page six the acton free press thursday auqust 15th 103j ie fine there aint no use in klckln rlend when thlnfes donft come your way it does no good to holler round and grumble night and day the thing to do is curb your grief cut out your llttlo whine and hen they oak you bow you aro jtait say im feciin fine ther4 aint no man alivo but what la booked to get his slap there aint no man that walks but what from trouble gctu his rap oo mingle with the bunch old boy where all the bright lights shine and when they ask you how you are jest aay im fecltn inc menu hints recipe for new and novel dishes hwnebald idea ana steak and cake for mem present your husband and your mala guests with steak finish uio meal with cake and cofzcc no need to worry about your other dishes so far as tho men ore concerned they have steak and cake complex here ore recipes for two dishes mode especially delectable by the use of natural pineapple juice try thum when you wish particularly to please steak 8upkeme servings hanked steak largo onion tablespoons butler tablespoons flour teatipoan salt teaspoon mixed dry herbs vj teaspoon pepper teaspoon paprika tea dry mustard thu esti of crop returns would be fall wheat 233 bushels to tho ocre spring wheat 18 bushels barley 285 bushels oabi 353 bushels wovo liad some remarkably cool weather during the post week frost has been observed three times during tho present month august actons civic uullday was celebrated yusurdoy august loui acton and milton met in baseball game at milton and acton won by score of 2211 whilo uie 1105 train from uie cast wau standing at uie dlot yesterday morning mr george iloblnson toronto was jostled in thn crowd and later dk covvrcd that his pocket book and paprrn were missing ltotar oiat afternoon albert henry and clark were ar rested and cluirged with tho theft on tho evidence obtained they were canunu ted for trial at tho fall assizes 105 was found concealed in uie lining of one of the prisoners huts think that will be all for this week and ill try to be motv regular uitd no allow uio fall fair to interfere with my umunl articled concentratei milks olt milk in vauious fottms tablespoons old cups pineapple juice melt the butter in dutch oven and brown the sliced onion and powdered herbs remove onion and brown th3 steak which has been cut into pieces by inches and rolled in flour add remaining flour brown slightly then seasonings and hot pineapple julcv cover closely und ummcr for several hours or until steak is tender maui ice hox cake in ivj tablespoons gelatine soaked cup cold water ivj cup pineapple juice cup sugur pinch alt tablespoons lemon julca teaspoon grated lemon rind zest ttyf wllltes cup whipping cream cup pineapple tidbits dozen vanilla wafers or dozen lady ilngurs maraschino cherrltii soften gelutlno in cold water heat cup of tho pineapple juice and dissolve the gelntine add fiugar salt and re maining pincappk juice und lemon zais und juice chill until jelly starts to con geal uien fold in the suifly beaten egg whites and whipped cream turn into mold lined with the cakes und chill until firm unmold nnd serve garnished with pineapple tldbluj cherries oiid addition al wliippcd cream slightly twoetncd tinted pale green and put on tlio cake witliiipastryjtube be caltkhil what vou say in speaking of persons faults fray dont forget yourown hcmcmbw those with tiomcs of trlass should seldom throw stone if wo lmvc notlitng etuj to do but talk of those who slu lis better wc commence at home and from tlmt point begin we luxveno right to judge man until iws fulrly tried should wc not like his company we know the world is wide some may have fuults and who lia not the old uu well as young perhaps we may for aught we know have fifty to their one ill tell you of better plan and find it works full well to try my own defects to cure before you of ot tiers tell and though sometimes hope to be no more than some knew my own shortcomings bid nw let the fault of others go tlien let us nil when vc begin to slander friend or foe think of the harm one word may do to those we little know remember curves iomc times like our chickens roost at home dont speak of others fault until we have nam of our own now that tlio schools are closed thou sands of happy children and parents have temporarily left their city homey to enjoy tlio summer vacation in the coun try pcrliaps tho holiday season will be spent in cottage situated sufficiently mar town or city to procure tlio family food supply including milk meat and groceries without any difficulty oii tho othe hand uie camp or cottage may bv loaaud frgh foodn imrwnt ha regularly obtained in which case caro rul planning is necessary to ensure three wliolcsomvv healthful meals every day milk is one food tllat should be given special cojislderatlon under such clrcum stances for tills valuable food must be provided in adequate amount partlcu larly for tlio children where the purity or the milk is doubtful or where there l1 the problem of obtaining tt dally cupply of fresh milk or of keeping tlie milk sweet it is lndwd fortunate tliat one can turn to tlio various concentrated milks on tho markef and use them un liesitatlngly in place or fluid milk to buy and uso thejwj concentrated millcs to advantage uvery consumer should ba familiar with uielr composition tlie process or manufacture and their relative food values to fluid whole milk tho following umounbi have been calculated as tho approximate vqulvalenla in food value to one quart of whole milk lbi ounces evaporated milk ounces who milk powder skim milk powder 23n ounces plus ounces butter factories wheiv these milk products are made are under government inspec ton and labels intended for use by thu manufacturer must be submitted for ap proval to the dairy branch dominion department of agriculture all concen trated milks are manufactured according to definite standards which an defined in regulations under the food and drugs act ore as follows evaporated milk unsweetened con densed milk should be milk from which considerable portion of water shall have been evaporated and shall contain do not trust him gentle lady the modem woman seldom needs such warning she is alerrand self re liant on her guard against the plausible and insincere even so she is apt to fall for mr justasgood you often meet mr justasgood when out shopping you start let us say by asking for wellknown branded food ecaustheiameiiomeseasilyjto business directory medical dr mcniven phyrtdmn and ruxsean oftlco and rcaldenco corner boww avcnuo and elgin street dr nelson physician and surgeon electro therapy phone ss legal phono no 23 box sis harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary knbua conreyanoer etc pineappletomato aspic cups solid pack tomatoes cups plnoappla julco tablespoons gelatin tablespoon dried tiiyno teaspoon salt buy leaf teaspoon eratcd onion teaspoon worcttitershlre aauco small can of asparagus tlpd in saucepan place tlie tomatoes with all or the seasoninttij of tlie water from tlio can of aiiparaffus simmer slowly on tlie lire for about 20 minutes or until tlw tomatoes are very soft tiien strain through nne klevetifesshlk through as mnrh nf thpnuln na nawlhlf whue tills is cooking soak tliegxdathi hi li cup of tlie pineapple juice over tins pour the tomato juice which luu bikdi lujated to tlio boiling point and fctir uitjl dluuilved lunae hultvldual nialds in cold water place tlie asparagus tips hi them hi regular idiapes then pour hi it little of uie gelatin miture and leave in uw lco bqic to luurden as soon us the mixture luuj set remove und add more of tlie tela tin until the mold is full by adding small quantity or gela tin mixture at time tlie dealgn of garnish is kvpt on uia bottom of the mold irutuad of floating on tlie top which when inverted becomes tlie bottom of the salad serve on crisp lettuce with mayomuusc or other dressing brataichast i33 tiik pactf tlie food you glwr your family at breakfast will set uie pace for tho whole day for we must never lose sigiit of uie fact that ltmi time had elapsed tine the evening meal uie night before appetites will uwaken at uie sight of an icy cold half melon hlled over flowing wlui uuldcii crlsp corn ilakcs tnlitumclicmls eailntr aisltto ive tiu family quick energy for work or play toasttks mfclon cup chill hinall riiw eantaloup cut in halvvj allowing ouj luilf to each serv ing itcinovd licwds cut uiln kllee from bottom of ruch luilf no uiat cautaloutv will rest ilrnily plate v1u oeiltre with corn flakes wrvv wlui llgiit cream and jmwdmd bugar the uireeday celebration cot me twisted in my dates and was quite sur prised to learn that last weeks paptr should have contained my usual con tribution instead of tins week couldnt yet nettled down to it last week any way met lot of my old friends on those daya but not just as many as expected think tlie irrancemynui would need to have been daud earlier ini ulcra auowed for not lesa the year to iulow many of ujosc from tlwn 25 per cent of mllk distance to mala plans for comln home not lc65 uliul per ccnt mlik fat but wc all had glorious time condcn ai sweetuned condensca milk uliall be millc from whlcli con siderable jioruon of water shall have been evaporated and fo which suimr shall have been added it shall contain all toxrancea belnir allowed for not les if had written last week no doubt would have repeated lot of the in formation that was given in the uc count in uio news columns after read ing it tlkte seems to be llttlo left tor me to add so ill juiit go back in the flies of 05 and pick some items of his torical local interest at the latter end of july in 1005 tha oldli from tlie northwest rebellion toronto also suffered million dollar fire loss just fifty years ago when til hojypp etio ttwl than 2b per cent of milk solids and not less uian per cent of milk fat milk powder shall be the coluble pow der product made from milk and shall contain not less uian 05 per cent of milk soldlem were royally welcomed home solids and not less than 2d per cent or milk fat skim milk powder uliall be uie soluble powder product made from skimmed tirilkrriraitiledtflimnlilnnbttimmnirnilic und aliall contain not less than 05 por cant of milk solltfci the word skim med sliall appear on uie label in letters ui same size as thaw used in the word milk in uiihig any of the concentrated mllka uie dlrocuons appearing on uie container should carefully followed evaporat ed milk may bo rmonsutuled to resembm whole milk by adding autflclent water to replace the amount evaporated in process of manufacture thta milk will ktp for prolonged period or tinw in uio un opened can but after being exposed to uie air should be troaunl as fresh milk whole ftillk powder may also be recon sututed to resemble trash mllk by adding uie necejiuiry amount of water if skim milk powder is used uio reoonstltuukl product will lack uie fat present in wliok milk but uils can be easily mado up by uidug extra butter bocauso of its ulded nugar condeiuud milk is not substi tute for fresh whole milk but it can bo advantagyously used dilutetl with frullu and in many other lnjumcea where fresh milk und suuar would be served together destroyed the wagtu for farm laborurs hi uil section jire 20 per month and board the bell telephone co still puali uig on with its new lines at the rate of about thirty mll per day and has com pleted wiuiln the last few days uu linn from trenton to pictan masonic lodges in guelph arc run ning an excursion totoronto for for uie round trip tlie number of officers and men to be drilled in camp uils year throughout the dominion is placed at 18070 mr titos cook lamp lighter wlio haa been laid up during uio past week or two with erysipelas hi uie face li able to bo out again workmen are busily engaged in re shingling the schoolhouje and in plas tering and otherwise fitting up tlie school room lu uis town jlall lard lansdowne pwed through actwi lost saturday on uio 1100 train en route to quelph game of ball was played on th milton grounds for uie chiunploindilp ol llullan between miluwi aiul campm vllle the campbell vlllu team won wil the following are new subscribers add ed to the telephone srvlre hi aeton juuhs browns ridence beard more tannery moore tannery df lowry rdiunce mr ii lurns has rjittvd suit ugahist the ctynoriiuon to prevent uie uuxhe property from being used for cenieury purimiseti and to uat uie valid ity or the bylaws mating to uie same according to tw bureau of industrie tongue in this you are possibly wiser than you realize that particular brand is only wellknown to you because it has been well and consistently advertised there is nothing uncertain about it the limelight of publicity shows up defects just as clearly as merits if the product had not been good the very advertising of its branded name would have warned people to avoid it yet this particular brand hasstood the test so well that it has made countless friends who have proved its quality and worth it is at this point that mr justasgood is often introduced to you he may be good or he may not you cannot tell the chances arc that if the product had been of outstanding merit its makers would have identified it by branded name and found ways and means to tell the world about it forcefully and often if you ac cept it you are dealing with the unknown running the risk of second best or worse taking serious chance with tlie familys food supply the wisest buyers nowadays refuse to brin mr justasggodhmt hom the more you know about goods and their makers tlie more intelligently you can invest the family budget the more easily you can safeguard the health and wellbeing of husband and children put your faith in advertised goods it will not be misplaced select branded goods to suit your needs in your own home before you shop you can rest assured that they are the safest the best money vcanbtiy mill street actow ont hours 030 to 1200 noon wloo to boo saturdays 1300 oclock kenneth langdon llarhster solicitor notary ftoblto offices acton georgetown over seynuckfl cafe main street fl for appointments lhon acton 65 or george town 88 oftico hours acton tuesday and thursday 118 to 00 rtwn lnga on request entaxj buchanan denial stxrxmra office in lclahman block houtri hi until evening by aitpolntmcnt bafa worms by the irritation uiat they cause hi uw stomach und intestines deprive infants of the nourishment unit they should derive from food and nnil nutrltlon li the result millers worm powderu destroy warm and correct the mcrud conditions in uw stomach and bowels that are favorable to worms su that uie full nutriment of the child is assured and development hi every way advertised producfsarenoiralwaysthe cheapest you can bay but they are always the cheapest in the end closed wednesday afternoon phooa 14s pjv pearen successor to la to dr bch phono 20 mill street acton vetekinaby dr bruyns veterinary suren aji calls rccolvo prompt attention ivrma neasonable phone 135 aotom onta1uo oirico mill etreot harrop sc phono day or klaht 03 itesldenofl bower avcnuo acton all calls promptly ancwered flatus keaonablo hhscetlankotls francis nunan klookblnuer account boolu of all klntla mado to order periodicals of kvcry description carefully bound hullnsr neatly and promptly done wyndlmm street auelph onl eagleson onurld and dominion land samjot ktelitured lvofeiedoilal engineer surveys neports hjtlmates plan dltainaok wouk sjeoiattl tefenlionb 31 onuntivlrle ont general wk steclaozk ts life piro hcalui and accident automobile windstorm plate glawo uoilei 1idellty bonds annuitica and all general lined at insurance also offcan steamship tickete kjiaiojno comfanibs exolxlent mcotnu fred wright acion eilcollruuvil the door of opportunity theae small ada wul open the door to whatever vm are seehing