion cupdmilk tablxapodnj butur icup grated cheee tablespoons chopped pariley combine quickcooking tapioca talt pepper onion and milk in top of double boiler mace over rapidly boiling water bring to fccaldmg point allow to minutes and cook minutes ttlrriii irequcnuy add butter clieese uiul par sley and cook until hie is melted served to tniodgnsivi and lxjaclous at uds season of uw year uurlfty lousowiverf with an eye on the budget ore thankful to find dcesert recipes whlcji kind to tha pocketoook but which rent comedown from uie gi6rleot yuleude hero is deert hi which fruitflavored gelatin rmiaeti the oid umbltt prune to unoocustomed heighu the family will call for an encore pitune uedaixion puddino package lemon or raspberry savored gebuin pint warm vw and prune juice cut ugai doab oi salt dmsh of cinnamon vicup nneiy tut rmuuis oup finely cut cooked pruned cup broken nut meats dissolve geuun in warm water and prune juice add taugar halt cinnamon raisins and prunes chill when slight ly thlckeiled fold in uuts turn into wnoll baking powdes cn of mold cliiil until hnii unmold uerve in slices garnish each slice with whipped cream desired tlervei kact ot tiie tatttil the credit uialumer of art iniportatit vancouver ktwe wriu tlwitttj who pay their bilki prtinipuy ujxt uie boh of uii eaxtll lliey lielp uj keep our bushier on an even kewl help ua pay our buli and meet our poyrull think it most bnportont that vo expreos wr ahpre of uiose wlu pay promptly thoai who aic alow in payment receive tlenty of lettcru but uiote who pay word so uda is lust to ull 90a 4bat we appreciate and thank you for tta promptness wnli which yoa tap obogmuons to us wc uilnk wo have uio best small town of any of its idxo aluioueh no better folks arc hero nor even yet more wise fr our good scliools have all ben built iilncc when we were young which may explain why our townj praise li not niore loudly iung of couri some fellow now and uicn will come ttcroii uie mat and hand to us such raw deal asleav u1 feeling hat llut uch small things are not allowed to mar our fair renown for wnc such uilni5 are aluaya found hi eter littlo town but what we mean is fclmply tliis the neighbor here are kind and rivconu on thlntyj of earui thau treajtu7eivotlhe nuiid and in tlit uprand downs of life we do not ilnd them prone to shut their doors ui many do to live their lives alone ive had almost week now inprac tjh orurithij il 1035 but tlierca atlli ituninii to placing four at the cid queer jjavt it how habll linger but notice im not the only one who has lhr difficulty even back in 1805 aye and further back by csd deal than uiat uie change of the years have been diificult to get accustomed to my cleanings thu week arc from the hlaa of january 11w5 just fifty years nfro jiis uiciiui find uiat the majority or my readers iecali hicidenu about that time biitt and ive told mast of uiu toriiu of days further back in my years of writing u1i2 cdlunm the january thawcnmea little pre vious in iea4b5 and landed along the laiit of december theriiiometcr 20 degrees below eero lost wek and 50 about tlits weak not much different from uie winter of fifty years later tho week of prayer was held from january 4ui to january 11th and in cluded every night of the week couple of touglis occupied uie colli an monday nighl tliey werer despernto looking eliaracters mr jainps moore lias moved hu puie andmticliel businei into uie east ern wing ol storey old glove factory lie will tiociimeiice operations un uen lay it down flat on any smooli surface suoli uif glau slato or liald kinooul piece of wood trnai on top of uio wet sheet lay dry tjieet of paper and wiui uie liord pohit of pencil write on the dry sheet preying hard on uio pencil point no ur to indent uo lettcrliig into uio wct thcet beneath when thu writing in completed the top nheet ui no longer required ix it can be destroyed when the wet sheet drlc3 uie characters indented thereon wil then have dluipiicared and the moit careful examination of it will notrevoal the slightest sign of writing yet the recipient has merely to soak tho hflit ntraln in water and the seccret mewage will reappear bo of so cbuui jfjj0r term0ca rcllcfiroia rleumatuoi caa only he effecttd by tewiiov intf the cnumfl of the trouble teouacals effectively clearmc the blood of uril ttcld kail otltef imxultierf bldi pouou tbeoyitem vvlilln elvins uiuitojwiei telle from pbl gtrt your tetmat uxlm pearen icxitjd sargnon successor to late dr bell phono 20 mill streetf actov humacaps rheumatic capsules growns drug store vktkttlnaay ph eruyns veleriuary surteon all calls receive prompt attrition terms iteoonable phonk 135 acton ontaltlrj office mill street oounie of few yeeks on sunday mornmg liv ttiomas cook jr of uie slxui lhie kucsliig was leading oolt to wutor7 wheii tt beoame fractious and kicked him dn uje mottlhttuchhg oil couple of teefn and cutting his up prvtiy badly the subject of uie estabushmeent of cheese factory in acton or vicinity is bebig freely disctswed here at present special aervicos ore hi progress ulis week in ule piwbylerun meutodist and uaptist ciiurches jamee hliott was elected president of uie kbueaiiig agricultural society aw wetjdbr vlcep3ident and john idurray secretary tiw milton newj has been sobj by mr tttarrett to mr watson late of uorrltr ut oalbnuui for tome time lid tar of pus ykk inuui wlio had been out of uie iiewaiiapeu buiibietui for coupw years luu purcluued an ui tertak til ule vidette wtngiiulu mr jaincs lambert wlio lii for bouie ume occupied uie position of foreman ft ilrs ratac pi3s urrt last wek for mount wrtotfar tljc purimhe of fcstabliihiuii tt ilew paper uicre the itepreveii tu ve mis davui wietl of nolsuvttuwjyu fell on tlie ice near uie door of her residence and luid uie misfortune to break lurf arm perllaps few of uie prloes of goids in uie adyartismuctiu would provo tcrwuna here are boroe from ifomma od of grocery burgolns itcklet 20 quart toilet soap 20c per doeen ulobe waap board lsc galloir coal oil 100 iba llyauii tea for 100 noboovs htlhlnkkh uw vouu own if you cannot afford new eult yfltt can keep uie old one cleaned and press ed if you have not the cuh for new allocs polish uie old ones until you can see your face in uicui if you liave to economue do not let it be on laundry bills bomeunice fellow obtains job be cause people are ry for him but uiose cacd are exceptional as rule uie man who sorry xor youth gives him uyarter and oaves uie job or the young chap who dods not apeal to hu sympathies por that reabon it docd not pay to advertise yourself us hord up if you iw blutbby and unkempt you may touch uio hearts of uie sym pathetic but uie average business man will not be tnovvd to trust liii blteresty tn your hands when you ar ducouragod uncertain about tlie future it bi dangerously uoiiy ur stump to wear ustwttcd coat and rolled collar to stoop hisuatl of stund erect to look gloomy iiuumd cliocr ful all uiki uguliut you flee unit your personul uipoarjiicd ia hut aivo uwiiy operate on uio principle that your hard times uie 410 bodys busbuua but your own look at it harrow rx sc phone day or night 83 rcslcienci bower avenue acton all calls promptly answered rates reasonable miscellaneous francis nunan kookblntler account books of all klnda rnade to ordor periodicals of every description carefully bound promptly done wyndhom street riming neauy and guelpli otic this way retail storo regards itself as being public servant therefore it is wholly fit ting that it should try to be the best and most eager servant possible retail store which hides itself fxaiii those whom it wants 10 employ irbbcorrfesnrrderemployedrnnd so its sales decline the public inclines in largest numbers toward those stores winch seek its attention neioiirolii eunday bcnool teacher oail any or you huo utild 111 iiu who livt in thu garden af lawn yc uuohcr uio adauu and custoiri it takes the advertising store at its own valuation it likes to do business with those who manifest eagerness to servo it it likes to buy attliose stores which have to renew their stocks frequently advertising is just communicating news and information about ones store and ser vice if is just form of talking it isthose who talk who are listened to silent stores lose out to stores which carry on conversa tions in the form of newspaper advertise ments with those whose custom they want any retailer who wants to get more cus tomers for the replacement of customers who become lost to him and for the expan sion of his business can surely jet them by making his store important in their eyes and by putting in his advertisements the kind of information which will help buyers conio to decisions our newspapers advertising department is ever willing to help retailers prepare tho right kind of advertisements free assist ancof of course guattanteed new i1attx1ues at siso up all kind at kcw imil vaei 1iil ufetluccd lvtcil axelrod autcrparts 0ila st gueoll tiuuu 8m general insurance 4r wk hvectmaxh in life vira health and accident autofciobue and all general lined of insurance also lab cilaim md ifa aniruitied pension bonds etc lkauino oomtanies excktxsnt raclutiks frederick wright maim bxuklrt the door of opportunityl tbeaa door ti