la lr frttihwc akfc llaiioj f5f the acton free press bjw lffkwkl yr thurbdat ixbruar7 14ul ims kbb ou bolb ratbk like smulna frfcndlr luf ifb ilka rolee 7m long ho known too it in aome dbtust place and rtoh to clajm it for your own hie paper tram tout old home town hu brldlea the lans end dreary nue and with it you can aettledown among familiar team and amuea it speaks for erery friend you know it tella of scenes you years to see it brings back joys of long ago and tells of joys that are ta be and as you run lui columns oer your yestcr years come trooping back you fancy youre at home once more and golden seem the lettero black lbs speech is one you understand it tells of griefs that you can share it brings you in that foreign land olad messages to banish care on too of the bus by florence elliott tllllll wan lunch of fall in the ulr it was brwk and refrvhhlne on tho upper uf the now york him ni it uhlkkfd mi ivny nlwnjf htver nldp ririj not ninny iwoplo hnd taken udvan the strength of the pack continued from pag three mouth his mind was whirling with the words of aftteven hartand tho coach spoken to him alone at the end of the ilst period the strength of the pack is the wolf and the ntrength of the wolf is the pock if one member goes bad the strength of the whole is hurt his team was the pack its strength was being lessened because he philip ao bent on satisfying jeejoustbrudge honesty forced hun to acknowledge that in sending rodney to the bench ho was there among sccnefand laces strange the oldhome paper seems to be faithful mend that doesnt change friend that you are glad to see edgar guest not ninny iwoplo hnd tnktvn uuvqiv mjonr tlu rlnr frhmiui of tho opin taking as great chance of losing the nlr hut thcrr wureslwo children rome for txom as hewoujd hod ho wutrhinp eagerly for the unusual el cut the last practice tlior on thj hudmon or nlong the jiia bat young heart protested ho kirtta two ktiiik inhlnd liiem there led to shut the cars of conscience to wit man nnd woman tlio woman facta august aggie lason the sub individual ws ob leit forward wan giving cvsffy txmstisb for the thrifty conditions are improving but even yet thrifty housewives are interested tn tasty dishes that do not put too great strain upon the family purse here are two recipes that will surely appeal pineapple ham loap package quicksetting gelatin des sert pineapple flavor cup boiling water cup cold water you kltow ns well 114 do tho ehll tlren and cant live on that across tho nlrflc tho two small boya wen jumplnp up and down gay ani mator little flrfiin oh mother hrli kod the younger on pointing oorhhid dirigible no attention wiih paid by the older people to the yomikt the mans oce wnu low its nonilir im uble to utti nd to business ounce or his ability but he had not rodney wainwrightv ability rodney had double tho speed double weight with him back in the lineup funct ioning as he would with proper coop eration tho team would be ready for that critical break which demands lightning swift action an extra spurt of speed hard euro shot to ecore the winning goat the strength of the whole pack not the strength of the leader teamwork phlup canadas exports gain with all the complicated plans for sep arate homci he wild let alone the not individual star playing children heir trnlnlnjr mainly breathed deeply your job anyway rodney jmj jt the desire for per ii rhe went on nil told you nn honor above loyalty to his tram tho children and ennt possibly live wks qqi tbju whftl pp wm doing on tho amount you propose ho was the star the hockey genius upon whom should be showered praise and wim ha was naf1g itodney pay because of the practice cut not the jin and indicative of an expanding market for oanadian products exports from the do minion during the first nine months of last year ohow gain of 73 544089 or 168 per cent compared with the cor responding period of the previous year according to figures released by the do minion bureau of statistics canadas total export trade jor the period from april to december 31 totalled 510 755 087 compared with t4372110m in the same period in 1033 exports to empire countries showed an increase 27 per cent while exports to foreign coimuie gained by 72 per cent of the empire countries the jilted kingdom was canadas best customer taking goods to the value of 18370 360 an increase pf 42732446 or 34 per cent exports to australia amounted to 13110 646 and increase of 4731501 or 53 per cent and exports to british south africa amounted to 9281464 chawing an inrreaso of 4288838 or b59 per cent among other countries the united states led taking goods to the value of 160035519 an lncrcaso of 38 100954 or 199 per cent japan was next with 12573 370 on increase of 673000 37 per bent 8elect1nc1 and bcattnc kuteeders in the poultry flock too often in selecting the stock for breeding high egg reco or some out standing feature of the gurdottdam are allawed to influence the judgment without due regard to vitality or good breeding qualities that may or may not must be able to direct your mind and r7p7nlraj hprp rnntpwttnwr teaspoonful onion juice tablespoons sour pickle chopped fine dissolve quick setting gelatin dessert in boiling water add cold water and onion juice chill until it begins to thicken add chopped ham and pickle pour into loaf pan and chul unmoujd on platter and cut in thick slices to serve serves pineapple cocoanut cream package quicksetting gelatuio den sert pincapplo flavor cup boiling water cup sugar cup milk cup cream uhlpptd cup shredded cocoanut dissolve qulckseltnlg gelatin dbsscrt in boiling water add sugar chill until it begins to thicken add milk mixing thoroughly fold in whipped cream and cocoanut pour inj mould and chill until firm crvc milk desierts give children children rush hour lunch thats wholesome and appealing how to get enough nourishment into the child hi uus few minuta hu home from school for luncheon js real ptob lem the meal must ho ratifying with out being tax on the digestion and it must be easy to eat quickly milk dis sert fills all these requirements and gttc the needed nourishment in most wholesome form here are some easy tomke inexpensive desserts of tills sort warranted to appeal to the youthful taste oranoe merinoue costard cups can sweetened condensed milk orangeu eggs tablespoons granulated sugar blend sweetened condensed milk with diced pulp and juice of oranges add wellbeaten egg yolks pour into but tered baking dish cover top with kneringue made from sufllyhcatui egg whites and sugar bake is minuted or until meringue is brown in modedate uow ovui325 degrees serve six wakeless puddina lj cups can sweetened condeiuod milk julcti of lemon cups graliam cracker emimhs ipose jj snowing off demonstrating that yon dont awm to rcatlxo pm vr kjv ti inc you practlcallv ull mnke the man reminded ht notice youre not giving up any of your clubs she lnted out attending ahd why ahoultl ir he retorted rt xt vt what do you expct mo to do with would belte ch my evenln spend the in the mo 2uend together sweetened condensed milk lemon juice and wellbeaten egg stir until thick add graham cracker crumbs mace in sherbet glasse may be gamkihed with whipped cream knd wwieaeats is one of ulu taost distressing troubles sudden in its atta and prolonged in its agonies frequently many things are tried but nothing tasettu to give hope relief dr xelloggs asthma remedy is the one help which can be depended upon if you have tried other remedies without success do hot fail to get at ortfte package of this uniformly suc ceasful preparation and he oof kns way wish you hadnt made mo dress up said hubby as they were speeding to the theatre tslh vl no dear she replied you jook splendid in your evening clothes suu all the tutu wish hadnt well never saw such man anyway think we ought to lum bmk jaome he went on d0ot ba stupid were imtc already be began trouble henry yatnambered that ive left my brown suit he re no dont expect yon to spend applicant uuttotenven ao yonr evonlnga in the movies ex persistent rumors from those pect youll hpend them right whore present at tho dinner indicated that vouve been spending thorn for the past walnwrlght was the one to be chosen beven months jealousy battled with moral fiber as fall to seo why you have to drag philip corkscrewed down the ice truth grace into this he muttered you battled with warped viewpoint would know very well my tun ing her was commander frlct that fine bigsouled merely on buhnotut sho needed legal explorer be proud that hxt generous offer udvlce and gne it to her to take one geology student from the in due rein tom flraco had university was making philip siaatoo very odd motmmtti for heeding advice disloyal to the team who trusted him iokhi or other he after ull you have lhen anii thcnj im crossed his rubl obltc hftum you knftw 0mt pr0 tolhlmwjr uio caliber of the man was inlljrimnt juiit he ul0 mtln hc mcant become hooking niuw the recdxid irfnstly telrrrnnij iuck puck fought from twit wretch lumbahd of hors wjul huji fa hch and wanted to know what to do you ho nil it odd tnoimnti it uiih only dur nlni injr dlnnor atti she ni uh od rhiitf ulwnyu the way 11 to hard pressed for more thsji lth grace tom onl thlu only that ix ihoutf grace out of the cntlr iltjy women no hmi upeclul ndvlco tt iilioat her huxbiml wlul tno ou umutf thttt tcam mippobea lmthund aliould feel do seilso of c14m comcij lighted to come lining eery hlisht nmv itjcnlnjr otjj strain uiat reassured tt ihul ttn inftrnnl ioitnr tlrnped nrotind chastened rodney tigzukged down tho the lioufcol ioe wit uio precious rubber etlll in his tom she turiud to him nlmont pt florccly but then luuulied hcrlne how hooters were hiaklug tlio urena bed tiiucn lils face win youre nothing iam they pounded ono anotlicr on hut 11 child yourwlf buck nnd sliouldcr and cried grlnny shrt muhedlh fore conthiuluj in grlnny klve us goal grlnny every more horloui tout gil woe glued to the straining figure itiut va one or the rontons that was comhig cloitr and clostr to hjwuo about huvln mow to on the rail with lawrences center at his not for mihclf but junior isnt any heels loo robust now it happened no one could tell the man hoiirclhl her fucc kur tho two met with thud stlcku iirliuid nlaeiu1 vpremlon upread cuh1 na own flew ttalck acrohm wt pw ttrrlfle bow over the eye lie sha continued little khnklly lh ultn down of doing research work with the prlel 71 the eun llkp kp95i jdnugha bhs255is5a8sr lyembpttiavjsajttozs millers worm powders will purge the stomach and intestines of worms to effectively and no easily and pain lessly that the most delicate stomach wj not feel any inconvenience from their action they recommend them selves to mothers as preps stioa that will reotoro strength and vigor to their children and protect them from tlie debilitating efforts which result from the depredations of worms late you tfaanjc you sir said phulp his eyes were steady but miserable may not accept the honor until you know me for what am lawrence won their first goal because waant man enough to overcome jealous grudge almost betrayed my team the commander held out his hnd know he said with his quiet smile saw all you would tell me and more at the game there were two victories uon were there not stanton still want you on my expedition will you come indeed yes said philip and took tho outstretched hand be present the selection for vigor and for those deulrahle qualifications that conform to the breed is comparatively simple be cause these are mostly visible charac ters and can bo chosen by comparison vigor isovldent by tho carriage desir able body weight for age and brood health and bloom of feather and good bono formation cleancut head with clear bright and irominent eye in the male and female tsa certain indication of brain power and nervous energy and the hallmark of high vitality and re productive strength sometimes for the purpose of com piling gcnctuaj data at the dominion experimental station at harrow it be comes necessary to arry over some un desirable birds in order to obtain tho complete family record but when tills information tsrecorded and before tho mating takes place families are care fully combed for irregularities and dc fecta and the offending individual or maybe the complete group of parents and offspring are ruthlessly culled omly by such drastic practice can the flock bo improved and vitality retained vigor and freedom from disease should be the essential factors in breeding with duo regard to the propensity of the striln towards high production to select for performance alone and ignore defects in constitutional vigor is to court dis aster in tlio future 8elfcon lodence selfconfidence is not recklessness it is not the knowltall attitude of the ignorant boaster bather if is valu able asset based on commonsenso ap praisal of your ability to perform the quality demands self control you body the yielder or iho wcakwuled individual is never able to ptr his own forces effectively hot tempers ex cessive appetites anything that reduces efficiency keeps you from being your best self and prevent you from mastering your destiny vou must bo selfreliant you must not depend on somebody else tajents develop your own that is why god has placed them at your dlspoual stand by your own ideas do not be afraid if you are alone tho crowd that is against you today may bo with you tomorrow popularity comes and goes like gusts of summer wind if you employ your own resources you can succeed again you must be prepared to moke decisions and to stand by them once you have made your choice stick to it dp not bo carried to and fro by every passing breeze of odinion if you atop at every mllepost to weigh pros and cons you vql not get very far during the dav satisfy yourself that you are right will toe with thee how cheerful on assurance that has been to many persond in times when the outlook was dark and tho silver lining was dif ficult to seel many chap has started through college with barely enough money to meet the expenses of the find year it seemed as if it could not be done even before the doubters have ceased to shake their head the young doctor clergyman farmer engineer or icj2 it may sound queer to advise one to kick in day and age when there eecm to be so much kicking but what one ftl5 licking has in most cases been little more than growl did you ever go into store and get something that proved unsatisfactory what do you do xn most coses you go to your neighbor and growl when you should iiave gone to your merchant klox does notr mean that the merchant will be dkpleascd but it may have the direct result of improving his business it hob been hown many times during thi past few year and especially during the depression tliat klcku against service or kicks about the quality of merchandise have resulted in change being made und an improvement as result lawyer steps into tho ranks of the pro on tmrr ftntttr fnr fiertrh yrwir mwp of posslblitles and treat them as possi bilities the stuff is in you use lt william boyd macodrum business directory medical dr mcnlven bfaelan and beige office and residence corner avenue and elgin street db nelson physician and bnrgean electro therapy phone legal phono no 33 box harolq nash farmer ma barrister solicitor notary paboe conveyancer kteu mill street acton ont hours 3d in td 12 00 noon loop td 500 ssiurdaya 13 00 oclock kenneth langdon barrtafar sattextor notary pwmto oftlces acton over eeynuek cafe par appointments phone acton oeorgetown office hours acton tuesday thursday 15 to 450 tags on request dkntal buchanan dental leiiiw office in leishxnan hours nx until to by appointment ctasfccaieierie closed wednesday afternoon phone 1j ony by disarmament can the peace and progress of tho world and the national security of each country be truly promoted norman davis s0ntaches vcii1m1 muhcteh andl joints tin illicitly rdlnved by imlmr uhmaraftf biowns drug stor rumacapsi doctor says 111 hnve to he tnkliig him away evry now anil tlu dryer cli mate higher nultudo lhohmn would hiue interrupted but she went on hint the reaiion youve as the bill clanged the end of the tccond period silence fjll seven thouiand stud enlii held their breath as goal guard keen doctor french draped around bin imd rjy nhed to hk aid ho was house bo oftn but you never told mo anything about 111 tho man exclaimed looked hurriedly across the nlnlo at his younger won ihe lad wrtd llttl pule you never cue me chnnce tom if you looked tired when you cams home id decide to tell you later and their sometimes id ho tocnll doctor fcrench and aulde from being barely civil to him you vouitlnt tulk to for days you bee kept potitpon mx il tom was deip in reverie all yul think of whh that hed one wanted you to marry him he mut tered you seem to foriit married you alie remlbded him you mean youre not interested la hi pi youre not tom you idiot lie was beamlug jsn take th4 kiddies to some ranch best tnimmai and let me go along too but jean could not reatat final thrust what about oracef shell be heeding advke most of the time and ranch is no place to commute from whos childish uowv hs wanted know anyway grace sails ou her iioneymoou tomorrow her uujicyiuoou fxelaltned jean whos the mutt who would it bel retorted tom he ksme wife beater shes been vet dime walling for nit rree her fromtlivse many months jasu broke into gules of laugtiter at hl retort but tom hud an insistent quetttlou vou havtut utirtwtnd ule be re tnluded her hhe looked dnbloiim answered what will you or will ou not uo7 ill mukv frnh mturt will you iihku tuke mt along with you and th ehlldrtil to the ruitlbr id love ii he didnt wiv uhtlilng just gripped her hand mori iluttily not ticojuclom only uossl by tlie pain wiilcli made his eyes close in iplte of himself through tlie darknus wiilcli tlureutened to envelop him lie huud voice deep vibnuit volcf lie had listened to many times over tlie radio up my lnd it takl courage dooi it he looked toward the railing saw toll spore figure then supported but swaying unsteadily started toward it only those ijeareut sawcommauder prlel extend lik hand and ask solicitously are you hurt stanton hurt sir the famous smile flushed out rtihh holding it to hu head to staunch the ulrcumlng blood my noddles mode of ivory commander til third period proved to he the longest twenty mm led the fansllad eve kuowu hoth teuiiki went on rampage hi skating in tulc luindling hi body checking penalties were numerous the clang of the referees bell seemed con tin uoutf with one minute to go the breai philip had been hoping for came that it would give rodney cliance to uoore tlie winning goal made him htxdute hot whit signaling hu left forward he gathered hlmspif wlul both defoece men into an intricate combine that for breath focuued lawrences attention center grabbed the puck let fly to the left forward left forward shot sirajghl hard too swift to be stopped the rubber dropped into the net suddenly the game was over tlie student body worked up to frenzy in their eagcrneu for victory showed their real sportsmanship brgotteu was the blttemesk and the hostility hundreds waited around to ttpcak to the eastern team lly expedition ueeds such lads as you philip said commander prlej as an hour later philip went to ids hotel by appointment proud to have you as one of the expedition that was splendid victory tonight bongratu did you ever stop to think by edrtor it waite shawnee oklahoma edgar harris fhblishcr of the west point miss daily times leader doesnt agree with roy north deputy third assistant postmaster general regarding the relative cost of direct mail and newspaporadvortising in recent statement concerning campaignto be inaug urated by post olfico employees in the interest of direct mail advertising mr north says what we are trying to do is to otter the merchant dlgnihea service tlio bmairfellow par ticularjy whocatinot now afford to advortiie in daily news papers can make use of this new service for the expenditure of say 50 he can reach 2000 people if they buy he can expand and perhaps cvtntually become an important newepapor advertiser commenting on mr norths statement publisher harris says this may be true in the case of the small suburban mer chant in the larger cities but it does not apply to the smaller towns and cities where nowspaper advertising is the most economical means ofreaching the peoples for 50 tho local merchant or dealer can buy more than hundred inches of advertising in the average local dally and ho can reach all tho way from 5000 to 15000 buyers with single advertisement by reducing his advertising to postal card sire as mr north probably has in mind he can spread his message through number of oditiona and thus make very effective campaign the truth of tho matter is that tho local newspaper is by long odds tho most economical and effective medium tho local advcrtwcan uso and mr north should acquaint himself with tho facts pearen denfa satfeaa buooeaaor to late dr ball phcna 39 ami btzwet aobaa veteslnasir dr bruvns veterinary sturgeon all calls receive prompt attention terms reasonable fhonk 135 acton ontamo office 41111 street harrop sc phone oday or night residence bower avenue acton all calls promptly answered bate reasonable mictlulneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds knade to order periodicals of every deacrlpiietn carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham stieei queiph out axelrod auto parts comfelelo stock of new and hsu auto iabts an ub4 at all time clva tla truj 18 gordon sl gueijti ifaona au general in we nmxuarm life fire health and accident automobile and all general lines of insurance also plate glassfidelity bonn annuities pension bonds etc juanwia oqmtanms kxok1jlknt faciuxm frederick wright ltu the door of opportunity these small atfe wfll ojmb door to wtalattw yof awr cwt