the actorf free press thuaent july asth sb arton 3to pobund fcwry thursday at ontario yatin vic and nw addx ahoom ie advetttising rat3lei notlc jr baaaa job ba lo afc uawi lisroir le additional holloa qoallltlm aa co elk to cai as jleport ol mllo bm jailr mstbtrri rb ad7rtiaiota mioimun chaw ajc oaa to apace contracted ioa alhouak etv precautloo vl oe take to iu ov to uodtaodio that it will not be liabla for strollo ad5ot publicd bcoodr ool rool uch ltlaoicot tcqucted the llu aod rtureed to the frc praa wi offio duly lgd by tb jcti wtb ocb cr ooractioo pulol io tu tbero aoj in itat caae ii or noted not corrected by lain prv ita liability hall ot eaced aocb proportion ol joi entire cot uch eriiaemnl the pace fm by the noted error beara the whole epace occupied by ancb adrcrtiretnent aklof dills editor telephones rdinnie end ofg leaaon the royal commission investigating into the toll gate in connection with the liquor control board has unearthed some things concerning those who had authority in former government that has not been for the best interests of the province it is the same old story of corruption for everything that seems to come in contact with the liquor interests there really doesnt seem any way to keep from becoming badly entangled except to keop strictly free from contact with the business the royal commission found that george grovcr broke the law by keeping ward four conservative association well oiled it appears that there was ground for the charges against former members of ho cabinet the liquor interests were well entrenched it would seem but they were not satisfied there must be another fresh crop of imbibers coming on the present govern ment will do well to take lesson from the experi ences as brought out in the findings of former government the liquor interests will go long way to accomplish their quest for wider markets and larger salo they will not hesitate to contribute to the downfall of any government or group of men theres lesson in the findings of the commission as well as the recommendations made to correct some of the pitfalls of the past editorial notes sure its been hot enough it would seem that the marchers to ottawa are likely to be sweated out of their desire to reach ottawa in very large numbers yhr ttifhiithinrr hrnrhr thb sunday school lesson fou bcnday july zolh au06 the rropiiet of social justice oolden text jlct juatlco roll down na water and rutlltcoujulcas aa jk mighty atrcam amoa 24 tcmon text anion 117 scrip ture prlnukl there amofl 71 1016 ii la 3f etudy auo lion 11 en amos 1110 po b5 713 time about 700 11 placcjl bcthel and other cluos orracl sxuouillun tito hordsman ol tckoa tho pavuiscs hero printed and com mented on luraish far twjttcr holloa of amos and hla mcsago than uutt selected tor tho leson amoa native tllaco was the hlllvlllage of tclcoa about six miles south of ijclhlchcm and twelve of jerusalem vj lie lived in the dayfl when uzadlb was king of judah iedhdriap knee deep in hay or manicured grounds last week we witnessed couple of ball games tho one under ideal conditions where the ground was perfect and everything was arranged for the benefit of players and patrons the second one was on piecu of ground where ball diamond was foreign until this year the paths could hardly be traced and the outfield ended in the bush we wondered just what kind of game the professionals would have played on that former back fifty and if the amateurs wouldnt have given much better brand if playing on the ideal diamond first referred to in comparison sometimes of amateur and professional ball games we are all little aprnot to make the allowance for playing conditions the hay crop and plowed furrow would prove handicap to professional player and the bright lights and fasr balls might prove equal confusing to the amateur still we think the later class plays under greater variety of conditions than the former sunshine and rain perhaps it is not strange that most young people feci aggrieved when bit of hard luck comes thiir way it is natural to assume that one is entitled to have conditions about as wanted blue skies for every picnic favoring winds for every sail opportunity waiting just when desired since that is instinc tiveattitude it naturally riles one to have it rain on the wrong day to have wind in the wrong direc tion or to find when applying for job that tlje position wanted was filled last week perhaps would help little to ralize that one is entitled tb ones share of hardships the struggles and the dis uppoiutmentb vou caniiotgrow voses 6nundtuffd sunshine clouds showers and storms mubt da their part besides uninterrupted good fortune does not develop the best in human character when the hard knocks come our way do not act surprised and cer tainlydo not grumble we are entitled to few hard knocks to meet the present need the present time would seem very opportune to advocate extension of the bathing facilities at the park fewyears ago 41 community effort made fine start on the project but since then nothing further hat been done tlje closing of the dumping ground on the vesf side of the water vwis another move 111 the right direction the lack of provision for dressing seems the most serious need of the moment youth and older ones have inaiy ways of overcoming the difficulty hut none them are very satisfactory acton is fortunate in having water readily accessible for bathing purposes on othe occasions ue have pointed out the possibilities of constructing uu outdoor swimming pool at the school wounds there are too some hopes entertained of an indoor tank ut the building but in meantime it would uppeur that moderate improve ments in the purk ut fairy lake would meet the immediate need bct while the more pretentious 4nt the usual toll of the highways an improvement can be made here as well as on the highways initssi3ity years of publication tub fkee prcss has never missed an issue but these summer days provide temptation to break this record sometimes we believe that when the homecomers gather in acton next week they will agree that the town is making definite progress and many improvements will be noted those days in jail and cancellation of driving license should be remembered by all those tempted to take few drinks while in charge of motor car conscience 8tbxckkn paid 1m fo towel rauway towels come high esifeclally when travellers conscience prick him for ftpproprlaunir one buuer treasurer central region canadian rational railways received the tollow lng tetter some years ago took email towel from si sleeping car when going to winnipeg now endow one dollar lo pay for same please dont think belong to tho oxford croup for do not curious coincidence was that only frw duyi ago lulkf somewhat rlmllar and eilcloulng the aninu amount wafl re solved at the canadian jatlonal ofllci in victoria dougum egyptian liniment always iiulck ulwayt certain stops bleoduig limtanuy cuuterbuu woundr and pre vents blood poisoning splendid for hiunculof rlicumallani v1 which wls about tho tlrno jonah wcnl nineveh and jeroboam ii uar king over xrocl amoa was farmur and hbl totmkloru const ilcd of few lyicomorc truct mid lloclc of shcp which ho jiaulured in the juducai wll dcrucrfi in the neighborhood of ivkoa amod woji not uhliarhcd either of his descent or his 6wn occupation ho was not farmer but farm laborer while he wo dobig liki farmwork and at tending to hu fruit 11 ittiiaue from god miote down and into hli innur con iclouinem and he ttood up prophet of tlio lord god llndr und brlnj forth his propheb jujt an jio pleatca and from whatever plnco he chooii amci was ileldliand yet he war fcarjeu indeed lie was all the mora fearlea1 be cause ho was ileldhand farmer ubstance manifold intervsui and atgpnc50cinti lo learles word amafi declared was needed in ancient israel and mi oh word and such inejaro is nfceded at tills hour amos mctuatige of denunciation 10 amos bekins where all enertfetje minds begin in denunciation lie ksues judk ment in tlie name of uw lord against damasciki gaui tyru udom amman moab judali israel again aud again his word is will send fire cs ia 10 13 tlieumo cameof course when amos mcssoi began to offend tome of those who nat in hign places and who occupied exnlud religious rank amtudah was the chief priest or tlie royul naiictuary of the calves at bethel and hi clo intimacy with the linjr amalali here for what may be regarded as litate controlled ru ugton and he resents tlie presence of tcachfr lndeiicndent of influence and piitronutic and jtceks to hae him ex pelled from the kingdom he make an nppcil to the king by brinclft against amos groimdkj cliiru of treason ad us of many miles these days only to find quite bj ft hvj2 ilanucr enueilv0ri to often thnt the one reached was no better than the mience the king against the true tcicn one left tr iie uttt to alarm the prophet prophcsj not again any moro at ilethel lie crkufor it is the kings chupel and the klng court ch 13 dy in com dtu nol np jeroboam too lias sclecud men to whom he hasviudc tpectal communications of himself juat as ho did to amai the lion hath roared who can but prophesy thobu who liave dutcovercd god it is the discovery of god in the heurts and through tlie tonguus of prophets who were thcmsclvcii members of prophetic race which is the glory of tho blblo and of the race out of which sprang amos was one of thcyc one also of whom it is written hleed are thoue servants whom the lord when he cbmctii sliill nnd vatchlng tlirouh all hu iurd life tile man of the soil had kept ills heart open and hfci coiulvnce quick so that when the word of god came to him he knew juut as nulckly and just as certainly as he knew tho roar of lion across the moore 15 such is the message and such the lifestory of amos tllu herdumaii called of tlie lord to be prophet tlie book of his pro the search for cooler spot has taker in with two bachelors jnd maiden ind manding positions in the dominion parliament what hope of national or union of government can be expected alilton it is said has window peeper cure might be effected by sentencing him to week at the benches or perhaps that sentence would be too severe for peeper with the senate and other appointments largely mnde nnd four parties seeking election the an nouncement of the election date seems to be the only thing necessary to start the race the holiday spirit has permeated to the council and it has been decided that one session can be dis 7nmscd any notice of the nu of amaziai ient him concerning amos in ordvir to iut effect to his purpose he nddrcsl the prophet sijing thou seer go lice thee nuay hut amai docs not ue awuy til tlie word of aniaziih intead he umls the olttcloun priest that lie is not prophet nor the son of one but thit fact notu ithstandfhg he wn prepared to proplmy uguhil bethel and against amazlnh the great point taught herv ls indicated by ama candor ape neither manners nor scholastic aualiflcatiom uhich are not i1i3 ho had not ttudlod hi any prophetic ucliool and said so 14 no true prophet ever ashamed of his origin howeer humble as rule uil orldu great teachers have struggled up from tlie rcrlonu sf obscurity and poverty ames li thoroughly conscious of the divinity of hu mlslon amos had no doubt what ever as to the fact tluit the lord had nnllt 11 1f hmnn cli rnl omitted js naturally the one falling on civic holiday the hohduy spirit seems to be taking hold in preparation for the big event in acton next week winch will occupy three days get out the welcome signs and let the homecomers know that were on the job he uowmunville statesman jum week hanged lrom seven to an eightcolumn page the change is quite mi imp 10 vencn and in keeping with the how in urn lie newspaper polity ot maintaining one ol the best ot ontuios weekly journals with tbe piesident ot the 11 ilecliring 111 lavor ui the stevens puty and miss ajnes melhail stating he will not cntii an alliaike with any ol the parties the position ol thlaiiuei lacioi lucomc moie entangled ivihups the fanner vntur will dn as usual vote as he pleases he has commenced series of advertise ments that give some idea ol the iiupoi lunceiof this geat system and the place it has occupied in llu development of the dominion we are liuhle some times to lose sight of what this institution means to the dominion and consider its cost without the plftttft for better swimming facilities arc being worked beneficial returns the fuels presented bring little realization of the immensity of i4io work that man icnow3 it and no arifiiment will convlucu him to the con trary amos dinouncdi the conventional prlesl in tile name of tlie lord in returu for this rebellion aiflmt jehovai und uu nnwcnitr ainan furetimli for tin prlei1 tlie puntihuieut that shall full iium him uhen tin juduninitkjtuih ilinie upon liriiel nieellnu hb words tlum mit thou sliult not prophecy ulili the kwn remit riuui imllh jvh uh iii corrupllnu the niurlus 11 lit re auitv diifrttnti isimel with the lllllli uptal lltd mlutlu1 he llul mil put tilt ilir ot tilt sjilill liilo iwinio tin li oil and tin hud jiunrli that llu with huh 111 uncial fumui 11011111111 wjirlhei ulii lie hut in lnihtil milne rifthih jnulht to tik tllr vv ot iiulllieiur uiul lu lu illlliflit milt bui nl uoimllim in mplol hum lo 110111 ami liieiiv that tiw tie nmt nuailti didualtt liliilt if hmi und mm in icioiiubli muir llu niumiitc uiu mailtd man vpim to ihv mvrt of tin uoildly und the tinplullnllt or the hiiw wvttu alum la ju 1th of lu rlill ditn llu uil nuii in li uuihl luut iwin rtr the nnv1 loudly uiul uie must juirnfully ubused but have euivd lltlli or not ut ull for the uird wis tlutr hlrenuth thin ae uanu and thii loimtiy ndj iluht toduy thika who lllti the niiyirlu of old ue drdlisiuul und coiuuirutht to nobu vtubj iv ilmlltrahlril of tbe tird he revtiilrtll hu kotrtt unto hb ir vunu to id prophru six all ocd phecy is most carefully anaruted its sectlonr lbiked torotlicr artkucally each to each it tliows amontf otlitr brcat ictliqius how condcendlntfvi the grao or god tills humbk herdsman was made hk messencer and minister once auain ood chose one of the weak things of the world to confound tlie mighty slats diakt by bobs kabqoum prldy lid crew uj hwr huribend is the stlnffjet feu abe crer flsw the ooey lime he slvea her enny monney willing bi when ahe jmjv she wants car fair to go home to her muther salerday mrs glhem lgtaotelnjr tn to lier new houae up on the hill to day and ahe is klnda wlrryed about it becux tdic told ma and ant emmy that she wiui ao fond of her now house ahe was frade to die on accl mubby she woodcut bo lyittbifycd in hcvcn sunday olo man tindlcr cot and jake and blisters take big sum of hu apples thu after noon and when hi grub mr he hai tnc how cud xplom uu tukclng sum of his apples and rcplyed und cti thot ho was away rum homo at tho time munduy dudo maccy aays he la threw fooling with un rellbul boot leggcra now si tor ever ho bot uum corn wbucoy lakt munth and ho ayd his ft alnt no better than was before lie begun uselng uir corn wlskey wiuiday ant mjny had to walk down town today to take the docbers bill back to him witch ho sent lo iier last iiday beeux it ted on tho envclup to return in days to doctor crumble thlrwiay la went to ike ncwlm to day und told him that he herd ho had jolnod chirch and he thot mebby hi uood lllce to settle old bill for four und li iko sed lie did join chirch but he wasent going to mhc hellgion and business always llrsidy and billable pracllc ally all pains arising from inflammation can be reirtovcd with dr thomas ec lectrlc oil simply rub it on the son pot anil it is quickly absorbed by tlie rkln itr healing pouer is conveyed to the inflamed tbaue whtcli is oulckly lootlied this fine old remedy is also npeclflc for ull manner of cuts cratchfcs brubes and spnims keep bottle 4mtkyi criticism as it was hulltntwl bg arutotle wa me4nt aa standard of judgment welt johnson hakdvcai wanted mother wmlc youll havo to go lo the dentist and have some teeth out son oh motlicr cant wait till after my blrtlulay party everybody rendezvous thc canadian national exhibition is dctigncd tx al tract every mcmbo of every family rujyvalue and hi connecticut yankee band of hu majery brih guards from britain grandstand spectacle the tnot gorgeous extravaganza in the realm of pageantry agriculture in all its varied ramifications attractive arrangements of modern merchandise sport compctlttom for world championship licw taile long midway glincring irl defcceit pyroieclinic your exhibition is exerybodv rendesvoui cclowlplt don eld ahuu muidhh exhibition toronto aug s3 to sept 1935 lw a3c 11c 15c 19c apple tgt mr cz ot 18c coi tunc in mi cfo ii am wlirxlay alul prjjy fu allraitiv glttr fels naphtha br 20c hellntann blue ribbon mayonnaise carrolts iiwtii tomatoes 3lbs 23c potatoes 7v 13c bananas 25c doz wathkmhlon lucll ht oranges oc jjt per joieii mv mill street phone 158 acton onta