Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 2

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tw sftrt rum two the acton free press thursday afiul 11th 1013 sttff arton 3fc praab pomubed swerjr tfaursdsjr at acta opurlo subscription ratt3 joo pr rear is advance dnlmd 8uu jm additional siu coplc ac both old twt mw addraaae ahoald given wbca chasx addraaa retjvsstad cancellations wa fim that most of oar sab extbes prefer aot to bava their subscription interrupted la case tbt su to remit before expiration while sab aonptiona will ooi be carrloa in arrears over an attended perfoavyet nnlaa are notified to cancel aaanaaa th subscriber wlabaa tba service cofitrwisi bamittaacca should made br registered latter noncyj order of cheque advertising rates leal notices iac par llo for first insertion ic par line for eacb subsequent insertion readers ibc par lue for eacb insertion if la black faca type per line additional notice qualifying aa cotn ina attractlonssucb aa concert entertainment cbarch society or organisation meetings etc ioc per line mini mum charge 5c report of meetings held gladly inserted free in uemorinm notices vac and ioc per line extra for poena birth uarrlage and death notice free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge ajc cash if booked 5cj alio toe extra when appllcationa are addreaaed to this offic display advertising ratca vary according to apace contracted fort although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free free accepts advertising in its column on the moderstanding that it will not be liable for any error in spy advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement ia requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by tbe advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing tbereuo and 4n that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not caceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement aa the space occupied by the ootcd error bears the whole space occupied by such advertisement attlof dltxs editor telephones editorial and business office 174 residence ist tobacco consumption increases cigarette smokers in canada spent more than fortyeight million dollars for choir readymades during 1034 according to excise tax returns which show that 4822405065 cigarettes were placed on the market an increase of approximately 12 per cent over 1933 cigars were afso smoked in greater number consumption increasing approximately per cent from 114352000 in 1933 to 119071000 last year and the use of smoking tobacco increased by per cent to 17983000 pounds chewing tobacco showed decrease in popularity the quantity entered for consumption dropping from 4225000 pounds in 1933 to 4j7ooo0pojgisds in 1934 in addition domestic consumption canada exported 8709979 pounds of unmanufactured tobacco valued at 2020 802 to twentyfive different countries in 1934 and also exported manufactured tobacco in different forms to the value of 65802 the unday school lesson fob sunday april i4th mm accidents and compensation there were 4880 accidents reported to the work mens compensation board during the month of march as compared with 4628 during february and 4057 during march of 1034 there were tlie same number of fatalities reported during march as dur ing february namely 21 the total benefits award ed amounted to 51 146991 of which 42052442 was for compensation and 9094549 for medical aid the accidents reported during the first quarter of 1935 numbered 13884 as compared with 11794 dur ing the same jpcnopljmstytjarjand the benefits awarded amounted to 143063512 as against 93492251 during the corresponding period of 1934 let hiere be light the newspaper bill sponsored by church conservative member for toronto east will have the approval of the public and all newspapers who have nothing to hide it will now be necessary for news papers to register and publish certificates of owner ship and why not in the casa of most weekly newspapers the ownership of the paper has always been published each week there arc other journals whose ownership is rather involved and perhaps pub lication on the editorial page of the owners would cause the editorial utterances to ije read in another light the bill has been passed its enforcement will be followed with some interest it is to be hoped there isnt another tax attached to the measure cooperative plan controller mcbridc has apparently hit upon an unique method of checking up on relief abuses in toronto he has enlisted and secured the cordpera jtion of citizens to report abuses of which they have knowledge and the resultant investigations have brought out sufficient disclosures to warrant con tinuance of the plan he found in one case new fur coavhad been purchased in another home radio had been installed still qnothcr telephone had been put in one man used the relief fund for building new verandah and another for purchasing becrvbut the woman who had taxi call to take her to her work every morning was considered to be the most undeserving of help from city funds abuses of the relief of governments are not confined to toronto alone arid it is but right that these abuses should be checked since this involves the expenditure of erally should take cooperative interest in en deavoring to effect proper administration with minimum of cases of relief assistance locally how ever the need for similar action in acton is not necessary but in city the size of toronto the neigh bors can usually help considerably provisions and lack of irovliioiw service to the public has always been the aim of most newspapers and often times to the detri ment of the finances of the owners of the institution but sometimes ones patience is sbrejy tried itnd this is one of the times the dominion government has installed ii great deal of machinery and lias print ed the voters lists for the dominion elections the oilioials are receiving remuneration for their work and yet we huve note in the mail stating therets no provision for advertising the present revision of the voters list other than by largo posters am therefore requesting that you publish the following jufdrmatidniisjciiiiuiucpublkjinceealljjis signed by hie revising olficer and county sherilf and appended to the sheet is the nofice to be inserted without cbst by the newspapers friends you wont find that notice in tin fkuu phess until there is provision for making the public acquainted with the facts we pay each mouth six per cent on printing uxecuted in the office 200 license fee was de manded und paid before april first we had to buy cheques for stamps on saturday and we had to pay six cents gallon tax on the gasoline we used on sunday theres another notice that tells us that 200 is required for radio license where we ask you is the co from whe governments expect their advertising inserted free thats one problem that the price commission didnt consider if mr bennett were well man we are in humor to tell him whut we think of his provisions and luck of provisions but we wont deliberately strike woman or cliild or sick man but were provoked and we believe you would feel the same way if dealt with by governments tliuts all the editorial page is no place for the language befitting the situation the firat step the local public utilities commission are to be commended on their prompt action in taking the first steps to secure if possible refund of charges for consumers from the surplus created in the hydro department of course it is understood by all that no rcfundcun betnadc to theconsumcrs wkhoxrrrthe consent of the ontario hydroelectric power com mission to secure that consent the local commis sion has madetho first steps hydro in acton is in splendid condition the debentures on the local plant paid andif present rates arc maintained it would seem that credit by way of debate to consumer would be the only way of supply ing the power at cost with so many confusing and contradictory statements from present and former officials the average individuals understanding of contracts policy and affairs generally of hydro is rather befuddled the local public do however understand local conditions of hydro and the first step of the local commission in applying for rebate of surplus funds is being commended by all of course final decision on the matter may not be made for some time such things involve lot of detail but the first step 1ms been taken editoftkal notes in one town we are told by an exchange merchant who didnt advertise went to sleep in his office chair fell out and broke his arm its peculiar that all the recommendations re garding the conduct of industry come from source that lias made such success of tlie government owned railwoy tlie avalkerton heraldtimes makes the fotlow ing comment the dominion of canada is issuing six special stumps this year but not one of them carries pictureof the quintuplets we wonder just if sir adam beck could give voice to his ideas on the power question just which side he would tnjee it seems that at present he is claimed by both parties in the argument col price is now much concerned over the wel fare of veterans and their government appointments we can recull that col price wasnt as much concern ed about placing returned men in position in prefer ence to civilians when he had tlie opportunity wc can he more specific if the colo memory isshort an unique case arose in bridgeport suburb of kitchener when magistrate weir sent two fathers to jail for ten days for refusing to send their children to public school the parents pleaded undciiiourish mont of the children as the families are on relief but the medical officer of health testified the chil dren were getting sufficient food christ the saviour ooldcn text for ood bo lqved tho world that ho givo his only begotten son that whosoever bcltuvoth on lilaa should not parish but have eternal life john 31jg icaun tcxcv john l7romani 010 phil 511 study also luko li 302 acts 1is tim flio time 27 place jerusalem exposition it look and live 14 15 nlcoduinu was tho toochcr of israel 10 and jet ho did not know the fundamental truth taught in the old testament us well ao in tho new namely the doctrine of tho now blrfltt but do idl tw teachers in the church jcnow it ovwi how there was no speculation or hucsiwork about jaius own teaching lie could say wo speak that wo do know and bear wltneos of what we huvo seen 13 it nlcodemus had asked jcius how can thoie things bo in uw muiiuid 15th verses jesus answers nicodemlis question how ho pointed him to how moucs lirted up tho brazen serpent made in the likeness of tlie llery serpent that had bitten tlto people on the polo nu ul tio just no god has lifted jejiub nmde eln for us on the crouf itomans cor 31 gal 13 john 13 31 310 all tho israelite bitten by tho fiery wrpent had to do to uid life wok simply to believe in the power of the ccrpent on tho pol to heal and to show his faith by just looking so all wo have to do is simply to believe in the power of jests mode in tlie likened of sinful flesh and lifted on the croca to heul and to show pur faith by just looking as soon au the israeli to looked he hod life in his nstcad of death so we hove death in us until we look hut un moment we really look to jesus believe on hlni then we have life counting in our veins are born again cf john 13 13 tho whole uecret of the new birth lies in these lliwc wordii look and live the moment wo look we arc in christ jesus old tliinga lire pused away behold all things are become new cor 17 there ar two olterjiatlvtti open to every man believe und have eternal life doubt and perish any one who believes will obtain clumftl life any one who doubui will perish cf mark 1g 1g john 3fl it why jesus came 1621 vcriu 10 hiui probably been used to tlie salvutlon of moropersona than any other verse in the bible it contains the gfeipeliiiumiuhell thosudof salvutlon shall not perish tho origin of salvation tho death of christ god gave hti only bcgotuafbonv the condition of salvation bcllovcth on him tlie recipients of salvation lwhosoeverbclitiuu lgthereului or salvation shall not perish shall have eternal life the verse also contains marvelous rcyclntlon of goda love 1j the objects of gods love tiio world tins character of godu jove greatholding nothing back self sac rule ing giving his very best holy not forgiving sin without on adequate expression of his hatred of it thenuihlfeeitauon or gods iovo in the gift of ilbi only begotten son tho purpose of godsi loveto save thu result of gods lovt whosoever bj lioveji gets everlasting life verses and is were spoken by jesuti himself he speaks of himself oil he usually did us the son of man verse ia is spoken by john and lw upeala of jesus as the only begotten san it li common teaching nowadays that jesus was thn son of god only in the sense that oil men are sons of god but tlie bible clearly tenches that he was tlie son of god inaccnc that no other is tlw son of god jjui claims this for himself murk 12 john 22 23 14 god sent ii li son into the world to save it not to condemn it 17 but ivimnvtr vvulnqtrecelue jesus con 3uke jway motorist wffo what lovely flcesy clonds id just jove to be up there alt ting on one of ttrom motorist all right you drlvd the cor persian halm promotes daintiness charm and beauty magical in lta effect on tho skin there le nothing like it tor cwatflng jmd preserving lovely com plexion cooling caressing it soothes and relieves all roughness caused by weather condltlonu delicately fragrant it enhanced tlie most finished ttppcar once makfls tho skin rosuleaf in tex ture truly peerless toilet requisite for every discerning woman for another man even though ho be righteous although for really good man some might perhaps tw found ready to die nut god on tho other hand com mendeth his love towards us in that whllo we wrro yet sinners vile worth less and in rebellion against him curfat our saviour dlpd for us mairwill jwrdly die for uiu beiit jesus gladly died for tho vhtst if any ono wonder whether jesus died for him let him ask himself tills question do belong to either of these three classes tlie ungodly tho sui nera or those without strcngth7 if you do and who docs not then christ died for you but note tliat tho dentil of christ is the outcome of gods love to sinners not tlie cqumj of it as believers in christ wo are already justi fied the ground of this just meat ion is jluuv blood cf ch 25 wo arc justi fied in his blood but there ln com ing wrath of god cf ch thes 10 ii what about our relation to that if are already justified in christs blood we certainly shall be sav ed from that coming wrath but how shall we be saved in hki life in li resurrection some very caroled raadarsujauldnuilrft tho iffnof christ in 10 to mtan simply his example nnti would thut interpret tho verse to mean that we are saved by chrkts ex ample but jf any ono will intelligently note tlie context ch 25 and the en tiro sixth chapter of tills eplstlu and pauls use of the word everywhere he will readily sec that nothing was fur ther frow piulj mind than the thought that jesus saved by hli example it is tho nesimruoction lipe of which we nw made partakers that saves ch hob 25 brown label 33lb orange pekoe 40 lb edwcirrisburfj rrnvvnrranfl liyu ft iv ultrlllu corn syrup more canadian children than any other corn syrup prajuel tw canada stauch co limited demned and condemned already if uj fall in with gotl purposes of love then he wlio came to save but brings the iireater condemnation cf ileb 10 2q 20 the one who rejects josua is coi demnod already it not so much tliat tlie wrutli ofaod is coming upon thos who reject jesut chrljtnt0inc future time the wreath oi goil the intense displeasure of god already hangs over every one who rejects want if we continue to reject the wratli of ood will abide on in 30 the moment we iirrvprtfynr wn iipnnt from uuclfir ncath the dark thunder cloud of oodvi wruth into the bright sunlight of gods favorr god aimed to save the world lie mude provbilon for the sittvutian or the world but only thce that accept the salvation are uctuully iavid jcsuu ln avmui thy saviour or nil nun tim 10 by his death he made propitia tion for tlw whole world john ii he provided thr ground upon which god could deal in mercy und tlois deal in mercy with every muitiber of tho human iuci but ik li especially the saviour or thue who believe they ulone appioprlitr to tlicmselvtti and tfttruiore njoy in full thi salvation which jrsiis lilii ljjyilbjjltad ain mans u25 21 iii god in christ the lrleml und saviour romans ii 10 iuthls putiuijiv vuul having spoken tf the love of gml which shed ubnuul in uru by tlie holy spirit goej on to that love it li love for tln linrs or thie without utrviigth for the unuwlly und ui suprume pioof and anlfrita tlon li ixvealrd to us in tlw iltatli of clirlst jesud it dinars utterly fiom timiivi lovr man will scarcely dl our hiu tuyrliw tells the biggest news and unofun wilji dvrtmmnb not big spaceskut big values re most newsy moil convincing wild few words nd figuies and in small ra we tell the big story of why you iliould ouy all your groceries at the one outstanding system of grocery stores that is purely canadian carrolls good grocers since 1893 easifirst or domestic at alb plg io tin shortening quaker oats 21 chateau sardines spaghetti royal jams jellles assorted powder arvphcots fa qualhy crossed fish heinz for lent med tins 45 23 appltrumd raspberry or strawberry 32ok matches surelite canadian 2t 25 no 4ac ull tits 3f box 21 cleaning specials pag or gold soap io 33c oxydol or chlpso 37c washing soda lie cleanser z4c gilletts lye lie wax mawcswurloiii iib 43c blueberries 19c apricots lb 25c rsivcy auttrsllaui smjuu raisins lb 23c fallacy lsjpfef nw prunes lb 12c cuoic lombard plums no sum 15c cmice auilrsltan peaches ii 16c cuc lufdrlt pear 17c libbys to ii catchup isoi ul 14c iluiv vtriaiii beans 21c tomators no vt25c lyuit vfalley coldiin wax brans no 10c pieues iar 25c slla1 clkok cut beets no 10c jlmon lb hi 34c sm extilv luutge navel kltlisii juicy ricriii juii lemons zocdoz skeimjkisg 625c igrapefrtjit cttisp head cf lettuce 15c ekee del1veuy phone 15x mill street phone 158 acton ontario

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