Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Jan 1935, p. 7

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fyts tbtjbaday january 171b 1035 the acton free press faoifstbt what ha ye we done today we shall do mioh in th years to come but what have we done today we aiudl give our gold in princely sum but what did we give today we shall lift the heart and dry the tear we ahall plant hope in the place of fear ahall ffpaafc the words of lovd and cheer but what did we speak today we shall be so kind in the afterwhllc but what have we beep today we shall bring each lonely life smile but what haye we brought today we shall glye to truth grander birth and to steadfast faith deeper worth we shall feed hb hungering souls of earth but whom have vc fed today we ahall reap such joys in the by and by but what nave we sown todayr we ahall build us mansions in the sky bu what have we bjudt today tja sweet in idle dreams to basic but here and now do we do our task yea this la the thing our soul must what have we done today nixon waterman twenty years ago the lame of the free prm of thursday january 21st 1915 the ley walks caused many goto falls the past wek in town and in country wheat has been bringing 125 dur ing the week some are holding fur 150 mr robert j3 sprowl has purchase the 200 acre fajm belonging to paul kennedy of the township of esquri ing last thursday afternoon iranij baner had the misfortune to have his right leg fractured in two placet whlio alelgh riding down the pavement on bdocatkm lone in endeavoring to turn the bobsleigh across the lane when hearing mai street he ran against tree which resulted in the painful ao efclent chronicle of ginger farm written specially for the free fran by gwendoline clarke ihe annual jeetlng of 0serallpalr was held on monday afternoon tlu auditors report shows 71871 in the treasury the election of officers tr milted as follows president ocorgo havul 1st vlcepiesident pcarci and vicepresident lindsay so cjetarytyeasurer oeorge hynds ta letter jtrom salisbury plain from sergt coles ho says they tared ucll christmas having six days leave the nearest town is amcsburg whuro mr coles discovered the postmaster was former workmate ut the tannery few will perhaps remember vronk jtule happy itcllly has gone and done it he was married whilu on leave to young lady with whom ho chummed at dchool it br rumored hcru that wi leave for pranco about january 5th over fifty nicii attended tlio mission ary banquet in knox church iart mon day evening sgtirrlritf addix was given by iviucr firguum of tor onto hero we arc half way through the winter and nor cause to grumble at all about the weather of course we have yttlo rough weather but who minds an odd day or two any time feci in clined to grumble about the rain snow or wind just stop to think of last winter and then fairly purr with con tentment even the roads have been qule good for both horses and cars which of course helps out great deal unless of course one happenu to be 7ond of slithering about in themhdig of the road or in and out of ditches there la just one thing sliding into ditch might be all right as temporary hiding place if one happened to bo currying last years markers although in the end it would be the means of attracting more attention rather than otherwise so really dont think taking to the ditch would be wise rnovo fur tliosc attempting to evade the long arm of the law personally am very glad that extension has been granted this year for the purchasing of licenses aftr all what good can it do having to buy license an unpleasant business any way so why not net it over und be done with it no one wants to part with their money and very few people are going to buy license in january if they think there is any chance ot hanging out until the cud of march this year it will bo rather interesting to watch how many people will dare to carry old markers how long they uill an how many will set away with making cabaots interesting 4y barbara brooks vpr the moue and suw there good deal of lliiillarlly physically tpeiik mg between human bcin and the lower anlmuu both are subject to many ailments arising from inflammation and to oil manner of cuts and brulsfcri dr thomas eclectic oij la an entirely re liable remedy for iuch ailment and miliaps in both hunnm belii arid jic lower orders of animal tuning vf when you listen to an orchestra con ceit you aluaji hear preliminary period of tuning up if uie mtalc is tj bo sutlt factory ull uie lrutrunicntji mast be in perfect tune and so the niuilclars who play uie stringed instruments ore tanging the firings und ikurulng for tho ulyhuit vurlatiou from the tru pitch nothing agreeable can be said about the jangle of discordant ound wltuh rciultj from tuning up you cmdure it only becaue it euumtiul to uw perfection of the music to which you pnuitly will listen gouiu one has iiid tliat majvyaniay er in the orcliltrj li nil his time merely tuning up in other word mihi poopettie uluoys gattitu ready but never reach the point of tanking uglmilng they fiddle and fuiui and mhko themselves believe tiuit uie rtuiqii they do not et started eer tlw excuse uio fact remains tint they are waiting life fcvtryum lah an iiuttuintnt to ouy in huirlunltyt big orcluatra and every one must bi ture hi instrument is in tune taking tliat which you can gilt when you tnlk of twking that wiuct you can krt you benrrally meun nc ooptmg uimetluntf uniutuvfactoy be cuue you cannot do any better it notice the first licence for this district is held by our provincial oolle officer which of coursels juaf as it sliould be no tiling like setting oo example this time of the year one often read1 wouldbe helpful articles hi nowspapcru and tmpiyipff on how to spend our long winter evenings and how to hlaka tliu best use of our leisure time wuh for change someone uould write an article on how these long winter even ings may be made poinlblu never see any of them pirst there the dlihc then the children have their nlghtlv buttle with homework and by uie time they are in bed lti nine oclock by ten oclock if partner has been wokinrr in uie bush during the day he begin to klt jucpy und ntirts talking uhoutt hit ting the luiy by tliat time have got ju nicely into book or elw mav bi urltlnh letttr and jmetuues it vkcn hippcns have had brainwws and uunt to tjet my idem doan on paper tu fit pojm and this li what often happen partntr reads every leat little bit of political nous he can tnd in tlu pir and we exchange ideas absut it all and express our opinion ai to uhether uie country being saved or tfolng straight to uiu mppy doffi und of coure ue have our own ideas about how 1l might be helped or hindered well after we have exhausted all on news ideas and opinion partner ttarli tulklng about feoing to bod and some tuntji tay well jiiit want to flniih tliu arucle im writing or uiui bcvk im reading ai the cajumay be so tlicre am left to uiat peace und quii neji which tuppoicd to be to con ducive to clear uitnklng well now tints all right in uie daytime but what happen at night have jou ever noticed uhat on oorlo tulliifcji uiere is in the alienee of the night gtlllnvlj that accentuates every little raiiinci sameuhere overhead board creaks then the stovepiper cruck und uie doc quler things to the roof it too begins to creik crack and sn ij but uort of all is the cudden rurh oi rodenu betuccn the aalu or uie colllig and hoon have never yet been con vinced thai big nolu could pjo jilblybe rrtaaebyniltle intce ll jejuni far more like huge army of rats it imp my het and it rtapa for while ro onvrinngstunc uuirts ogam tin illy git to exasiw rated and ltlpy there no senw hi anything writ and isnimkorr to ihd very dfynitld wlui mlf and leave uie mice tin ruti and the tuiulrrek to make as much nobe ai tlicy like sometime ut tip to do mine tvplng and uio tapping oi the typewlter drowiu ull the other nauo3v io um not wiwrud uuit way but jtlll my plan doeuit uork because the troublo with typing cant tints one or tin jovs of ooaloll lunlp no ma tter here put the imp it oils iliad3w all tilings canilderetl dont hw ery ruuch uck in burning the nid giit oil but ulnt am to do the illij arc never long enough for me ani thoso who know about food values sing the pralocs ot carrots orhlghiiuatul bo often that it 13 human nature to get rauier ureu of healing about them worse stlil some folks arc just littu perverse about eating the things thit are good for them mothers and dieti tians who are concerned with the welfare ot their chajges are therefore faced wlui the problem of glorifying cutli wholesome yearround and moderately priced foods as corroli uttlo girls are urged tu eat ulcni make tiieir halr curly boys ore told that great ball ploycra cut carrolji uod and the other folks are tempted by recipes dcsigiild eluier enhance or td conceal the car rots ptor uxo inquiring biembcrs of th family there are lntcrcsung facts ubout food values the deep yellow color is sig as the pigment associated with carotene the substance from which uio body mokes vitamin carotene was so named because was found in lajgo amountn in carrots ivltamins and axe present in good amounts like wise vitamin young carrots aro richer in vitamin uian older ones and of course raw carrots supply rnoe of this vitamin than cooked ones because it is destroyed byjheat carroui like root vegetables in general supply starch for energy and minerals for building bone toeth and blood ju 1j interesting to compare the minerals of carrots with uioso of milk which is one of uie btst sources of calcium add phosphorus the proportion of calcium to phosphorus approximately uie same for boui foods in one hundred calorics of carrots about onehalf pound uierj is about wouiirds as much calcium nu plwsphorus oil hi ohohuntlrcd calorie of milk about ilveeighuis cup thjo la about uiree tbiies as mucli iron hi carrots iu in milk tpiccarroi liccif even apurt fromiu food value needs no apologies itisa tiling of beauty wui hit yelloworange body ahd feathery giecn top it is crjsp when raw and firm but mealy when cooked its tiavor is charucterlstlc out to delicate uwt it combines well wlui many ouicr foods its vvry nature sug gests menu potobllitlui of oil kinds ijcrve carrots raw in strips for ji relish chopped grated or ground for sahuu try grated raw corrots bpinkled in soap or mixed wlui fpnch drmmg or mayon nalfu for vegetable or ilji filads und tor muidulch hhng diced cooked carroll give color ani iuw flivor to mashed potatoes or to hik ed patitoe on uio half nliell where the politoe are scooped out miahcd jearined nnd put back into uie thcllji vor luncheon or uupper scalloped carrot or sliced cooked carrots topptd ulth poaclied egg are froodt medium or urge carrots bated with the ikins on 01 boiled and rlcid may be in plico of potatoes occasionally in the dnuer menu cajrole ot earrol and apple is appropriate wlui umjjige or porirof any kind caruot and apphc casskholl cups iltced cooked curoui cup sliced applet raw uibaipson brown iugar teaspoon rait teaxpoon grated rind of lemon tablespoon kupn juice tablespoons butur place alternate layerrf of carrobt and applet in buttered coirole jaajainliig tucli layer wlui aalt arid sugar sprinkle grated rind and juice of lemon over uie top and dot with butter bake in moderate ovm 375 degrees unul apple are tender yield cervlngti wiioln winat caruot puddino slice uhole wheat bead cup milk cups ground carrou mod size cup seeded rulslns cup sugar egg iaporattd teaspoon iilt cuiis whoe uheit liases tnblejoon butttr soak bread and milk add carrot raisins sugar egg jolk salt and whole uheit fluke lea erry whit ntui blats diaby by robs fabqdhail friday ant emmy rote to uukcl lien witch is llvcing oyer in jasper town ship and otic told him ma had ben nu racing grouch all week so toduy unkcl lien cum in to are house bectm they uiot pa was sick satcrday aell uie btrikcr down to uio claw hill fcj going to win uierv strike it begins to look like as though they struck for day week init of six day wtxk yesteddy uiey gut juytd off inurery ro it look like uiey wood win there etrlke mobby sun 0x1 joe hlxes uncle was in town tills week ho is very vory mutch pucd to wlrk lie ciys his father before hhp was ajxiscd to wirk to joe sayi he is vn wjrt beeus is killed his muther and ull so his 1st wife munday gess pa ki hi bad ogri down at uio noose paper shop whero he wirks ut becus lie printed peace uiut mrs light witch is uio wife of uia man witch runs the department store has ben sent away to take uio pe3j7 cure pack of the matter is she hau ben wirklng to hard her husbend says teusday usha bruncr was to of got marryed today and ovry thing wood of ben all rite gess oney ho nlgleckted to got the license and fergof to tell uio preach ab and uien wlicn uio time cums he woi found down to uie pitcher show wensday fid dexter says he go hooked by uie male order house bo scut hi seventy cents for brometer ind ho luuj had it for wcks how and it aint ruined drop out uiere at hb house yet he says niirsdayjomu trench mode re ive yrs go uiat just on acct hlt girl wooden marry him he was golrj to stay home the reu of his life stw marryed ilutcli ebbing and hutch stay ut homo to golden corn syrup great energy food oanauian tibkk winter in iloriba kitchener ont january 10th pw uio tenth ooroecuuve year the famous sliver jflect lias arrived in florida whero it will have headquarters during the next several month tires manu factured by canadian ooodrlch com pany limited kitchener ontario will undergo tests under uie supervision of experts of the ooodrlch company goodrich engineers choso florida be cause of uio excellent conditions for tire testing prevailing uicro during uie winter tiles of all types anil ijzcs will be used in uie tests just as they are wlun uie silver fleet operated from akron 5hla 1u home city oxlando lias been chosen as bao for uio hllvtv fleet ulis year its operations will radiate over wide range of tcrrljnry ir viers fleet supcr vbsor in charge aild lias 26 drivers and others in uie silver fleet with him tajukii clock time tables ittllan at atctolff going eam dally except sunday daily except sunday sunday only 1007 aon 013pja 64 pan tlio chicago filer that passes throagb licro ai 35 eostbound stops as oeorgotown at 044 pv oolpg west daily except sunday daily except sunday daily rxcopt sunday sunday only ajwajn 2j3 pjm 700 pta lllapm 6tandakd temk not long to wait tie tlmo will romc shouted uio toiave children sound and licajuiy pcakcf when wonicn wiji ret nienij is uie flmt care of mother they can not 1m rwalthy if troubled with worm use mouier graves wom exterminator wages greenwich urno will be put on uurff plioncas result of an invention by tuluphouu engineer at uie ioat off ice research ttutioii london tlicy have designed talking clock which will speak the time to anyone telephoning it ilic new clock will be allocated its own nuiiiber and it li to be sychronused by greenwich observatory callers will hear cultured voice say ii 13 now exacty one liour three minutes nine seconds or wliatever tiic unie may bo the cltkk wcrlut on the same prlnciplo as talkie clnema projector two glass plate curry strips of sound him on concentric rings one phlo carries ium cound trucks for uie minuted and tile ouier tracks for uio houn seconds and tiie voice which speaks tlio pre liminary words i3y using meclianlcil operated shutters lniteud of switches much better reproduction is obtained paris has already ti talkuig clock widen ta thousands of pounds every year two leeds clockmikew recently hivent ed clock which announces the uuie over uieieleplione every two minutes bws jjign1xv iloy whato titailty dad athnr oianity my son iji what yi utl little man in uui comw you tlunlc you have unul tiie haa say next pjlday nlaht wliafu the meaning of this your last opportunity the free press offers you m0nysmailbqx another wu whch uio wordj jmvc nevir vet been able to hnu thae be ouxi tilakej tin 111 ikouuu chsjlrnxe tuke tliat whleh jou can get but uie bet you can uet or exampe take the math of recreutijii in the larger cities many free lectures are iveii uirougluut the to inter jeasojl and ofttji uilyauo rauiorparmily tendid wlille hi uie ame ion inter evening or leliure uiat often rtad bouty he book ihaveread tlili week ii tin man jm uiu white hjrw wrwlck detplng an interesting bok rf lu kind but utterly dllfereiit from wlnfc unr rxpects from the pen of wur hborjiomi virk dei ping the story noes back to cheap picture house tiwjwjig chjap veryrily daju or uiitmi history urn there is much righung and bloodshed and of course grvut dtal of romanr venture to iuiy it will not be us popular us his forliifxjooks bcuue it is not uie kind of book uud wil appwl to veryone fllm4 crowded take uie bst you iuui gt ut thrwiy of friends why spend your leuuio with uie girl wlw 13 impeitiiicrit to hi mother impatient wlui lier brouicrs uni sisters land thlnki of liouilng but god tbne7 take uiat winch yoa can get uiut la the beat you can gec uu bet job the tooat tlelpful recreation uie hlglift ideal the finest friends tji mel uie butter in tlie baking dui and pour in the pudding dike in moder ate oven 400 degrees about 35 mtnutej yield wrving goldoj gaucu cup iugur itnblespoontilour tejpoon talt cup boiling vutt tablcpaoiui lluely grated curroui table ipuuiui orange juice tablupoom lemon juice taberpooim butter mix uie 11rrt ingredient in upper part of double boiler and cook turrln imtil uuck and clear ikt over hot auk addfemninlrig ingrcdkmts and let took gouuyovor hfit waur until rvulv ui wnt here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this is all you have to do wortbomuf pally 843 ajn dally except saturday h43 am bally 315 pjn saturday only 315 pjn ekally 515 pjn daily 715 pja dally 1115 pjn saturdays sundays and holidays only 11 dally dauy dally dally dally dally farihonnil xcept sunday 00 ajn u05 ajn 1345 pjn v30 pjn c40 pjn 000 pjn sorrow patterson ro efpeelaltat in eye sn orthoptle treatments kvaicrtpilsfv 108 wyadmun sl nexi to lsbtaws 1uonk 2100 qualltjtaeeuxaey eterrioe savage co 3m select any of these famous magazines watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelp0 ontattxo 2lwyadiiaw 8c jliiiiuiimlillilliumtlliliyiiuiiiiiiiutlillniilii ltoucil eudl1l lollowlng thr ypitnt war 1iiuodore rooivelt never lot tjn tore in uie biiyu alio had wrvid under him in tlic routtli idem ouevof uiem rau afoul of uiu iw in xcxuji and urate to former coairadj thin located in nrw york ujklng him if hr coud nut hb tniiueiicu to li in lihn tlierv it nied to little uwt liu now york ooiiirudt coud do he wrote to uie jlvxiui and biiggehjd uiat ltd appeal to the coloupl wiio wtts uien ivtmudkilt of uie uiiiumi huut hack cuinu letter from teujt riie troubud oil aald uiat lid gurd pcrluipd he would luivu to wrhj to utd oukuiul liut hu tulded sort kau eitlnrni uiat ouiorarnay not take vx bccuuad hott helped kite out of two ample from youudl lcrapctf tujiether with your until and you will receive the whole publica tions for oneyear from the date we receive the coupon the amazing papa here is combination priced low maclean to chhfeluncs yr canadian yr qnoljonal home monthly tyr qkctorial review lyr canadian horljicultuie and home magaxine lyr ifilu wonderful offer in avail ublo to old and new aubscrib em to this newspaper we ltiaruntco uie fulfillment oi nil muiiuzinc subscriptions mid you have poijuvo njurutuai thai thlu ieneroua offer la exactly un meproifented xlc nowula will be extended for full term ijiown mail coupon today juawecliii list of magntlnes ijtr cucfctttffj pttbucd iojls rleilreu jiu out coupoii carcully gentlemen enclose please tend mo the three inuirazineri checked wiui yearu ubcnptlon to your newspaper name street on lown and rnovino this offer expires on january 31st if you desire to take advantage do not waitsubscribe now the acton free press actov ontabio new business pulntti talmtaawbbj wlu attract kiew bualxie ut the bid that yaa xto loulng get our priced ukt prlauiijr the acton free press

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