Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 2

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w7 the acton fr press thursday reanoary ttth ibjs ip acton jffrre flrpfib pobfuaatl every tburadaj at acu oupo subscription ratps jcu ia ada oaltad statesfac additional single capic bath old md addnraaca should tw ci wbcw chant add ufiud cancellations no that moat ol mi aiib ecrlbera prefer sot to their aubacrtptloa uucrrnpied is caa th ail to remit be for expiration whil aub crtptioaa will art carried ttrun over axtradrd yrfod yetaalca at ar notified to ccj wr iiiunt the babacriber wiaba tb aervic contiapej rcaiiuscc should bude by reaiafcred letter awmcy order or it ft advertising baths lckl nwk per lm lor at isaertioa tc per line lor eacb aubaequent ioartlott baaiim ioc per line tor each inaeviioa il in black uee type uo additional notieea qualifr aa coot ml attractions inch conrlk en trrtai amenta churcb aocmty or oraanuation meetinaa et tac per line mini na charfe sc report of meet in held gladly tnaerted in atemorian ooticca wiad ioc per line extra tor poena birtb atarrtage and death notice tree small ndvertiaenenta ic per word minimum chr cih il booked 35c also ioc extra when applicatioaa are addreaaod to this oca display advertiaing ratea vary according apace contracted for alcnougb every precaution will taken la avoid error the pree preaa accepts advertiainf in it column on tbc understanding that it will not be liable for any in any adverttaemeni published hercundci unleaa proof of such advrtiapcul ia requeued in writing by the adverflaer and returned 10 the pre preaa buaincae office duly aisned by the advertiaer and with ucb error or correcttona plainly noted in writing ihcrruo and to that caae if any error ao noted ia not corrected by the preaa ita liability ahall not exceed ucb proportion of the route coal of auch wlvcilucmrn aa the apace occupied by the doted error beara lo the whole ipaco irccupied by nh advcillacnicnu altlqk dills editor telepiiones editorial and duaineaa office 174 keaidcncc ijt jt gradually disappearing evidence is not lacking that in short time county councils will cease to exist the old age pensions arc now having the attention of the mun icipal clerks the mothers allowance could be handled in the same manner and perhaps more ef ficiently the provincial government is assuming the countys share on highway expenditure and rumor has it that the township roads will come under centralized control withthcsc items gone from the county council duties what is left that cannot bo cared for in similar manner even the old plea of being training school for candidates for parliamentary honors seems to be filing of the past and training as warden of the county is un essential for this office we predict that the county council will in few years be deemed more un necessary as the body is gradually relieved of the offices it now fulfils championship year onco again acton captured the group honors in hockey this year which makes four group champion ships in the six seasons of intermediate hockey it seems to be very fair record for the community this sport for the past two years the locals failed to carry off the group honors but this year they again stuged comeback and while the struggle to the top was rather hectic the boys have the satisfac tion of having accomplished this feat again other group winners are now being rapidly eliminated in the playoffs it is the general concensus of opinion that if the locals continue the same brand of hockey in the playoffs that the intermediate champion ship is well within their grasp ssome funs even have aspirations for winning the intermediate champion ship and defeating the winners of the group the supporters of sport locally are back of the team evidence of which is not lacking by game attend nce both at home and away and all wish for then the capture of the elusive championship this year make ihr highway safe the announcement by hon mcqueston minister of highways for ontario that more strict enforcement of the rules of the road would bitlie rule will meet with general approval there are plenty of laws now on the statute books to make the highways safe for allmotorists and podestiftms the trouble seems to be that too often an attempt is made to reduce the charge as the minister of highways put it an enforcement of law is needed which is not afraid to call highway killing man slaughter if the facts warrant such description one which is not contcnttoseethedongerous driver dismissed with fine or warning public which will view traffic law violations in the same light as holdupi safeblowing or kidnapping the uucs tion too of driving while intoxicated is one that is being taken all too lightly the general public want to feel some measure of safety in our highway traffic lfws the offenders should pay the penalties pro rldcd it is to bo hoped the announcement by the bitter will be followed up with definite action tpvmrd this end learn somrthlng erery day some one has said that the only educated man is the one who earns something every day that statement deserves to be remembered both by those who have had educational advantages and rhose who have lacked them the boy who has had to leave school early should and it encouraging for accord ing to this statement the educated man is not the one who has spent certain number of years in school and college but the one who is continually learning to the college graduate or young man or woman just starting lifes activities the words como as warning for his claim to an education does not depend on whathe has donejbuton whathccotr tinues to do learn something every day educa tion is not fo fho privileged fewwith money and leisure but for the ambitiqus who make the scanty time they call their own fruitful of opportunity printing trades production lower according to tho 1d33 report on the printing trades issued by the dominion bureau of statistics printing trades of the dominion have suffered quite loss in production in comparison with the previous year total production jin the printing trades in canada during 1033 reached value of 92715339 decrease of over eight million dollars from the output of 101492333 reported in 1032 the 2075 establishments engaged in this lino of manufacture represented capital investment of 120003518 and gave employment to an average of 32031 employees the cost of materials used in these industries amounted to 23359045 as against 20440372 in 1932 and the value added by manu facture was 09355394 decrease of 7g per cent from the corresponding figure of 75045901 reporr ed in 1932 with 800 plants ontario accounts for 531 per cbnt of the total production in 1933 the 433establishments in quebec producod23i per cent in manitoba 170 plants produced 74 per cent fol lowed by british columbias 178 establishments with 05 per cent and albertas 143 plants with 34 per cent there are 165 plants in saskatchewan 64 in nova scotia 48 in new brunswick and eight in prince edward island accounting for 27 per cent 23 per cent 13 per cent and 02 per cent respec tively thb sdndat school 1b880n fob sunday mamcu srd ims peter unmasks faissehood amd hypocrisy golden text wherefore put away falsehood apeak ye truth each one wih jqf replied his neighbor for wo are members ono no ottosavbu to xiuoy squire tmd you enjoy your boa ride on saturday afternoon oeocefir oeorje no ah kvery txus that reached the vwatq waa packed full of thett era hikers airl no need of kuvetition the youns man had just proposed thousand times of another eph 25 lcubon text actsb 10 1b24 study also matt 23 2328 kings 13 1122 eph 232 time li 3u or tlacea well dont rub it in asked you only once be retorted do nthatthaudost as if tha eartbf were heaven and thy lost day the day utter jerusalem and samaria exposition the sin of ananias judgment buiupuey and his punishment the record of the earlytohurch up to this point in bur history la fair and attractive one but now the serpent again enters eden up to thto juncture the perils menacing the infant chiuch had principally been from wlthoul but now she faces the greater peril of foes within ood who loves his church dealt with this peril with stem ha rid and no wonder that ho did the at mosphere of love and entire consecra tlqn in which the deed of ananias waa done made it tho more unpardonable ananias in bls action was evidently moved by the noble deed of barnabas and tho admbatlon which it undoubted ly uwukened ch 30 37 ho thought hu would imitate thl4 act but without tho sacrifice and get tho blessing with out paying tho price tho same lan guage is used up to certain point in dtiicrlblng tho action of ananias and that of barnabas cf vtc with ch 37 but what difference tho one uu deed of self forgetting love the other thd deed of aclllsh calculating hypo crlsy some careless rentiers of the new testament get the impression that the early church was perfect but it was far from that all liars are moved by the rcvhjrohn 44 but the ho of an anlaa was more than an ordinary lie lie hod seen the wholeheartod love and consecration of barnabas who had lit gccd and goodness between the church and the world simon magus had no desire in hs heart zo uave men by the preaching of the gospel his aim was to acquire fame for himself by deeds of supernatural might whtb in our own dy must be classed all who dcslro the office but not the grace who have in view not the ueivlcu of christ but personal aggrandisement not holiness or lofty spiritual experience but per sonal prestige vain worldly man like simon magus may go through the rout ine of chrstlan duties decciylng and deceived fur time but some tiwli moving event is sue to occur which will discover the inner man but simon peter jwvant of jesus sees through the hypo critical pretenslonk of the sorcerer and draot with him in characteristic fusiiion his reproof was not too stlong for mie occasion thy money perish wlfji thee he cries with fine scorn he discovered to tltj sorcerer that the great gifts of the spirit which lie fain would have bought willi money are not purchas able even with much fine gold afl with ull godi great and precious gifts thoy are bestowed by the giver of every good and perfect tcndowmenl peter un masked hypocrite axlirrmoingdc monstrated to men and women of all lsubsequent ages that none can deceive wsl salada tea now has blend for every purse yellow label brown label 33c lb orange pekoe 40c all leaders in their class vz lb ood hone can recurve the bounty of his crawly brought all that he had and laid uimuxh nincerky ofiriu editorial notes production of sugar beets in canada luring 1934 for use in sugar refineries amounted to 533000 tons compared with 457000 tons in 1933 exports in january 1935 totalled 43002000 of which 17520000 went to the united states and 16011000 to the united king dom the mail and empire states the cost of the state dinner cancelled by premier hepburn is between sgoooo anuus0000 quite tidy sum to save too even in lifetime exports of cauadiun bucou in 1034 were valued at about 10000000 and canadian farmers derived an income from the hog industry estimated at be tween ninety and one hundred million dollars brampton is to erect new sighs designating the speed limit as twenty miles per hour just try to get through that town at over twenty miles jer hour and five to ten miles on the business section where parking at any angle is the rule want your home town to go ahead then take hold and do little pulling yourself want your home town business to keep your home people well employed then give that business your full sup portybuyingoursutplicrt business to grow then better demonstrate to the public through advertising that its good service torrvf ucli on woodsworths motion in the house of com to pftui tsiri winctttius taken tht place of feudalism for the past 400 years garland tin alberta member said an insurance company hud figured out what hap pens to an average group of 100 men at the age of g5 one would bo wealthy four would be welltodo five would be still working with no prospect of relief from drudgery 54 would bo dependent on friends or charity and 30 would be dead have you ever noticed when the other fellow is set in his way hes obstinate when you are it is just firmuoss when tho other fellow doesnt like yot friends hes prejudiced when you dont like hi you arc simply showing that you are good judge of human nuture wheurlicother fellow tries to treat someone especially well he is toadying when you try the same game you are using tact when the other fellow picks haws in things hes crunky when you do you arc discriminating when the other follow says what he thinks hes spiteful when you do youjtrc frank bowmanvillo statesman it at tho apoutlos feet 11a had seen tho admiration that the fully consecrated barnabas had awakened in the apostolic company he deoldfrd to gain ue uanio applause for hlnuulf but without paymj the full price he too uold posses sion but secreted part of tho price and brought the rest with the intention to deceive the church into behuving that it was all the holy spirit guided tho apostolic church and the attempt to deceive the splritgulded church was an attempt to deceive tho hojy spirit htni uelf it was lie to the holy ghost in lying to the holy ghost ananias had not jkd unto man but unto god peter hcio makes plain the deity oftho holy spirit ho baod not all lylitf can be caluid lying to god but whm something is knowingly held bock for self and at the faune time there is pretense of having surrendered all that is lying to god for congccratlon is not unto man but unto god peters ques tion ti wry solemn wliy liath sataa filled thy heart to lie to the holy ghost tho question implies that while tiie plan luul originated with satan ananias was none tho icjj re iponsihle in that lie had given place to satan and permitted him to flu hs heart satan cannot tll our hcarti without our consent the fact that the aln originated with satan did not lewn tho guilt oh ananias but aggravated it he had entered into partnership with the devil und that is wliat cwry liar is doing every teacher of eiror instead of the truth of god john 223 in chapter jour we see the true dwclpies splrltmlcd ch 3l but hero we see ananias dovllftlled the heart that fci open to the holy spirit ho will fill th littirt th4 is open to satan lie will fill any one who pretends to on vmurc con secration when that entire consecration does not exist tempting the spirit of the lord it is dangerous tiling to do it may not bring swift physical death in every instance as in tills caso indeed it will not in many for it is gods method to give an illustrative exi ample or his feeling toward certain siiu in the case of achan and licrej and contritcness of heart iccup douguu egyptian liniment al ways in tlic stable jcady for immedlale use removes proud flesh and inflam mation thrush or hoof hot and in fection of cows teat edwardsbtircj renwn brani c5e the famous energy food product the canada starch co limited judgment but neveruwieds uiere will be great loss in the cone of ananias hv presumption brought swift and awful iiatl prrtct posed ids hypocrisy than anaalas hbar lng his wordv of condemnation fell dowi und gave up his spirit it is hu awful warning to all wlio attempt to deceive rteectit uils case was most salutary upareiiuyouiers were tiimking of joining tiui ohurch from maiccnary motives but umy were held back from so doing by uivi atrikbuf judgment would tjuit tin spirit were present in buch power hi uie clthroh today tluit liviocrlte would refill it wltli terror liw deptoln of ananias was deliber ate and premeditated ha had talked it over with hut wife it imperiled the in fant church it threatened to choke that fountain of divine love which god lud iih plan led in itr irievunlh richly deserved und moat gracious act on the part of ood it uifted and ciawd the church simon peter and simon mttgtw in uilii incident we are iircsenud with striking contrast here is simon tli upustle man of complete dlslnterrat edncas wlu luts fortoikcii all to follow his muster oonfronted wltli simon uvi iorcrcrn wim outwardly had embraced christianity as loasibie means ot weulth and vowef what natural ie pulslon rniait thfre liave been in the minds of both as eaoli jrets an inkung if uai other tlicre could be no greater contrast it was the conuast betwwa out to save you out to mxb we rw out lo help you this wedta volume of offerings bar trains so great and so many tnake tfua pefhapa youre also out to shop al reputable dependable stores weve been recognised as good grocers since 1893 aran were the one outstand ing systexrj of grocery stores that purely can adian igaft loaf cheese lb 25c pxu sweat pickles 34o td 25c moiucu citry flour stibki 76c heins aaaorted soups tio um 25c apricots 25c burlord oalaia peaches no tqu1 16c cjaaacoa strawberry frmb uailma outlet muly jam oats dates cim 0vi 3so 29c ib 19c it 19c biscuits rmw japan rice fancy natural figs far 5wi iu 25c iu 14c iu 23c if crrollvowi shortening bafci cot cc mwe houc ha wm saucc blueberries lt orn aylmrswe porfcbeai one id only atait buckwheat 17c syrup iw23c beehive 16c mustard mw tla 24c tomatoes flaices gold soap lltso soap powder carrolls limited frttji crisp head sccdlias texib smull navel lfttuce grapefruit oranges for 13c for 21c special 23c dozen toes 10c peck frih fruts and vegetiibla for the weekend mill street kkee ojxivery phone 158 phone 18 acton ontaino isfiailrli

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