Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 5 Sep 1935, p. 6

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hr faob six the acton free press thursday sth ins smtmemb going summers aoln wuuy solntr dancing off on utheasmn iet and the winds are softly blowing frfcreweu music sadly sweet levea are falllzig lowly falling whirling 8uy fluttering ddwn answering freedoms urgent calling xn their colors red and brown blowers are fading bleakly fading drooping withering on their sterna all their lovely petals shading where the dew once shone its gems trees or whispering aoftly whispering lovely dummcr ooon memory as thejrafjranches bend and sway summers going they are moaning summers going far away lovely summer eoon memory close enshrined within our hearts fuln vd always keep your fragrance sad are wa when you depart victor warng metcalfe menu hints recipe for new and novel oubea household ideas and sandw1c11ks fob all occasions dumb belle by alice kelly ecnist ikigiiton sing suter hlh poliitnr uctu sajidu iciics arc what we moke them they may be mulcvshlft biles vlth litue to be said in their favor or daliuy ciorau that bring bursts of pru the hmuai vhnter thc ore placrd bcfoiv cubits it far too easy to put pjeoe of ham or chcee between tuo idlcvs of brcid and call it sandwich wc aw likely to gvt into thli food rut if wc do not joateh ourelti ftut the uonuin who prepares her sandyichtr as carefully she bnkej nil krt tywlrf ntnnlv in rrsd tiiil gied her out poiiltnr uctur in pay rhnloky licfon tin oiiihh clnba of luhy hltmutu hill wiim ho llh4llttly 1ivelv jiml bttiium hhe apparently limlnl iihh1iii1iiii hlnglt word that lird mild 1im bin vniiuh and to upum of in iiiiiml vmtnn itrnr 1rufixnor ilghion do you stibsribf to tin ctsliu thioryt inifior ivi ihmi nlliiply en llinilld by yur hmt imhuv win llttlr in doubt iihiint tin prltultlvo iiioiloun ttimiuim in wan iiimriillvly young umii ny briukid niwl blir uiul eomly tby imimi hint chastely with coo inn hum of tiinch bunk ljit uln if im eomc to men by uiul bin iww po sition on th uuhtmiy wll on tho liynlv ibi jr ut tho liiih in hu iiduiuvd elii uiul he knew hed better mirk to htioli he uked hu woiiieu little uiul helpbh uiul u4 ditnh im they eoulil be without netuillly huv hlfiin htlmv inhiy ilmtm why he ml km hard for jon nlilou truelnle liut very tlrnt mo ment he miw her she eoulilnt liuvo beii prettier uml tlw couldnt huvo looketl tnnre utilly and unmhiunedly dumb he himself introdneed dl tvetly nfter the lecture ami looked ninth dnv nt her live feet ono inch of rurek hit tiny wkln ultra clothed tiud ueneral kweetnes imd mild what were you doing lc turer she dlinplod tit him and nnswervml with rtiirllnif little trnrule of imnjlit slats diaby by robb vabotiiefaxt friday wall it wsaaant very pleasant here at are house this evtnlng on acct of miss understanding among ma and pa ma was kicking about sum thing and finely pa got fed up and he sed to ma you dont disserve llusbend uko me and ma replyed and aed tbats what oftcn thoht but dont no what can do about it now sntcrday wlnfcald strum was hero today trying to su palm for ma to can and ant emmy as him if he seen rmmny pcdcstralns passing hla form and wln fcald aed no they ulnt evry body umt posses are placj is in otut or on it pracktlcally sunday gran iccklcs has been toll ing la that hu mnrrytd his wlfo on acct of was stichy gootl cook and thloy pa and tna lncludclng uie ant ant knmiy ucnt out to oraiui houac for diner and whin uiul conitlng homr ma rcd nb that cruil kitulu tnude tubttako hi hli culcutuhum and pa icd to htr wdl poor xcutv bcttm none tall mnnduy juke and me found tlrkoy kg out in the country this and io ore going ltn the iolctry bluics we got to mjrvrlng mid wo can huvo about 17fl hrkiyn by yr frum lhli 1himki giving if vry thing noei rlt ivuiulay ivw pa lot suhicrilcr to the noase iapcr witch ho wlrkr ai jit3i clutch wot in town today hying shuvvel and pick and sum tile and pa put lujtn in the puper as prbiled that fclcs clutch wan getting jreddy to do hi fall itching xxpect it wiuu tliw uraflclc error oil they call comon mu nu files weiuidfly fiance green war tawkln to pa about hii new wlfo witch he mary ed owr in washington county und he md jie was women of few wlrda but very frequent canadian building stone ennii mmfn nil lhi tinriny th kv if mi and complmtnts sandwiches should commuti arent you tired wiylng all wkseli nt hl wlrk is all wayu cheerful be dainty whether for the school or those long wordnv he could havojund nod nnturcd xccpt mebby latryln nnmnwin with uu ttthara lia faciory lunch box picnic brldua kled her with the kntitebt of wiso lunch oa butfet lunch und indeed made hl planh to do bo combination andwich fllllngi should ui ppwillly nu it could he nrrongod be cultivated intead of uiing itiu when uhe ukkkted with provo cheese ue combination of chce nrd cutlvo nwoop of black curly hihhoa mustard picklto as matter of fact ngnlnst an tipple hlokhom cheek uic plckw thclf can be used the whole know place where ynu can dnnco rnnd 1n biillfl up atractlyeminl wiches for uie lunch bosc when you da iiucdealre tolucludbpkklcsof some kind hi uie actual filling two or three pickles wrapped in waxed taper may bo thrust into corner of the lunch box tnd you may rwt atburd uuit tliey will seldom if ever come back to you at night or for buffet lunch various kinds of plcklai may bo placed near tlie sandwich tray here are several recipes showing how pickle of various kinds may be used in sandwiches spicy celehy sandwich largo tweet pickles cup finely chopped cup celery nnely cut tablespoon mayonnaise teaspoons catsup combine chopped kweet pickles and cwlery illend with remaining ingredi ents spread this filling on slice of buttered bread hot ham sandwich have ready hot buttered toast two slices for each sandwich and lightly broiled allced ham cut very thin ar krongu tdlce of tho luun on slice cf the toast add bit of prepared mus tard and cover with minced sweet pic kles put the top hum of uxuit in place servo at once bacon and pickxe sandwich slices crisply brolknl bacon chopped medlumsbtod dill pickles chopped ii cup mayonnaise combbie bacoy pickles and mnyon nalse spread on buttered bread makes sandwiched 4x4 indies savory m1nqd cheese sandwich pound canadian cheejy tublespoon butter toaspoon mustard laucc from mustard pickles rnp nniitnr plrklci jh chopped suit paprika allow cheese to stand in warm placu to soften mash uie cheese and blend with butter add remaining lngredlenii spread on thinly illcej whole wheat or rye bread buttered and get ten with awfully good rum in trufflck cop apple color chaut an ingenious color chart to atudjit in the harvesting of mcintosh and fimeinc vlth rtw or opptp pl c3nt thtr prapcr7 tuguo fmatiirirytnothcr7itshir1ookrdkxpticnlyround ie mrimtit thinking of tho recptlnn committed has juiit been issued by the horticultural whom ho wnti mortally luhultlng division central experimental farm he kissed her kg homo in tho car ottawa domlitlon deparunent of agrl tiie tlltkl wuxting matkuial before papfr was made slants clay waxed boardti leaves barkii and sklmi were used to wrila on stone came flrat the charactura being scrtohed on it by moans of harder stonejj or metal toola xt ii raid that the reason why mast of the capital letters of our alphabet are composed of entirely uraight lliuu is because they were easier to carve tluin curved ones the llomans employed small flat trays oonuilning wax this was scratched by means of metal atylus tiu wriunj could be erased by mearw of the flat end of the utylus it was not until uie ninth centuiy uuit thu arabs returning from war agabist uie chinese brouglit with them krloncrd who uusht them paper ma ing wllleru worm imwders will not only expel worms from uie syum but will induce healthful condltloiu of the sys tem undo which worm can no longu thrive worms kwp clilld hi con tinual tute of resuessneju and paln and theru can be no comfort for tho mupne until uw ram of suffering be remoycd which can be easily done by uu of thnw powders tluui which ttkirp nothing more criecuve nnd hiio mild oh you ubouldntl should youv and he hald muutorful ly uhould ond intend to jo on do ing bo after that ho kpent ovcry waking in ktaiit with her for daya shu thought ho wtih wonderful nnd told him ho frequently tho klmploht tjiingh hnd to bo oxplnlntnlto her in kotd of ono hyllnble no dear preclouu itti no una blowing up the tire it ban groat hlg cut in it vou remeniher you drovo over all that glnav yeh dear do havo to ntudy ol dont know all tho psychology thero 1h etc etc thcy woro engaged two weeks after thoy met and eventa progronaed binoothly toward jtpeedy nnd elab orate wedding thon tho blow fell it wnii nt re ception plain voinnn ennio up to tho happy pair she beamed up at ernest voure getting real little trenh uro alio told him hod jonnlelou in all my coursea in the unlvoralty and the palmed with honors sho may not know much about your nubject hut aliou at tho top in her own it was uhntteringl all jennleloua adorable dumbnetu hnd bwm lino thon ernest couldnt take it tho thing ho loved waa dead ho took nd vantngo of convention in tho mlddlo west nnd wont uwny ho couldnt hear even to wrlto to jennielou for tho llrat few daya aenhe of eacnpe from lifetime of companlonidilp and mentnl equality auatalnod him hut nrter thnt ho realized that he wanted jennleiou ho wnnted to hear her gurgling little lunch nnd her delight fully idiotic quohtloiih nnd wipe uwny her facile tears hi decided to ancrl flee everything for love she greeted him ectdatlcnlly had boy not to write alio clildod him gently iihmild aeold you rffintntor darltnjr weve had thlrtyiilx new wed ding presenth and my wedding dreaa is done nlie gurgled infectlounly it waa on the boat that erneat uunv limned up hla courage he hnd loved iennu enough to give up the dream of llfftlinn nnd marry her complete with honora ho had given up yeani of comfortable evening of danrlng and lovemnklng nnd tfonigtnji hi the ice box for the horrors ofdla cuttlng each otherh work he held tonnleini cloue aa ha halted jenttely sweetheart what was jmir hiibject in nehool sehoolt she asked vaguely school ohyen oh never htayed lucoltege dear think it would havu been loo awfully boring dont you she gurgled jilwujb forget you keep on uml olkgolng to cullcgo sho laid bright bend against bin ahoul ier took doinentl aelenee ahe told him of course not the ehemlu try part und all that allly muff about what foodn ai which evorbmy oats the same things anyhow uml it was so dull hut learned lo make the lovellent layer cake and lolmter new burg und everything got km per tent in rooking ihit what yet my honorable mention for was chocolate uouftle with vanilla nance that ninth up all my own self vrneat drew alow breath of entln relief he hinlled he kissed her pua hlniuitely lvunht he hegifiml her fatuously and he loathed aweets makf tut one of thoe the very tlrt minute were in our own llltle home wont you culture every apple grower knows that the stage of maturity nt harvesting large ly influence tlie ultimate keeping quail ties of tho mcintosh nnd fameuso varle ues particularly when uio appleu are kept ut low temperature immature uppku stored at 32 or 3fl degreed will develop scold upon removal from cold storage to temperature of go degrees or higher whouicr the apples are wrap pod in oil paper or not apples plckrd at the proper itace of maturity ao in dicated by certain sluide of green arc most suitable for storage this is where uio value of ue color chart ti demonstrated on the cliart are two colarod discs each perforated by jiinch circle one disc is colored dark green uie ouier disc is of light breen and uils color represents uio ap proximately oomict sliade nf green found in apples suitable for storage purposes at low temperaturci by placing the been part of uio apple against tho cir cular opening in uie chart uio stage or maturity can ascertained if the apple is as green or greener utan disc no the fruit is immature and should be left for few dayu langr or until it begins to aproaeh uie color of dltc no which indicates uie desirable stage for harvesung au all fruit on tree will not reach this stage at uio name time date should be chosen at which uie bulk of the crop is approximately near it full inrormauoli and directions are given in the chart which is or handy filue and may be slipped into ones poc ket at any time it can be obtained on application to the horticultural division central experimental farm ottawa increased activity in building opcra tlom in canada during 1034 led to greater production of building stone throughout uio country the moat gen erally used building stone in uie do minion is limestone and new devclop xntanu in this field during uie last year included uie opening up of two major quarry industries production of llmeaton for building purposes during 1034 amounted to 20700 tons valued at 223086 compared with jl107 tons valued at 1103714 in losa only dimension stone marketed either hi mill blocks or in nnlshed state by the primary producers is included hi thco figures the value of uie work done on domestic llmiutono in cutatone con true tors pbuili is nob included exports of llmlstone fur puildlng purposed ure all imports of all varieties of buutl lng purpoc are small imtkiru of nil vurktli of building utone except murbli and urunitr during llji were vuhnd at 2iih0 iui inctetu of 101173 over the value of the imports of 1033 tim de mand for hulldlngnlone during 1033 and 1034 was in laritr part tilled from qunr rled stock on hiuul and many of thu larger inarrlvr were not operated quar ried stocks tire now largvly depleted and practically till of the quarries will bo in operation during the prttnt ytr several qtbirry operators have reported that orders uloiuly received will kcup their quarries in full ojcratlon during the current quarry tuaum may to oc tober canadian limestones are available in abundant quantities and of high quality for building purposed tho use of native ttom in canadian building has made great progress during the past decadi though uie general decline in building durlngthcrecentworldwldo trado teslnn nnvrted thlt hrnncll qf tilt hi enjoy the best tea saladtf provement was notable during 1034 and praipecli are good for greater activity during 1035 tilt play uoom jlox thli cant be where the cliudren sleep and play inquired thu visiting grand thc unnaturally tidy room with ibi small twin beds larrc bare table nnd few cloim close ta havent they any toyu she pursued in pained voice with dainty little klek under tho bed uie proud mother revealed uie ex planation writes correspondent in he snti franclwo chronicle it waa verv flat but capaelouq box on rollers open ed it disclosed uie urunl pellmell or childrens toys balls blocks nnd mech anical contrivances evidently stowed away in great haste not much order but everything visible and cosy to get because the flat box didnt permit piling one thing on top of another this thing slid under tho bed when not in ufji the mother explained bus its so easy to pull out uiat uie children can get their toys niid put them awiy uicmsclves as for books and games well heres closet full the closet won merely on old wooden bookcase with wood doors and plenty of ulielves no need to pile one uilng atop of nnouier and uie wooden doors kept any disorder hidden or course this isnt so cute as having the nursery walls lined wlui oddsliaped uhelves and all uie dear little today bears books dolls and game exposed admitted uie young mother tried that at the beginning but found was slave to neatnwss spent all my spare time udylng the place up for uicy could not be trained to put each object in its own cubby hole this schembe is much better there no struggling and fussing aver exact places for everyuilng and the children rauicr like uio idea of shutting doors on thulr games or rolling them under the bed out of sight okigin ok tkbm sterling stirvek tho word sterling on ullver means oilctuuver or definite fineness pure silver ii too soft for use but by addlig seven and onehalf per cent of copper substantial and enduring sterling metal mndcr those proportions wcro mwd long befoi 13s0 and have never been changed sterling on piece la re strlcted by law to silver which is 03 1000 pure and it hi guaranteu that metal used in the piece is genuine sterling li an ancient word it is contraction or eauterllng in the twelfth century uiwre flourished in our many the haruunuc league comprising certain free towns thiw towns issued their own money the british soon learned uiat money from these hensa towns was always the same always de pendable coon uioy came to lnshtt on tho coins of uie kasterllnga or those from the cant of britain later sterling wo made tho standard both of engluh money and for the manufacture of solid ullver your hiiiito mndlehitf clint among the standard household reinedlcrf ftliat sliould be always on hand hi your homo medicine chest hone is more important than dr thomas eclectrlc oil its manifold usefulness hi removing pain and healing uickimji lh known by many thou sands throughmit uie land always use dr thomas eclectrlc oil for relieving rheumatic mid sciatic pains tnutlng wire thrnabi und elicits euiih burns hcalils cub brulimi and sprains 4acberetheres stondingroom only tk wlgdf hori show ffclurd acli yar hi waium flr it alway crowded with anthuiliillc iovm of drlag koitwhiklp bui fall popular aval only ohm of fh mny unlqu hracfloni you will 1935 wiurh fir th midway llf notts color find uugklarh ulo iliow with la ilftb ihmllnad mhlbit dairy nd sgrlcullural tttilitbut th tplrlt uort rc big graadiland show huhdrd of hw 6vrlhrlll lug ipclcti brought toglhr for your hoymat man to etund ihli grur witrn flr dy at tu ztu bvsuwo uiy anywhr4 sept 914 western xt xlxv keep warm next winter with gils on volcano furnace heat your home comfortably econ omically and with little work gilon kumacea arc scientifically construct ed to jiroducc even comfortable tem perature throughout the house in any weather sturdily built togivc un interrupted service for many ycart here proof of gilson furnace efficiency when it wjh 73 acutcc below nefti kt irtujuou kalu 11 tnllet front vi gaun our hotel julu coniafxhy hotel with the wo 4s gilfcoit mkmmolli fumcc itiauiled tlilx wioicr louu sluouln vl ct ont automatic humidifier vor lmmtdlat cceptnc only im kuthorlvcd hv im factory to inuall gluoti auionatic ilumldifr vlit with every hew giuoit luntac tho humidlfer sells every day or sis do it keeps tli air comfortably mout prevents colds iuj lceps people healthy atul happy low prices small down payment easy terms it is easy to own gluon furnace down payment and monthly py nmmi lli vou tin nvr nn na free om trxin have it paid tneii am all melit them avut particulars telephone mooney actbn gilson manufacturing co ltd guelph ont air coivditionhnf circulating vans humidifiers coal 11 lowers klcctrlc washers llectrlc irontrs gal izninc wathers klectrlc hcfrltrerators commercial ucfriieratioa business directory dr mpniven rtrjtrteimft ytd nji ofllc and tldctencccanicr avenue and elgin btnect dr nelson pbysacbui and ssrcecmk electro therapy fhoab legal phono no 32 boat 33s harold nash farmer banixtcr solicitor notary ltihue convejraiocr ete mill 8tkket jictom oicit jloun 30 to 12 00 hoon loo to soo sttturdny 13 00 oclock kenneth langdon tuunriler 5ioucltor notaxy tablfa oflicea acton gforgfiowa ovpv seynuclc cafe xfain ktreet fil for appointment ihone acton cs or georgetown b8 oflico 3ouri acton tutiday mad thursday 115 ta to 130 era hica on request london saundwr proi ontario joclon sc acton fall fair special prize list concluded from page three 44s best pair drcsmd chlckcnc donor to receive camb by it lcbhman casli 50 453 beet working mana cold dinner served on tray consist ing of separata vlotualu 1st by sarm womens cheerio club cash 125 2nd by society 75c 00 403 best dozen tea biscultd baked from lily wlilte plour by hortop mill ewrton 1st 50 lbs ljly white hour 2nd 25 lbs lily white flour valuo 25 476 best loaf ilomemado bread made from lllah loaf llour donor to recelvo fcontti prhsa winners must luave receipt for slour ahowlrur it being purchased from il lindsay 08 lbs high loaf lour vuluc 00 4b3 btut collection of fancy baking 3nd 100 varieties 1st 300 403 best double loaf of bread baked from itobln hood plour donor to receive como day of siir by xjfcleluui 24 lbs robin hood hour value j5 au mrciid miit bh doublet loaves flower an klant specials 503 best collection of plants tuid cut mowers to cover ten square feet crown in 1035 1st 300 2nd 200 00 513 best basket bouquet of gladioli let 200 2nd 100 300 523 best basket of cut flowvrs 1st 100 2nd 50c 50 533 best collection of cut flowers arrangement to be con uldcrcd by hugh walker sons guelph per elliott bros acton lt goods value 200 2nd goods value 100 00 543 best begonias by miss rooeu cash 00 553 best window box hanging pot or garden stand goods from greenhouse in spring of 103d by woodhall muss cllo lrt 200 2nd 100 00 miscellaneous specials 513 best collection or lttdli fancy work not more than uueejl pieces not exhibited before here 1st 300 2nd 200 00 57s best collection of cushions new and uptodate by oordonmackuy co toronto box or rullfajjiloncd hose to be had at elliott bros store acton value 00 5fl3 best babys layette under quo year by georgetown lumber company goods to the value of co 503 best model not exhibited before made by boy under 17 ltit 100 2nd 75o 75 103 to tho conpki married the greatest number of years attending the fair registration to bo made with gatekeepers or secretary second doy of pair tin actoh put pukss ono year value 00 013 to tlie person attending acton fair from tlw greatest dis tance report to secretary for computation or distances tub actoh fuilb ihitss one year valuo 00 23 best appearing child under 12 yiars and doll carriage in the school parade by barra quality grocery 1st 100 2nd 75c 3rd 50c cash 25 special added events must kvkninc mupld leaf llour 1ml hue oium lt irlitt 041 lba mulild liiuf mour ami ivim 40 lbu muplu leal hour 3rd prlaj lbu mulllu leaf llour by muijo hut 1hyir co wliuwra upnly to lilllolt una acton for itour whdnhsday alunoon vor thy hiit llont drawn by uam of liorw4 hlullcl to furnl wuoii cnutuiiumi optlonul no intry he oon to ull mu4 bo cubrod in iurj from town hull ut onu hclock ui wnintduy und uo to urounda 1st itu 1000 hnd itiw t100 ard 1rliu 4th 1rhui vj buchanan denial burgeon ofxlco in leuhmn block hourti until svezungm hy arpatntttipnf grti at iic closed wednesday afternoon phono 148 pearen succtsior to late dr hell phono 29 jju11 street acton vxisnntaky dr bruyns vvlerlzuary surrtxjh all calbt receive prompt attentloa terms rtaaonnble phone 135 aoton ontaiuo office uu1 btwoi harrop sc phona day or nighiv residence bower avenue acton all colls promptly ancwcred rate reasonable francis nunan bookbinder account bookd of all kinds knado to ortlci periodicals of fcvery descriptlori carefully bound ruling neatly krid promptly done wyndham btet auelph ont eagleson oquho soil dominion lud birnrv uexuend vrofealiul sufinotf eurveya repahj jisumaua plan ubalnack wokx specmxtx telephons si onuuroriue ont general wk rfcialize in life fire health and accident automobile windbtomi plato glnj jtoilcr fidelity uoitda aitnuitici tmd all general unea of itthurancc also ocean steamship tieketa kilmmno comianiku fredl wright acton the door of opportunity these small ada will open door to whatever om an seeldac

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