mubfld fmwjubt 14411 1w the acton free press wot whff tl night of death wql ooon fdeocend fv abort reus and then the end and perfect rat to can totgotten by be buy umw well alcej white mmtrn roll along twinnalh tbe stub and floweita oar acijoarn in tbj world to brier 8a why so tamtmz care mod grief w2xy have troubled mtodf and what tbe nee of gettm mad and wafciwj folks round us and by aylnc word unkind why not adjure tbe baae and mean why not be sunny and annoy tcy not be happy white we may and make our little earthly stay joyous jamboree were here tor such lptle wfiafr and then we to and jeo tbe poe for which we strive and strain worn oat sad broken by the grind we go and leave our wads behind bttch effects all in mux we break our hearts and twist our soula jlodulrlnb terse and useless ran of coins and kindred things and when we reach fit peters town theyll not buy sheetiron crown or castoff p4r of wings wen ik ykaju3 ago lame eff the free frea of tnaratay fetraary utb 191s cablegram was received by mrs bsjlantme from her major ifirm rrtatlg that the can adian troops were leaving btngland for trance lter press repor show tl they landed safely the program of tbe high school literary society on friday aftemona consisted of mock trial in which all the boys took part knox church young peoples guild presented very one patriotic concert on monday evening the proceeds 13j0 are far the funds of the bed ooes society the return match of checkers with ntwi played here resulted in actons fmvor with score of 34 to 20 with 18 draw games mr and mrs david storey inn atieet celebrated their golden wed ding on february 9th at the home stead lot30 concession nasaaga weya jrev chaa draper has been in vited to the pfftr of the methodist church at milton beginning as the next conference year in june the baptut congregation enjoyed an other successful anniversary on sunday with able helpful aermaas by rev xr oumour of idcmaster tjniveituty majtthikd watsoncleaveat the methodist parsonage rockwood on wednesday february 3rd 1915 by rev darks jameavlotoi watson son ot leonard watson to ids daughter of edwin cleave 61 loam u1ei oopp1no in toronto on wednesday 10th february 1015 mary tolfo of edward copping in her 72nd year otevens at hockwood on sunday tth februnryvlais mrsstevcnsui her 71st year chronicles of ginger farm wrtua bpne far qwbndounb claws jhcal your horse while it works ap ply douglw fypuuu liniment to bore necks and galla sure speedy re lief mich stei gold wfcoductlon elgh speed production is noteworthy feature of canadas gold mining indus try and the high degree of efficiency at which cndlftamlnesaieorng significant of th industrys progress in the past four years at the close of i934ll3 gold milling plants throughout the dominion were treating 336o0 tons of ore dally and were operating at 975 per cent of their total isted dally capacity of 33040 tans in 1930 canada had 36 milling plants in operation with combined dally cap city of 15750 tons in 1933 the number bad increased to 49 and the dally cap acity to 31000 tana liy the dosb of 1b33 the 1l1 hod awvtlcd to 05 plants and the dally capacity to m6o0 tons ttlbl934 rate output ya cent higher tliu in 1933 5a per cent tugherthan in 193a and 113 per cent higher than lu 1830 in 19343 new milling plants with combined dally oapacliy of 3133 urns were brought into production tno total increase in the xo tono the difference representing stcp upsln the capacities of 11 established producers it is significant to note that while gold productociln 1934 showed ui increase tjf3rjetctotrtcomparr or from 3100000 ounces to 3060060 ounces the total dally null capacity has increased by 150 per cent or from 13760 tons to 33040 tons thkt dis proportionate relationship has been brought about by tlie rud in tlie price of gold which couulcd with tlie not able progrcas that lias been made tn the metallurgical treatment of gold orei bas made pouelble the mining of larue tocuuures of low grade error wttaevetrrutwmntr oornt bmed dally capacity or 1075 tons on the verge of production and with an imposing lut planning to enter produc tlon during th year the tnulcatluns are that gold production in 1935 will estab lish new high recod both lu respect in the value and the quantity of out put oetting nowukae rast whstw this matier asked the pas senger hi the hack seal of the bus tbocoe sheep on the road explained tbe driver ten minutes later there was another hofttup tjwh ltl cried tbe driver tv oaugbt up with those sheep again ginger farm is going modern lost week partner and passed our seven tcent weddin anruyetsary and to celebrate we treated ourselves to radio not sneiotk of course we couldnt be quite so modern as thotbut yet quite good one of its kind radio la one of those things we have thought we could very well do without at least wo have always persuaded our eelves into thrnkg tluuv but the tlmu has come tfhen it is mcreaslngly more difficult to determine the border une be ltweczt luxury and neccardty so often wo are asked were you listening to ben riettvpeech last night7 or what did you think of the hockey game or didlnt we get lovely music over the radio yesterday and always we have had to answer we havent got radio just few commonplace words in reply and yet they often acteduke conversational shutter we had been excluded from qo much that was worth while because music was played games lost and won speeches broadcast of which we had known nothing because until now we did not possess radio when anything that has been luxury becomes so commonplace and is used in go many ways as the radio is today then it can almost be looked upon as necessity that is for anyone who wishes to keep abreast of the times music tn some form or other and political news are almost as necessary to partner as the breath of life yet he has neither the time nor the oppor tuntty to get onttohear of either but now with radio installed am hoping he will get all he wants of both as for myself cannot begin to tell you what it will mean to me last week put in an awful time the radio was supposed to bo here on tuo day but it did not come until friday wto had done without radio all these yeaiss but waiting those few extra dayj was the worsot all felt could nor settle to anything did manage to write this weeks chronicle hut was so disgusted with it put it in the fire so litre am doing it all over ogain of course as usual this ncw venture hod its funny side it was about two oclock on friday when the radio was properly installed and all ready for ac tion it took ut little while to get used to the dialling but by tlie time tho chi in camg home from school wt knew enough about tlie kitatlons to meet their demands for sklppy and orpluui annie apparently the comics and edd cantor are all our children liave lieuru over the radio but we hope to imvo them better radlabducatcd before very long some of the comics art not too bod but deliver me from eddie cantor au tlie evening wore on program failed to come in so clearly and alter eight oclock it was too painful to use it at all when partner oamo in from tile barn he tried to see what lie could do but eventually gave it up and shut the tiling off in dbgust early next morning partner triced it agnln turning from station to ttatlon at random result uencel but aul denly acroixi the air eamo loud deri sive voice ahbalitsaupartnty just that no more was still in bed and in the distance it sounded like diabolic laughters from demon of thu underworld chortling at partner for his futile efforts to get music from wooden box later in uu day we called in uu radio man who after fuw odjustmenb soon tlie machine running again in good shape that night we all got properly thrilled following tlie hockey game we alsj heard kome splendid music and karncd tlie very bitt pill to take for tlie relief tnd1gebauirllna conaupatlon and the right kind of syrup to use to maxe children healthy and strong wc heard the official news broadcast by nun who talked ao fast wc lost the half of it and then at twelve oclock we went to bed atorijnwa5tansunaay rrafcex rattlesruikes fangs are like hypodermic needles tho polsoiiotit fnuch ruttuhiinkrs look very murti like tuirmbka ttb growing one on iurli hide of the fop of the uppfr jjiw but drop or two of tlu deadly vnoin ih usually ileutli fho victim huym writer in the st lntilh giil0iinofrul the fungs are hlmrj noidjeh und bohlud them uro tlie ft tie cups tlmt hold the polwn tho whole arrnnce nwnt wurk wltli tho swift effective ness of hypoirmlc nwdle the fa ngspunrtnrp the bkln ontto victim and the jkihoii citpw empty their dead liquid tliclr joung ur orn alive iphteud or being hiitcjird from ejk the yjpng of moht snukefl urr and ln rtead of being horn in bprlng in the norththeyro born in the autumn and ho poor impy amikeh htarve all winter but the llttlo bandml rattlers live bo llbtlessly deep down am one the rocks that they dont seem to need food the old tale tlmt you can cut nnako in two plecen and us tall wont htop wiggling until sundown is fish atory hut there is one thing about rattlesnake which is almost as re markable as the yarn about the living tall and that is tho indestructible mv turo of its poison fanga you can cut out these terrlblewrs onn but if you think youve disarmed the old ruttler youre mistaken for he simply pusheti out new pair of fangs jimtas sharp just av deadly as the first tou can cut off this pair and there will come another for the wily old snake kcepjj long row of fangs in reserve labor foundation of all that is worth while lulwr is tho foundation of all wealth nnd there is nothing of any worth is tho world that huh nut been made vol uablejjythe4alkir of man timber imhefdrtfetsandro in tbeground represent potential wealth arid they only become actual when the labor applied to prepr them for public consumption money lu merely con venient medium by which labor or scwlce may be cuully exchanged for current needs or may bo accutnulated for future uso tlie value of service vanes accord ing to the law of tuipply and demand but the bieatnirlng utkk must remain constant if there ih to bo any uniform standard for tiicuhurlitg service or its products to have lluctuiitihg stand ard of vnluo measurement would bo jimt as ubriurd mi chuntflug the length of tho ordlnury yardstick from tlmy to time so that when one purchased yard of cloth it would be all wool it yard and hulf wide tmjay and only yurd wldo tomorrow no ono would knoyyfrom day tojlav hovyinuch cloth to purchttho for au uarntentrf st fevejv atid tk vatlcup la puluce drlihiallytue rcs itlenco of pope kyimnacliuh from 408 to b14 plorlng the stations to see wliat could get and to my dwcust tuned in onr comio strip program of couio you people who have luid radios for long time know that thu kind of uilny go on all uuj time but to me it came as distinct ttlwck xt seemed almost sacil lege unit such coarse programs sliould be allowed to come over the air and be triumnitted by uie juune muchhie tlat wuild produce tmch uwplring music as that wlilch heard coming from at tfphn church toronto during thlr rjcrsong service ivu hig tlie uftsrnoon wiille uie chil dren were at sunday scliool partner jmd wifi ti flb ond if it hd been all we were able yet for one day it alone would have bca worth uie bistoiutloii of our radio we reallxe there may be drawoacks crufcacd stations static nd pehps when wo most want to ue ltsomrtlilng will lift wrong wltli uie wocs but in ttplte or all uus believe our radio will prove profitable ondplaurable asset to our home life keeping us in closer touch with tlia outside world when circum stances compel us to ttlay very much ut liooie mothers cati easily know when their children are troubled with worms and tliey looe no tlmoln applying rer liable remedy mother oraves worm ks terminator st fowtvahd tba vatieak sl peter wuh erected on tho tra ditional blto of tho martyrdom of st peter approximately june lio 07 the emiwrorcbiihtuntlnrtin erected kmall chaiwl with thc altar immediately over the body which hud hoen exhumed and hurled with much coromony in li li commnwul the building of tho pvnt basilica in tho form of roan which endures until tho kiftoenth century in 14k0 pope nlelinluu commenced the present building und thin hus continued to tho present time the building was dedicated in 1010 ntinr 44 popes had participated hi lt improvement tho progrss of pbllpshridks when tho civil war broke out phil ip ii sherldun nowly mudo captain wrou this to frtoud who knows perhaps may have chanco to earn tnajorh commlkklrm ho jumped clear over the runks of imijor uud lleutcnantrolonel to eolonol then brigadier genorul nnd majorgeneral und finally ho wuh nppolnted general of tho united stilton army at rfpnt1otltti cavalry ho wuh to general grant wljat marshal slurut was tn katvoleon iloase plants ferns and plants which have been hating root in cool temperature for weeks can now be brought into ruiony window and encouraged to make new growth they will need moro water and atop dressing of good soil may be iiven to do this remove much of the old soil as possible without damaging the roots af the plant wooden ladel is useful for tho purpose or an old wooden skewer would be satisfactory then add fresh soil to re place the old if no good soil is avail able fertiliser in the shape of tablets or in some other convenient form whtcn can be bought from the florist given to each plant according to the directions on the packet woody plants wfe fuchsias and hyd rangeas which have been kept dry hi tho dollar should be bnought up and repotted in pot that is only just large enough to hold the rootsjylthout crowding the plant should be pruned and then grown in ught airy room that is not too hot spraying with one spray of tepid water will encourage growth to start and also keep bisects in check the plants will not need rnucri water until they are growing well packing ttoese product tbe byproducts tho packing houses are valued in the compounding of rations according the chemistry division dominion ffsrwlm rft tym reeding stuffs fall into two closes the meat meals tankages and blood meal arcprotcln concentrates the meat meal4 poseuiltlg from 55 to cg per cent of this valuable nutrient and blood meal as high as 75 per cent tho other class jllfccds finmabfaottnlraarc the bone pioducts bono meals etc contain about twentyfive per cent protein but their chief value in uie rauon is duo to the very high percentage of bono phosphate which uiey contain from 50 to 55 per cent mixtures of meal and bone products arc variable in composition depending upon the proportions of these separate fracuons prttein content ot 55 per cent or liighcr indicate hiss bone phikt phatc uian 30 per cent and conversely morouian 20 per cent bone phuspluite id aiacuited wiui protein content below 50 per cenj it is ktmaukalllk bpced fiend as he slowed down bit goili dont you feel glud youre allycl panscn isnt the wor im ornaxed raise your own lsviko whether willing or not the majority of formers are now obliged to supply more of their own needs the follow ing list may provide suggestions for further economy milk few cows feed recommend ed ratlorr fatten ono pig for every two adult members of family cure the meat properly keep at least 100 good hens cor rectiy housed and fed raise good garden water from wndmill if poiiblc wont only cash crops which show little or no surplus fl grow your own stock reed butcher fat cowtt and steers trade meat with neighbors raise your own living keep your roof ught get down to earth do the beftt you can today drive horse until you can afford to buy gasoline canadian dllgum wheat an interesting feature of tho wheal situation ts the growing appreciation ol the high quality of canadiangrown durum wheat thus certain european countries nnd it advantageous to blent their homegrown durums or at icasi some of them with proportion oi stronger wheats of tho same type ol the latter tho canadian product hai come to bo regarded as preeminent nr account of its superior strength an other reason for ue popularity of can adlan dujunxbtclayvif do rlcy by which it has uius far been character bied the acreage sown to durum wheat is largely hi manitoba and saskatchewiin to which province the production of uiis wheat islurgfly confined amounts to 3085600 with an estimated production of approximately 23 million bushels slats diary by ross fajtquhar priday herman started to okcwl hero today and bin father la lawrcr witch sews people and etc and the tccclicr ast kwcution what wood happen if lrrcsistable body nhud meet imovlbble obstlckle and hef mon licit lus hand up and sed if lrresststable body shud meet with movable obstlcklo uiey cood bo law suit katerday herman mindbcrgs father li wlddowcr becus his wife died on him few yre ago they is very wcluiy old made love hith him her man nays wo ast him why dlddent his tnuier marry tho wclthy olo made and herman sed just between and younc wood like to marry tho wclthy olo made but she is hl best customer ho dusscnt think it wood be advizer able to marry her just now sunday well the members of tho ladytt aid is kinda dlssapolnted kcss they thought they had good peace of bcandle on miu crlbbs witch moved into uie neiborhood few months go becuz they was so menny men calluur at uiohouse but now they have found out tricy ure bill oollocktcrs munday it begins to look like as if helen blacks marriage is going to turn out plop becus her new husbend cant get long with her rushlan wolf hound teutiday when pa got up this morn ing ho won very very mutch supprlsed to mid out ho had dimple in his neck til he found out heed ben sleeping on collar liutton ho lost sunday nlte wciuday pa tldnks mr uctbj is itrpto potogrutfcr becus uie pitchers he tuk of pa ust week nobuddy laffs at so he wood half to be grau potogroffcr to take pilclierw like uiat tlilrulny mr and mm swisher was kinda uared uiis mo rung becua thuy umt uicrc hahy had uiey found out hij wastjust chewing his granmas lip stick up eclva id sbu rj rown brand corn syrup ttrgv food km nourished as more canadian children than any othgr corn syrup trajuct if yh canada xtakch co lmltj the free press of fers you time tables at aotoif oobsc ess dally except sunday daily except sunday sunday only ltjanm ejipjng smpaa the chicago flier that passes itniwajn hero at 8j5 eastbouad stops aa georgetown at 944 gefcic west dally except sunday bm aja daily except sunday x33 dally except sunday 7jmpjla sunday only ii hjspiaa standard ttmb travel bvjl t5 piy auy except saturday 114s axo dlly ia pjn saturday only 8jfi pm dally bus pxo dauy 710 pm daily ilib pjn saturday sundaya and holldayb only 11 ajn iaily except unday 700 fc trt dally 006 ijn dauy lztb pjl dilly dally dally 4j0 gio pua aftrqw pattersok ro speelausi tn eye orthoptic trcatmestt 10s wrndbam bl kext to ihone aloa quality aoeurscy se hililtiiillilh savage co watches proof of lbmliiaknp tjullt lluck in 1810 tho indluu chlnf lyiitlmrllph was tomuh uwkod by bin trlb4snwiii on cburgo of prac ticing witchcraft aftr tho clihr wax ttfruck on thivlienil and lay for while in tho uui of rimtli tint touuliuwkwlolillig executioner dl rctml tho uttintlnn of tiumuy pr4mit to the dropa of hweiit kmthcrlng on tho dylug indlanm tunk and fuco iniirklut with exultutlmt that thin wuh couclualvo proof of itltherllph guilt direct tax olroct tufh an pud at tlfht hand hy the owner of tlii thing tuxid it mil ohtuto iiuil liimmo tnxt aro txiuuptii of dltvct tiiipri indlrct tuiu uro tlumo whitrff it ih rocoktilxm from tu lrrjhi tntfjh nrt hirtn it vtfll uttwi payy in the lirxt inntiinn iuually punwn on tin rhurgt to horn om vmi who miiy niruln pituj it on until it tlimlly racheu thi mtihjirt vlic ihtara hn burln bat not ftodnt the lint tlioilkh it hoiihwlmt ifhmi thtt ruth and inlc in uppimirnnre and ith uocturtiul liuhlth tltttri not hilong to tint ord ot roduutu wlilrh includth thriii hut form 1111 cnllrfly kojmrat nrdtir of maitiumlh the chlropturu dutltigtilkhw by tli wjtit mumti hrmiu which oxtindx tyoii to the emtci of hit fvt ull liimtctlvorte wh tlie old world fwd on diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontajuo ii wjmdbjur what could be more comploto ihan com binatioh offer that gives you choice of your favourite magazines send you your local newspaper and gives yocrselt and family erijoymont and enfetfainment throughout tho whole year why hot take advantage of this remarkable offer that means real saving in rtoytoyou7 our guarantee 4o you tlle wonderfulolyoriii bvauabla to old arid rifcur atibirlbiirij to uiu newhpuper wo etiiir tuttco tlto juulllment of nil mauaxino nub ecripuoni und you huvo ponltlvo aimurunco tluit this generous offer in oxacuy uu xepro uented if you are at present tt nubseriber to any oftlieiuj mauuilnea your tlmo will bo wxunded mail this coupon today puomm clip list of maoazineg aflr checking rhlbllcatlons dlrtsl fill out coupon careullj contlemcn enclose pleaso send rno tho three magazines chocked with years subscription toyour newspaper name strhetor iul town and province save money mail today select any magazines listed afclow to atotal value op xoo liberty magazine 52 issues 200 bitstorjarrevlewrttttoor canadian magazine 00 national home monthly loo canadian horticul ture homo maga zine 100 toccthep with this newspaper all for this low price wm the acton free press acton ontario new business pfctlnteo wiui aitrmoi toew bualneari le oi the eld that ytml are laming get oar prlocsi no rintlna the acton free press el