iu rkwj jtf ttv uyahywiimaagau awpipi iiij3 tl ftf kotkm vitas laarflatfss s4 art isscrtsdb thtaeofanu without eaarp mtnocim notices 900 awl ne per um simhtf is poetry died utavknel at parry eotmd ontario an tuesday january jslh u35 john iarenj tn hi 7h year tarlow in bluton on sunday eycn tat january 13th ja thomas vmrlow nuaband of augubttlqage in ilia 7tfth year whiuezt in erin ttnmihlpy on sunday january 13th 1836 william miner toeloved husband oi margaret ann oray in bis 9u ye at ttu home of his son wubert mckerale lot concession kramosa township on sunday jannary 13th 1033 nathan mckerale hnjrtjandat the latfl charlotte van jtonnanv in hia c8th year in mehok1ah eoarbow in lortaff memory otoladya bcanow who passed away one year jeswuy missed by aunt uncle and 00013x203 flgau in loving memory of our stster gladys who died january 20th ibm we cannot lord thy janpoee aee bat all well that done by thee sadly missed by stater brotherinlaw and brother norm doris and bill sally and her pearls by alice duank the acton free prss thursday jawuakt nth ltfft selection 6f news items were in the last half of january the snowstorm of lost night rather filled the roads watch for the special january sale offerings it will pay you to watch the tihmlm mneuny tor pas jnorzow night and election on monday january 38th nominations tor vacancies in oeorgetown council will bo held an icanday next aetnas second frinnlcibnl election 4hla year appears to be as keenly con tcated as the annual event mr mason has been engaged bandmaster of acton citizens haiui and took over his duties uiii week be oclock lit tho niorning teems rather unpopular time for lire judging by the few who could get to it uiu snnrnlng in tho report of thomillon elections las weexttnr iherrless gave incorrect figures of the daylight saving vote tho measure carried by majority qf 100 calw would not bare gone to the donco at ell if shehad her own wny about it but jim talked her into it havir nothing to wear said itally muko snmtthlrig out of that sofa pillow advised jim and youll look thousand times hotter than tho aver age and aa mnttefc of fact there was not more beautiful girj at tho great ball than sully in horwtsp of ovenlng gown that shf hnd fashioned her gray slippers and stockihgs to match and the whole topped aa jim put by her red riot of riirlu that old string of brads could be prlreljas lor of xvirls for all anyone here might know he told her aa tbey da need and if tbey were real retorted sally would not be hero seeking patrons for my art shop could have jicha gorgeous shop that people would come in spite of themselves she toyed gracefully with the long atring of bends in question oh dear lant that the limit right in the middle of tho ballroom she ex claimed and brilliant blush sprang swiftly to her chcekh the string bad broken aud tho heads were rolling everywhere at once or courae she was the center of at tention and all thowljincers topped to help rescue whn th hmftytjrllf iv pearls please dont bother said sally they are only imjmk nevertheless they were nearly all restored to her and pjho put them care lessly into ber small vanity bag ynn dim hfiwevcr sitting ftnlr ratchlng plfift np making use op cluticlsm many ways can be found of aooeptbij criticism some young people lose their tempers when criticized any sugges tion that they ore wrong or mfeuuam irritates them extremely other young people who do not lose their tempers over criticism take it terribly to heart they are hurt grieved woundect they cannot undcistond hou people who pretend to care for them trn be so cruel so unfeeling tui to and fault with anything they do there ore people who go blithely on tpmng the nioal serious mistakes because nobody is willing to hurt their feelings by point ing out times when they are wrong luckily there is minority who know how to uso criticis tbey realise that the critic may be better friend than the 0110 who is outpoken in praise instead of becoming angry or woundikl by criticism they study it and if they and it wellgrounded act upon it vochmjst pav tuk bill some one has said tlutt uie oldtir mud feebkr peduitrfcm is u10 attention hu pays to tratflc signal xnatrwiu bearthmktngtibout iftralr it illustrate common weakness of rmm ntthatqro tho feeble pedestrlnn disrrgarded the tiaixic alguals because he otiiumes that motorists will he inora considerate of him than they would be if he were young uud stroiig samctlnii is impufcb than boy of utt saikie age wouid tliink of being because she takes it for grunted that losing girl slio will be dclt wltli leniently wnle th boy would expect to pay forhls tuduncas small girl who hod beii injured in on automobile accident and upnt several mouthjtlil tile hospital beluivcd ou for tuui time at any auggcauoii of rciirhnond ihiiwould cry be scolded im so uwrujly nervous alter my accident some ol you who ure older ur gobvg on tho supposition that your friends and uc juaintancesiurt going to look on your case as epockd one making allow anccsi for you unit they quid not think always dangerous attitude do not ask for allottonce do not auk lor special consideration if you do uiit which you should not takd it for rgajit ed that you wlu pay ihsblll like any body else keuus lljt of kalkk wednesday january 23rd plank erin and krantoua town lhm tmm stock tkkaday january i0uclcarbigdo stock etc william cawum tuesday february 12j ijwrl oda clearing sale farm stock he had in his scant few of the beads md having overheard sallys remark shout their value looked carefully at them hmph think ill show these to barney look like the real thing to ta perhaps it can do the young lady goodturn hat her fancy hernny way ffe manstftsl by much inquiry to and out who stilly was and that she had little shop whtre she sold lamp shades cushions and other such trlflea and as rally and jim strolled up park avonuo to tho tiny place that waa sallys hnmejiiii lull cm wltli all his heart that he wiim anything but ah in dependent artlht who dared toot toll the only girl how much he loved her he had been quite skhamod to give her tho old atrfninf bends oja tho oc casion of her blrthduyaonio fewyeat back hut it was ull ik possessions when sally said good night she apologised aoftly for having caused audi scene at the dunce didnt want to let that crowd know bow milch valued all of those beads jim hut think found most of them she gave his hand an extra warm squeeze uhd dipped up the stairs oonjfl early sumhiy after noon she called hack to hlric sunday was the nippiest day of their week for sally tired of her own coojdng let jim get her tea and fcup per sunday flights and on this sunday evening while sally was idly running through aome music and jim was making something delicious in the kitchen some one knocked at th front door sally has iened to see who it might be and whefherher nice evening with jim was be shared with 11 third person that third person luippenedto ha the young msn luid picked up three of the beads from tallys string after trjmng hrr his mlhaloii hi was promptly hivltwrtli and wli0n sally told him that she had string of thein that would go three times around her ueek the young man gasped mydnar young lady he excitedly told itor if all thohc bnds are of the value of the three picked up you hsve 11 iwitof pearl worth at ln ftfrythoujanddmlirs jim she shoiitl imrgoinglo faliiil and whejlm rtihhed from the kitchen with pnn of httsmlng plgsinbliuikth in hid hum sha stand up hructd hcr iihnul dim and decided aui to fslnt no wont she mild hiid hirnwk to the meeting tho tj meeting was held in the parish hall on friday the meet ing opened with short dance the program opened with the national an them and tho reading of the minutes it was in charge of the cheerio club and mrs storey presided the following was tho prognun auld lang syne solo mrs bishop instrumental duett dora and lucy denny readings mrs bracken mouth organ duett by mr stewart and jack quartette oy meenrs murray olarrldge mrs davidson and mrs il mccutcheon short play green as qrasa jjy wui johnston and alf winter piano nolo mrs elliott lunchwas served juid the llrochouae orpjectra supplied music for the dancing trafalgar council increases salaries contending that government interven tion in townehip relief matters was not required trafalgar township council rcappolnted anson patterson as rcluf officer and graduated him from part tn lull time work at their inaugural meet ing on monday mr pattersons ap pointment was confirmed despite the protests of delegation of unemployed councilrefused request from the soma delegation to incrcabo township labor from 25 oent1 to 30 cents on hour salary increases were in order for the municipalities three permanent cm p0yvds jujuis cwixsjidwre pcad treasurer being increased 100 year to 1000 while samuel mac lean was increased from 1100 to 1200 appointments mode were ies5o king and plumerfei the latter replacing anson latterson idio rctjccd after 13 pc ut range young man teu mr bjirncs what you have jutd auld llni hud nil he could do to keep the mtfiiiiilug suiidiiy nlkht htipiht from griielnu tin iitmllo door theyve htn it the harnett fuinlly for nwh dont think their viilm wtin ever kukmmtml liu uaid citlinly my pal kiiys that in only 11 rmiih eilnuift they inn he worth double that miiimnt in tlmtcike nhttll moit trrtalnly fiiltit immlud kjmy mid invited the hlnitttfe yunu nuin to htay for mipiwr itut hiiiueililni iii tlitf fyeh of tlieao two nrthts prevented lilni from ac cepting the lire anil liop and love lying ilir wore not be lutnulhl npnm lie left lllrlll to thhr llllimlnohh twt slmi4 shin bn suiitliil thiitlm roller ukntlim liml itm llhmptloil lhjujll lhe hiymfn1liu ing the civil war new vru lit fn tor nuniiil llluui in crnlhed with the liivftillnn of mie rollor kunle nl homli in ikh iyeiib tnveiitiir imd pillehleil wliile liuuli lih uiin1 aliltf the pliiiijihui invention put eittvd in 1sl7 wii the rul lieuiiur of roller hkiihiig luiwever ice ik11 lug gih mnrh fartuer luuk the eiirtliml recor1 in t4ai1llij4 der b4t wkilt inude from kiiiii imuhm ut liul iitalsfot nmnrm tbetk 141 imcdw ptte to propil htuinelf uloug the ice caretaker bronte cemetery wulum churchlu if mordcn wlio retired tht year after 21 consecutive years mi council the last 16 as llccve presentid council with picture of himself to be placed in tlvc gallery of xrceves which udom the ualls of tht council cham bciii letters to the editor ttie frc pre icooie letters thti column oa tssitcrs of general iotexeat to it reader but doe not necceurily enilorae the opinion xprcaaed all letter ami be aisned but my be published over pen name if to desired and kc1 led in the letter cbmtnunifatioa should not be ovef ya words in length and must be received not later than tuesdav at oooo to ensure uuhliiaiioo tn that weeba issue william leslie eramosa william lqsiic ilfolong resident of eramosa township passed ewoy at hkt home lot 30 sixth line following lingering illness which ended ha scvcpo paralytic stroke air leslie was widely known throughout tho district as successful farmer an ardent temper ance advocate and devoted ipburcji worker ixo was virtually pioneer having taken overalls larm when it was priicucally ail forest por many ycaxa acton january 15th 1035 mr editor have been wondering what can be wrong with the acton curling club7 ho was sunday school superintendent storted off with great splurge two bible class teacher in bethel mctho games on new years day and on tne church latterly belonging tomimaia saturday following there were other united church where ho held the two very interesting games alter the office of elder up to the time of his delugei or thaw which has seamed to death fifty yeahs ago last oimmer ho put tho damper on ail right on friday monied martha awrey and it will ho evening last went over expecting to remembered that mr aiul mrs leslie get game butthe door was locked observed their goldenf wedding armlvcr again on saturday evening went over about eight oclock and found two or three of our new members waiting far tho door to bo unlocked after waiting for some time we went around to the skating rink and got boy to climb over tho partition and unkjbch the door of the curling club room we had kind of game with flvepluycis what ani tiying to get at is this if tho elected officials of the club do not tolai liujo more interest in making our curling club bucccss wo tour as wcl lock the door up for good lost even ing monday tho ice was in perfect condition yet we had to phono all over tho town before wo could get enodgi players to make good game and lam afraid it will be like this all through the season unless tho executive wake up am yours truly tiubckk op t1ik antqtjk tkajdi not only booki but even palnthig and furniture can bo given vory uatur ul appearance of great age by the clevir use of tw and coif ee tiio business of turiihig out antiques hi uitj way has hj come quite profitable industry ovor seos and hiscrupulous deuleni in uicli tiocalled vuluablo objects sell theso fakes ut extortionato prices to un fiuspccunj purclittiurs tho coliecur who knows lus antiques however la not fooled one of uie most common tricks of trurmaktrs of antique books is to took the pagai in ua to give tho pajpis tle ycllowlsli tinge tluit comes wlji great uge caifce is sometinitd used for tliis purpose clever workman whj knows jutii how stixjiig 4o nuike tlie ua and imt how long to keep uiu paper in tho beverage can closely approximate u10 appearance of great age another ingenious tclck of tlie modern makers oi antique volunuicd is to print bibks and oilier books on old paper to moke tuch spurious volumes oonvhicingly aged in appearance the plates from which they are printed luuntlly are made from photostatic copied of the original pagiis of the literary work bemg imitated of tlie bibuophilai luivo ways however of easy detecting tuch counterfeits qukt tllok wc never realise the full voluo of aiiytiiln until we lose it sold u12 vlctir consolingly no sir replied tlie widow werent inured kasxly taugmt how did they trlrh ufa rplur sna td cwlm hu hatlilng suit and threw him into the vau nu ixamit joliimle aged live wufi zeal by hbi mouurr ta tlie chicken coop to brhig luir uome eggs in short time he io lumed aiid mado um report there uinfuny viuld tljure except um ones uie hens copy from almost anvwav vso you think hun an aivocau or thought well he offered penny for mine to the electors of acton mrwullacu lusby is cundidutc for thu rccvcsliip of acton for 035 his years of council ex perience and knowlcdjlt of the towns uffairs ijre offered us ijlnililicdtioii for this olmca und cordially solicit the piitronuke of the electors of acton wallace lasby montreaij xfctteifc dor psci ihtskj the deaui of rev dr pormtr in los angeles rcportixl last week re colls to uie writer uie ercot ikmnccom lng of uie oldtime pupils of itobert lltuo of uiu actou iubllc scliool which took ploc4 in ibiu or lib was one of four who hod become ministers and who btilde taking part hl tlio great irauierlngr at the jxhool and cemtery and the public concourse at uiu toun ilall uie following sunday in the churchcj or acton tliink ua fol lowsi mothodut church hev farmer mtev chnii cook presbyterian itcv ariliur armstrong baptist itcv albert moore tlifcse were all aons of acton homes tiij event was one of great hitezcut culmiu athig in the erection of uie fine monu ment to uie honored teacher of ulo late jilxtlcs and early seventies the event was largely iilstigated by and secretaned uirough by two ouier of uie ohi boy if ifooro and nlcklln mv ix hall one of uie oldest iresldri probably all oc tliee except uv albe moore have poud uwoy would uie editor and older readers oi ti pbicj pstss tolerate hi tills column story which am cure would interest uie children especially if they lieard it as did last sunday ilev xr pldgeon pastor of church one hundred yeary old hi uus city brothar of the hpjc moderator of uie united churdi told it to uie ciilldren of uie junior sunday school last sunday in uio church nearest here whet he was giving uie aiiiilver luuy fiermoii before uielr dispersion to uielr rooijis in hkt early mufialry he was hi backcountry settlement wharo where uiere wee boys and girls of fouf teenwlto had never seen ice cream road oohi true lion camp canie in havhig their own cooks and cupplles mr pid geon arranged wiui uie foreman to supply an entertainment wiui flveccnfc cake und tencent ice cream back hi uie righthand corner of uio small building dozen small boys were jhere wiui uiewiia ulibutoiie winyhud only nickel the man serving tlie ireulr lave this boy lot ofbrokcir caker extra hi phice of uie ice cream he could not buy tlia boy found tencent plco whleh had fallen on uie troy stid his fellow told hhn to now gut hti tlwi fleil mum wilt ilu islnw that boys mother tlie boy called the waiter back and told hlm here was money uiat did not blotig to hhn va ouies were jeering ut hhn but uie man said boys you may laugh now but ui tiay may come when you will bo ftlud to listen to him and umt day did com dr pldgeon found his namo not ion ago speaker on program altinj with his qyju muminnth mtsting ti being arrangid for the iirmn for oliriuun wt neii monday evening tot soon to repoi but there are about 180o0 looked fur from seven denominations the bldiop of montreal in to preocli and rttprescr tuuves of ul are t4 tuki part unlo cllqlr of ftoq lfti 1y 11 ilvitiun anaiu sory in july of last year surviving arc his jlf syfcjur daughters and five sons mrs young locombe alberta mrs lasby moose jaw soak mrs alexander enunoai and mrs horry grant mi also herbert and gideon in uie west stanley and emer son kitchener and cecil at hom george leslie ofguelph is brother tho funeral bcrvicc was held ha the former methodist church mimosa on thursday afternoon last with inter ment in the adjoining cemetery itev dr spcnce orton conducted uio or vlctaj s1ecial hews plasli ctcs corn and bturkm salves together banish eight common foot ailments at brown drug store better by rar ui you should forget ffilfh andsmhortjuntrthat you should rmcai hrr toe of agtoii since have decided to contest the election for reeve of acton for 1933 it seems only reasonable that should give few of my reasons for seeking your franchise have served acton for nine years on tho council rtd two years on tho school board have never previously sought the position of rccvc since felt until this year could not giye it the attention required now my business is so arranged with representatives acrossjthc dominion that can fully attend to tho duties arid be in actort toijrvo the attention required my record as citizen interested in the growth and welfare of acton is before you and solicit your vote nod influence based on this citizenship which haver endeavored to give stand as always for careful and economical adminis tration and will endeavor if elected tosavc the citizens and ratepayers all unnecessary payments and expense iwill appreciate very much the assistance of everyone in tielping me to have the honor of serving as rccvc of acton and representing this good old town at the county council hartley harrison acton stores can fulfill jf our needs give themfirsthanxe bund the last week there have beu some twenty ri gamul nlmllar gauiehiui youm truly js coijan vlcuy ts your wife economical old boy oh vrry wo do wluiout practically tvrryuihig luid kaltly lias sir ctiarli asked fur your hand yt not yet moutur but uie knight still young gf33g3aobsffllmvraugafimisfflilb3 jflnuftry many lines of winter goods on display atsivle pwces while therk is large assortment come in early onu wt mthskluluoks inter caps price jjc koys overcoats jut te jleft ceurinu ifd mens winter trousers uvy wdtbu ntfiilnr evlctt to 40 14 sale price jxt pair 0l underwear an lot mens wool shirts izeolvuiue at 3lj oris ilot ijoys fleeced combinauoili only per ault 79c swkaterfi mkns and boys sittttarxv nuccii wb tilts halk hkk tllkm work socks kkvkkal wkiguts 2u fcj ssi ssa warm wool toques regular to 1c ft far eacli 0fc one loi ties ljrce variety of fallcu sale price each zij mens fine shirts epni collajn hut all your choice ut oifc one tot boys pine shirts separate couw ilea buy at boys suits lr tueolao iau see utese ul rrhxalkf mens overcoats your cliolce ut onk lot ciiiluiums cashmere hose luii oul eale price per lalr fc mkhts silk scaitfs to oear at 59c drksjtiitatiis ultahxe tw kchool urvhwrs vo clear at per jwird 49c cord velvet shades fi 39c per yard c1rjls long drawers clearing price per lalr jfc ciuuiukns natural wool slcepeiu willie they lult 79c ladies scarfs large auturuqcai sale price each tjc lad1jks silk hjoomcru or panties to clear at 49 diuess crepe salejprice per yard if jc 69 one lot house dresses 63c eiderdown tjoal toe kuaj hlldnmj viai tte link oe ueef st inehee wide 98 yard many other lines at clearing prices grocery department super suds packacis tor 1c tomatoes no vlik nu25c flusho lcr clcaulitf telleu gpecla lur un coujates toilet soap 4ci i9c pure honey ltuliur ii 4c castle vumtt wax lb tin tor 1c pure maple syrup doilkillldlorz jc orange marmalade 29c 32 oz jur for phone 3h fbee dbuvkby iwiw american blend special per lb 25c ft