Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 Mar 1935, p. 7

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ihtjrbdkay uaboh mtfa 1935 fl the acton free press mot an april mind it htosr uhnc it bean the xoototeq or tl eprtng and tools the ons the rofcuu oin xh mokes coo room on rmlny day ml uu ud hot xo bear wbmt the unborn tlolet say and whan the wind btfws lmpuhiy inen who ao ugnt of heart as we vho share wod aprils ecstasy ours are 4he moods of the sunny hres the lilting fareese and the sudden show ers the marching grass and fragile flowers when the brook awake and the birds awlng oh an april minds happy ffilngl mazle carruthera twenty teabs ago the lama of the frap press of thurwtly aprlf 1st 191s the first new maple syrup wan mar keted in town on saturday it is or fine quality the canadians never budge la new proverb coined toy oeneral alder son in the trenches in plandere second chinese laundry has beev opened in town xp the oratorical contest at the meet ing of the literary society last friday afternoon margaret wilson and harold mtypnt won first plnrre mr wm dobblc of the third line bsqucalng died very suddenly last sat urday morning from an attack of pneumonia mr james matthews ax ton veteran postmaster fell on the cement walk in the garden and fractured his right thlgi premier borden mother died on tuesday at the age of 00 years the legislature of ontario by voto of 66 to 20 defeated the bill for the icgfs iatuxe to grant married women tho municipal franchise now enjoyed by spinsters and widow af tfie jflct kpctdnri of the ispwartn league parliament the government was defeated and new cabinet was formed by hon brown and on tuesday night parliament was re opened at which the address from the thruno wa read and the debate on thu speech was proceeded with died humberstoneat netonbrook on sunday march 18th simon thomas humberstonc ex itcivc of york ued 67 yearn snyder at tho home of hi jlst mrs robert gibbons acton on wtd ncsday march 31al hubert snyd aged 75 vtars chronicles of wrlttsn bpeetihy far the vree press bar gwendoline c1arbtk sometimes when alt down to write try to get mental picture of the peo wurreadwhafc picture bo many hopcu and so many dif ferent kinds of people which divide roughly into two classes farmers and nan farmers or course in each class include the women and children knnjv there are such things as bachelor but really don consider them at all uicy dont deserve it because if they are nol married then they ought to bo bach elors shou dn bo allowed that la they shouldn be allowed to stay bacheljrs from choice snrae of them ant he it of courue tor instance once knew man who was paragon of all the virtues we had him living in our home that my mothers home for flftcii years he was tattutavr non spewrr and vegetarian he had never en known to twear and was liberal ntl welshman he only had one vice iy fever in ills case it really was vice becauo for six iccks every fall liu llvtd on diet of milk brown bread and boll onlonsl chrktlan names were wll 11am herbert and he was bach lor for forty nine years then he got married slats diary by hosb paboubar value of bacon grading exports of canadian bacon to tbu friday pa was reading about king br tlsh tales lost year totalled 13 000000 fillip the something witch boasted of pounds and brought 2000q 000 to oon hw fpr that he arjcy had baths doing tho tot am of bacon his life time time was when he was exported was not half of tho fuota al born and that was ooey hear say and lotted to canada by tho empire trade the uther time was when he got marycrt agreement mode in ottawa in 1933 pa says oio walt sloot witch lives acrost further the ability of canada to export the crick haa got it an fillip because the product or 000 000 hogs facreahej ox walt never got marryed the value or the remainder and gave an satcrday they was man trying impetus to on ndustry from which uell mr olllem new kinda mashec ncra derived an income estimated at today witch wood do the wlrtof 10 mci 48d000qq0 and tloooo in and mr olllem told the man it wnt to guppbrt ulla important indus sent onny thing new ho cd his wir trv th dominion department or agrl thot she marryed man llko that maintains number of iwrvlc bnowmouid tub ivjuuv many different theoriujia to uil caue of winter injury of turf have been id voncxd jtuch as itse of non lutrdv varieties of traj unfavorable will coidi lions it slaiico iclc of proper dr ilu age or of soil nutrients tutfocauon duo to formutljajjfjui ice iheet on the turf rupturing of thu lndlviduul plant ci 11 ay tho formation of lco cot tala within misuse of vur olu chemici ls and rvrtllu ers especially late in tlu season atld paraslt uttack by fungi or mould ihui in each cait out tr utvtr il ilton ij opcrau to ciiio winter lnjurj ikncc control must pt ml on kuoukdge of the cause during tin last four year tilt minion laboratory of pknt jsatholoy at edmonton alberta luii found thul uw moit lmpjrtunt cuum of winter turf injury fungous parasite cal td unow mould he lint bymptonu wpp ar as soon ai the now niclu in the spring thu fungm may be stvn growing lnta and tliroutfh uio tnow or ke over tho turf soon dead areas of turf of vurloiii siztu and sliapes appear tlio mould attacks the plants killing the leaves stems roots and crowns of tile grab control of jiowtnould 1ms been at tempted hi different way with varying degreee of succcas adequate burfaee drainage may reduce tlje dlsea but seldom controls it obviously uvu uj of reals unt vajrictfxof grass would bo and the last heard or him he wau cat lng meat twice day smoking herb cigar etu5 and his wife had convinced him that he could fcland hay fevvr wltliocit tiing on et far better than sho cou endure living in perpetual atmosphere of bolled onions qii wll pre judicn ngainitbachclorttnift uw tuuu male disposition and oh how iovl the narnu of will am arid herb rtt much for the bachelor noto lels bet alonk wltli tlic married folk ilelntf farm woman mjelf nat ir illy think very much on the ami hnes us other farm women and so up poiu ulut vrltc of more iutereit sunday mlna crest fci very votjj yumlljatcd becuz she wasbraxzlng about her opcrashun and then yestcrddy dr bell spoke of it as miner opcrashun gess qrttnll has went and 1ul ciatomrr by that rlmark muntlay ant knimy sayt he agi ting tired of all thl fold roll about har 4iulng tho atom she iays eeven if thty it harnessid it wont 1m ub to do nuth ng wlrlh wile tcuadaj jako prance very sad bf ruz hii wife went and aloped with perfect stranger he says it was grttu dlssapolntnicnt to him cuz none of hfct trtnd wobscnt good cnulf for her to alqut witl wenday pa andy blare hi tlu bcl harted fellow ho ever icw when you usk him to borry sum muwi oney andy nclvrhas no munny ihlrsday pa was quotelng old pay lug today and ho td well iloyt jylll ya and ant emmy up mid sayt yej um tlmtn but thr way tlilntr lot no dajji tin irl ijjing to bei them to it uhlch cover uie breeding feeding and of hogs and bacon whrn services form comprehensive policy bacon rudlng la one of thrsc erviccs orad lm tandardizes the quality grade and upp urance of the product cxurteji iliis uie level of that export citab he bala of merchandizing canadian icon national product and con iilidates canada ixisltlon for the future on highly compvtltlvo market douglas egyptian liniment is on etf etllent leg wash for ctock also remove corns in horsai and quickly rellovcl brul sprains swellings and jolut tilfnesq tjnhappmess is the hunger to set taue happlnesa is the hunger to gtre jordan the true disciple is bound to adopt tha double motto believe and belong oordon we have come to realise tha dem ocracy is not an automatlo derloe for good government felix frankfurter walk as your master walked and deoiro notnorerlretnoaondand sob tarrtiti religion wesley rwtfrrpyrnir hani okas dv1uyxmo luomttss customers have 3r time tables apian nailomrajlways at actoh oolnf dairy except sunday dajy exoept sunday sunday only lootam euapjn 6mpja the chicago flier that passes thxowtft hero at 35 eoatbound stops at georgetown at 44 gpintweai dally except sunday bjjfl dally except sunday 323 pjsv dally except sunday 00 pm sunday only 13 pan standard time eft travel bvft westbound pny d45 ajn dally except saturday 45 ajm daily 15 pm saturday only 15 pjn dally 15 pjn daily 15 pjn dally 11 15 pm saturdays sunjijs and holidays only am latbound dally except sunday ou am dully bjia aoa dally li45 pjru diily 30 pjn dally 40 pan illy boo pjuu dijrjhil in mmltobi continued to improve durlnj 10j1 when producln the viluc of juj1g00 were produt tonvpared with 000 in iojj aaioooo ni ioj crcnn butur thv prlneipil it of product on and tlu output during 1031 in united to 20171 in pound an hi to be bought to you than txi the non fuming irlt ty ovcr 1ujj of llfa4w your probleuii are ln problem id perhaps the real re ujji why th lc c1uoi1cils art rt ul at ill bicuu ment on toipmon tvery di worri perplexities incidental luzarm llf rii like companj and if we happen to diop ru rd oif thf jij it lr eurloiui how it en nur tre oj ti find omtohi done the vrj iinethlie xtu ijuitalauthiit cat trophe lie ut havr sonu one tl iu ill with il but it in to to iiink joko of dlsx ter wlien th re is per cent ihe uver ii price oi crtjmeo butter tturlnt the lir wj 10 nt pound uhlrh oiii hil rnt hli her than in 1djj dairy butter production totilled 910 000 pound and broui ht an tulrue price of lij cent er pound clitt product on mido iln of 3h eeijt or j44 jfg poun hil tntil tput lunountlnir to 01 u30 imjuihj ihe qu of ere ini lyvd houed impnulinliit 6kti creiniliie factor vrc one to ih ire it mow on lrld ij at noon limig iou poplu in vu varicai luuiw open ing up ur ueelj piper and u1icji jcif hue ihiu id tin local utklj neu ud the etlltnrii perhap jou turn clni irm and in ju read you nn mil or hu peril ip make no com ment at ill or likely as not you turn tlu pine in duut until trl ml ilu bind look up from reulinf th hoc ih crl imtii over th of 10jj land nfteui chee opt rill du int the jcir mmltobi lipped 403 rally ii coit cf crcnierv butt out of the proiiwi on the bi ido girib ut tile car till anioiiutrd to lul 200 boe con nillni 027 000 111101 the npproxln ate vilue of uhllh si 71j lfq mo of the butur ihlppcd out of manltjbi went ontaro and qutb j111 ill w01 tilwhile things cost moitcy this nuinb ihalotaileis muslpait with money in order lo get customers customeis rc quire to he hough jut as ones merchan dise liab to he hough customer arcnoulikcly to he ohtain patter bptrjalkt in eye xiunlnatlon ortltuptld treatments itoicrlpuotts 108 wyndham st no it to loblaw tllonk 2108 quality accuracy bcxvleo savage co ed apart from seeking them they must be pursued and they must he asked to do buihe iih the lelailer who wants their ehemlelhrtsicworrinhingthx parasiuii tlie moat proniidng mctliod found by the edmonton laboratory is preventive tl nxrappr ih vlous fall and which wll wrve to pro tect tho turf throughout the late fall winter and early sprbig tills trei ment to mix three ounce of calomel with one ounce of corro lvti cubllniuu loooaiuare leetrorturfsirrfare in an tight quart bucket about three quartern full of dry harp mjd ihu then can bo thoiouihly mixed with berint quantity of unrly craned mill or compact faelllt iu ivn dlstribu tloiroitr the turf 1iicl ihrmry corrtukt of nu tils and wr on uevsir piie mt ns th 11 tl re lu and ajki well wlut ip puiini at ginger varm thu ueek and then you nid little bit hero and littli bit tin re or perhap ou huid the per oicr to hubby nho an it hurrvdlj jou lnuy tile iy nun re id uiythin uoinan in wrltten and tlun lie su well my gash do tliei call tint firming iii bet could show them thing or tuot and haeiit doubt but what op could mr varm und um quite ure mn farmer could rim circle round me becauie what don know would fill book sut still for all that uhro more than one way of travelling u10 broad ghuuj and there are hardly two peopie who go uie same gait although no dpubt uii are ull heading for uie kutme goal long as tersonulltlci dlrfer uitm tm ilwilmtyulwwfii the ldil control but mich yarlrtlitt lnr not ayailuble tarly bruhmg of ui way of runiluyf rarm or milldima ft turf aild rxnvul of jiiwjw aometji helpful but it in nut jiutllcluit rutrc fore tho only alternative th careful houiri rla furitur and his wlfo rniut udupt thcnilvs to thur own ncnunol nco uiir typo ox farm or furm liuusu to uupauutof tliclrfamllv to their own physical btrtnuui aiid latt but not iut to tlitlr bank uccountl llwre an many furuurt ambltloiut and pror5slvt who dcllsfit in wtll kept burnu und bulldlnut but uhiu feno und jtjblinir ur in dbripulr tlirouifh lack of fund nitrt ar furiikra wms lulor loiinlnif with hidden hiartaiho hil coiiifurt and ronvlnlencij of mih iiwim lilt tn 111 it ill rourii hlli llfu an wiji ul 111 iu tlm till rnn 11 ptop llj 11 it ult vrriu llk rra ildgr clod oil ania til iu 11 nn uu uulidlrlul thin jawbone of un tiklnu 11 tlllllj inln ii ill hdrn iwur uiul rliapi hot wutr littln but uho nnertliclil liuvc ti ptidd alnnir with coll oil lalnpi and uiuli at tin kltch ink hurt wealth of inattrlal rml ud irilt on how in uo lit und 111 il bin th nl iiiij ul in mi do oiijlhm hi ii in iltb tli mi nid ill ii it um then in il till tint dllftnnci in ma nu it rt hi in hut it irn tli ii nn wl lnm ih mi ri ii th nl 1m ul 11 it hit un tin ri rrt nt mile in lnt fi mw nt ihl ill mllll ii udllh imount olnif to tin mirlllnu minltcba butttrinuutr ttdiiblt crciiintry blitltr nt cimclt elcht lurif ftlr durlnr 1034 and uli uccc fill in winning bj ptr ctnt or all fir llri and 57 end of all prl nunrdid 11wav1s gltow uhvaull oki uuvcii to tun ilinanil crow upward on the trc not downward as commonly nippasct iht bananu haa wvll ortfunutd food value and unut cart must bo taken in tramportlnk them the bunches aro cut down uhlli jitlll krcon treo ylesinii only one hunch und it takeo twelve months for tlu tr to roach uio ttauo wlioko uie fruit can be cut each trro belnif cultivated from uckcrs which prlnif from hit root when uil tree in tut do hi wtrhn stlll urecit uiu bononoj aro placed in cold storim blim provldul on tlio laidy liners and banana frclahttru of tho canadian nat atf mmhlp1 and cv ry prtcautlon bi toktn to red that the cor rect itmjieratuiv la maintained through out tho northbound voyauo to canada the tenip ratllrn of uie hliiniini bi inken never icj tluiu four tlmej refrigeration engineer day by ttnlal luini la unrlvulltd for promot nit fenilnllic livtllntw tonea and re kin mukei it lxqul itci makli tndj ttawlcu juvmau the oft tluurtd aliltt ptclully rtcoinnilndutl tj lotlit and rtlltiv rouuhnt or clialiti in id by utithii condition india pin ibh tli titrl tlulntj uoinan il mil rtfit innif dillcittly fruifrnnt hi in newr kllli 11 of rtlckliu in bulin ti tlu un ii rt ilullt for tin iliiun ih cirt for tliftrni uiul tltj ihtl custom you would think that all this is as plain is ihe nose on ones face but slop answer this question what have yon retailer done in the past month to go no farther hack to seek and get new customers itow many noncustomers of your store have received invitations from you to do business with you how many persons have received communications ivomyou requesting their custom how many persons have you informed in their homes about your business your mer chandise your policies how much money 4taveyonperrthl4riaasti pur watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontaeio it wjihjua si chase of customers justwaiting for customers is the acme of folly just relying on the conyic to do with you is folly just soothing yourself with the reflections that you are honest thalyou givethe public square deal that your store has good location that you price merchandise fairly these are pas sive tilings up ulth inn th in tn7t3t ill wll thttrr tin hi llllt lit hi 111 kill 11 ii illt th tlilnu with kt jjih in tld wl th ii ilnitut jk in nf ii aitl rl tl tur uiu ttl ii thxi nt ii thr th luhtt uint ih th my lit tl ii en up till ii dl hi ul ii til tl ii ii lit of 11 of ih in in in 11 lul no tnu ill djttf willi tilii pill ml ii tlij ii ll ilk iir 11 kft li ir it old safu and uru incdlclna fur child troirbltt with woruii ut mollit clrura wonn kxurnilhuujr ml th hi ilk ii il til in oh nil til but wltli th hum hi lot ahlik ll is action which counts in getting the things which we want an infant cries this is its way of making its mother or nurse know that it wants something is it fair to bubinesb lo he doing nothing jin it plann cduav lo get new eusomers for tak tl mi our ltdromi turltliu uiul win wiu th liny irll pi ri id myself juld llerrjt innliy ihtrt thry art aid tht rt tiny will mrsa lirr utr of tninii by tin until nit tliliiu dlffrtnl and way i4io art two quouttluns froinkujwi wlini thai will mil bitttii ul ill hum uiul if inj ml irn ni ilu imh nn 111 uiul uk it jii miiaiiut hi ilu rt tl ill irry tuy il ir advertising by all businesses will make and keep our town good shopping eentie nfw business pointed will aiinwi txlee thm fc4ac oi thh oui that you are lolnf get our brice on printing acton free press

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