the acton free press thursday may mb ins it honor mottrtrr an sunday victoria pay lust two wccka from i7 of haltori convened in acton continued from fw 0a health book favoring the moderate uaa of alcohol we atrongly protest atfalnit any aucb idea betas incorporated in book dealing with health and reoom bcnd that audi proteet be aent to the department of education whereas many of our moving plo ture films have been found detrimental to the moral well being if our youth do it re that we support fiu more menta to cloanian agency whchtnay be made such force in character build ing whereas investigation into our in dustrial work reveals injustices to those employed we would urge an increasing interest of all christian women in these thlnga and urge supporting efforts put tomorrow mothrra pay on sunday wear flower in ncr honor oeorgetowntax rate for the year has ien oet at 5q mills some wanner weather would bo ap preciated by all jut now blossom time has had rather bad setback with the cool weather several of the cement walks about town require attention this season the baseball activities of the week bave been hampered by the wet weather mothers day thoughts will be to the forefront in the churches on sun day may has made up fbrsaprll in sup plying the showers that failed last month zjpijctynrv nyplnrllng in wtnrfftg ftq quelph on saturday caused consider able damage rhere are many ways of honoring mother next sunday and every other day of the year the road drag will now bo able to do some effective work on the streets since the rains the public lavatories in the building orenow open for the use the general public heavy sentences for drunken driv ers of aulas axe now being handed out in toronto police courts nine cases were heard in police court in acton last thursday the doc ket for thkl week is much lighter 410000 damagewas done by are in the village of gormley and the post office and general store destroyed principal ralph hoes has resigned from the georgetown high school stalf after holdlngthc position for 3l years repairs arid view installations of waterworks services are being made now by ithllr tthhhfrt famr invn anyone who failed to obtain onu of the jubilee souvenir programs may securw one at tin puti imicssoifice where few are litlll available hydros now plan of popularizing electric cooking is creating quite an in tcreut tlie opening announcements appear in tills issue giving full partlcu lars the architect and tomo of the con tractors tetu to luivo lust interest and energy in putting on the finish big touch at the building anil completing contracts when uw cur driven by lien wal lace vent out of control on the high way west of acton on tuesday morning uw machine was ditched and rather wdly wiuufijed the driver wau not seriously injured forth to bring about aucb conditio as are more desirable for our fellow wonwrt so employed in our socalled christian ur uup had calluses so bad he used cane oreoa corn salve banished them forever at browns drug store watch window foe displaycuts in all meats largo sausage lbs 7c lard bs 26c 28c butter per tt fisk meat market acton land whereas the 36th anniversary of our beloved kings ascension to tho throne is being celebrated we rccommeend that motion from our ipresbyterlal be put on record voicing our gratitude to ood for bparlng their gracious majesties king george and queen mary to reign over us for the past twentyfive years our high appreciation of their splendid work during that time and our sincere prayers that gods blessing will continue to rest upon them and that they may be long spared to reign over us officers for the year were elected as follows paut president mrs george aitkcn ftalltnafod president mrs inglehart bronte vicepresidents mrs wilson georgetown mrs dales milton mrs bows milton press and recording secretary mrt thunls burlington corresponding secretory mm rtri lowshlp secretary mrs smith oakvlue mission circle and secretary mrs rm clements milton ulsulon bond mrs speight george town strangers secretary mrs gunby nelson treasurer mrs ross scgsworth freeman associate ilelperfcrr mrs chas rcadticad milton supply mrs mcnlvcn campbell vllle litera ture miss hopkins burlington mis sionary monthly mm mcdcrmld georgetown temperance mrs wat son nelson baby band mrs stephen son georgetown tlie evening session was an inspiring oceanian and attended by largu con gregation the feature of the evening wati an address by mrs honier brown of china who gave an luterestbig in sight into tho work being carried on in that land featured on tills evening program ttlso were solou by mrs poolo and mrs oardbiur and pantomime glvm by acton mission circle at the ufurnoon samlon betty gibson and biluc vincent sang duett ihtrlng tho day meals were served tha visitors by tho ladles of tho acton society in the school room of tho church nnd tho vfciltors were lavish in their praise of the hospitality extended mr dales conducted memorial service for those who hud paused on during the year she extended an in vitation to hold the convention of 1033 in milton mo day may 12 carnations roses tulips sweet peas daffodils etc for your ap proval choice variety of potted plants and perns bishop flowers as gifts ade quately cxprcs your appreciation of mother dainty enclosure cards with every purchase bishop son bealciifl specially phone acton wo iwiitt store mill street greenhouse pairview avenue we invite dispectton kilkwoklms secret cau club idyhx tha value of farmtlub work in lui proviiig the quality of live stock and in bti tojiucatarorjtjttmimlwak both hi the young club members and in thwlr parents is becoming more una wore evident huiidrthls of examplu all oief tlie dominion mby be cited but perhaps one of the hiatit uiylllo stories jx4lknwejmuielnrtuenceqf boys and ulrls farm cluhd on it coutes from new brunswick the bglmilng of ll20 found one of new brunswicks trccitt leading ogrloulturkts jiut an ordmary fanner milking two scrub cows that spring his two boyn pred jr and eraat joined thu st jolm valley calf club tiielr fatlier purchased for each of the bow pure bred jersey calf and at the same time bought fouryearold pure bred cow for himself recently young preds original heifer and her daughter eachquttlilled in tile test with kllwr niedul records lmetj heifer 4bto made two good records pive couk hi the stable huve qualuled in the willi seven good records to day sixteen to eighteen pure bred cows are maintained ixeaded by one of tlie but bulls hi kew brunnwlck ksirkflelds sybil 48dll new born was built in 1034 and increasad cropproduction is likewise being carried out with surprls ingly good results wont vvokttv tr t1xat fellow ow mo qfty dollars and wont he pay tt7 wont eaiwojt about itl xjntll tlio middle of thu lost century few people thought acrlously of applying to uia silkworm to loarn tlie procei for manufocturhig artlllclal silk which tills year celebrated its jubilee as com mercial uroduet then fate brought to gether young french student of terwardu count ililuire dc chardonnct and pas teur at that time studying mysteri ous dtase known as pebrlne respon sible for tlie deatlis of large numbers of idllcworms iniiplrjl no doubt by tho zeal or his grvat master tho young frenchman began to inveiitlguto tho silkworms private factory ho found that the hkuect fed exclusively on tho leaves of tlie oak and the mulberry and lixjielled the excrement through two tiny orifices in tlie form of gum which on tine thread he set to work to repro duce the process utilizing several ex isting inventions notably the nystcm for producing wood pulp dtscovetvd accld eiitly by keller weaver of slyvchardoiinett the textile world ty an announcement of his suocessful manufacture of artlflc lal juk tlik he obtained first by win ning ceuulostf from ue pulp of mulberry treea then converting tills substaiico into nltro cellulose which he finally dis solved and forced under iiressure through orlribm into hotair cliambei thus leaving uieshwork of silky iibny unfortunately the maurlal give such npeouculur proof or 1u lnnummabluty that in tlie intercuts of public safety tlie the authorities ivrohlblud llri furtliur manufacture way was soon found however of voiding tills and tlie ban was lifted royal guelph now til friday private worlds olaudette oolbbatt sat mon tubs mr oboiltle arlissml cardinal richelieu magnificentl next wed thurpri william jean powell harlow reckless coming misekahlks shirley mae temple west our little going to girl town daily at z15 100 b00 cqnt katukay to xi dinah any way new iiuby sin imd arrlvl ut iho llrowns and what du you bumd to cull tlie fellwl ii llitolllkir llf mr uroun dinuli and what doc uid sutid for well replied wv brown tt urows up like hvr fauier hifcck and tntld wu lihall call liar dlnau may but if alio grows jlto her mother wo shall call her dinah mite you need rapid growth in may and june chicks may and june liatched chicks are not too late eto majcu laying pullets before tliu food winter cue prices fall on iti true that chicks must have buper abundance of vigor and browlhlneus bred in uiem before they will mako early layers uul tliatij why brays xtrapront chicks hatclikl iram bio eggd nil tlie need to well for rapid growing chlcku at this thno of year up to 30 and 33 on per doienl generally came from the blfltfar more productive hens our breeding liocla aiul in turn tlie chicks from bio ib inlterlt the mi usual vigor and growtlilncjait of thajrniouwr it true that buy ing good chicks lnluelf id not enough to mature you of on early laying flock but wltli ordlmury good mauagenieiit and fiowl feed big brays xtraproilt pulkiu will begin laybig at to man tha old wo iowof many bray rtocks tliut wtre laying 60 ut moiitlis youll bo hi on whiter egrf mony in ixoember and january if you buy xtrupront chicks fetid them well and glv them ordln ury good management thlj ium nwr our priced on may inid juni liatclud chicks uiv particularly attractive and you con tuivd 100 hundred by placing your order30 day in advance 10 deimuit botks your order stop in and get our catalogue and our uuw prlct lt next time you have chanco chick letters to the editor tbe prc irc welcomed icluf thl columo on nutters general interest to lu rwleo but doe not necessarily endorse the opinion expressed all letters must be signed but may be published over pen nanta if so desired and apeci ted in the letter communications should nut be over 500 words in leant and musf be received not later than tueada ensure publication utter from moistr dear ipsnc paras aa far as memory serves at acton moving day hai usually been when con ditions justified in this city may ut and about three days previous and one or two following wltncoucs loads of hottochoid vry dbroouon aragreauy immensebuilt vans on purpose drays and evtm private motor cars may be seen hatchery phone ia brampton ontario being loaded unloaded or in transit leases are made to terminate at may 1st and this year although there arc about 20000 fewer than loot the estim ated number is 67000 families this year it has been accompanied with great discomfort for april 30th was very wet day and may lot very cold inter urban exchanges from considerable dis tance cven to toronto ore usually mode by motor on highways as expert handlers wju carry even from one room to another without any damage at rail way utatlons byhurrled handling there are often dlaagrceabhx and sometimes ludicrous circumstances arising out of falldre to bo on exact time and aid and new tcuuhui becoming mixed there are strong suggestions being made to have tho date itself moved to more com fortable time on jubilee pay there is to be stag boy scout notes rtrp fur tte tjto lng tho troop so busy at the regular meetings that very little time fa left for badge work however there ore thne how scouts jack chapman donald brown and gordon bllton who have their tenderfoot work ready and are waiting an opportunity to pass tho test the troop committee expects to send twentytwo acton scouts to the baden powcll rally in toronto on may uth there was good turnout of scouts and cubs for the jubilee parade the boy scouts not being military organr lxatlon marching is not part of the regular program however mr fred coles kindly consented drill tho boys for tho parade and his help and interest appreciated the boys did their traditional good turn on monday by distributing pro ravr ll would clerk making an excuse for error but sir man isnt machine he cant go for ever boss oh yes he can youre going for ever at the end of the week v8 have demonstration then youll understand why the ford v8 is called tho balanced car the eight cylindersgive power plant and per formance that have made this car so popular with case ol driving and economy in fuel added to mechanical performance thero is tho new riding comfort forback and front scat passengers new larger tires and new springs to take tho road shocks wp could go on and tell you of many other points that make tho 1935 ford v8 outstanding in the car field but best cf all get demonstration make us provo that we have tho be cai valu the r9 norton motors si phone 69 acton ontaftlo watch the forda go by one of the greatest events hi the cityj history mammoth demonstration fa to be held at fletchers field an lmmtenso and handsome pork just under tho beetling eastern face of tho mountain on top of which is tho jean uaptlsto illuminated crass 100 feet high which can be uccn at night 30 miles down river the park contains massive public statue of sir gtoorrc cartler one of the prime confederation states mall at tlie gathering troops are to parade many bands to play school pupiis of suitable utfe to maim together and tlie versatile energetic mayor houdu to give an orutluntany of you who havo ever heard him know how he can adapt himself to such tank great church gatherings arc also to mass at appointed centres for religious observance and nblo addresses tin ftb ihtfcim having arrived note before mailing these notes tlie proposed removal of acton kimlor pastor ilev mr pookj an enthusiastic member of his congregation visiting us here in winter early last year in stating tlie number of years olilrjpoqlcmhiljitry uald he might be aii many more if ho would not havlng oificiul record to liand think howevur that if the transfer takes place ho will be follow ing one of the former beloved pastuxs to nidgeway in 1005 tho late rev smith whoso two sons revs dr lloyd smith and lavelle smltn haw important charged in westmdunt here mrs smith rcmatnu although in frail health amongst her tons cordially coleman montreal canadian mica gains reflecting decided upswing in ac tivltles in tho canadian mica industry exports of canadian mica rose in valuu from 6200 in 1033 to 117800 in 1034 gain of close toluo per cent tlyj larger portion of the 1031 chlpmenui consisting entirely of amber mica tho only type producod in canada was con signed to the united kingdom this is in marked contrast to tho practice of earlier years when tlie united states was thu principal consumer ivoductlan of mica in canada during 1034 registered gain of 67 per cent in quantity and tiniti ih eou tpu br estimated at 080 tons valued at j07o71 compared wltli 044 tons valued nt 402i in 1033 tho rbus in exports reflects con intuition of pronounced upward trend in thdmcandlkitryslncc early ini033 and constitutes utroug bid by canada to regain her former position as thu worlds chief source of amber mica this position was jorittiome yenra ago fol lowing tlie exploitation of the dopoaits hi madagascar from which fiourco com petition became so keen that practically all tlie canadian mines wore forced to close down or keverely curtail opera tlons resumption of uctivltliii at tributed largely to the marked decline hi mica output from madagascar in recent years us well as agunurul better mtiit or trade mid thu replenishment of depleted stoclut by uritlsli uionufoch turers canadas principal productive uwlwir mlcu dtjkwiui lie within belt of rocks extending uboutone hundred mllus north andsoutli otsottuwuthe territory bbig trvciily dlvldrd between ontario and quebec ottawa tile cupltal of tliu doiiilnlon him long bw ii one of thf chief centres of thu industry and ki tha location of trimming eatabluhnumu uiul wurthuuiaxi of many of uie larger mlu ing companltu and dealers utca lu kwr uuaiititled wjl produced in llrlthtlx columbia in the term of ground miuco vite