Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 27 Jun 1935, p. 8

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the acton frbb press thosanay jtnn muvimi motlem birth 1wj an iassrttd is tkls aba wjttoa chain st htzzffu nodosa sad aarlat alltlnasl ior posts bovn papilijoj on saturday june ims to mr and lb ihoo papuloo b2d btrort acton the gilt of aon dawionsooxb at tho ouejphv toy tun dr moanrmit on wednnda june lui ims vera slay younitat laughter oj mra ooxo and the lata dr owes to sooism davktoa ioumr and kb wb hawkins totn of acton j2acpbest80nghzels at thq rectory or the holy sflanuw church kins street wee toronto on saturday june aand ims ty hot ooyle brelyn mary daughter of mr and lbs mtin safels midland to mr bwene jv macxvenon only eon of mr and sbs macttereon acton dud whttly at the outlph oeneral hospital on sunday june 23rd 1bss nellie catherine wlntley daughter of the late daniel and marlon whitley uctsaao at the ouelpb oeneral hoa on monday june 34th 1033 crewion beloved wife of akaander mblsaae in her 39th year uckmnon at peel manorial hospital brampton on saturday june 22nd 1835 john mcblnnon beloved hus band of annie alkens in hie 67th year clxmekb suddenly at hie late reald enee roclcwood on sunday june 23rd 1035 calvin clemens beloved hus band of elizabeth fitzgerald in his 67th year douglas at the home lot 18 flrat concession jquealng township thursday june 20th 1035 jessie dougfos beloved sister of james doug las in her 66th year thomson at the home of her sister mrs thomas alexander sixth line of eramoom lot 22 on saturday june 22nd bebecca thomson beloved vlfe of the late samuel thomson showers are yet pretty frequent canadas sixtyeighth birthday on monday dominion day on mandayhind public holiday school closes tomorrow for the long bummer vacation acton ftark is beautiful these days and admired by many visitors wrt of the wire fencing at tho pioneers cemetery was completed last week the new provincial savings tv in ouelph will be located in the macdonald block mason knitting company ore build tng another extension to their jjlant oa willow street it is estimated that 16000 visited the during tho annual larm and lloma week the municipal officials have been patching the roadways and using few loads of grawl to good advantage robert kerr son of aclon were nm the prize winning exhibitors at the horse show in st catharines last week broken water service on mill street has madu it necessary to renew the service and caused rather art inconven ience on the main thoroughfare letters to the editor the fre fresa welcomes letter to this oolomn awttera of ftcaeri interest to lu reader btit doe not aeoeaaarllr endora tb opiniott cxprcsaed all letter nat lscd bat mvr hm pablbbed oner pm um if dcblrcd and pcl in uw letter commnicuoa ahoald not be over jo word to length sd must be reodted vot utcr than tuesday cnanrc pubucatloq ucue that week montreal letter amonf the tveabjtariaaa etv old moaorki rerfcred dtwtui pmxss ttxo prriyteriari ocoeml aaaonbry la here this ymr to first praabyterlan chwtah just off park avenue wulch leads up pact tho old rvtoncra field under tho east end of the mou over widen fe gl jean baptisee lighted erosa and in which is the im mense star george el oartier rttaniimfanl the notice board of the church says batnhhshed to 1788aod on the corn er atone ot the present building is 1010 it la fine building with extensive ac c5otntnodationo for oeotional eaahertiiss june weddings olmitpii tiaom plirppirodnoutm teaii production by canadian xarm hens during 1031 li caiomated at 323107000 dozens cotiipared with ruvlscd eetlmato of 3232m0oo downs in 1033 in in crease of 853000 dozetui thb increase in mg production shared by only three tuovlnc quebec ontario and llrituh columbia and lu due principally to the somewhat hitfhvr productldu of eggi pr hn avtrao iu production per hen icr the dominion us whole totalled 108 eps oompurvd with 10v in 1033 the stlmtvliy number of cglflyink hetut on farms bi lui uttff 24uoouuu coiuuaiivil with the revucd catlnuiu or u4tt230o0 in 1033 which rcprvbctiu reduction of 334000 blruu em prlcol advanced hi all provlncttt and all provinces cotitrlbut el to um ucrasod valuation the total valuu of farm tuna produced is placed at a332060o0 compared with turtbit 000 id 1033 and rvprcoenu an increase in average vjue per dozen of three cents the average value of is cents per doaou wai the highest recorded klnce 1031 canada wu the nrst country in the world to introduce eg rradln hi any xomi ttiw was done in 1018 foe export purposes only ut that time but in 1023 caieradiutf regulations were enacted to apply to domestic consump tion and ttince then have provcil to be decidvd advantage to botii producer and consumer canadians are generous egg eaters with ui annual per capita con sumption of 2s8 ujo hlghott of tuiy country in the world and is well suited for the preoent occa frwiri except when if not well filled or conunjssioacra not spealclns very dla tinotly there ds considerable confut ing echo there is special interest wttaohlnff to this gaiheiing as it oetebratea tho six tleth anniversary of the union of four different bodies in canada in 187 dutcring partly on account of provincial location and partly on traditional varia tion in policy the writer well remem bers the account at the time of the four bodies meeting in montreal in differ ent places and proceeding to common centre the present ersldrjo thlnk and with their nspeoutoofliceraatag therlr union resolutions from four dif ferent tahlffn and new moderator and secretary were elected at reserved table the same year the great three church methodist union also took place of gpeciai interest on the present oc cation was when on tbto night of juno 10th anniversary of the great union ccanrnemccauve service was held with great audience after the moderator had opened by tho one hundredth psalm as sung on the former occasion furuier devotions were conducted by your neighboring nuittstcx llcv dtf macoul vray of ouelph addresses covering the post prudent and future of tho great denomination were given by imnoe 13d ward island nova coua oniorio and batdcaichewan comnussloticrs owing to the two nistorio addressed coming on hue retired previously on account of dkiunce an uddrciz at ono of the sion3 on monday altemoon 10ih was the re port on tiunday school and young inxiples iriturests by uev dr kannuwin oeneral secretary who is all over the oouniry in the intercuts of canadas oreatest asejet dr kannawhi is former acton community boy it woo with great pleasure liad the opportunity on sunday night of hearing him speak of the child in the mldtil in large preabyterkm church nearest my home although never ac quainted we had at the close brief pleasant interview in which natnrrt of departed mutual friends were gone over he mcrdioning kcnnvy brothers and archie mann as being among the lew wttofliliciiirmxrtrirm olctfuhiey muitloned ii mooro and tui psxs ltss that was always uvllcon ducted paper clean and whoksonw in ryiiarked rtis oonidderubly surprued to hnd dr icannawlu us amongst uiose of apparently advanced yeara but time rolij on as in all udii gatlurlngs in recfcnt years iciiil welfare of tlio people uiid inuiii of attaining it from clirlst lllce standpoint received mucli attention mul will iiirllict buforo tlu bescdons eioon ki at 1w jhi ttm kiiutvvxxjavyouno pretty wedding took place at the home of mr and mrs young in erin when their daughter kathleen may was married to donald kirk wood son of mr and mrs william khicwood ev porenian or ociaung the bride given in marriage by her lather was gowned in white crepe with veil caught with orange blossoms miss jean young sister of the bride was bridesmaid wearing pink point decprit mr sherlock foreman was groo reception was held the brides mother receiving assisted by the grooms mother ioer the couple left for trip tflxough muskoka on their return they will reside on the grooms arm in erin township dodsonwalker 6t ocorgov church of england in georgetown was the eccno of charm ing wedding on saturday when alice daughter of mr and mrs samuel walk er georgetown becamo tho bride of der rick dodson son of mr and mrs norman dodson of mount dennis hev thompson officiating tho bride glvenln marriage by her father was gowned in white triple sheer crepe with veil of slik net caught with sprays of orange blossoms tho maid of honor miss bessie walker wore gown qf pate gtccn crepe miss hazel walker and miss edith dltchneld bridesmaids wore starched not mr oeorgo dodson brother of tho groom was groomoman and tho ushers were mr oughtred dod son and mr george dodson tho brldos travelling ensemble was of white crepe with long silk coat of blue after brief motor trip mr and mrs dodson will live in mount dennis macwreitsonsiriel quiet wedding of local interest was jalmnhwtttrrir fl mjus evelyn mary shjels daughter of mr and mrs john shield midland be came the bride of mr eugene mac phcraon only son of mv and mrs it maophcrson acton rev ooyle offlcialed the bride was prettily attir ed in gown of forgetmenot blue designed on princess lines with jacket and small hatof matching tulle trim med with lace she arfleda boucjuet of talisman roues and lilies of the valley miss lnno bhlcla frocked in pink chif fon with jorge white stiffened lace liat and wearing corsage of pink roses corn flowers and lilies of the valley was her skjtcrs bridesmaid mr harold martin acted as best man following tlie ceremony reception was held at the ttoyal york hotel when about 25 guests were entertained and later tin bride and groom left amid showers of confetti for honeymoon trip in mus koka the brldvi travelled in green threequarterlength ult with brown iwt and acccssorieii on their return they will railde ut 1014 bloor street west toronto hktlj to it just why do you wont married man to work tor you rather than bachelor asked the curious chap well sighed tho buss the married men dout get so upuct when m1 at them sthjl olsaprolnttd wliats the matter 111 ive been dlsappolncd in love but thought you married hylvia did canaulanmaut vakcm umpfe ments canadianmade farm implements and maclunery ore enjoying hicxcasing popu larity both abroad and at home expanding foreign markets have been feature of tlie canadian form imple ment industry in recent years exports of canadian farm implements and machinery in 1033 hod valuo of u24408 and by 1034 tins had doubled to 3263043 canada now uxports agriouuural maclilnery to scveqtay dlf ferent oountrlea or groups of oouitrles witli liritlsh soutliafrlca lier best cus tomer taking goods to uie value of 087008 last year thotjnlted states came second witli 5o0429 tlio united klngdoni uilrd with 455607 and aus tralia and new zealand fourth and fifth with 109175 and 102733 respectively heme market oko show expansion and canadian manufacturers today supply tlio major portion of tlio ncces sari machinery and equipment unxl on canadian farnu in predeprestuan days only 40 per cnt or le of the farm lmptemtnb made avallhlo to farmrrs great social wvirare coaigrea kvt tlw mt hoyal hotel and other centres mctlng tlua time in canada but belna from all over uiejoontlnent wlili hun dreds of uddriacd as it is likely that minister from place of actons htiportaiiee would bu oonmiksioncr vuiiborry uutt being io long away from tlw old liome luul no uotjuidntanoti with uuit gentlemujii and uiereforo was uimble to epot liim for wliioli iiotadbly he is thankful an lmmctuxe synod plioto of i860 is on display in tike butaiiieee room tdvowiiig um ure ilwv xit ormkaon of liaiidl ton at tlve moderators table from plvoto of liinl baw hi boylvood boive of your vuiwnubl okltinur lrcobytoalon readers may rwouanbet lilm as ut old united churcli conference tlkere wos on display large ajcortiiient of bookii puptm and general churcli uipitlleti us lxprvcenuiig tlio liead tupply liouso fal toronto kven stailw joiass cliriit of uie liulu hood can bo ob udned along with uteir own dllliiatly dtxtomuiauoiul uudature was coiuduvriibly iunrued to note the laige numw of minutora uttired as or dinary buidileks men us to material of suita and styu of neckwear in the lurgd platlo group mrnlioncd tlio pre vuiling neck attire was us remember tnyncu white vshoker ucrotss tlio front uf utcr collar the prcnt day circular couar where worn and it la was manufactured in canada but by 1933 canadian industries fumuhed c4 pur cent of tho farmers taqulr omen lit detailed figures for mori recent pro duction are not available but employ ment figures in the agricultural industry chowed an increase in activity or ap proxunately 57 per cent in tlfe past two years while imports liave lncreuiied only 45 per cent the ilgures hidlcate tliat the percentage or farm macluiury rvqulrouiuuu biade hi canada was con siderably greater in 1034 tliah hi 1033 coooocoococoooooocoocchc the susan jane gift shop by martha blake 000xooooooc0000oooc000 tllfcse words palnlcd in vivid violet on soft liluo itackapround utnrtllng but not inharmonious greet ed young or tester clark when be arrived ui hint ut the objective of ids long trip to ilie east tlicy wr on large wooden ulgn that hwung uloug hldo of tint door of lilu futhers old ofllco on beverley avenue in his old homo town of spruceliurut lister cliirk had not uctually lived ll hpructrhurttt for decudo or no he had gone nwuy college and inedtcal jkchool with only vucutlonu siont at homo then bis father old doctor clark had died suddenly while les ter was do interne ut big now york hospital un aunt had closed the houso disposed of the furniture in wtornco or at the secondhand sloreh now lestor wan determined to go buck to tho old homo town of sprucchurst to begin again where his father had it ft off tho old house which had tttdoogod to leuturs aunt wuk tenantleas ijttttor had heard ho had roimi back to mprucehurut without vultlng hla apnt in tho city bent flrttt on buying ths houso through her uixnt and then et tllng down at hu futhers old stund it would bo bd homecoinlug find ing hlh old home no lonely and des olate there were crisp whlto cur tulnu within and piled neatly on tabic just within one window was pyramid of gayly colored knitting wools lwer clurk ntoo1 looking rather blankly at thu hufani jane gift shop just beyond tho pile of gay wools ho caught bight of iieutly colfied chest nut head tho head wait bent as if it owner was inte on una work doubt lcsstrrfswhuwaitjaoa so lester clark went to the office of quick st knoll itoforo taking time to look up any of hl old friondg in sprucohural mr quick was embar rassed bui he ivlt sure that within day or no matters could bo adjusted mlaa 3ano jiuunn jhno would be told doubtless uho would boo tho situ atioo and would want to open her bhopbomewhore olsu it was later in tho day after mr quick had called on uuun juno and received her firm refusal to vacate the premises loslur clark hud no delinltuly mudo tap ida mlud on darting in futhers old onlce that this lnfonna tlon beuuicd to leave him at eeu it wan on lcktoru third cull that first day after they had read through tho leuso with ttta great oh scrutiny that mr quick ucmed to teo way out of course hu kuld with mild smile on his face it uiit likely that susan jano will remululn bulness us it wero indefinitely isnt nho making it kqi thut isnt it she really booms to be going very well the point lu that miss june is more than commonly at tractive know of two might say three young men who would marry her tomorrow if sho consented leator had distinct untlclpatory lmugo of this susan june person ag gressive calculating poiidbly protty just tho kind of woman that would up peul to quick with horizon that titretchod only from one hutdneka deal to another still leh or decided that ho would try to appeal to the ueutlincut of this dnyieldlngausntr jrtne tiionifho could sukan juno proved disarming there wiih nothing the leubt nckrlvo or ututihorn in her appearance sho etnod before him oa ho explained her ahudowlewt blue eyes opened round looking straight into hlu they worxi dlxeoneertlnk thnse eyes nnd ny susan june utond then the pictuhof tniktfut innocenre he did not know whether the real siisun jane heneatli was lnuthlnj ut hlui whether rho wuu uhoiil in yield to hm request or wheth ia uiillf fllrttnif uihi hint uf lakeside cpafteb picnic order plcrdoked in park laasi erenlnx and bfooregsn strove far sapransey last evening the lskeslde chapter of the held their annua picnic in acton park and had nxostf enjoy able outing it had many unique fev tures tor instance the guests were divided into two families the oxjonors and the mcgregors and each side strove for points in the contests the scottish clan proved the best and at the close they had 50 points to the oconnors 40 and the irish had to drive the scottish home typical scotch another free ride the two clone also had to do the scottish and irish dances during the program there was lucky draw among the feature also the following were the winners in the events children fiaee boys and olrki under olive mus serfe oirls and joan humley olrlc over margaret somerville boys and kenneth adamson boys ovtr 77clayton sfrycr lulw contests time xtace mrs buchanan clotheupln race miss sayers mies ityder sucker contest mrs somcrvluo miss wallace bnowshoo itace mrs buchanan highland pllng mrs stumley irish jig mrs stewart xcauut xtacc mrs stewart mrs vincent icanut scramble mrs stewart lucky number miss wallace of course tho picnic supper was feature and both scotch and irish clans forgot their dutcrcncca over tho tables that ijycd up tnoll the picnic traditions for bounteous supply and appetizing eats presentation pathei its good plan my dear always to think before you speak daughter but dad when do that tlio girls liave cl longed tlio subject uuuoly on sunday was later hmova tlon in una oofuvijction may ioptiat an hicukdil plated by our mutual frlud hev dr lloyd smith hi one of his nd drewaia ut week night llere for our pastor of un irijuiuui oiferhig to treat tadiuvuf 111 liouj wuitliig room on hu declining us he did not drink he rvoclved tlve tvny all now dont l11 me that youve got yer oollor on wmiig aluaidy hud grwut gathering closest toduy jui i3tk und is to bo held next yar in luinllumu itokiteotfully colfcman 4017 wlbjon aveiiue montreal juno 13th 1035 little the effect wns that lester clark didnt carry out his errand just nu he had planned it when he had finished hl explanation sumui jaun laughed upuninntmtus eacy laugh hue thit of child and lester found that he was laughing with her when he loft he kihuiu hands and with imlduesh unlike ljm held the hand and drew suxau jane ktep nearer to idm as he tanked iikuin into the blue eyes ite uimd trlrl now and llve up lease he unld when are you iviinlni ugaltiv tonuirrow he ktild and they both laughed he wns almost out the door and turned haek havi heard that you may have trlve tip anyway ho watd mr quiiu ways you will proh uhly utt iiuirifid ierhiipa hiuiii alie said itnetor clarls rmirlship iviin ulllek one 11k days were spent iii pur suit of siisun bun fih iii thcs eye and wnllhiu for the intoxication if her immli and at nliihl afler he wuh fitun her he usrd fii tteal time from ihliiunu of her to make phinx ahoul ihe otlho when he had ids tilgii in lit it iv uf the vhdet aiid hlue mi me prnpitked within wihu of his re turn to sprurehursi susan jane ae eepled the lievl day he gdned her pioiaue to he nuurld within the in mil aiid mipimie people will nay that ihe only reiiil ymj uiariled me wh to ket iii eut or mi kiini 1miii ri sukiaii june acv more work go see more cheer mmu schumann heluk by banoekbarn tnsiitate eand friends and neighbors to mr and mrs morrison on tliursday evening june 20th number of neighbors and members of the bannockburn womens institute gathered at the home of mr and mrs morrison to wtsli them much happiness in uielrmarriedlife tho cliolrmau for tlui evening was mrs jojj mann the program was open ed by kinging canada this was fallowed by rcclutlon by miss doris harding solos by miss aiiccn clorrldge and mr mactonald and violin selections by mr rveeman and mr harvey hshcr miis elva wiley was tlicn called on and miid the following address tliursday juno 20ua 1035 to mr and mrs stanley morrison acton ontario dear lulna and stanley it is with great pleasure that we your friends and neighbors ore gathered litre tonight to extend to you our most sincere congratulations upon your new step hi life and to welcome you helna into our midst although we liave not known you mi long as stanley we do not feel you are stronger it was always pleasure to ee you at the social gatherings hi tlio neighborhood and we only hope you will feel at home in this community having lived in this community since boyhood you stanley liave woiru high place in tho respect und affection of your friends and neigh bors tveryono lias found you wlulng communi worker ever ready to give lielplngcandt we all join in killing vcai rnost heartily lonif prosperous and hppy wedded life and may you be blesed with gods richest blessings we would like you to accept jheiuj elfu token of uie eiteehi la which you are held by the members of the institute and neighbors signed by annie cw mrs mccuujouoh moppat ttav vrittmn boy scout notes klnc out of ten criminals begin their wrongdolmp between the ages of 12 and 18 do not recollect any boy scout being brought before the court in saint john during the last four years if it were possible for every boy in the city to become member of scout troop would be possible to mould the vast majority into good citlacns chief of police col sladcr saint tfohn nd the aim of the boy scout movement is to build good citbwnnl you cant drill character into boy like you can multiplication table the seeds of character are already wlthllibinn and there is no bad boy that does not possess few good aos and all good boys possess few bad ones which kind will grow and flourish depends great deal on environment and surrou to what kind of environment is your boy drifting into in his plajr hours what kind of environment would you hovc for the youngsters of acton the 1st acton troop of boy scouts provides clean atmosphere friendly spirit high ideals and an active program tho troop committee under the chirrnanshlp of mr lowrlc is endeav oring to raise funds necessary for the continued activity of tho troop your cooperation ond support in this worthy enterprise is respectfully requested muust be paid experience is our greatest teacher isnt it yes and theres no holding back her salary cither the fceason ill never ask another woman marry me us long as live what lie fused again no alae finger waves left wet 25c the beauty parlor jessbe russetal phone 1mj aeteo omi royal guelph now til friday katharine hepburn break of hearts with charles boyer dally ut z15 11b 9ts saturday monday tuesday public hero number one with chester morris continuous showing bat and mon to 11j next wednesday under the pampas moon with warner baxter stanley park erin dancing every friday and saturday to wiixis tlftuno amu afcas blue holiday frolic commencing at 12165 ml july itt with jack ramsays ouchkstila fenjoy picnic where there is fun for all and perfect safety for children massra muedonald jaa mann and hoy young then presented mr and mrs morrbjin witli mantle lamps and bridge lamp mr morrison gave very suitable reply after which air joined in slnylng vor they aro jolly good vel louu lirfich was then served and social tuii spent by all the uiakow liave you ever been jiero before sir oiked tlie barber vm once dont seem to remember i6ur face ulr oh its healed up since tlien watch tho window for special imccri on meats for tho weekend cardial city uuui 2b rf lvatlc for jijc trcih iuku trout tewry kruuy ptt lb luc lard tbs for 2fic buttem per 2tc iba sot 18c fisk meat market acton browns fruit grocery store specials bread per loaf 6c special in all kinds of sealers half 6auonu slos dosen qutirla ssj doscil wiits ihe d02n also vuni sealers nt tocll 65 3wekt mixed wowles 33 oz jar for puricy cups and saucers complete 22c 10c all kfaidis of lueuhcd smw br 29c good sized wajih tubn euch special prices on fresh fruit and vegetables browns fruit grocery store vw nmtvfrc oa mhhmmhhmhalalhm biammbtsiliasimaibalalbll arrow night coach jj to fare kitchener 75 stratforp lio london 245 windsor 545 detroit 515 chicago 805 leave acton at 1135 in standard time to fare toronto 05 oshawa 1h0 petlirboro 430 kingston 545 ottawa 745 montreal 020 leuve acton ut 530 stuiuliird time frequent service during the oavi central ontario bus lines limited whjes phone 58

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