cszs mob six the acton pree press thursday may 30th 1035 dust wax keep wfontt but violets the ffprlng to here houeclcaoins time descends upon the land and busy housenjvca rush about nervous worried band or with the dawn of springtime fair they fain must qcht the foe and scotcb of mlcrobtn tons of dust into oblivion go the scent of flowers is in the air but what reck they of this the birds are singing everywhere all this delight they miss for dont you know bouuccleanlag umo has come upon the land and flats must be turned upside down and men wont understand sister mine hold on pace in your drcadnaught campaign few weeks more th selfsame place will show more duct again just take sniff of springtime air and let the cleaning wait for dust witt keep but vloleu wont as some undout tdb jaie menu hints ftectpea ear new anal nawsp dlahc niaaiilum jatmm as biooer and better salads for warm weather salads are in order all the year round but there should be more salads in sum mer when the appetite craves and nature provides wide variety of fresh fruits kind vegetables for their making vegetable salad may form the main course at luncheon every day and fruit halad for dinner several times week forms refreshing uubsutute tor des sert the dressing must be carefully chosen to bring out the best flavors fruits and vegetables froit salad ddressino cup vinegar or lemon juice cup salad oil or melted butter cup sweetened condensed milk cgfe yolk unbeaten teaspoon salt fw grains cayenne teaspoondry mustard cup tart mfjclly place ingredients cxcept jelly in mixing bowl beat with rotary egg beat er until mixture thlckvns if thick con sistency tii dtslrtd place in refrigera tor to chill bolero serving just beforo bcrvlng add cup tart red jelly such us currant or cranberry mix well uslntf ta silver fork makes cups this 14 aullclaus with any fruit mixture fruit salad dressing cup sweetened condensed milk cup tomato catsup cup prepared mustard thoroughly blend sweetened condens ed milk tomato catsup and prepared knuutard chill servo ou lettucti or vegetable alad makes cup the old man stretoh voor strawberioes when the rlrst luscious strawberries appear how can wo afford to buy enough to glva our eager family generous iservlng the answer wo cant unless wo put on our thinking cap and find way to moke quart of berries bo long way here is the way tielicloud way to make quart of berries serve six people strawberry delight quart fresh strawbcrrloj hulled cup sugar cups water vj teaspoon salt cup qulckcooklng tapioca cup strawberry juice and water cup cream whipped crush strawberrled slightly add sugar and let utortd 30 minutes or longer place water hi top of double boiler and bring to boll over direct heat add salt to qulckcooklng tapioca add gradually to waurajidrbigtoa briskboll stirring fconstantly place lmmedluuly ovtir kapldly boll infer water and cook minutes htlrrlntf occasionally cool mixture blears and thickens as it cools drain btrawberrleu add water to julco to nuhe cup when uploca mixture slightly teool odd strawberry juloo pour li of this mixture into parfalt glasses clilll when remaining uploca mixture cold crushed earth gets its price for xwhat earth gives us tlie beggar to taxed for corner to dlo in tlie priest hath his foo who comes and shrives us we bargain for the gruvct we lie in at tlie devils booth urc all things sold each ounce of draw coits its ounce of tfoldl par cup and bells our lives we pay bubbles wo buy with whole souls task ing tii huaven ulone that is given away lis only god nmy be hud tor the asking ur in jutit before serving top with fatrawhorrics serves have the garden all planted and just waiting for tiome more rain to brinz brings along like most other old folks who cant get away on the holidays we liad plenty of company too and we were glad to mhj them all im going back this week to pick up my rocollec uomt from the old files and here is what find it is just fifty years ago this month tliat acton decided to buy tlie present cemetery and tlie bylaw sanctioning tlhi purcluuui was passed it didnt go on tlie first attempt but back hi tlioi doyti we didnt give up easily and finally the new purchase wan decided upon the majority for the feylaw was 31 and majority of 11 favored the pur chase of tlie steele property butter is 12c to 13o per lb and eggs are 16c per dozen three or four brick houses are hi course of erection on youngs survoy east of young street tii it an unusual spring it snowed on tho 8th 0th and loth of may and was blhaardly generally my friend jolm coleman wlio resides hi montreal mentioned in one of his recent letters tho northwest rebellion of 1885 tlu capture of rell was chron icled on may 15th the capture was made by scouts named armstrong dlehl and howrle four mlloj north of batochax cntly been unsettled for half century noticed the other week that the merchants were trying to arrange some general ruling it is interesting to note that of tho merchants of 1885 only jne store remains under the same manage ment today kenncy bros ore still conducting their boot and shoe buol ncss in acton although they have re moved from the building then occupied to new one op mill street messrs bcardmore ai co are add ing now building and twenty vats to their already extensive plant we be lieve they also contemplate tho sinking of on artculon well of several hundred feet depth tho firecracker bylaw was not par ticularly well observed on tho queens birthday boys will bo boys it seems in every day and generation the eonio item could be written mis year llttlo boy son of mr allan mann was slightly injured in tho tele va tor in bcardmorcu tannery lost thursday acton driving park association held their spring rases on the 24th the slats diary by ross parqruhar friday wtll ant emmy hao finely bqutcn vlbcrator on acct shn takes so mutch medicine and very very off en she forgets about shakcing the rdcdlclno beforo she takes it sutcrday jake plutts is very very prowd of his son noah witch got sent to the pennltcncherry for ten yrs and now he is sent homo and has oney bm there for six yrst because he got tun off for good behavicr joke says it istt btato cumfort to liavc suchy good so loke that sunday lice fudge says lie is mutch in favur of colllgo cducashuni becuz hfci son wtlch is just homo frum colllge was tho oney fellow at tho dpcor ushun day plciilo witch cud cat pic in four teen mlnlts mundny ant emmy is wlrryed and she has finely went see tho doctor becuz she is tawking to her self so much the doctor told her that wuddent hcri her none but she ued itwas tcrrablo open trotcarrlea purse of bb uic green trot liad 40 purse and tho running race 25 tho only acton horse to get hi tho money was grey bachelor owned by matthews which came in third in tho open trot event just lets see how tho 24th was cele brated fifty years ago and im through for this week tho day was ushered in by tho firing of cannon etc at daybreak after breakfast acton cornet band made its appearance and played tho national anthem and number of selections in their customary excellent utylc flags were hoisted and tho town wore holi day appearance tho weather although threatening was with the exception of slight shower in tho aftcrnon which interfered rather annoylngly with now spring bonnets white skirts and petti coats all that could be desired holl day boat nrning onvirtffr bicycling and etrolls into tho country formed ho bulk of thu program for enjoyment that won tho queens birthday of 1885 times liavcat cliuliged much in the mode of celebration only folks travel ft lot faster and farther for tlw aiiit that will do for tills week millers worm powders uiro dcvkd to promptly relieve children who uuifer from the ravages of warms it is simple preparation warranted to des troy stomachic and intestlnul worms without shock or injury to the most sensitive sjtitem they act thoroughly andpalnki3y und though in somo cases they may cause vomiting uiat li an in dication of their powerful action and not of any nauseating jjroperty bore occur sfto sieve seo nnythmg witch was very intrusting teusday well wo alnt got no mayor in this town just now becud it fas found out he has ben takclng money witch diddent blong to hhn mrs 111cm aaaiililufit to prove thp oidsaylng tliat money makes tho mayor go wensday elissa ponds has broke her lngagcmcnt wttli joe plusli and gone over to denny stiver but joe aint going to lose mutch hecuz ho has mode ar rangements with denny to pay tho bal lanco of tho cnstallmlntu on the ring thlrsday welt doctor brummlt had to finely go and by his self new pare of glasses becuttafter heed operated on ira tinch lost week ho never cud find his glajuis thpou few tho tornw bottle of dr thomas eclectrlc oil in tho farm house wiunjiv man for the doctor it is not only good for tho children whyitnlcen with colds and croup mid for tho maturo who suffer from pains and aches but there are iuvectlarli for itji use on kick cattle there should always be bottle of it in the houiie kilknftlo tfmk johnny had been the guest of honr nt party uie day before nnd lib friend wai regarding him enviously how was it have good time he asked did was the emphatic answer aint hungry yetl longkr and suortcu kxpobts show incrkask tho abstract of tlaj municipal uc countn of 1884 were published in may of the year following perhaps they would be interesting if compared with like items of 1034 total receipts of 1b84 were 383434 those of 1034 were 7153030 back nrty yeara ago balance on hand of j20200 wis shown and last year spkcial occasion cale for your next special bccuslon company dinner birthday feast nu tive summer luncheon chocolate ice box cake it id so lmplt so uwiy to niake vet when it graces the table it loaks positively cheflike tills dessert is an ideal summer dainty tipongy light and jcy cold as you bring it from the refrig erator to tlie table chocolate ice box cake uuars unsweetened chocolate cup guitar dash of salt eup hot water egg yolks teaspoon vanilla vgg whites stiffly beaten cup cream whipped tl dozen lady nturent melt chocolate hi top of double boiler addtmgor salt and water stirring until bugarls dissolved and mixture blend ed remove from boiling water add fcgg yolks one at tlma beating thor oughly afuer each addition place over bollilng water and cook mbiutes br until thickened stlirlx constantly ita tnove from boiling water add vanilla hnd fold into egg white chlll pold in whipped cream line bottom and aides of mold with udy clnkers turn chocolate mixture into moki and place remaining lady fingers on top chill 13 to 34 hours in refrigerator if desired kdd cup finely cut wajniffc meats to ehooolate mixture before turning tnto knold unmold serves canada increased lur foreign markets by 138 per cent during tlie fiscal year ended march ipgs wlam exports of canadian good to all countries totalled 059474004 compared with 5034a145 hi the preceding uscal year trade gain of 80131849 an increase of 403208 844 or 238 per cent was shown in ex ports to british empire countries which totalled 341233078 compared with 378025134 exports to foreign countries totalling 1318151018 during tho fiscal year show ftaln of 10833005 or 50 per cent compared with 301318011 year ugo canadas beet customer was tho united kingdom taking goods to tho value of 274022137 compared with 327601411 in tlie previous fiscal year gain of 204 per cent therz unltxd states camu second taking exports to the value of 224g53035 which was an increase of 155 per cent over last year canadas greatest proportionate trade increase during tlie year was with switzerland exports to that country totalled 023264 compared with 375539 gain of 1253 per cent canada occupied fifth position among or rource you must remember tliat there werent the banking facilities back in those days that we have now asseui of acton in las4 were 912470 and last year were 28340003 tho county rate was 14808 in 1884 and 863903 in 1034 debentures then amounted to 502000 against 15870310 shown last year schoov in 1884 accounted for an out lay of 141700 and last year 1408771 was spent on education the lntereil expenditure was 34008 and last year 1034710 was paid ucnts and tolls from the town hall amounted to 12315 hi 1884 and in 1034 were jikit 10700 pines and fees brought 350 back in thoe days when there werent motor cars and overy man kept cow and all propertys were fenced loat year lines of 303 were paid into the munlcjial treasury ctiarity amounted to 31 in acton fifty years ago the figures are not available for 10s4 in tlie municipal records the half century his brought its progreid and for one have no desire to go back to thus days of lower taxes und little or ho convenience local professional young man while out driving tho other day with lady friend was so intent upon entertaining her that he ran over and nearly killed an od bw lybig on the road the following merchants havd mutu ally agreed to clou their veapccuvo places of business each evening satur day excepted oclock sharp mccartney duncan nelson molime as co ij griffin kenney bros horaon john nelson and vyfe the arrangements have mppor it orowtjt7trlir 1034 in lnports she stood ninth and in total trade eighth in regaining fifth place among exporting countries canada returned to the position uhw has held in seven out of the fifteen years which have elapsed since the war johnny mom wont you glvto mo that candy now mom didnt tell you wouldnt give you any unles you kept still johnny yes but mom well the longer you keep still tho sooner youll get it canadas silver lining gold was tho star performer in can adas 1934 mineral parade contributing as result of higher prices approxim ately an additional eighteen million dol lars to tho national wealth now an other performer te making bid for star dom and sliver lining in lending addi tional brightness to tlie canadian mining picture as tho price of tho white jnctaj kmds toward the statutory goal of 123 mce set by the united states dov triilr owudaas tho worlds third jxproouccr of cilvcr utands to bene fit materially from tho rise and with ubstuntlul increase in tho annual rate ou almost curtain to follow in tho woke ofthc price rise the earning posi tion of canadian producers will be en hanced by total of from flvoj million dollars to fifteen million dollars annual in 1034 tho dominion produced 1g44 1000 ounces of bllvcr valued at 7803200 on the basis of tho statu tory prlcj of 129 an ounce tho value would total 31209000 3li is oana lar as byproduct of tlie workings of boso mutal ores chiefly those of copper lead line and of gold ores tho principal silverproducing enterprise in tho do minion are located hi british columbia northwest territories an area strad lnglho wan manitoba boun dary ontario and quebec to tho pro ducers of lead vine und copper the silver price tlso comes as double bless lng hi tliat itenhances tho annual value of their ullver output and in addition olfseu to marked extent tho prevailing low prices of lead xlnc and copper cumidut gold mines will also share the benefit as without exception the gold producing companies are to greater or lea extent producers of silver how to save china young chinese student in tho hslcn ben middle school of the unite wcglun lutheran church at fanchong wai tojd to write an essay on how to save china hbi eifort was remark able that mlulonnry ljuidalil had it translated and tho lutheran herald published it after well condensed review or the troubles of china brought on by internal dimension and foreign op prclon uie young patriot concludeo we all know that the politics of china the hearts of the people are full of cheating dishonesty and selfishness jtcncii you must have your bad hearts changed to good one so tliat you will bo jut righteous and ralthful jesus alono can do tlmt for you coma to jcius confess your sins believe ills word then we can wive china by utilng qodu forca no handicap porter cross tlie bridge for aber deen ludy but havo tin chest porter im not caring wlictlier you liave tin chest 6r wooden leg crosa the brldgo for aberdeen positive tho professor returning home late thought he heard someone under the bed whos there he called out no one replied the burglar funny oald thojjrofcssor could liavo sworn heard tiomcone good night thou shalt not kill drive carefully business directory dr mcniven physician and surgeon office and residence carder bower avcnuo and elgin street dr nelson physician and surgeon electro therapy phono legal phono no 22 boat harold nash farmer banister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc mill street acton onx houxu 930 to 1300 noon loo to s00 loves to eat this cereal it checked her constipation kcllotfffs allbitan helped miss kesterko wo quo to from her letter thrco rourii iiko becumu coiihtipaled tried many inxutivct itut tin iuon as jrot uhk1 to vixch kitd be lnit summer wa on my vaca tion they served keliokja ajl biian juiit loved it cut kul loua allhuan every morninjr und over jtinco liuvo not imd to take any more luxiitiveh misui mnrparet kcstcrkc addrcsia on rcquuiit dud to inuuffieieiu 6ul tit teitii iiliow klori allbiulr provider bulk to aid eliniination auihian io uliio rich in vitamin und iron tho bulk in allbran is ren tie it rcith digestion iietter than the fiber in fruit nnd vocotubloti no it ii often more effective isnt tliia food iuifer than riykini patent medicines two tnbleiipoon uln of allbkan daily are uaually iiuflicicnt if iieriously consitipnted une with each menl sec your doc tor if you do not jet relief uno cereal or in cookintf sold by nil tfrocora mado by kol loig in london ontario keep on the sunny sidebf utm great grief niakes tacred uioso uion whom its hand is laid joy may elevate ambition glorify but sorrow alone can conijecrate horace greeley at 1jlvk tkw casts rheumatism lumbago sciatica kuuacafti owj lie rxt twu hiul kt tb bun un ttwy will mit cujii4 lb blood of utic kul iui tabcf liiitmliitic tobkb puumi tb aymlrari mul csimd hthni tkal bcutlca tuinbo lmkjkclt keculm 1ivl of kuuacalu will lv ou rtt relief at mp cmftmttk 9tjx fcumacaps rheumatic capsules browns drug store helping to build the british roundthli world highway to loflo dt ciiujtin puctuc mailwiy wu oriniied for xve purjkoie completing ft line to pa die continent tlie luakm dtfcctor confident of tlie future of die daoiimof pucej genetou dure of the banlti reiourcti bcbiiul the bfoject whkli wit completed in xha and fojrumiljhe tmiucoiiiiiietilai link in did uritiili round tliwojld kjgliwiy subijusqt evenii luveihown tlui iliii undefiikiag contiilvuied moje iliiit any other io the nctdctiicn luul dcviopmctil of weitefii cattada tlie uinu prompt ly opened btncli vinouvf and victorii tubieuenily at pointi tlon the uilwy wbkii ince hive become thriving citiei tliii ii one of nuny euperiencf lhowing how the lwjt of monttejl wiling forward wtih cinnh from tit bk ginning hai been uieful factor in die development of die couniry in the future the lunk npi to coaiicik tint uicfulneti to continue to look forward widi cinad toward the natiooi future dcitiny bank of montreal 1staulishid iaiy iiliad oitige montreal modern lfiicilnt uanking scilvlcutlie oulcomc of 117 vrtt sutclfuloiciliott acton branch eraser manager kenneth langdon barrister soucltor noury pnbue offices acton ocortrotown over scynucks cat malnstretots for awolntnicnts phono acton 65 georgetown 88 office hours acton tuesday and thursday 11 to 430 xvbh lugs on request ilkntal buchanan denial suixoon ofllco in tililiman block ilouns mltll evtnhns by appointment gas for extraction closed wednesday afternoon 2hoaa 149 pearen lental surreon succejauir to lata dr bell m1u street acton phono 20 vetettlnauy dr bruyns veterinary surgeon all calls liccelvo prompt attention tvrms jleasonablo phone 135 aotom onrallio office mill street harrop sc phono day or nlshk fi3 ucsldcnoe bower avenue acton all calls promptly answered hate ucakoiiablo hllktfxilankolus francis nunan bookbinder account book oi all kinds tnada to order periodicals of tevery description carefully bound lluling neatly und promptly done wyndham etroct ouelph ont eagleson ontario hxxd bomlnloa land bomyod ucrisiercd tyotoaiotial enfineer surveys ileports bsthnatcs plans bltaknagk wouk brteclaltv telephone 31 oroxvvtila ont general in wfc srtxtauze in life fire health and accident automobile arid all general lines of insurance also plate glass sldelily bond antmitiett pension tlondd etc lka111no comfamlkjj txck14ent vaciutves frederick wright mum jdiji main btiulkt aoxon the door of opportunity these sau ada wfl open tta door to whaterer yoa