Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 25 Jul 1935, p. 3

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jvyr 38th 1m5 the acton free press sftg 3to jlmia inrt tnnj the isle of palms russell oohixxn carter 4sw 3cook here ocorge wood said in severe tone to his small brother splinter want you to listen to what ive fcot to soy qo ahead and yap replied the email toy im all ears and no illustrated by pulling hia ears already too for from nis head out still farther george frowned splinter and hla smallboy mannerisms always irritated him after fow moments he continu ed what want to say is this seems to me bout all you do is waste your time off every afternoon and nobody eees you till supper you ought to be improving your mind teaming some thing worth while stead of playing just finished robinson crusoe splinter argued defiantly guess learnt lot from that wrong sort of book sold george oh sure itfc interesting bujt youre old enough lor more serious you must know lot observed splinter george regarded him with cold dis approval then he continued jlnky and custard and chilly and have formed an outdoor club we call ourselves the four naturalists every day beginning tomorrow were going to make llttlo trips round and watch the birds and aju trees and study fchetr thcir enthusiasm had not recovered from tho unexpected jolt of that first uneventful halfhour beneath the birches sort thought thered be jots more things to sec george admitted sod said chilly and yawned im tired too said jlnky stretch ing it does make you sort of sleepyluce george admitted takeo lot or patience too guess thatll why most naturalists ore old men observed custard when you get old you hv to sit still not go gallopln round you know of ccurse if there were mare birds and things to see it would be different george argued lets go down to the athletic held suggested custard good gome of baseball will wake us up may as well said george that was not the end of the outdoor club lt was only the beginning of the end every morning for almost week the four boys set forth to study nature each had too much pride to say the word that would stop tbte psetlme and every morning little earlier each day their studies ended in soak it out gcorgel iont let him fool youl 6oakuoutcuoral dopul habits didnt know trees had habits said splinter then and thro ocorge almost ewcrv ed from lus good intention but he suc ceeded in suppressing tho impulse wo arc going to study nature lie said im pressively therui lot fellow can leam about nature thatll bo valuable to him at school and college in fact all his life now heros where you come in weve deckled to let you into the club what do you say jdont want to join said the email boy george was disgusted whati tho matter dont you like nature getting acquainted with all the birds and trees and animals hulil said splinter scornfully and walked away leaving george generous gcorgel uutndlng there vested and dis appointed tho next morning the four naturalists took their flrst walk together each carried small notebook and pencil custard peyser had pocket micro scope and george carried pair of held glosses slung over hki shoulder chilly north and jlnky jet each had canvas bag for specimens certainly nature ought not to be able to hide much from them glad your kid brouier didnt come in george said chilly wed only have to explain everything to him like why birds have feathers and ulmplo things ilk that yen thats so george agreed in re ilgnatlan guess hes just plain hope less jlnky nodded sympathetically tu bet when he giits to be twentyflvd youll havel to support him george ho wont know beans about anything george only smiled in melancholy way as if lie realized the great task that was to sap his manhood and odd gray hairs to his lfead when thevfour reached curve in tho little utream that meanders through uie meadow behind the wood house they sat down beneath clump of birches to spy out natures secrets koch opened his notebook to page one and gcorffo adjusted the held flossed tjiu slick place said inky en thusiastically just right in fact for flflveu minutes tho four nuturuiwis at perfectly still all about them nature woa qulot as if asleep or suspicious no birds visited the upot no animal of any sort showed its nose tho boys began to tihift about uneasily it was discouraging to have nature act like that right olf presently ocorffc laid down his held rlosmti and custard after fww unilnts through his microscope at the ftrufs put it back in its case at the end of half an hour tho boyti began to talk in whispers and then in naturnl tone of voice youd think something would come along wouldnt you jlhky said regret fully saw gray squirrel here oncf custard observed guess lieu gone jiow saw uii tomtng probly jlnky re plied with grim humor lets meander suggested chilly ris ing may as well said georgt tho boyu left the birches and walked down along tin bank of the stream chilly and jlnky picked up few colored stones but unable to identify them totted them into the wuter with his fluid gluses oeorge tuw number of birds on distant tri but couldnt tult what species they belonged to custurd apied stump that was partly covered with rung us and at his cull the boys gathered hopefully round what it said jlnky oh juut some queer growth replied george tjort of stuff toadstools are made of lots of it around tiuj boys ejich knaulo ruugh sketell of it and then continued uiiuwtutreuil fool youl splinter iword no rnoaj from his brother about improving his mind as matter of fact splinter was tre mendously interested in nature and had been interested for mode than two weeks when you are cast away on south sea island youve got to do something to occupy your mind it was on unusual storm tliat had wrecked tho golden monkey on which splinter was making his unit trip as cabin boy terrlila hurricane had struck her when she was on her way to the dutch east indies and ulasr all on board were lost except the cabin boy he luul clung desper ately to piece of wreckage and for tune had rewarded him at the end of two nights and day ho waded ashore on tho lile of palms mile up the stream that meanders behind the wood housu tho island was bounded on the cast by the gulf stream that is the brook and on the north the west and the south by uw china sea sluggish channel tluit separated it from vast stretch of swampy meadows near tho centre stood half doxen scrub oaks and there poor spljntcr hod made his rude dwelling prodigious amount of labor hod gone into the making of it driftwood cast up by the gulf stream th sad remains of uome unfortunate vesselpllnter had gathered and with the help of dead broncho hod put together to moke hut in which hecould sit and meditate and gaxa out across the restless waters always in the forlorn hap of sighting pawing vessel how many hours hod the poor castaway sat there hoping hoping how many times had he sprung to his feet and waved his blouse above his luud only to see the dfctant whip fade and disappear before ills eyes then at last reatixlng as most cast aways do that hki plight wad punish ment mint by providence splinter de cided to make the best of it he woll dcrcd about lus little isle the monarch of all he surveyed discovered new and interesting things and noted them down in his diary that diary woe not tho least inter esting tiling on the isle of talms it consulted of slilpt log that hod washed ashore during threeday storm wiunaieiy utiimpf mlrr splinter first entry read july day unknown ic as ashore here everybody lost but me poor old golden monkey and the next july day unknown in despair very hungry and then pound breadfruit tree gave thanks the next few entries should that the castaway was in better uplrlts probably because quantity of upples liad washed ashore the diary told of straniie birds unit filled the air with song guyly colored parrots golden phcasanu iliun lngoes lyrebird birds of paradise und parakeets of strnuce animals that lay in wait for him tigers leopards fierce wild goats that tmvel only at nlghi and of hideous insects and reptiles th bite of which is fatal then followed descriptions of trees and tlowen tufted palm broadleaved breiidfrulli prickly mlmuiu wuiulurful orchids aiid uiow whilw lilies tho slcklhly rwect perfuiua of which will put you to sleep awful suddenlike the latest entry showed that uie cast away had philosophic und helpful turn of mind it read july day unknown lufii here now yvar and sort of liko it but tit ill on lookout for putting ship all boys should study the birds uml anlnialu und things which habit tropjc bjle like this they nevtr cn tell whea tliey are going to be cost ashore llku me having made that important entry splinter walked to the nortiiem most tvohit of hki islund and seutlng him self with his back against rock kaxed out ucroli tile sea it was worm sunlit afttrikkm and prmently spilnters eye cluucd and ho dosed off it id hard to keep awake under tropic sun while splinter was sleeping the four naturalist naturalists by pride not by inclination were on their way up tho stream it was an important day for them tlmtfc the place custard wan say ing as they came in slgbt or thetsle of palms my kid brother was telling about it again today all sorts of queer birds there animate too huh said george and you bc llevo it oh not all of course custard re plied guess know my brother thcid may bo something there though anyway if there isnt well you know what we said about dissolving tho club oh ourc said george after few minutes they reached tho gulf streahi and crossed an stepping stones totho isle of palms isay somebody lives here exclaim ed custard look thero house maybe your kid brother said george not wiaml replied custard bccqn fully hes little coward you ought to have seen his eyes when lie told about the queer fln1rm asked him how he know and ho said tjcver mind its true just like kid you know the naturalists examined the shack curiously then george went ins and the others squeezed after him at one end two soap boxes faiftjaed rude bed covered with grans near the head stood table made from third soap box on it were guttered candle partly eaten apple stubby pencil and clothbound book on the cover of which tho word ledger had been cross ed dut and ships log printed abovo it georges face brightened he opened the book and then grinned broadly say look hero what it saysl he ex claimed chuckling and ho read tho diary of edson wood cabin boy oa tho golden monkey ast ashore on this fa in jury day tmfarown re count of the sins of my past life georges kid brother cried chilly grinning funny boyl exclaimed george thinks hes robinson crusoel listen and geofce began to read one of the recent entries in all my long trovcki by land and sea never saw so many queer things as on this isle got tame lyrebird ttov which is very large bird with strong beak and jinks what tall just liko uort of harp which the bird li torrlblu proud of being ju different from other birds tails itd brown and blue named lilm captain cutlass after the captain of the poor golden moneky all four naturalists chuckled herevi another funny one sold george ho read saw hoopoe today mean to snare it hoopoe fa luce thrush only for lbs beak which is too long and its top not which is black and yellow and white sort of pretty again the four naturalists chuckled and george turned to other strange birds and beasts when he paused again jlnky sold course it funny as the dickens just like kid you know but what wonder whered lie learn so much yen wherod he get all the dope inquired chilly didnt know splinter wart so bright custard admitted hes dif ferent frommybrother tile remark touched georges family pride wliy er he replied soberly the kid reads lot help him occa sionally you know tell him what to read he sort of surprised me sometimes lie learns so quickly as custard says he kt bright kid no doubt about it kjiow what was tlilnklng ald jlnky think weve gone at the job of being naturalists the wrong way it just occurred to me what we ought to do is read up about birds and animals we can learn more that way more variety you know ttitn when we see tiling well know right off exactly what it is think so too replied chilly look how much splinter learned and he only kldl ilftddcs if we do that we can still keep the club it wouldnt take so long either and wu could do it at ulghl sugucaied jav tard thinking of the baseball diamond georgv frowned thoughtfully not bad idea he said at last at that moment the bushes rustled and the four boys went outside splmttr was in front of the shack the small boy chin was thrust forward and lib eyes were angry and defiant he luul had refreshing nap whats the idea he demanded you guys comln here george coughed oh nothln just lookln round nice place you got splinter regarded them susplcipiuily but their respectful attitude reassured him itcad little of wliats in your book said jlnky its its interesting splinter colored huh he uald george coughed again got to be fjohi guttis sire you later kid splinter waited till they liad crauej the gulf stream then he went lnsldp and picked up the stubby pencil ilia last entry read july day unknown saved ship hove to in the lagoon four americans uboard my brother george was one he was awful glad to iam me clave thanks to providence purewetl fond bile aint he ignorant vbigr si bjj jn iwm jmrfiftrff tjj fm vi thut prima donna has very large repertoire yh funny how all thorn opry singers in fat like that in any sort of contest tho winner absorbs most of tho attention the winner however is not tho only ono wlio athletic contest in their attempt to bo in the best possible physical condition get lot out of tho competition even though they ore counted losers those who tacklo prize cyamlnatlan ar take port in on essay competition may not receive even honorable mention but tiw work they have done hi preparing them selves la not wasted being beaten does not mean that you are candidate for pity unless you are ono of tho people who lose courage oelf confidence and everything of that sort when you loco victory it not in frequently happens that the technical loser to the ono who makes tho most out of tho competition thats different dont sea how you can crltiix my conduct when you boast that yoa used to have men dancing attendajnc on you all tha umo but they didnt dance attendance in tho cabarets all to the good old man dodgo uoams to bo oa good ternu with lilit fellow man khould say ao ho can borrow all tha money ho wants ut per csut agreeable uaggar hg pardon air but xv oen btiar day air mr krtisty have lota of am this tha worst weather ive struck in twayeartf good practice where did luuieii kt hla utroko7 heating ruga sizing it up kr hnil quickly have you per sistent imre that refuses to lieal then try dr ttiomas liclectrle oil in tho dressing it will stop sloughing carry uwuy the proud lieah draw out uw pus and prepare clean way for the new skin it is recognized ifealer among oils and numbers of people can certify that it healed where properly applied ltujinow tluun what cull good ikmmi ill hel it can make lot of hubbys trip wlure did your wifu upend th iumiuer abrttd and how tilmiut yourself want into bankruptcy bono uoseb onk wjice ileit the railway carriage was crowded as tho young man opened tho door and asked in sarcastic voice is this noahs ark ves was the reply from grumpy man in tlie corner were all hero except tlie ass coma in bsd st be pleased sportsman boy what was tho idea of shooting that acbra hunter well my wife wants now nrwning safktv fibst liorbvr whispering to now hcipcr hvro comes man for shave helper let mo practice on him harbcr all right but bo corefm not to cut yourself turned tables diner walter look know of nothing mora exaaperttnc than finding lialr in my soup waiter weil wouldnt it twrworao nnd soup in your habr next in une man you have my sympathy old man erlend why man my wife got new hat and lihos calling jm your wife tomorrow acton august 345 civic holdiay old boys reunion sports tattoocommunity service calithumpians garden party street dance sponsored by aeton citizens band and aton baseball club saturday august 3rd parade baseball softball parade of baseball playert and band 200 ptoi baseball wingham va aclon 300 gmts softball brampton vs aclon 715 huge parade of eight bands brass bugle and pipe bands parade asembles in park at 8j0 and mawhca through town band tattoo bands fireworks at 930 special lightipg etc sunday august 4th parade community service fiio parade of all organizations asj eifilloa nt itowling groen and marches to community service in arena at 7j0 monday august 6th cal1tudmpians baseball motokcycle baclis sports gakden pauty street dance calithumpian parade 930 assembles in tlie park for parade through town prizes for best decorated car float bicvcle and costume prize for oldest aclon resident and oldest person attending u00 juvenile baseball oakville vs acton track and field events 130 in motorcycij3 races sports for everyone 100 baseball milton vs acton garden party 830 program by canadian cowboys of london concert co radio artists assisted by aelon citizens band street dance 100 pm modernoldtynie music supplied by canadian cowboys of london refreshment booths on grounds daylight saving time admission prices adults 25 children 15c tax included th kric apply losiuly atiaaooa uad emuui moci altcrooou luul keotai monday mo 10

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