s5 rr fir ram two the acton free press wednesday october jsrf ims 5jlji arfcm wtet jtpbb pobubd svrr tbttrwuy at acton ootaho subscbhtioji rates per yr jv uiuid state mkulioul stairl cqjom both ow ind ew vurawt houli be riven ckn of ddnu is rfcqoeaiwi cancellations we 6m that moat oor aab lo hara their ubacriplioo to toaaa tw all to remit belora expiration wbue wb acnstiooi will not be canied in arraaia over an xtendej period et nnuu we are notified to cancel wo awne tntbicriber wuha the aeiee coo tinned uuttanc should be made by re letter moor order or cheque advertising rates leal notion lac per line lor inaertioo 1c dm line for each rdr toe per line or each inaertlon if ta blacklace tvo uper le additional notices qualify in as com bs taut set ton inch coacrti cntertainmenta chorcb ociety or oraanuation meeting etc lee 1h mum charge ac report meeting beld gladly inserted free in llcmorlam notices and loc per tor poems utrlh uanue and deatb notices free advtuemcnta ic per word minimum bar go ajc ii booaed ise also loc extra when applications are addressed lo this omt dipuy advertlalntf rate vary ccofdintf to pace contracted tot akaoufh every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free pre accepts advcrtlaintf its column on the under tandlog that it will not be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof ol such advertisement is requested writing by the edvrtir and returned to the free pre buamea office duly laned by the advertier and with such error correction plai noted in writing th jj caae irbiyntirttniuwdtt not orreoda hrae prcs it liability hall not exceed uch proportion the entire col ol uch adveriiement as the space occupied by the noted error berelotuewbol apace occupied hy uch advertisement aulof dills editor telephones editorial and buainca ofice 74 bealdence there were 51io suspensions in effect under the those election beta every election brings in its aftermath tho spec tacle of someono paying foolish bet fortunately the bug has not stung acton and we dont witness many of these silly escapades rides or stunts that follow an election sometimes ono wonders if the participants in these bets are not merely making bid for little cheap publicity that seems to find favor in the daily press and is played up with head ings and descriptive matter that the stunt does not usually warrant certainly no good can come of one man wheeling another in wheelbarrow or couple of nen past the youthful stage donning bathing suit in late octpbcraswc said before the craze hasnt struck acton and we hope the foolishness of the thing will be so impressive that it never will our words ono of the most successful business men of the country says we should think long time before we say hard word to anyone but never miss chance to say good one that is just the opposite from what most of us do most hard words are spoken almost without thinking we find fault before we havo made any especial effort to under stand we criticize on the impulse of the moment wo say bitter resentful things because we sat up too late last night and feel out of sorts again and again we miss the chance to speak words of praise of sympathy of encouragement because we do not think there are probably times when hard words sro necessaryi but they are so few that such words should never be spoken without reflection the time 01 goodord7tirarcvci cornea artl nevoi goes it is always here new arraiigemena it vould appear that the cancellation of the quebec power contracts was about to be carried into effect after several months and ample time for in vestigation or negotiation we always have deep feeling for anycontractthathhs to bccanccllcd ordebftlutrit not to bitpaid we dolirlikehuving an obligation cancelled or few cents paid on the dollar through the bankruptcy courts it takes away an asset we thought we had we dont like these notices from the farmers creditors act making arrangements with assets we thought we possessed and the possibility of getting only part of the money owing but like it or not these things are happening every day and there doesnt seem tq be much we can do about it now it is very likely to happen to the bondholders in the quebec power companies we can imagine they wont like it any better than we like to see things we thought were assets turn into nothing but just papers we cant recall getting any sympathy when assets went awuy under the bankruptcy or farmers creditors acts sympathy isnt usually extended for these losses and it looks as if even in spite of all the requests fdr it from those financially interested there wont much more than too bad from the musses even as children we have to leurn that we dont get ii our own way but its hardcr to take when we groi up these ure surely days of new arrange pnerits and possibly for the best menace to property at this season of the year when the leaves cover the ground and accumulate in rather large piles the danger of fires in these piles carelessly started and left unguarded form quite menace to property it is quite possible and likely for tho tiro to follow through the leaves to close property and serious fires may result these fires should not be left un guardedtfhenstartedrrf y6uhavcntthotimoto attend to them do not start them they arc menace if left unguarded give thanks tomorrow wo give thanks thanks for health and friends granted us throughout the year thanks for the measure of peace and security that we enjoy thanks for the bounties that providence has seen fit to grant us and if one would but pause for moment the list might be carried on at such length that one would wonder if one day was sufficient for thanksgiving it isnt every day has its reason for giving thanks but on tho morrow canada pauses to jointly give thanks its more than an other holiday give thanks high percentage hon mcquesten minister of highways early this year announced his intention of making the fullest possible use of the power to suspend driving licenses as means of checking the rapidly increasing accident toll as result of this policy toe sunday school lesson fob sunday ootokek 2ttt the first of october in othur words one out of clvgy itftdrivjsjii ontario of thcg24 suspensions imposed during september more than haltor them were for reckless driving the number of suspen sions for driving whilo intoxicated set new high record for any month although tho total for tho first nine months of tho year was almost 10 per cent below the total for the same months of 103 notwithstanding the fact that many men are pre pared to cypress the opinion that no woman should be permitted to drive car only 25 women lost their driving privileges and had their licenses suspended during september while 590 males were deprived of their licenses according to statistics contained in the department of highways monthly accident bulletin perhaps careless drivers will soon come to realization that the laws are on the statute books to be obeyed editorial notes thanksgiving day tomorrow some cause for giving thanks everyone has even such thing as an election ceases to be come of very great importance few days after it is over the program seems to be developing very nicely and as it unfolds the young people are becoming more enthused with its possibilities apple bay proved popular on saturday choice canadian fruit sold by canadian boys was an appeal that was hard to resist more than once sonic folks seem to think that election promises should be fulfilled the day following the election as rule that day is occupied mostly with paying election bets italy seems to be growing more unpopular with the rest of tho world as its invasion of proceeds if it does win its conquest it will be questionable victory canadas exports of bacon and hams during august totalled 8351800 pounds with value of 1417821 the united kingdom was leading pur chaser with 8255000 pounds valued at 1392017 the 1930 auto licenses go on sale the first of the month and the purchaser of new car will have fourteen months usefor the price of twelve it is coimnendible move and should stimulate auto sales at rather dull period bklshazzaivs phast intkrna tionai temperance lesson oolden ttuttwlnolo moountltronj drink brawler and whosoever crrcth thereby la not wise prov 20 lesson text dan 1718 study tho entire chapter also chap 131 time 638 place babylon exposition bclshazxars blind and blasphemous fouy 1723 daniel was man of jafty character ho was abovo temptation from ucl shazzor royul giftu and honors tho king had that very evcnlntf insulted daniels ood and daniel spurns gifts from such source gen 23 klnks 16 ho reels the dlvlno call to be the impious kings judge and nol his benendary ha wiu not bo muraded by girts from onouj whom ho toult doclare tho tem judgment of god then li hero lesson for men today who are called to declare tho whole counsel of god jiow many modern preacher hesitates to rehuko tile sius of tho men and women tliat contribute largely to ward ills salary and how tho church is forced to compromise tile truth by ask ing tho untjived to contribute to tho sup port of tile church furthermore daniel uould llave it clearly understood unit tile gilt of god wmi not to be exerclsid for pay acts 20 daniel lost nothing by the high stand lie took for tlaj gifts wcro forced upon him despite ilk noble disdain 20 belsharyur must bo very god he has inuulled 18 every king holds hbrklngdomrrura gltt from god rnwrhlii gtiniiniln rrfflnt the kitchener record recently published very complete edition marking the 25th anniversary of the opening of niagara power transmission through out western ontario it was fitting that the kitchener paper should publish this edition since it was at berlin on october 11th 1910 that this important ceremony took place construction contracts awarded in canada during september 1135 totalled 14713 100 compared with sl24ll0o0 in september 1031 according to mac lean building reports limited constiuction awurds for the ninemonth period ended september 1035 now uggiegute 132724200 compared with 0tsl4sioo iiithe corresponding period of 1934 und su3thq700 in 1013 17 25 33 deut 32 but this was cmphaucally true of nebuchadnezzar and god liad made it very clear so uclshazzars impiety was particularly in excusable if there is any lesson clearly taught both in scripture and in history it is that bwlft ruin uwalbi tile man whose heart is lifted up in prlde 20 prov 10 ib dan 37 is 1217 uike 51 52 18 bclsluu zars grandfather had been notuble example of tills vs 20 21 ch 3033 when man becomes proud and boast ful his doom is sealed god dellglibi to humble the bositful man in the dutt gods purpose in this is most beneficent that men may know that the most high itllcth in the kingdom of mon 31 it is well that we should know thu and thou lii1 ton qiul has no litmbled tllllic heart though thou knew est nil tins belshnwars stouthearted pride was peculiarly unpardonable he sinned against great light gods deal ings vlth his grandfather had been of most remarkable character and bclsliaz zar knew of them the uxtcnt of mans guilt li determined by the amount of light he sins nunlnst but ue luue mare light tlinn even belliazar hnd who u111 measure our guilt if ue do not hum ble our heart llnc uv really done it hut host lifted up thself agulnst the lord of heaven alas for the man who does unit it hati been done ngaln and again in tlvj hbitory or tile world and the man alio lias done it has been made uanilng to all uho should come after pharaoh ex sennacherib isiiall 37 23 303h oil uell as bclshnwir nrc cases hi point the god in whose liand thy breath is and whoso are all thy wayt lmst thou not glorified here was another count in gods indictment against relshaziar great indeed wan his folly ills very breath all his ways were in gods hands god had the en tire shaping of his destiny ills very life was at aods dkpasa and yet illm had belshozzar not glorified whatmad nessl yes but madness that is being repeated every day in tliti land of bible light our breath is in godc hand pa 104 20 in lum we live and move and luwe our being acte 25 28 pvery detail of our temporal and eternal des tiny is at ills disposing prov 20 24 and yet how many or us give illm scarce ly thought if man lias little power ljvcrnoidestiny favor but urn god in wiiose hand our breath is and whose are all our ways we jeavc utterly tuuregarded tim handwriting on the wall 24 30 aod will call men to account sooner or later he may let them go on for some tbne in their forgetfulness and de llance or himself but some day they shall see thu handwriting on the wa and the word written then uhl be allmenhre intlodr balances fobl weighing each of us diiy by day how much do you think you weigh in aods balances one may weigh well in manvi balances but go up in gods pa 02 luke 10 15 nelshnviir was not found wanting in mans balances but when god cume to weigh him and mark him tho mark was found wanting the handwriting wan tumt in mercy if 11 shakar hail repented as the king of nineveh had before him jonah 010 if he had humbled himself as hki grand father did there was still nwrcy for him ch 3437 hut though helshosiar honored the missenger there was not repentance in sackcloth and uhet at the nnuaikv and in that night wus llel sllazaar the king of thu chauleani slain let every proud and impenitent sinner take warning 1tar long time the critics rldleiued thbi story of llel shaziyr for they said that llelshazzar mju hm tnvntlonid by the histnrlalli whlh was uulti true and hki very islenr wait mythical imt furtlnr re searches durov red record by his own father nubtmldili mentioning him by name and tliu objection like so many oth objictloiui of the crltlei had to go the hllorlrlty of tho book of daniel is now well ebtahuhid tile lelfeoundeiit bcdgetino ijast of you jdung people rallxa the importance of budgeting where money is concerned but few seem to under stand that budgeting time is equally neceosavyr twentyfour hours day la all you have to uve on and that time should be so divided and apportioned that no important interest in ufe is alighted your hours of work are gen erally decided for you but your hours or playahould not bo neglected recreauon should take into account physical well being and intcllecuial pleasure wor ship should bo planned for provision should bo made for friendly relations with others in every twentyfour hours umo should bo allowed for tho quiet thinking which is back of au growth all progress enuuutening alice why do they havo knots on ulo ocean mstcad of miles skipper well you sec they couldnt havo tlio ocean tldo if uicro were no knots motlier graves worm exterminator will drive worms from tho tystcm with out injury to tho child because its action while fully effective ll mild critics are again thoroughly discredited and their muchboasted scholarship prown to be thoroughly biaccurute thu discoveries of tile urcluieloguits have played havoc with the theorlis of tile prevailing school of critics and yet many of them hi their ignorance of their de liberate misrepresentation of focut go on blandly asserting tluit theso exploded theories of german infidels are llic es tablished results of tho latest scholar jdiip nothing could ht artlnr from uotruth ccarccly monthpasses these days without some announcement being made of new arcliaeologlcal dis covery which testlles to tho truth holy scripture buy the best ted mmmmmmwmmmm edwardsburcj rdwn brand corn syrup more canadlak children thau any other corn syrup jxoiitui tj thi canada stattci co limited advick certain pllaroly in hlt bynlclsm who iild when il man tomm to no for many people orlc ndvlco when they udvlcf alwayji try to ilnd out what only want un audlic prcundlntf to ho limi mudj up his mind to do and dcafre your opinion thy icnlly wish to udvlm him to do that as result ho ull y6uthclr fitory irochnidvic fcrfnhrtthirin whlcfah wauled not txcauini la iotlf0orfcuiu0tttn rnrvtr tnad bocuuso they to whom it li blvcn had dltlon considers nio to be wlso tnan already made up their minds what they sympathetic listening gives the advice would do before tlwty received it we was seeker cliancc to talk out ulo problem cynleul philosopher but there was often to lte natural conclusion viahksgivfn marshmallowcocoanut fingers laced with chocolate bs 27c silver ribbon tomato juice no 2v 9c frys cocoa 19c dated coffee 35c uptons tea rjtp 27c ovaltine tin 38c 58c popping corn lb 15c peanut taffy lb 14c gum drops lb 14c jelly beans lb 14c halloween kisses lbs 25c dates lbs 19c mixed nuts lb 18c sauce 10c mincemeat lbs 25c shortening utc pilchards 5cp ioc pork and beans tly i0v2c peas sl 9c wax beans 25c codfish 14c pickles vwvsw 23c golden com pjt 21c japan rice lbs 14c babbitts tins 18c princess 16c palmolive 14c pkg 14c 23c free hakidy ammonia powder with comfort soap 10 bars 39c name mi peruinttar to win priie oxydol ak to dctailf 20c carrol els limited bananas grapes oranges golden ripe fancy quality sweet and juicy zlc dozen luc lb zc dozen sweet potatoes 41bs lie onions ilo 15 cuanhkkiukk and other 1uiiit an vegktauijes at special prices jree delivery phone 158 mill street phone 158 acton onti hhyw ifwiflym fyp mfl3