iujrjimbfenyyj pffiw ipvmtjfffri vwstjw sps str mh two the acton free press thohaday september ibth 1935 kl pumtah4 kn twiwu ac 0lrf fo cm sn uil rall bclara nlrtio wwto scrssj ul crll to mdcd soold md rciuurol utter nour ml or cheque advertising ratkslj notlca rttoitioo for obiot tatl eic fltmivl notice vk jsl doenu blrtb urru ni delb notice iree so khrtlemenu oer word ul cb sks booked 1m oc ben pblctlon re jttbl obc dlouy lertlln tte rr ccordln to spee contracted for aknonb err orecutfon will be uken to ou th pre epl rtuioh in it oetyb underundlnr tht it will not be luble iot rvor in nr dettebent publlbed prool ol ucb dcrtleraent requeted in writing by uj ietler nd retuned to tb prt pr ba office duly led by lb drtr nd wltb ucb error o7corrlo oulol od lw tbeoo in cim ii ny error noted not corrected by tbe free pre it lubluty bll not exceed ocb proportion t1 tb entire cot ol ocb dvettuemcnt tbe pece ocoopled by the noted error ber tbe bole pce occupied by gxtoop telepuones editori1 uid bctdenc osice town improvements the visible exhibition of town improvement that has been shown the past week is indeed commendiblo true tho main street has been bit mussed up but the rather permanent manner in which theso changes have been made gives some assuranco that tho mus ing up will not likely occur again the drainage problems and sidewalk road and other work under taken have long been needed and during tbe spring and heavy rainstorms will be decided bcncbt to large section of the community in fact to oil tho community if any town is to keep paco with the times it is necessary that its conveniences be kept in good state of ropair and well maintained it is all the more commendiblo that tho council has been able to carry on this larger program of improvement in spite of the fact that twomill reduction was mado in the tax rate this year edohia in like measurer in two weeks actons will be officially opened and immediately thereafter the program of activities in connection therewith will be inaugurat ed the work of tho in communities of this size is pioneer work since acton is the smallest centre in which has been attempted therefore its plan and work will need to be develop ed to suit the needs of acton in this respect those who have undertaken the work and those who will assist in the carrying forward of the program will need the confidence cooperation and patience of all we firmly believe they can be made to work great deal of good in the community being president of this newlyformed board we fully realize the responsibility that rests on the shoulders of all of us who have taken nn active interest in this community endeavor we realize to the full work can only be developed over period of time and should expand with the years and the efforts of other boards and individuals who will follow actons newest venture needs the kindly sympathy and help of the whole community and in like measure as it is given will its usefulness and influence for good be icturned to and benefit acton the starters are lined up with tho nomination on monday evening of bobbyj robinson of burlington as tho re construction candidate in halton tho slato for the electors here now stands at four and will likely be that on october 14th with three of them we nre acquaintcdandwewouldudgcfromour acquaints anccship that clean vigorous campaign could be expected until october 14th mr hughes cleaver of burlington is the liberalprogressive candidate mr george currie of esqucsing township is the con servative nominee both these men have served in municipal and county councils mr kclih shaw tho candidate is stranger to us but wc understand comes from an adjoinjhg county mr robinsons home is in burlington and is possibly best kjiowjitc us through his activities in promot lilg uiiihtcui arret schorrlportr thcyttro au good platform speakers and during the next few weeks the electorate will have tho opportunity of hearing the aims and platforms of all these parties expounded we urge all the electorate to hear them all weigh carefully tho matters placed before you and make your choice on october 14th the race is on and may canada secure the best government possible fromthchoictfiered sentative from its field of four editorrai notes these are the days of promise if one reads nil the political speeches it would seem that canada was thepromised land the funeral orations for huey long resembled very little the type of material that was current in tho newspapers prior to his death leaders in worthy movement during the week of october 14th to 19th rather unique event will be held in acton england it is the exhibition and pageant of international good will the promoters believe that the spirit ot war is largely though perhaps semiconscioiisly fostered th in times of citc ment by the appeal to selfsacrifice without com mitting themselves to any one point of view of the peace question they believe also that change of mentality is needed and that this can be assisted by an appeal to those same elements in the interest of matters other than war tb that end the exhibition will endeavor to show the interdependence of the various nations and the many things which are inter national and humanitarian in their character while on the platform displays will be given which will de monstrate serviaes which have been rendered to mankind in general or which in other ways illustrate work for the wellbeing of humanity by this means it is hoped to show that color display and honorable service can be effective in tho work of peace as it has been in promoting war it would seem that the plan was to turn thought or activity into other channels and thus direct it from war any centre might well get in step with such movement the glories of war have been placed alto kothcr too highly above the achievements that may and are being accomplished in times of peace it is movement to be encouraged and we are pleased indeed that the centre from which this town secured its namo is assuming leadership in movement to foster international and individual goodwill and now helton electors can fairly well close the lilt of candidates for the coming election with four fat the bem the daily papers have apparently been making mountain out of mole hill in the arrangements for fire protection between oakville and trafalgar mail and empire heading say ontnrio amuse ments tax soaks the poor so does the sugar and excise tax and in fact most every other tax but the income tax central electric stations in canada produced 79054 g000 kilowatt hours during july as against 1021314000 kilowatt hours in july 1934 an in cruase of 104 per cent the 1035 acton fair lias pnssed into history and the chief concern of its directors and officials will now be the plans for 1930 its record hns been one of growing bigger and better in 1934 the canadian metal mining and smelting industry spent 58000000 in purchases of general supplies power freight insurnnce etc and approx imaely 51000000 in salaries and wages perhaps our readers may wonder why comment on acton fair is missing from this column these columns are written 6n monday and therefore comment must be delayed until next week oh well doesnt toronto usually do lot of street repairs just at exhibition time too acton is getting more like the city every day and the pro gram of repairs was not completed in time for the fair for the present mr aberhurt has secured do minion financial assistance to the extent of 2500 000 just at present seems the ideal time to secure dominion assistance and its possibly bit surprising that its 10000000 short of the objective perhaps the brightest remark about the political situation is by writer whose identity wo have for gotten he said that mr bennett postponed thanks giving for ten days but since mr aberhurts election tho new premier of alberta has postponed christmas for eighteen months fergus newsrecord the sunday school lesson sunday 8urembibjlui james cheat christian lieader ooldcn text blciikkl the man that cndurou tomptauon tor whom when ho lutth beat approved ho shall reoclvo tho crown of life which tho lord promised to tlteru that lovo him jafl 12 lcanon text jua 117 vera 1d27 printed here study also tho entire chapter time 60 place jerueajem exposition ho swllt to hear slow speak 10 20 tho wholo of tile llnt chapua of janaul eputlo ahoukt bo taken under rovlew fn tills lesson in it wo got lino picture of treat chrbiuan almost au men professed clirlfluans include tauc too much and ulcreforo nay many thing that ought novor to haw been said consequently every man should be iwlft to hear but alow to speak what wo should bo especially swift to hear li the word vs 21 22 if wo listen great deal to that thtm when we speak wo shall have something to baythat br worth llutuutf to the speech that li prompted by tho word is truly sanctified upcech thu speech tluit arises merely from oily own munlngs and reasonings is of little prollt either to us or to thosoto whom we speak wo must be klow not only to speak but also to wrath tile man who quick mud wtll bo iolitf sad sudden anger ki tho source of untold and immeasurable misery and mischief hi the homo state church and international affairs it never workcth tho righteousness of goclrhutlt coimtantl worketh th ulikcdnmj of lllii ttmill thlflrnnr8t5 uorty the law that set tree ct ps 10 john 21 32 tomans xxx puro religion and undented 20 27 tito word translated religion in 27 the noun from which tho adjective translated rclujlous in 20 la derived does not mean religion in tho sense in which wc so often use the word today as meaning true inward heart religion it means the outward performance of religious duucu these verses therefore are not intended to teach the way of salvauon as somo careless and ouper ncial interpreters aver but simply set forth what is true performance of religious duties pure religion performance of religious duues and undented tho right sort in oods siqht doco not constat in tho going through prescribed forms of ecclesiastical performances tho going through with genuucctlxms and rites and ceremonies but in chrlstllko ministrations to tho most needy visiting the fatherless and wldovil hi their artllcllon and keep ing ones uclf without uspot from con tact with thu world in its sulflslmcss and greed and sensuality mid pleasure seeking cf cor 17 rtbmam wo aro not aaved by doing these things but wc are saved to doing them they are not the ground oo which we are wived but tile result of our having been luived if wo really have bcun saved by simple falqt hi jesus clirlsf eph 11 va will do ulesa things and tho doing tlielu is an outward proof that we are inwardly saved on the other hand if man thinks he li re ligious because he goui through various religious performance but docu not control his tongue but lots it go on unbridled with bitter words and unkind words and fadujly critical words and harsh words and angry contcutuyil words tluit muns religion is empty futile worthless laid upon brethren profetcd believ ers anger lias sent many church to the devil and many churchmember to bell tho power of the word of god 2125 verse 21 sets forth the wonderful power of the word of god its power to save the soul and also how to study it putting away all tuthlness of th flesh notlilnghhideraptolltabitrstudy of uio word so much an sin and an unsurrendered wlu cf john 17 cor 14 how the word wives wc are told in 18 by regenerating us cf peter 23 and still further in tim 15 romans 10 17 epn 13 john 24 tho word of tho gospel lias power txt save every one that be lieves it romans ib it is tho im planted word tluit is able to save tlw written word implanted in our hearts by tiie living spirit of god if we only have the word of ood outside of printed in book tltat will only bring condem nation and death but the word of god implanted in our heartti by the holy spirit that brings life and salvation cf cor for tho word to save ua must be united by faith to the word tluit god speaks neb the word must bo received with meekness with humble teachable mind that docs not exalt its own rea coning but submits uko child to tho infinitely superior wbxlom of god cf matt 11 25 10 it mliflt be received as the word of aod tiles 13 our understanding of tho word it con dltloned upon our receiving it with mccknea ps 25 tills la why tho bible is jeaed book io many even though they ore very intelligent students of other booko they do not receive thu uord with meekncj and that book cannot be understood in nny other way la 01 we should also ttudy the word obediently study it not mere ly to joitlify our curiosity hut to learn how to lhe nnd then live that way be doers of the word nnd not hearers only one ver of scrlpturv obeyed ulll open up hundred others one ver ol scripture disobeved will close the whole book and leave the soul in utter darkneja and take away all relxh for the word many try to make the deep study of the word take tlio place of the dally careful practice of the word ood uiyji afl iucfi ore their own selves 33 thoy seldom docelvo anybody else tho mere knowledge of truth that la not practlcvd merely brings condemnation it is sin ch 17 but ho that both hears the word and does it than bo richly bleuicd luko 11 410 matt 12 50 in vs 33 24 we ore told of something ekr tho word hott power to do it reveals us to ourselven it li looking glass tluit shown us not our faces but our inmout hearts just as they are and just as they iqoz to ood it thereby convicts of sin cf heb 13 it la uhj sword the holy spirit uses in piercing tho heart bph 17 qf jer 23 20 brut some look into gods looking glair tho word of and to just wluit sort of men they ar sinners rebels against the word but instead of repenting tlvey straightway quickly or immediately forge what manner of nun they liave seen themselves to be tllese uro the pooplo who merely hear or study tile word but dont do as the word bids thciu do there uiu many hlble students xif that kind and for all their lllble study they nre headed for hell tout the one who not only tes wlutt kind of man ha is but acu upon what he discovers tuul sees to it tluit he becomes uu kind of man ought to be by being bora again 18 thd one wlio not only hears the word but obey it he la bwxl in his dorka not mere hearing ho born again gets life and liberty cf john 34 si s3 are you utertt llearer that rorgettetll or doer that worketh seeu the word of ood fa the perfect uw tht law oi distemper responds quickly to douguu egyptian llnhnent keep bottle handy in the stable sfalf of lifes doors aro alwayu locked and some of thorn arc never opened vr salada orange pekoe blend will prove sheer delight to lovers of fine tea salad tea keep warm next winter with gilson volcano furnace heat your home comfortably econ omically and with little work gilson furnaces are scientifically construct ed to produce even comfortable tern perature throughout the house in any weather sturdily built to give un interrupted service for many years heiiaprooofgiuoofuniacfficiency whn it wm 73 decree below ero al ikmiuoik falla 11 mslctf from v1 gane our liotel wi tiutt corafortftbly healed with th ha 45 cilmon iummotll vlironce intulud tliu wlruer louu kicoulu vl ggne ont free automatic humidifier por immediate acceptance only am autliorlied by tk factory to intall clunti automatic humidifier vukk with every new clltan furnace the humidifier sells every day or jijoo it keep the air comfortably rooln prevents cold and keep jxople healthy lid happy low prices smajlt down payment easy terms it eay to own gllaon purrtaec amall down payment and moothly payment ao vauiabu that vcni will never tnua them ind you will moon have it paid or in many caaca par mooney or tortim gilson manufacturing co ltd guelph ont oikea galaott protlucl ff5f5 circulating fo humidifier coal blowers electric waahcra electric iroacr gas tnfine waiher electric frig era tor commercial refrigeration hcietf youni lady whos wil now dtuit iulie uct by her tixs smj write out her nvrtu quite urt it mill pleats you for ker tfrtwreriet from carrolls bii toasted cocoanut bingo cookies lbs 25c heinz smart brothers pitted toetghupie rs pitted red cherries 25c nts new pure over oney 23c cak calay free isp chipso 19c whetiyou buy large rkg ingersoll malted cheese pig 13c chasfi and sanborns dated coffee iib 35c fin or shredded cocoanilt sweetened lb tjc aylmer pie pumpkin 19c libbys campbells or aylmer pork and beans 11c carrolls ptlrriolive soap cakes 14c hawv citcur of lemon oil 12h btl 23c klikl hjwilr clt 14c whit huptaki soap tars 8c lmtfll parowax rlg 12c shoe polish in 10c limited smiill juicy ilarjje gomcn bananas 25c wclloried cooking onions lo 15 lemons for sc resh fruits and vegetables ifor the weekend mill street phone 158 acton ontario