rrs aarac fl iiiixiiiaw bbtobbdat january lgfli iju the acton free press pact itvi items of social and personal interest vvrioni little glcaninftb coocm tozvwtprt folks vmh of enonal interest potassium is chemical that is used many way potash used ab fertilizer la called vkhbmiuc chlorlda and potasalum sul phate in various other forms the commodity has many important uses miladys furs arc dressed with potas nl mm aluminum sulphate and it may purify the water she drlnfca the col mrs ht leagp of toronto spent orod design oil grandmas calico dress fee weekaid with mrs moo was printed with the uso of potasalum mooreorbft bichromate which ulao la extensively used by photographers tanners and mr cameron mcmillan of dauphin hlueprlnt paper manufnclnrera wan la visiting his broth cmmclllor iqvery drug store nays national jkmon mcmillan knox avenuet mr allan savage of toronto who was customs officer here for oyer year visltertj acton friends tblo week friends are pleased to jearo that mrs wm kelly is making favorablo progrcia following an operation she is convaleas tag at st josephs hospital ouclpb geographic society bulletin contains jar of potassium bromide for medicinal use glass and soft soup manufactur ers employ pbtasblmn carbonate whllo potassium chlorato is essential in ttie manufacture of firecrackers nd rock eta photographers flashlight powder and somo pants7itm toothpastes gold is extractd tram ore with potassium cyanide potassium hydror mr and mrs smith and mrs extensively nmil in soap dlala jennie mcdougalj and mr smith foctant na grou8omuldn the pink rf toronto visits friends in town last color ofjanned cornwl beef is caused lyidav by potasalura nltrat better kqown as saltpeter which is preservative and friends hero received the aad news also is used in tile manufacture pf last week of the death of margaret black blasting powder shrupne akolla ohaw widow of the late james barclay tubea and smokebsu powder charge acton in lea4 in bl groxip continued from pago one gkour stanping her home in mollnc 111 dora wood daughter of mr and mri john wood underwent an operation for scpendtcltls at st josephs hospltl ohielnh on monday friends arc glad to know she is projgrcsuing favorably potassium acetato and potassium permanganate are bleachers and dyers tho latter ulso finds its way into medical propa rations is strong dis infectant and is used in the manufac ture of saccharine potassium tar tarato is the chief constituent of cream of tartar baking powder man mrs rachlln has returned from facturcrs uso about 00 per cent of j5day stay in toronto where ho tho supply in tho chemical lubora attended classes on fitting of founda tory tho uses of potash are legion tioo garments and obtained certl acate of proficiency as corsotucrre tadpole uvea like fish mrs george mason will receive for the tat urn her nmrrtago on wed tbca develop into fro oodasr january 3oth from 330 to 530 iro llfo us tiny black ndfrom 730 to 000 mj at homo ot mirroanded by an al in nwi m1 nr ihiypht twain enormqusly when exposed to water only one to rilach average nd serves to protect the delicate egg within after niuny weeks the eg hatches into tiny wriggler with very long and visible intestine and long tall this tadpole uvea ub fish mr charles schtfab naked colored breathing in the wutor through its porter who had often attended him tiw gdln verage up he received and was told aft xvecku of feeding upon one dollar saw the home ice and three of the remain ing games arejto ho played away from hrime thcro was pood ice bigger crowd bond music and perfect setting for the tuesday night feature and tho boys both teams dished up game that tickled everybody there were oven some arena improvements thrown in now llghtinguui was tried out and the players box had scat for the players to oco uo game at midloo an artistic decoration of croaked hockey sticks and the initials ii ovde npted theexaebspofc for tho faoooffvv klora was counted upon for the beit game and there were no disappoint mcnhi the visitors took tho piny at tho outset and plschsr tried his luck with tho long shots but greer cin handle these without any difficulty norm morton got right in on brown but7uldno luck play became faster as aetan took then strldo after five mlnubjs on the ice norm morton starred again when he played tho whole exora team but failed to beat brown pluchcr drcv penalty for holding terry with hit stick but tho elora centre man was playing nice checking game marzo got tho first tally when ho went on solo flight and right in on brown who hadnt chance to save the score it was lovely play marzo blinked tile red light again but the play had been called back for an off side the period ended 10 for acton with iho locals being faster but klora playing heady game bus morton la hkt game allowed his knee nljufy by his play and ho hadnt tho effect of last year on ui ner pischer itunnells and walters drew the penal ties tw aefce wewfreut or vsm close wlum he attempted to score from rebound eora wan covering tholr men pretty closely about the goal norm mo ton who has been tho scoring see fo tho locals this year biodo ths count two for acton on mooiieyi asubt ho was riglit in oil brown elori toama acton e3ora georgetown pergua goals ji 23 17 17 new hamburg 1g 17 games in immediate future friday january lbth acton at new hamburg fergus at klora monday january 31ut gcorgctownt pcrgus monday january 21st new hamburg at elora wednesday january 23rd acton at elora postponed game actons next and only homo garne or tho regular schedule will bo oil prlday february lt whentliey tacct porgua iasuits of toe week acton won from georgetown fl0 new llainbutgwonirom fergus 42 acton won from elora 41 georgetown won from now hamburg 74 banff beauty winter queen tt various items of locsahnterest wlicn mr schwab was about to leuvtf dergocfl truusforniulon into frog handed the man that amount wherv lu long tall is ulttiurbod completely upon uio porter wait profuse hi hlsgra uud its iiitehtiuo wlirlnk to onofotirth itude of tho orlgluullanuth since it uow tliank you thank you ho tild uubuisls upon mi uulniul diet it lins with low bow vou arii the only ho need for such lengthy digestive gentleman what ever comes up to tliu nppurntuu for thin highly nutritious verage iood as vegotnrhuiln 1u youtli it required hugo quunlltlch of uljoto good loukit drlvo uio nourishment iiecessury for growth lietico the long intention to the art museum of the city of wo yomit frog sprouts logs slowly olagow uiorc is room cuued the 1jbt lth which iiro wplnciml liptonjtoom one of the mast in by iung muklntf wo irog mi air breather in breathing tha tertifitbig urtlcles displayed thoru is the frog musttiwuliovy ita ulr very much cup that was givci to uio lau sir ay 8wu fortu dislocated or tliomas by his admirers hi america htokon jaw ln frok would hi bcri on this cup is engraved tlio inscription oua uot tuul tho molsfci to tho best loser hi uio world thin akin uibo uurvm ns nn organ of everybody knows how intently sir tohplruuon in tho frdg lijomas upton desired to wbi uio american cup again and again ho huwle aha attempt tind again and again lie bltrds foubj on many stamps railed ho accepted defeat in uch birds liavo been incorporated in jortsmanllko sphrlt otfering no alibis many lsuuos of jupuuego postags always looking ahead to the next trial stamps on that of 1876 are found however that most americans would the wild goose tho wagtail uud th have been glad it one of lib attempt alcou crtcli slgnltlcunt ln tho coun had been suoecssful aioco uus was notr ty folklore the wild gooso is to bo was given trophy in recog emblematic of lettercarrying fot nltlon ofi uxe quality which uad won bcco to tho tory un umbas him tho admiration of thousaiuta who ot 01 of chinas early em perors was detained by foreign the algao in tho ponij tho tudpolo un jnbiktl chance when greer was out of had never seen him astho beat loaor in the world rtfcojjukttjtjptan was succesaful knan but he did not succeed in one matter that lay vcuy near ills heart on the other ituwt lie did not really foil for goodlowr oven if lie is loscy monarch and reduced to slavery tha unhappy umbassudor attached letter tolling of his plight to uio leg of wild goose and in some miraculous manner the goosdflow over tho npot where the emperor was hunting the emperor killed tho goosor read uio letter and in one thin laher ln another of cot hi mil hiick oven inor importance complete failure ho is uevcr gkmk of thought prlalcly punishing tho offending mon arch tho wagtail is tho japauosa equivalent of the serpent in oup story of adam and iflvo vot anniversaries and corouuuouu tho craiwj and th not once or twice in our rough island phooubc are popular subjects uie for story mor as symbol of lougovity from its the paul of duty bt uie way of glory ufe te luttor borrowed incidentally tt lholcgy pun nstli sumy mboio immo tiiut is uie only true church organ ullt hs legendary ability td iaauon wluai hejida mid hearts unita in rl uu iu fuorul pyre workbig for tha welfare of uia human twm yyluiuau obihi htluof th cuckoo tiuj liight wisdom is oosittnuiu hu 1lld hw ft th lugimi wbooii is ooiivnuiu mflti ruckoo wutcuijl ciirofully and if rlulnsuelsute like the rrgloa doiltroyod above jw moon is uhyuys clear and u6atu uud foyi chu jj runemovtaigne lb forgetful about th youngsters whon thoy urrlvo id tint no nutter what ids rank or paltloi vurjouu ncdth the tlrit thing thoy do may be uiu lover of booku is tho richest to eject all the other oetupunth it and liappuit or uie chluiren of men wondorjil turudo to ko with the lr jalin longford young cuckoo always tho victor nnd when mich neitt iitnlns onujiuhgry fciow an act andt you reap habit youngster tho nal motliar watches wiw jmbll and you rvup cluirac over them ultliiiugli who novor at ter sow cliaro6ur and you reap tempts to give them food incubation lik net and when acton was man short the visitors used the time to their best advantage around uio acton goal and greer was biry boy jack kcnt ntir made uie count three whpn lie rliled one past brown from marcos poiui back to him in front of uio goai it was nlco work for acton around tho goal tlorajtot penalty fuccoff when orcr threw tho puck forward but it did no harm walser went right in wlui only greer to beat but jack won the de cision nnd there wujj no score norm morton got hlij cecond counter when ho ixjlted in jackkenthers rebound norm was right ln aa ulways and had hb goal eye on tho puck mooney passed out nice one buloutof terrys reach tho period ended wiui acton ganging around the tiara goul and 40 score for tho locals tho third period startad rather slaw brown mode nlco cave when mooncy took terrys pass for what looked like sure goal marzo missed on rebound and woods and bus morton eollldud with woods buhig uio mast seriously damag ed klora missed on two rebound sliotj ati acton went on the defensive idoia tried hard for score but groer was right on his game and he really deserv ed shutout 13 runnull robbed him of this honor by scoring one in uie laut two mhiutes of play alter lie had boai pepnetd wiui rubber from every dlrec uon actons llnal bid for score was mode hy marzo wlien ho broke uirough with only brown to beat but eiomi net minder woji out and saved thu score pinal ucorc 41 for acton the ihioup was idoror brown goal walser and droy er defence plwlvtr centre itunnellb and quhiu whigs itunnells ilidley jlunnolls and 1111115 alternates an derson uub goal aum greerj gonl kciitner tnid aibbotu terry centre jilorton and m6oncy7 wings rwiil ecrs marzot woods and morton alternates hoferw johnfrv jones guelph skijoring behind fast running horso mushing with team of huskies skating or skilhg tm uip mountain trails all coma under tho heading of real sport according to bis borouiy stun dish who rolfins this year during tho winter sport season in tho canadian rockies visitors from rnahy unltod states cluas as wbll as from canadian cantors aro on joying all tha thrills which ouly uils area con proldo and whlcli reach peak during tho annual banff carnival hold thltf year ufldor vote cost bcampion 4sje fietty stiff was tho comment of it worthy when the blu for tho beer license plebiscite was presented at mondays meeting of brumptcav council tho vote on beer licenses for town hotels cost ilnunpton 74254 while the tottd cost of the election including municipal polkt was only 938 j2 tho vot was requested by hotel keepers of the town and wan granted byline town council of 1q34 on uw understanding that petition prepared by uie hoiehnen would nothe cfcealated mayor mccuilocli told the oouncuj mono owner pleased with rcflulta of bot treoixnent tho program for tlio cllmmatian of tho bol fly in llalton which is spon sorect by the county uvo etock ini provement association is meeting with an excellent response according to canvassers reports wliich have been turned in to agricultural ilcprcsenti uvoj is whltclock over 3000 horses will bo treated uils year several hui drodlmirnesharvaalcady been treated by uio county voter inarlans and horso owners interviewed expressed themselvee as well pleased with the results town ship committee men are to bo congra tulated on their liiltiauvc and also in dm results which havo resulted to date on trial for tobacco bobbery albeit jointly faced trial hi toronto on charctes of armed robbery kidnapping three meu and receiving stolen goods the trlu is sequel to tlio hljacklng of transport truck on tho night of october 11th twit on the toiojuomlreal high ilthwhuih tho pair and two others now at largo are charged three hicn were alleged kid napped and left near pcrgus tobacco valued at si2000 owned by tucketti ltd of hamilton and j017 wortli of other mcrclumdiso wuj said to have been stolen burbrldgo pleaded not guilty to all ki cotlnts prince pleaded eullly to uie iat two counts of receiving and retulllblg hoods tiien the fun began salesman was eloquent about the merits of vacuum cioodct but tho yorkshire woman did not seem impressr ed she told nlm to talk lcso and bhow hfcr what the thing could do so took off his coat fitted up tap cleaner thrust his arm up the chimney and brought down soveral handfuls oi soot which ho scattered over tho draw ingroom carpet lie then shovelled somo ash from tho grate and sprinkled uie carpet with it adding shovelful of soil from tho garden then lie smiled and rubbed ills hands now ill allow you what this vacuum cleaner oan dp youll bo surprkved mum wheres the electric switch switch echoed the yorkshire woman switch7 eli wovo nobbut gas insurance fire car accident sickness etc eharrop rjn gore district mutual norwich 110100 canadian fir insmmne company the alliance asvantnee co the casnmwy of canada asanranoa company the merchants caanaky co the poctagelsprairla mntool woods grocery the iamily grocer our aim good merchandise low prices good service telephones store 37 residence 130 toa11 oar cutdornon yoar choice of oynl dnby english klnnrwkw of bueklnham enrluh btaioless chuery we havb ibarfcer und chrlsivs csju mall veast frm feggs eu service quality price taking everything into consuerauon you can shop cheaply wttfc tt in the of year na any other clasw of siotip in town oaw snowvajub lhu second it is estimated tliat uio amount of rain and snow falling on uie enutc surface of tho eurui averages about 10000000 tons cccand sayu ue wash ington fitar tlio amount of water unit falls on uie eurth and the amount umt passes off into uie air by evaporation ar in uie long run exactly equal for every ton of water uiat falls ton is returned hi gaseous form to tlus atnioa phere though not as rule at uiu same place where it fell iual udea wliatt uio idoa of uiat crosseyed num for ju rtore dctecuve well look at hint can you tell whom jioiswutchlngii dtttthiy xi boardmaii cant keu ekt vheke wife fine hutihand you are why you cant even jtp mo in cloulei llusbaiid ktd and bought you lionw and cant keep you in thu eiuwr of lo eggs and tho feeding of uio young is loft to thofoster parents soon ufter tho young appear tho cuc uoo and 1101 muti ily south to tholr afrlcun home kveryone of ujowi uiree juniors have oaniwl tho right to play intermediate and huvo been outstanding on uio team konn morton xecnui to be the leading uoal getter for the locals jack areer in goal improveu wltli every game ills handling of the long shot relieved all sense of hervousnesfl thu ne lighting wasnt oompltu success but other improveineiiln will bu made tft overcome uio defecbi bus morton with hi injured knio is fur from tho gunui ho turned ln lust yrur and can only occiudamtiyy show the tuual burnt of lib iipocd xiregory theatre 11ie team uu whole seenis to pretty nkely balivcxl with tho second hue showing almost wjual with the nrsl climlrli how tlilh nlunii itiii clmriey lioraij ik ihnltiul tu tlm lliittid sluluu iiiui div nalu ho ailftciilni of tho mundun ot linn or ou from ixvitiulvi uuo nh by mi nthlilo tlii tirin iul unit illid to hortiii ultllitfd with form of tmiucuhtr utrophy unovn un uuiiiy uirillni to in ilirury niuuut al thnukli thu ullrfonlni otvurn mom rro ills luuk oliicklni lilt im dimmer uir iniaitlu ionu tlio ajtlir mtv ulmmi buuliull phiyort it my liiovpimnt thla jviu uo bcuut much ooldor vout hold of unyoiif cuimiclully by mil fiiiitmml in htronuoii kurclau murro nnii woodn uro uohitf ulonir mnrrnirnt of tbr injured pnrt jeu blccly trwltintf ull uio ttrao on tne rully uttrndinl by uvra palo oirunalvt ulid luukliiii thlum uncumforu for tlillr thoc 011 uio dufejudve wlis aiaht tlio nortli uiid mui lwlur vtlont mte in complete contriiat 11n arctic fontubui ubimt iouoooo luhubluhta in lliufll puint ulul uiltnul life mid dor bi tt vuut hold of lo wltbolit any llfo tixonpt moaum uij one bucct which is uctlvo only tcyj days eiich yrur with oibluiui wuiutip unci kiilil nir the dcfiiici la haul to uiturouiul torry ut cuiito loi li real play iindcur and laiuvor houiilili with llw vuiiiav janhauv lulh lhe duoe lixngeft tjtory by ziuio grey filmed uguinst gurgloua background of tclnlc beauty starring georo olirlan conudy his lucky day mickey mouse shang htued mickey ports trieit gol chapter of iclt canain sathjunay january loui uhte the wavni nf loye and laughur on nnilcal cruue of the word itarrliiir churlrs ilut te worth and jimmy durante ckltllty ultlc veller treaiuro chujt ijtlir for 1035 lv monuay januauy 21st what eveuy woman knows the worldfunud romatice by hlr james ilirrle jiturrlng ileum imyes merrlo melody the mlll ei diiughtir treaurt chiist hollywood gadabout coming ltourrt koills iiteveiiwms treasure island goorcctuwil mabonlo offlcent following officers of credit marnmc lodge georgetown were inutaied by past majitcrs orthe lodge the majority of whom took part in the ceremopj under uie direction of barra cough worshipful master robhuuin immediate post mas tar george douson senior warden orlchton jmilor warden ford chaplain rev thompson treasurer dr gollop secretary george ford director of ceremonies barraclough enlor deacon sam mackenzlo junior deacon ihhet young inner guoxd sanford senior steward utngdon tyler mockay auditors mclantock word vuiqu0 mfuod of applying belief method mcmillan la vlslung at tho homo of lib brcuier james mcmillan it is twentyfour yeoia smoe mv mo miuoji vlsluxl hi acton and notes many changes mr mcmillan ki farming noir daupliln manitoba where uiey luul fair crop last year and uiere is uo kcjlef hi dauphin or with uie farmers hi uiat district when tho men liavo no work in uiere uio town atsuls uicm out to uie reserve on uio hiding moun tains where umre are hundreds of acres of wood and timber and uiey pay dollar cord for cutting and all uie scluwii court house and power house are supplied wlui wood from uiis ro serve and ciutcns all burn wood ttw pctpulatlon of dauphin is 6000 and is situated ln one of tho gardon spots for farming in manitoba luuvo ima mnrimg 1935 ford v8 prices the following nrc the pricoa of ford v8 paaseneern cars delivered in aclon all tax and licence paid dc liixe phaetoiv do luxe uoudatcr dc luxe 3windftv coupe coupe windows cabriolet tudor rv de luxe tudor tudor touring fofdor dc luxe fordor fordor touring sssfroo s1700 s85200 77100 95100 79100 s8g200 88300 s88h0o 91goo 9c600 norton motors phone 69 acton ontario watch the jpordd go by hhbhitmhaibkihahmiihhhaihhh tho farm womenvi olub held uielr anuiryhieeuiigotllie h6muof tiilss jessie mcgregor acton on tuesday oi last week with tho proaldeiu mm storey in uie chair tho meuung opened mlth thii unpin tonf fnlnnfud lf thn lords lrayer tlio roll call was on swered by our ltvori to magaalno or hook llio ladles decldtml to hold an tuchrv land danco in uie nuar future tiw following program was enjoyed by ullldano and violin dutitt mbiti jtissle and mr joim mcgregor pajwr oil tvlcndslijp by mrajlracken quvir utte xf uidameii mecivtehean murray clarrldgo and davidson reading mn suwurt oil prldays llariptlrt dtiy ivo conteiti followed the soap con uat being won by mrs stewart and mus crlpiiii the second ono waii very ammilng each lady waij given needj and thread mid piece ofneottofi unci wan given limluxl tlmo to outlhie pg ilgs of ull jilted idid shapes appear ld wiu mrs it divldsons pig being uie winner the meeting closed with uio natumul anuieni after which mlsu mkut jewje mcaegor mm wesley mnrrsiy and mrs john mcgregor acted us luuitcieii nnd wrved dainty luncheon savib t1ik pay ianttiles ad prlrlug two irbihuwu riding taiaifiii bltycli reached the up of li bleep lllll lukorru ilit artlel mike unit wia surf climb bure andlt wtmiiiited ifttif hadnt kept tho brake u1 we uluhlld uavy gone backwards for tho bnltmce of this month wo ure feuturing merchandiso at clearing prices many items aro on sale throughout the store and we invite yotf to drop in and look around here uro few of tho items that will give you an idea of tho savings irib juil4 ears sale price 39 ladle tlimoy pullover fv ewcaur lliiiuuir j11b for ic chmnouetto aioviyj pair osic infant handknillcd wool len jacked 1ink ot blue trim lioyk ani hkn8 ovkitcoats at hodurrd iu iauikh ttllt ikibuvitu coats warmly inusrllmdl iialo ladies cmron hose all uized and kod 11 ttluulcri per pair ac 39c 795 98c 98c ilwkarlillcoaia ut muns wnk hhiuth uiul huirt puturim tuut liliudwi hiit up to 149 utducitons in iiaikib women brrh vnoludvd mkns wool work sox ttexofceemptookmata each 1uc for not more thim cmtoawu noyi itnil tntllir 25c aviation helmeu iteg osc 59i uluiliinj u4hitlanj bn au lloy ukul men ilcjuner coaim uoys ahtiajiv tillloviaul wlih tioiible wren elbow trtoed coimiutcrubly uwer uijui klecvi hoys t011e skates and lions for uieset 4zd7 menh slm at 319 per set clnaraueo of ludlcv keurvot variety of styled und materhily 1vom jjcup 2l olrlii nubbor aolodiejj slv1 11 to per oalr waiirtlu sbuu hlu 1ulr minm unu diuiss iiv lliown orty or nuturul iihudii iwr jwlr juies fur trim med motor ltoot4 99c 85c 298 youll thu money in ivwket by tnklntf advantage of thetu ucductioim rachlin co