ghm the acton free press thursday tkgtolkrx mtb mm ifatkm af bbtba mafriagaa aad jlbszts tois eolaantwitbaaj chair spmssstatnatlca a4 aw pailt adnltlnil lac pottrr tf died mddowhi at me boms main biroet acton ontario on batanaay mm ssored wife ot bert mejoweil aultvat nia roaldenoo ssfsf armzin banmrmede feoad toronto wattonjsy of acton tottered ibua ssd afmaw jaactttoah lar stperoy ault and of the lata aamoel ault snont ctftmty in mzmobiam mwdeb in loving memory of ft dear sstsied away obruary 13th 1928 the yeara may wipeout many thing but tola they wipe out never the memory of tooae happy daya wnoi we were ell together nadly mtaaed by wifb and datkjhtehs of star valentine day today hearta and darta ere quite in vogue email town life lsnt ao dull alter all long they used to tallc about be winter hall of february la gone spring la juat around the comer the ice atorm thla morning made traveumg rather precarwua the poet onloe la delivering lot of bright and pretty meeaagea today boon be tune or jhojnarblea and make an appearance excavations have commenced for tho dew post office to be erected in ouelph the aide lines are not ideal for motor travel wf speak from experl encr sidewalks are very euppery at thk time of year and roadwaysnot much better the prompt binding of roadways and aldewalka thla morning waa appro elated by all advertisements are invitations to hop the best values are told about in these sales messages some of the valentines were ao cumberwjme that they only got as tal ks the post olflce door the way to better business is to tck it newspaper advcrtklng reaches the most people ibrlholeastrmoney oca null was noted nylng over acton on sunday afternoon thla is rather unusual for ao far intnnrl at thai time of year items of news are always welcome for tux para paasa columns wo can not secure all the items without tile assistance of our friends just in case youve overlooked it flow does the label on this paix pans read well be glad to alter it for you for the usual consideration wellington county pupils are to be permitted to attend ouelph collegiate without payment of the tuition fee which has been charged previously thompson of bramp ton paid au official visit to acton oop lodge on tuesday evening pollowlng the lodge work aoclal time was spent by the brethren of the three links pred pulse who lux been the business manager of the port credit news for tlio bast years lais gone ban to kingston and will represent the whigmjuidiijtlwltlihlrt orflm utqan anoqlle knox sunday school liekl on enjoy able bkutlng party at the arena ycfcur dy alurnoon supper was berved at the church following the akuthig oauies for youiufir classes wiro provided ill the school room in tlio 1lj of officers of the xxive of devonshire chapur of tile publlslied lt wick ooupe of kud verteiit errors aptuaied mrs manales wai eleojd standard bearer iklsin miiihiiiwji atla biunuavd uearer and mm 3ullli couiielilor we regrtt the trrort vtliy wlxlltia man souiowliat under the lnxluencd of goodfulowslilp attempted to pass through tlie revolving door of res turont loach time he entered he knadd th complete round and found lluilflelf lti tlio fttni imtaln alter uevem utl uoccutul utunipu lit aut down on thi pavement to work tlw thbitf out moment later yomuf man walked kwpidly ui the nireet und wcut lil the door went tound wid ountf omi cunts out the inebriate wiuf puzzled whut bu me be remarked wh he did wltb hltt clothes travelling expenhkh tyi about decided to set mjurled wont if lncroaue your expense too afalitttl 7w0 flpire it wlu double the life of tjrw wd cut my bill in boo boomokt by bubarab brooks 3qkss eggs bto txtea eaten from time lmtnomorlal it is aleo an old old uaago to add ometbing for easonlng or flavor or to make tnem gomther but the uao of eggs for thickening liquids or making cake bread and sauces light and fluffy la comparatively modem thja stage in our history marks the be ginning ot one cookery in fact the french tell us that all good cooking rcato upon an egg but eggs have not always been plenti ful and frugal codkn have been lavish with them only upon special occasions until very recently there was no real justification in economical cookery for the extravagance of ustngienly of eggs justto mate food more delicious but now science comes to the rescue wtth tne reasons why we need them in our diet knowing that each child may well have an egg day and each adult thre or four week and that few more might be even better the frugal cook can use eggs generously and with clear conscience it is real economy to supply in food the essentials for building ana maintaining strong healthy body egs are rich in minerals eepedalty iron vitamins and at least pro tein of high grade and some fat the yolk contains most ot the minerals vita mins and fat while the white is nearly pure protein in the truest cense of the phrase eggs are precious food they supply dietary essentials make food more deucloos and one cookery possible store and cook them with much care follow recipes carefully keeping to mind these facts when used for thickening in sauces custards puddings meat loaves and the like beat eggs but slightly to make mixture light by incorporat ing air beat eggs thoroughly until thick and light lemon color for the yolk or whole egg and for the whites until thty will form peaks pot meringues souffles and other light mixtures stop beating while the whites are moist and shiny do not beat until dry g3 ore delicate in flavor salt in moderation develops the flavor spiced and most condiments cover it gs should be cooked at low tempera ture this rule includes meringue nd frying as wel as custards slow cooking with low heat gives firm tender texture pumpkin oustakd cup pumpkin cooked and sieved frgss slightly beaten vt uaspoott salt it cup tugar tablespoons molasses teufipoon cloves teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon ginger cups milk iscaided combine numpkln eggs salt sugar molasses unor spaces mix thoroughly add milk slowly etlrring constantly pour into buttered baking dish sot in pan of worm wutcr hake in modirulo oven 350 degrees until an huertdd ktitft comet out clean vegfctalile ioujfle tablespoon butter or fat melted tablespoons flour va teaspoon bait va cup milk igits separated cups mixed vegetable cooked sea soned and diced combine fat hour and salt add news of acton and the district no back door to secure beer license persons who seek to gain beverage room authorities through influential friends in the liberal party and through lawyers arc wasting time and monoy premier hepburn declared yesterday the premier was visibly annoyed over the nuxnerouu attenipts made by individ uals to secure authorities in other than straightforward manner it is whol unnecessary said mr hepburn there ore too many coses of this kind people think they stand toctter chanco of securing authorities by engaging iawycm to use influence they are laboring under misapprehension they are prejudicing their case shooflng on iuchway provincial police of kockwood and ouelph vere endeavoring on friday to locate squarehacked sedan whose six occupants are alleged to have direct ed rifle are on two other vehicles and to have attempted to force third car into the ditch on no highway early that afternoon george watson bock wood claimed to havo had the body of his truck shot through wtth bullet of about 45 calibre pred hill another itockwood man charges that he was also fired upon but that the bullet missed his machine captain bishop ouelph school director of music is the driver who almost had to pile up off the rood to avoid the reported gun toting auto an investigation conducted by provin cial constable howell revealed that neither watson hill nor likihop saw any evidence of firearms they wire all tmytuing toward hockwood when they mot the ouelph bound machine com plained of both watson and hill heard loud reports hill sto because he thought his machine hod blown tire conatoblo howell who came along the highway while watson was still exam lnlng his truck gave chose immediately but wan unable to overhaul tlio mystery sedan ouelph officers were notified and kept sharp lookout but to no avail isnt rcn 3nto start bun li ft issufc annual statumknt the annual financial statements of llfo assurance coinpankji are among uioht barornlteiti of general buslncut experi ence on tills continent hoicc duri4 thx past live year when tile decllr individual incomes rulted in tlie pu chaso of fetter and smaller life imuranco pollcks tlio statement in qujutio faltlifully reflected that fact as the depiction continued there was more extensive termination of exutlny lmu nee and at 1u mo acute sutfcs then wiu on exceptional lncreaujof boirnv lnts and of caui surrenders pulnly tli if was in impalement in many in stances by tlie insured under the ciilas of luimedlato necessity of prudent vlslon for uie future of himself and hid dependents tlio report of the 3i life assurane cf npony of cn ladfl published lii aii ithxr column and uie remarks of is pruodent mr arthu wood at its aiuual meeting ar gratlfyhig evidnoe of an improvement of conditions xlio report reflects return of confidence dr axilt dr edwin lyarcy ault 117 bunny mode road toronto retired physician and one of the oldest masons in ontario died on tuesday in his 89 th year son of the late samuel ault for stor mont county he was bom at aultsvule ontario in 186 educated at uppjr canada college and mcolll university graduating in medicine in the 60 per ocvezol years he practised in chicago and on returning to canada resumed practice at aultsvillo and district whero he built up reputation as country doctor he succeeded mr mckeague in acton and fora number of yeara prac used keie ho had been member of the masonic order for more than 60 yeara having first seen light in star moot lodge at parrans point in 1874 ho was ari active member and former elder of uie presbyterian church sinco retiring 15 ycom ago ho had made his home id toronto he is survived by his wife mary macintosh ault and on only eon percy ault barrister weston mrs bert mcixwell lltuo home was deeply saddened when death removed beloved wlfo and mother mrs bert mcdowell on saturday loot mitt mcdowell hod been in ill health for sorne time and avout uireo weeks ago returned from the hospital where she had gone for treat ment before her marriage she was mary emily harding daughter of john and uio late mrs hording of esquesing rownship mrs mcdowell in spite of her ill hcolui wuu always bright and cheery neighbor whom fill admired and wife and mouicr whose homo and care of lov olici received llcr every attention besides hor sorrowing hus band she leaved one daughter francos her father and uireo brouitrs also main pred of the slxui line esques lng townuxip victor hi erin townho aiid wilfred on uie homestead to nil of these who have been so sadly bereft uio sympauiy of many frlcndu goes out at ulls time tlio funeral service on monday wai private and was conduced by her pastor rov bcnnle of knox church interment was mada at palrvew cemetery acton tlie poll thalxri were messrs james mann al munn wm motfat herbert cook john luuwxn and hariy price tlio flower betiren were jolm williamson george currle gordon price and edyur mc dowell relauves and friends from jk toronto hornby brampuin georgetown campbellvlir and simroo attended the funeral anions the floral trlbulej were tiurfoltowing wreailf husband and daughter tpraya mro dav rois toronto mr and mm pied conceal iniz color ijtelpm animals protect siva onrenllng coloration tn animals lniih tin imjtortnnt part in protocung tin in from their prfdntory cnomlee in uk manner euneallng coloruuon in hit pndutorh thmtielc mnterlally nkslhtrf tin in in tin lr nueceusful forigo toot nhhirvf writer in th do ruit niuk it 1h lint oft that thlh landscape hit ndliik fjunllty urhc rts itself in dolk hut in th ixanptuaui hay ro trl we luiv un iiulmnl dllllcult to mo utun it roams hh liuntlng habitat tin maruheii and kliilo luudd wberp ullilfowl cnrokiiu in fact the iratjs color nc ctptd uh the standard for tlilh bribed blinds bo woll with the reodn cattnlbj inarhh grass and cambn nk that much of lt biieceos in hunting und retrieve liik wildfowl can bo laid to this source among duck hunter the cheau imaki buy rotrlev is tin lr fuvorlto brool for all around purposes it ulundfl unequuhd an iitrdver and seldom loses crippled bird it ih willing to work under all weather conditions taking to tho wo ter on instant command there is ho other working dot thut can bland up under cold winds and icy water as well ns thla it deep wooly under coat is as waterproof us ducks itniiht and lllfe the otter it is built to re el in wut environment ihnt would turn othtr dogs hacjc ike mofit huntiiu dogs the chesa nke is uoldom connldexld in tho pot or hotitti hull dog elawl vet it would adapt itself to nut conditions al tfiotitli lu tar happier out in tho op populaluzino the use of melk tear by year the milk utilization service of the dairy and cold storage branch of the dominion deportment of agriculture carries on its work of pro moting the greater consumption of dairy products in every province of uie do minion through tho cooperation of extensive departments of uplvcraltlcs provincial agricultural departments pro vincial and civic health and educational pfticlab it has been possible says tho annual report of tho minister to bring to the attention of an appreciable per ccntago of the adult population tho vol liable food properties of milk and uie manufactured dairy products and to sumulato greater interest in these healthful foods among pupils in all tho various schools at sevcal conventions including these of provincial dairy asboolauons homo economic associations and women in atltutco and opportunity was given to lacak on the milk utillzauon work and to enlist tho support of their members in addition many meetings of home school clubs and other organizations were attended and addresses given on tho subject of dairy products number of radio talks were delivered during uie past year and lecture demonstrations stressing uie uses of milk and other dairy products in the home were con ducted in various centres rsobabxt was tkaded dc little helen heard her mother that neighboring lady had new baby tho tot was much excited at the news she ran to her mother and exclaimed oh mother do you spoee mrs jen kins will let me have her old one nowr an ounce of contentment is worth pound of sadness to servo ood with puller thank yhil the response to our lnvltauon to visit our greenhouses has been very gratifying to us wo arc jlcascd to show you around in arurnoon or evening wo art cutting freely now in daffodlla and tulips the hyacinths arc particularly choice at thla time we abe featuring fob tius week cineraria at 25c and lovely plants with great variety of colons lo choose from sprays made up of boon ullea carnations or daffodils also any type of floral deafen bishop son free delivery to hospitahl tn gnelph phone we deliver lurdlng mr and mrs wilfrd liar lng mv and mrt victor harding mather clia lotto and itarvey uoy ind pin mr and mrs angus lawson and jack uncle roberts pumlly mr and mr ramshaw and vlda mr and mrs lerry mr and mr jones and jimmy acton contlnuauon school mrs poster and dofcy knocking on wood wards off evil an old belief knoemng oh wood to wurd off pun ishment for boutttlug 1b one of the most prevalent of till hunerstitlonu says uu indinnupollh new it lti not uo common to meet jhthoob who knoeav on wood after bracing about their bucceoti or good hiulth muny person carry wooden churuuj convenient for this purpose ilow wood acquired this supposed proteetue power is not defl nitcly known many theories have been offered to aeeount for tho supr yutlou some attribute it to tho old game known ofl touching wood or wood tag in which it player who sue ccfcdtf lu touching wood is safe from capture other bellovo this gutno and knocking on wood had com mon origin in primltlvo troo worship when tre wero bollovcd to harbor protective spirits lo rap on tre tho dwelling placo of friendly spirit was to coll up tho spirit to protect one ugaluht impending mlhfortuno lu tor peoplo placed tlie hand on wood en statue of deity for tho iiume pur pose it it taid that jume european ikasantu unnel loudly on wood to koop away evil iplrltu it ih believed by uouiapcople umtuuiiuplrautlqn is ghrlbtlhii origin and thut it ih in no mo way ukfocluted with the wooden crojm upon which josuh wan true fled or uiat it urouo from the uneu nt rlto of touch lng uio beads of romir in prayer best quality meats at our counters you will always find the choicest cuts in mtat at reasonable prices quality never saenfied in servink your meat order prune beef choice pork and veal fresh cured and cooktd mlflts and an excellent stock of tish arc always on hand for your choosing pattersons meatshop vhone 178 vetjeoivterttomptty mans stkencth and cook stirring constantly until mix 1il trend towardreoovery in lure thickcnsl lecmove from heat and businei because of the huge invest add uie egg yolks whghtly beaten add of uie life assurance companlu vegetables and cool pold in stiifly ousincss cnuithkes covering wide beaten eeg whites pour into buttered di versification of interests the healthier baking dish set into pan of worm coikutiarm in trade indicated in thj water and bake in moderate oven 3fla make encouraging reading xn degrea until an inserted knife comes creases in new assurances and in repay incuts of policy loan decreases in pal cy lermhiatoilc ojid reduced dxmaivds for out clean kjce loimpre macaroons egg whites cup sugar cups rlcd krlsples cup nht meats cup cocoanut taspoon vanilla extract new loans all uuko demonstrate uiat life insurance proved sucii bui work of itrengui during prolonged and trying conditions is in turn keftpyig full pace with uie forces of econoirila recovery por life insurance executive uio prob bea tiftg whl uiun ul ukey ore huh lamti of ralaalltauanarejitti jcili you cant meauuro all men by uie same standard youcairbnemau wlsalccausj in vests his savings in real euto and uio ottier foolkh becauee he spends all that lie lias for an etching but uiey ore boui equally foollsli each invests in the uilng uuit will bring him uie largest measure or satis faction each buys the uilng that to him ia bread collecting buttc flls il anouicr mans gold rose garden is another gold mine if you prefer staying at home with pipe and hook while another man takes liis lady to dance don claim to bojkljcf jr better uian he you miy need to dance si much as he nudi to enough to hold uielr diape but not until challenging uian uioo of uie depros they lose uielr shuiy appearance pold doi tlie present diiflculty or people in tugar carefully pold hi rice krkples everywhere to obtain invitmenls at re nut meats and cocoanul add vanilla muneruvo rates of interest and uie drop on well greased baking ithobtr record of dependability tabjjied by uake in moderate oven 3s0 degrees life insurance ganltatlona under strej boutl fitosominutea jtemcfetjans ffreat rytn nrrjctrtrutire from oven place on damp towel aid mands for inv unent insurance and remove macaroomt immediately wlui annul tli at the initio time insurance ipatula or duirp knife if macaroons compan ti uiciilselves are faced th become luirdeiild to pun uiey may bo uie very conditions on big wulo uiat put in uie ovqi for few mlnutii to arc making uie individual investor ln rtod in any cai each is feeding his appetite and doing uio uilng ho enjoys mast you measure man itrengui by uio uilng he indulges in but in uu dug ee of hl telf ludu geiice ta uhrul swmiiow there nre seven coinninn hivoclca bf hwriiowu found in the united states four of which hnvo ubundoncd to some extent their primitive iieuung habits and havo attached thomkelvea to uie abode of man according to the bu rnu of biological survey the barn bwallow builds xchnilvey under roofs mostly in barns am under bridges having abandoned entirely its former home under cliffs and overhanging rocks the cliff swallow has also abandoned its nesting dle in cliffs and tukon up its ahodo under tho eaves of barns uhllo tho martin prefers more modern home provided for it by farm en and furra children tn hack yards and srountl the fnnimteud the diet of thcw birds 1h composed oxcluulvo ly of inflects their food ih tnlt ex rltihively while on the wing where they slini from the ulr or from tha lops of tall grans and woods such fly lng iiimm tn oh flloh luothii hying uuts luats imid iimn ntln in orikitt of slimtoubi the orlll shintolmn tho oldent anil tho haulc relit ion of japan is un imwn ita traditions innl gondii uro lllld til iihquf 11 cilluakq infulflmoq molten doxen just an atljnt icl he quack was teling elixir whlcii he declared would make men live to great age iiakfejd txlos rn tomato cup3 scoop out tho centres oi htrue firm ripe tomatoes cprhikle slightly on uuj huldo wlui jjiit itreak un tgg into each tomato sprinkle wlui salt pepper and tine com hake crumb und dot wiui but ur jlako hi moderate oven 350 degrees unul uia tomato skhw re slightly wrinkled moo kltobuction in canada live gfograplilcal trend of hog pro dttotlou la canada la uitereatig in 1022 b3 per cent of uie total produc tlon was marketed in ontario and only 30 ik rcci it hi uie uircc prairie pro inert in 1033 per cent of the hotfs was produced in ontario and i5 per cent originated in western canada the pjeotirul supply of suitable hog feed in uie form oi coarse urahis woula sugjtest sayv the annual report of uie dominion minister of agriculture uiat western canada will continue to be tho dominating factor in hog production ccallngly annuity minded here they cui be rauud upon to meet uie situa tion in uio wuiif oompctant way as in uie past st iking fact mentioned by president wood in his address ki uiat of uie ibhoooooo which uie gun lfe company paid out to po icy liolders lat year 85 won in amounts of luu than ft5 000 wltli an averae of le uian 000 that fact vividly indicate uio lnvaluohe placa life lnsuranoe holds as iou look at mo he jioulud hale and hearty over 300 years old is he nally as old as tint akihl listener of uie youuiful arjiitant cant tuy repllmi uio nuttant ive only worked for hhn for 100 yean nurs of ilrt uid to those of modnst elrcuni btunces it is indeed rather tbiild cant evidence that iume of uu proo ums wlui which governments to day ar grappling owing odt of eouoeril foi uiose hi humb ution have long iiind been onuclpaud and provldd for on sound scientific bonis by our imuran re eompalihut the kerlerul cliuructcr of the rimirt is not only satisfactory to the pollcyholdurs of uie coniimtny but encbu raging to uid buhieu cotrmi unity at lartte very preogcupled ludy iat next to bald he uhd mun at large mier jhliliucouiwof tlwirtetlhhedroplird talk op uie lown fcvriy jjser praises crxss or uunkwl halves lie oonuhended by brown drug store hor napkin wlutout noticing it her companion stoiptd toplck it up and in dong io bruilud lib licad agaiiui her arm ilng uio tuuch the turne quickly ij iluiici hi his dlrecuou lliuiik ypu no melon she mur mured it jf klitu list ok balku iliuriuluy february jc holmes acton hones cutilt und 16o feedhig hogs imtduy tsbruury jaui ofoe kvaiis re wooi is corners urm slock etc zqy march ut win tkoiey pkrm vieemaji it fc shlntolm roil in pn historic tlnun and nl tid until after thl luumihig of our in ullhout nanu uniuau or ritliih lhor unit room in this prlmltt4 rlljlon ior th uornhlp of ulmtvir nniitmil lilt inlinh ut utrj fir ni about tin slth ntury ut now portod with dtniilt formii ami organlathin in upon uu introduction of hiiiltlhiwu into iaiun aymmihlulth and was to larj4 it nt uupt dt hj thuf lliloii hut jihlnt huti iiudi iouo vt hiu ifiil al in mparatlvol rtnl tlivnu uilb tho lumi ut of lupiiin piilrlothiui ind imtlonnl prhu amttrtcau colukilvatioti society lit tn tllutl in mill itllrj it the iiivi riiini uf tin tn it at olmilzii ttou ho tlu on tnlitiili whleli muthiu tl imlin of tlu nttip of linul lu afiku now uliaun as ilbiiiii ktti iwi luirttl ranc 14 miolt ui itiimitod uinhlnlnii ii uliu it latin ri hi in lil nil joma uliliard itinth and worttiluuti lh iitriltutloti und nil wit adopt it al uu htl in id lu tin hall of tin hotlmf of rtpniiiit htlvs on lfctmlhr aw 1hh1 ih no my ys diilnltily tirninlunl howtv until jiiniiary ih1 when if met ut ihivls hottl in wuhhlnytou sun uf assuranee conipauy canadat sixtyfourth annual report 1934 assuhancls in torcc neinler 31 19ji thia lara atnmint thn acciiimilaluik estates of nurlj iiiilhoii sim life khcyiwldrni will imsooiuk iiayahla to thfui or their deciulciiljt during thin fiieratimi nuhthiutig factor great wocial and economic vslue new assurances paid tor income disbursemtnts lxci ss gl income ovlr disrurse mln1s 2748725403 23615901 159251028 115661302 435119726 iaym en tcttcyiroltorrs xnd ill nl iciarils during tin ur 193 siiilc oraniyntioti bfl160206 bflh350239 assets 665378716 itodilu ovtnttiiut kiiuiiu iiu1 imhlin utility ami otlirm hiim kii ircfrrrtnl mill iikntiimi iojiih mi liiiirliiiiiii tv ul tar liuili on ciiiu pany mlicitrf cuili hunlu un otlirr uiumu kkujhni altaosl lime tcullm ultlua huiaijccnrcjuillhd lu vrrrv tlu uuy unt wt uaidd to guar uiiln all wljcy puynit nla uu tlny lwcoitii due 6hhfil laiduicali al 000 000 ind lxihtik ut riilit ofhluiri hold ru ullomit 1299720 iii serve for ditpri iittiun in mortdfj und rul fututt 5012619 surplus 595081ft u63165 lliti sijiialiii of oiulrt tthil kvoclu litiaf twvii tiiude in aeoord uiidi wiihvthi iitibu uutluvricrd hv tho ktnmht3i department the dominmil of unudu mil hi ronfriuiiy wuh the baaca uutlioructl by the duttlmitti4 ot iiihiiruiioe the vanoet lwmrra tf jtuqila and the natmilil tahiveuuoa ox iaur unt coliiiitlkhiiiirr4 if thr lltit stat olcy liabiuuea have lx cn vuluod lyuo full kitt invcl jriiuii method atandanl iiiaii riuitiiie thuu iat riuirod under tlte prormmia of the iximuiumi liuuruiice act sun ofe assurance otipany of jcanato