ERIN : "Mr. Dougald Campbell' having bus homo here remodelied and will move tn SPECIALTIES [f |tctore tre cua ef the mooi ener | tr. HL. Harris han returned homo SEPTIC TANKS .| After spending three weeks at Christio WATER PUMPS Btreet . Hospital, Toronto, where he : 'underwent an operntion, CHEMICAL TOILETS as low as- $6.95 Mira. W. G. Magil has "been - quite i during the paisf week, suffering from a SUPER CHARGE CHEMICALS | back injury, the result of a fall. . Large drums $2.50 My, Joseph Gaunders shiffered' ¢-aabis}. fracture of the left leg above tho anklo, Cv Special price to schools ' , Write for catalogue. ~~ Jost Priday evening. The accident was _]¥nost. unfortunate and he..will be aff duty WL. HIGGINS & co: : OINEERS 4 557 YONGE. sv. - TORONTO: for some time, : an Arrangements have deen completed in : , - a OAKVILLE = . Kingedale 7x78 sot - f° Mrs. W. D. Gregory returned on Wed- which Rev. Ganon Weaver, of Campbell- .| ville, wilt be Rector of All Saints' Church, Erin, and he and Mrs. Weaver will re- move to Erin ahortly. - Mr, A: (Jim) Vidal, returned recently nesday from a trip to Atlantic Olty. wo Priday evening © Mra. . Kenneth d was host at a delightful shower and tea at her home, Spruce || from' a trip to Malta, where he vialted his 'mother and brothers, Hoe reports a Btreet, In honor of Miss Eileen Richards, a bride-to-be of this month. , wonderful' tip and a very enjoyable "| winter in tho. delightfut -etrmate,--Advo- cate. My, and Mra, E. J. Hallet have return- ed home from Plorida. On thelr way. home they -visited at Summervile, Gouth Carolina, with Mroand Mrs. R. K. Blater, formerly of Oakville. - The residence, barn and other bulld- ings owned by P. A. Bath, Colborno Street, west, were threatened with fre on Sunday when a gras: fire, believed to have started from. a. clgarotia stub, reached serlous proportions: John Babbs, aged 22° years, a graduate of Appleby School, was accidentally shot] on Sunday, and was found lying dead on the floor of his garage, near Fiilywood Lodge, Island Grove, with a bullet wound dn ils forehead. A gun Was lying at his aldo. A. HR. Locke, of "Toronto, was seriously injured" oan Sunday when he was trick | own ar Sms tank of his car which was parked beside | the Dundas Highway, near Palermo. He recetved o fractured hip and head in- juries and was removed to Toronto. A woman: companfon was slightly Injured.' ~--Record, -- RAILWAY'S PLACE IN NATION'S ighb. . oan Ors Ne orhood. News = CNITATION The place which Oanada's - railways GEORGETOWN . SANITATION oceupy in the Dominion's affairs is strik-/ | - . ingly shown in some statistics recently Owing to the unsafe conditian 'of the released. Last year 66,626,000 tons of! peitry" tower on the Town Hal, the -wern. fransported by Canadian | ringing of the town bell will bp disoon- and 17,953,000 passengers | tinued until neceasary repairs are, made. fravellpd on their trains. The total pay-| afr) and Mrs. Norman Henderson and rolla of 'Canada's raitways for the year daughter, of Toronto, visited friends in '| amounted to $141,078,000 pald to anltown-during the week." average of 119,000 employees. Tho ralt-| ovr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill, of Brantford, ways are one of the largest consumers of wer, and Mrs'George Burwell, of Hamtl- Ca coal Some og {n/ ton, and Mr. T. 8, HIM, Jr. of Goderloh. | nie respect covering Canadian - National were Sunday visitors nt_ the. home of |. 'lines show 1 that "out _of every f every doliar o! Of Mir,_and Mrs. [. 8."Hul, King Gtreet.-- the €191,936,076.56 spent last year in| pyeraid. . an . operating the rallway, approximately 10 : ve Mr.|cents went for fuel. The fuel ill for locomotives amounted to $14,705,092.33 for the year; the water bill amounted to $893,700.04. Approximately 60 cents out of every dollar of expenses went for|: labor, 'Information as to commodities t} handled" over Canadian National Mnes '| throughout the year gives a on the extent to which Canada's mining in- dustry has grown. Products of the mines conatituted the mares bon tae of the .{ total revenues tonnage, 17) 546, or 32:7 per cent. Agricultural products account for 23.1 per cent, Yorest products 12.2 per cent, anima] products 2.7 per cent., | miscellaneous 29.8 per cent. TIP TOP CLOTHES, 'are hand cut. and _ individually tailored to your measure. em © Perfect atyle \ : da ~-matter of fit--and fit -------- dependson measure. 4 TIP TOP TAILORS | > LIMITED Made to Messure Clothes . are guaranteed to fit | $2375. ¢ - BURLING GTON" Work has been commenced at the cold storage plant at Aldershot, the excaya-, tlon for the cellar dcing completed. Work ls progressing on the new water- works pump house, ond the .bullding } promises to be quite an imposing struc- ture. - ' ~AbL two o'clock Wednesday 'afternoon ftho Fire Brigude received a call to Emerald Crescent, where u grass tre threatened to do some damage. "The Town "Council are making pre- paratlous to re-deeorate the interior of the 'Town Hall, prior to' the hobby falr und the -play to be brosanted "by the Lions Club, * * Oscur Dynes, John Fauliner and Norman Styers, three local men employ-~ Travel Service * Conducted Tours, Overseas Trips, Cruises to Bermuda and kho West Indies, and Around tho World by | Land, Gea or Alr can be arranged through our services, JUBILEE. EXCURSION TO EUROPE Good Going to April 30th -- 1% Days Stop-over, Allowing to - --~Spend- May- Sth in- England-- Tap OLASS for TOURIST -OLASS for .. _ SUL very dry and Iscking the April _--Schoo! starts on Monday--on' Day- : . 1 Ught Gaving time. ~. tee QUEER, PAGE IS WRITTEN IN ~ RAILWAY POLICE REPORT M.Pallant --For shopping news the | ads. eacn - Week tell of 'the best. . --Jubliee of necesslon of King George ~~ Vrerweek: from) Monday.-- --Dorr't forget to set your clocks ahrad an hour Saturday night. : | <The Easter "week-end was featured by splendid spring-like weather. . Many fyteresting adventures Me behlud 'the bald, statement of fact which con- sllutes. the reports.of.the railway. palica.. "AD unusual ineldent came to Ught tn the report made by a Canadian Nations! Rallways'. oorstubte; ab North Bay, fol- lowing w complaint that an 'unknown man had been chopping down 'the varl~ ous crossing 'snow-plow sizos't 'ina | remote our tong section--of---theNorth--Co y: ----= Fwhich-were ir the fora, of cross, Ware erected at the crossings ag a- warning to tho crew to ralse the flanger of tho plow before passing over the publio truck protections. Between the lincs of the report could be read the story of 'a Jonely man, who lived in a Jog cabln, by tha railway right-of-way, who: had suddenly become deranged. His mania took tho |, form of destroying all sjgns which were patterned after & crass. Wheh the con- stable approached him he became. wildly excited and threatened the officer with anoaxe. The settler déclared that he would destroy all signs' bearing sich e cross and stated' that tho trains had no right to disturb him by operating past his property. It was @ ticklish eltuatlan but by exercising diplomacy he was somewhat pacified ond the constablo lof: to commimicate with a provincial police constable. Subsiquently the two rodg to the settler's cabin on a section gas-car, where the insane man was arrested after o struggle. We was later. examined by o doctor pnd committed to the 'asylum as hopelessly insane, 'Yet the entire story was 'told in the report to Buperlntendent $139 --Ask~--for--Deseriplive" Lileratnrt,' "STI SVC WT tee TY 'The-signs: [ne = alter Saturday evening th Acton. Mrs, John "Applebe, of Btewarttown, will observe her soth, birthday on May 7th. : --Brempton | has secured & new {n- dustry--the Bolta' Rubber Company. it will employ 75 hands. _ --Commencing this week, coples of Tue Pare Parss are for salo at J. A. Little store in Rockwood. = yy turs for the waterworks Job, wero injured F red. L. Wright shortly ufter elght o'clock 'Wednesday ACTON, ONT. morning, when a scaffolding they were - - He working on collapsed. . aa : ° The dispute betwcen Nathaniel Harvey | ] W: ll = Annua a paper and Paint Sale und Pred Bell 4¢ Sons over opening up Emerald Street wad brought to a head 4 Roll Bundles of 'waltpaper, lonl, Priday, when Mr, WL Bell Journey: | od to Milton and obtained uw writ against | Bultable for Pantries, Cup- boards or clasets, . Mr, Harvey, at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, 19c and 25¢ pundle which it returnable in ten days. The announcement. that) Engincer SUNWORTHY BEDROOM PAPERS. regular 35c roll.- Sale Price, per roll Hinton' s 5¢ to $1 Store Must be Sold Within A Week Wo axe selling' privately a itst of Furniture selonging | to the estute of the . LATE CHAS, CONWAY at his home. 'hls Furniture has - ¢ Power and the Water Commission hive reached un amicable settlement, thus avolding a bly law sult, will be recelvod with satisfaction by "tho ratepayers generally. According to the resolution Pissed by the Commission, thé terms of -scttlement ara "that Engineer Power will recalve payment of $1,160. and 5% 'always had the best of care. on work completed under his supervision, w Included in the lst ts tho fof- In full settlement."---Garette. * ha lowing: Bedroom Furniture, Tables, [1° : ji SUNWORTHY- KITCHEN PAPERS Butfet, Wall Carpet. Wilton Rug, @.foot O-Inches by 9 foot; Chairs, EDEN mI we «regular 25c roll. Sale Price, per roll .... Clock, ete, w 5 A ' ' w ATTRACTIVE BEDROOM PAPERS Anyone wishing to wee this Pur- The Women's Institute were hostesses " regular 10c roll. , Sule Price, per roll. "INSURANCE FIRE, CAR, ACCIDENT SICKNESS, ETC. . E. HARROP -- REPRESENTATIVE Gore District Mutual Norwich' Union Canadian §=Fire Insurance Company --Ptre in Dundalk on Thursday even- . fog destroyed one building and threar- entd the entire dusiness sectlon for " some time. : Lo --At the sale of chattels and properly of the late Mrs. Jackson. in Hilsburg, yesterday, the Hillsburg property was sold to Mrs. John Atcheson. 1 Roont Lot, for Hall or Parlor, 14 Rolls Sldewall, 24 yards Border. Reg. $4.34, Acton Liberals Meet ~ A inceting of the Acton Liberal-Pro- @ressive Amociatlan wan held in tho Council Chamber on Monday evening. The Alllance Aasirance Co. ' niture eal) at our store pnd we wit and was well attended. T. A. Blakelock, Mf. P. P. for Halton, and Hughes'Cleaver, nominee for the Federal election, were 1 present ond addresed the. gathering. Mr. Blakelock told of the activity of the last session and poloted with pride t ths number of election promises already fulfilled. Yt was deolded to hold the annual euchre and dance, und a com- mitteo was appointed to makes the ur- rangements. "BUTTER ¥OW PASTRY" The _ Wonlenwho--- pride} -- themselves In thelr cooking. tuko par- ticular pride in thely pastry, Yor it ts generally felt thut tho ability to muke delicious, tender pastry is w real uccom~ " * pihment in mastering the cullnary art. Rowland Flynn, of the Canadian Nao- onal Ynvestlgatlon Department, in leas than three typewrltten_Hnes] HINTS TO THE COOK 'When you boll or roast meat, the prin- elple to beur in mind is that a erust should: be formed on tho outside as quickly ay possible, in order to retahy the julces. The temperature must then by lowered in order that the Inside may cook through. When bolllng meat, plunge dt fnto boll- ing water and boll {t rapldly for three or four minutes, then add ao Httle cold water to' check the bolling, and draw tho pan 'aside, After tho. first bolling, ©The Casualty.of Cauada Assurance Company 'The Merchants Casually Co. _ wha Portage-la-Prabie Mutual Reid's Electric "Splendid Display of Electric: al Requiremenis on Display at °°?) JOHNSTONE & RUMLEV Sy be glad to show {t to you, at prices - that are very reasonable, Johustone & Rumley BRAY CHICKS _ repeating : 1934's Successes for @ supper in the Town Hall on Thurs- day evening, when quite-a number uvatl- ed thenwelves of the privilege of antls- 'tying the appetite" with' " wel "served | jg dainties. Adter supper a wood and varled Program was enjoyed, following which cuchro und dancing fled the time until the early hours of morning. We ore sorry t report that on Friday Mauler "Nell MfePhall was again hurried to the hospital, when another operation was perfqrmed.-- ils condition 1s as favorable o8 can be expected, My. Normun Spence ts recovering? from a serloug accident recelved u few weeks ago wiille attending his, enttle. Mr. Gifes wis' admitted to' Gueloh 'General YWoupltal very recently suffering some intemal trouble. - On Tuesday, Rov. and Mrs. Somerville w Sunworthy Parlor, Dining Room and Hall Papers. Beautiful range of patterns to scelect from "Regular 35c¢ and 40c roll, Sale Price per "roll. w w CEILING PAPERS, with room lots only > Extra Special, per roll Our Quality Paints are Paint Department brought to consumer direct from "the factory at the Lowest Cost and overhead, therefore enabling mus to give you consistantly High Quality Paints at Reasonable | Prices, HOUSE PAINTS Complete satisfaction in your own estimation, or money refunded is our sincere guarantee. 4-HOUR VARNISH 1 STAIN I' "somevody" forgot to put tho -- Nd on your broodew stove on the 'evening of a cald dey In Janu- ary, and next morning you found ica in the water fountaths--what would you expect to happen to 'your flock of week-old chicks? Work " ~PHONES 30 and 110 - John Dew, King, Ont., had that . experfence with his carly-hagchud " Now Located tn Johnstone & * Bray White Leghorns this "year, Uumley's Store and he only lost four--and only : one has died dlnce! Yo has nearly all his brollers sold, and out: of 303 chicks has raised 170 fine pul- lets--as ven a Mock as you could want to see. They wolgh just bout the even 2% Ibs. per bird t-4tti4" weeks oldt === nit 'Another "early bird" who 'pought early hatched- chicks this yoar was Britt Riddell, a nelyhbor of Mr. Dvw's.. He bought 307 Bray Bare red Rocks, hatched Juntiary oth, annd has Inst only 9 chicks Fb vrgilers are all cold, and he has raised 154 splendid pullets for "nis "own Inylng tlock. Actually, their growth and development have been so rapld and complete, that | at 1345 weeks old they welgh as much us 3 lbs. 10 oz. apiece! Chicks that LIVE and GROW Uke these will DAY and PAY. They will make good body welght at 5 months old-- and will have the body capucity and utamina 'o beyln Jaying varly and keep ap laying when cpus are worth thy post money. It pays to buy attended Ebenemr Guelph Road- North Tand East W. M. S. Group, held at Mro. Thos, Richardson's, when a very profit- able and well attended Fuster thank offerlng meeting was held, with _Mra, Richardson presiding. . , The play, "An Old-Yashioned Mother," wm auurt . given th the Hall an Tuesday evening x Pint by tie Presbyterian Young People's a . . Society, was o splendid presentation, and | 4-HOUR GLOSS ENAMEL w well attended. Yt was under the dires- = Gives a supertor high gloss to {lon of G. W. Bridle, and all the char- Furniture, Woodwork, etc. 4 aotera took thelr varlow! parts well, The a Regular price, 700 quart. following ta tho cast, Deborah Underhill, uw Sale Price @ mother in, Tsracl, Miss Ysobel Lowrlo; Quart -Lowlia Lovlny-Cuslard, : plais- sowlig-aod | a-ring Woxsip, Miss Wilda Gordon; Widder BU) ya Pint .. Pindle, leader of the chotr, Mrs. Bolle mw 20 colors in 1{ pint alve ab... Scott; Glorianu Perkins, as good as gald, - - Miss Helen Mophally Sukey Piidle, tho| wy ~ READY MIXED FLOOR Widder mite, Ms Wilda Gilbertson: "PAINT Ysobel Almmscott._the "village belle, Mss yor YalsHloy and kevlar -Melrosp Wilson; John Underhill, the pro- Porelt and Verandah Floors. Quart , the nyeat uhould only simmer. 'When roasting meat, put It into. -very hot oven, or close to a clear red fre, and Jeave until the whole outside Is trusted over, Then move. the Joint fur- ther away from tha fintsh oook- ing at about half the orlginul tempera- ture. Allow fifteen minfites per pound when roasting, aud twenty minutes. per spound when boiling. The xhape of the Joint xhould not make any ditfercnce in "t the culculatlon--only thé welght, A stew. will be more uavory If the meat is first browned quickly on both sides byt. Yrying im hot fat for two_or three min- utes. After frying, Jay 'the eat jn. a. Tatéwpan, Sprinkla with Seasoned tour and pour in sutriclont stock Just to cowr, If any vegetables are added to the stew, put in lest stock, us the vo: | tor Yuterior or Exterior, Wood, For finishing and 're-rinishing Cement, Metal, Erick, Ptister, any wood or wicker furniture. All Ete, : shades and ground color. Regular ode quart. Quart Sale Prica Pinta . alt Pints . CLEAR VARNISH Spare Floor and Furnllure Varolsh Quant. ' It ks not w dimicult matter to make good pastry, provided the proper ine _ Sredients dre used and care is taken In combining thent. Bhortening is gn Lm- nt factor becuuse tt has much to "do with the texture of ths pastry as well'us the Mavor, <A comblnatlon of equal parts of butter und a salt short~ ening, such' as lurd, is {deal Yor the Purpose,' since the butter provides both Havor and color while 'tha' other shortun- ing assures tendernens PASTRY NO. 1 14 cups pastry Hour . Sy teaspoon salt eed Soup bitter i cup Jard - cold water "(about K cup) . suit tour and salt, cut tn shortening "with two knives or pastiy blender, Mols- tables increase the Hquid. "Bring a stew | ten with cold water, udding just enouy's| UP to bolling polnt, then 'Immedintely water" to combine Ingredkaite. Pat Wnto Put Ih aw Yar corner o tw Oven and: ahaps. Chil! thoroughly before rolling. keep ft yently ainmerny for two houns. | ; Bake in a hot oven: Do not use a larger stowpan than Is JYASTRY NO, 3 meeeseny: 4 cups pastry Hour teuspoon sult + cup bulter 4 cup lurd cold wuter (about % cup) Sift Hour und salt, cut in lard with knives or pustry blender. Axolsten with cold water. 'Tous on ullyhtly qoured board. Roll in rectangular sheet 4% inch Estimates Cheerfully | Fur- nished on All Electrical 34 colon..- KSC Galton $1.98 590 Half Pint... SHELLAC Orange or While 4 AQUA, cela B50, LOr ene 98. . Small Bottles,.reg. Ue. for ... We a Turpentine, Raw Linseed Ol e _ und Boiled Linsced"O Gillon _ Pint Walt Pint . . BROSHES Walt; Vurnials awnd Striplag Brushew 100 ---- Ihe -- 2660 -- Y5a colors. ROYAL GUELPH NOW Pi FRIDAY "SEQUOIA"- The Most Amazing Picture You've Ever Seen "also - digfl son, Mfr. High Worton; Chawle Underhil), the elder brother, My, Donuid MecPhulli Jéremlah Gosling, . "Jerry," a merry heart. Mr. Ben Wilson; Jonah Quackenbush, a whited sepulchre, Me. Rolund Hanson; Enoch Rone, an out- cast and a wanderer, Mr. Robt. Stevens; Quintus Todd, the County sheriff, Myr. Ken "Wallace; Sally Larkins, 'ongantst. Mrs, Wm. Eurly. " . Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Croft entertained + Mr, Strachan Croft, of Goderich,' over the week-crid. Half Pint £ CNN "YAKING NO CHANCES SAT, -- MON. -- TUES. RUBY KEELER AL JOLSON Extra Special Several odd Quarts and Pints of discontinued colors in house paint 39 Cc quart 2 Cc pint, to clear at A Scotchman, an Engliliman, und an Tishman were on a raft in the middle of, the ocean. Lhere wus no hope of . regcue, so the Yelshinun, a very plous | . aa rn - - , man, got on his knew: to pray. The 6G a Englishman, out Of respect for the ae | GO IN CO YOUR thick, Dot butter on half of sheet, fold, | mun, Wok off his-hat. 'rhe Scotchman DANCE" rays eles. . preas down edges, roll Ughtly. Fold und, thotight thut the lnglishmin was, golng | . Come In and talk chicks with voll aguln. Chill thoroughly, Bake in| lo puss the hat and dived overboard. | - us, Or get a copy of our, rea _hot oven, . : | 'NEXT WEDNESDAY chick booklet: und conkider It when "" Note--For those not expert in pastry - ' "AR OF MID you have a few Spure moments ut 'St . . making, the first of the ubove incthods hope. may be moru satisfactory, although the ' 7 j . second method gives a more taky pastry, NIGH TT BRAY CHICK GEMS. OF TuovGHT oo For' Men POWELL ROGERS HATCHERY : By Sooll a: Mellite . No apectes of falsehéod fs more fre- ' quent than flattery: to which the coward B. D. RACHLIN DAILY AT 215 -- 7.00 -- 0.00 : ACTON is betrayed by fear. the dependent by Savas 2 to 11 7 i eee _. NOUMC RR RERMEEREREE - MM. FOOT was frlendly. with Bumpy u Bunion, and - Burny *€sijua until Oress | Hy to 5 t 1: Sto Corn und Bunton-Salves' were sald thy 5 m on' Ss. Cc oO ore = Brown's Drug Store, a= Seeded aeeeteeeenrenceem ene. RY. KENE'S LIST OF SALES " . : ' il "SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED SHOES: ry Free Press Ads Will Sell Your Goods: Let Us Convince 'You ae! Tuesday, April: $0th---Robert Doughty, Limehouse: Lnplements und Household Etvects, Saturday, May dth--J. Brunelle, Actou, Sale of Holshald Effects. 'nicsday, Muay Tth--dtobert 'altima. t Alenwitltams, rione . 128 BRAMPTON , - ONTARIO interest, and the friend by tenderness. BATUE ¥