Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Oct 1935, p. 6

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paoesdc the acton free press wednesday october 33rd 10 do youa best jea do your but and pralm or blmne that toilers this count jca the same you may have noted rcat aucccss is mixed with troubles more or less and its the man who docs his beat that seta more kicks than all the rest ix tho day looks kinder gloomy and your chances kinder slim tho situations piualln and your prospects awiul grim if perplexities keep prvioln till hope is almost gone just bristle up and grit your teeth and keep on kcupln on frcttln newr wins light and funiln novi pays there ain no ute in broodui in thisc pessimistic wuya smile just kiud of cheerfully though hope nearly one and brigul up and krll your teeth and keep on kutpln on liosouinc tilt hust amk1ucan cooks ualtiialta li llliootcs in the month of october xwo honor each yuif tin memory of chrlstophet xilumbua on the onnlversury of tlu day wlnn he nlghucl the bind of the now world now nearly live hundred years atfo am part of thu celebration school children tudy the history of corn one of tin mast important gifts to mankind irom the now world wo uro all familiar with thu old story of how corn aaved tlw llret settlers in tho americas from star vallon and helped tho bloiieer in tho atruggle to ptt3h uestward loo often tho principal character in the study is overlooked lhu kind of corn columbia found was developed from wild gross like plant by uuicrationu off cultivation it was crop which had to bo harvestd stored and cooked for umj in all this work the indian uomuti too the leadii rolr tl like women verywh re the bquaw did more tlian keep body and toul togetlier with enough to cat iho put wmo im ajrlnatlon hito jh job and had many reclpet for cooking corn to pasi on to the plonoer uhite voman wiio led her family with iht unfamiliar raln hi indian lioniemaker of columbus time made ash caki or ho ule the torcrunrr jourmy or johnny ike there uere com paunc or port corn dumpllnui with eiin itew corn pudding ulth ible jrup pitched coin willi an indl in nam unit oundul hit hominy to the lngllsh et tier nnp mule bj rtmovlnj the hull of corn by loiklni in viur ueik ijc olutlon beierie with honey or jmipli irup ihe uni or apiche indian uere ilclnj tlw ilirt lunik iturie ikfore the uhlte mnn came mat ro mantle of ul the lop tribe hid their corn fule lorlfli beyond the im irln tlon of modern muf icturerf llw uere the piper thin mil of pilt bre id in the brilliant red jillou blue blicl or white of itl corn or dj ed 1lu labk coloring to ft deep or mi or ilvld frecn ih irly coclj hnenud ibor ini dulec which were lngeniou but jtill kft cooilnt in the cl of hard mmuil labor tor in lane to ilce pikl br id utter the uomen itxu limited dried and ihelled the corn it uau ground pn ilat ttone meute ulth round rtone mono to erj line paudr thu uaa made into thin bitter with water iiuuoned ulth ult and colored to oult the tobte with much skill hindfifl as throw on superheated union itone and cooked quickly while waim it rolled like parchmuit or packed in overlapping hijcn in the dry dc ert imc of the hopu plkl bread would lcp sor yean in reinofc puttla of the soutane indiarj uill mnkv piki bread althojgh tilt modern indian inclined to follow the lead of her white neighbor who ule ly buj licr corn lliker in handy can tary packatu llie indian woman too ukci convenient kltclwna and livor navlnff recipes up to date ju where the corn appears ai well beaconed uiorouthly cooktd corn llaki plach cnisp pudding cup cooked dirkd peache diced unsweetened cup juice from peochet tiu v1llaoj mlnlstfclt couiimlllnt tin ad and ueik hoitenhii uords of che to peak lo tile lowly and the it smllinir at ueddtne helping liliud rebrlliou4 youth juto pitknci vllon truth 4cauiliig douiuolilluarj to iiupl cli pint feeble hand tint jrojk wh the eirth cmk fide uid dim kiv mluu ij to him kind finuuirud ulth de ith uirt rhou of niir th now little child chrl now tlknl hour to luten lo burdeiid ith woi up and din th ireet oi bh iriiif wij milk md ir untin hi in we de ir wu ulde him til hi lji ir in ill tj th ij it him jr uli birds ilul jce nd tin whi rl trei jh uha ire ii in keep in him tin of ihlnt abraluun mattliews john ulcklln james cameron joseph fawcctt gomucl bmllh jno tuflord dayldamond hugh lorkc john munnkijf jacob gnldcr jon nuigs alex grant receipt bearing date of october 2jst 1603 was union if tho papers it was from tiarah faniith und acknowledged rci iptfof 2j37j in full of oalary as teacher of aaid nectlon bndlng 30lli june letter dated 14u will alto pcrhups lmi conv to soni of th pruseiit day tlu dill ul ti of ivmllting money in tin earli ear 11 just givi it to you tu il appears among lhejc old puper itiunllton ept lit 1840 4dr heri inclotrf cheelia tkveil poiindj sh beim tin iununt of tt rovhic grant for fathool ix etl nv ij in tin iownhhlp of lsuuislnir for vould havt runltud tin moiuy but mid not nniit tho by im iiiv nil ntly tlier fore thought it hi wnd ihwun for thu whole you will reujj ly tli nk net it cushid mr mcckmihun or any merchant who desk in hujnllioii mr halgau too bets nil hli koocli in uamllton 11 ajtd know he ly obliging to hli friejidii um jir your obedit nt servant jl horn ton mr mckinnon acton iltvru arc more documeiil dually in terestliu and him in their own way faoini of the story of earlier yuirti lo tlie older one of ui tliey will rocall memorle and pcrhapr if tlie young folki read my column it will give little historical intimacy with other dajw noticed the in item ueel or the openini of th neu ojmon tore lu oil the iu il iy om tie editor in iu pi there earn in my md ome old doeumenu oout tint time md anient them here oni old accounl md arlou pipir str mi ily wiiil of them wen iccount ot clio ymon one of them to hool section no 12 juelnc and bon the dtu of lflgl and is paid in pounds hillinj and ji ncx thb cup sutar cup honey cup butter cup iutar cut wvll beaten te upoon cluvei te poon nutmeg teaspoons biking jtoudlr teai mion onlll lu cup brtuci cube too ted cupa corn flakeii and eyuk peache until under combln piaelu juki and llrul cup lilav hi it to boiling and add honey cre im builer and mg ir add igt and be it ilfl in pite and baking powder add unlll add too ted bu id cuhu ami corn flium put half of creamed mlxturi in buitir cake tin owu plaev puai lu in top pout over the julc ipm peach ii ik in mode rati oven 37f dnrt about tunty iu minute vi id ltfht unlni w1ji ihlaio 11aiu1 oi wett pitatoli boiled io cuiut in lhhld cup erilhtd pint ippl om euit uk puon butter tv ai pooit uill ti or marslmuiliouji cup rn il ike erumb liakio lloll potato iv and moih uft over potato uuy lk iwl add lne apple whkh iulh ik ui ull drulned but ur uiul tailt loiut into balli placing marohmalletw in the euttri of leh boll iloll in ru iluk mimlx pi on ifrculed pun und buke lu liol uvu 36 decrees until bruwn yield au iwrvlngs cup family amont the oldu carryuif on jul liu hen md ini id to the progn they continue to how in actoi itrowtli found lot of thec old documents lr tere line or in tance there the report of school ketlnf back in i860 or rather should tay her are the minute of the meeting at the annual meulng held this tecond wednesday of january 1860 pursuant to public notice william alkn lq wa elected to the cluilr and ill storey appointed secretary when the following resolution uer adopted annual luporl read by nekon mc gun in moved by thorn moon seconded by cluus symon tluit the annual iu port be adopted carrh moved and seconded tliat neljiil mc garvin be kcted iasuad of thai mir chall re lulling mowd and seconded in amendment that nelon megorvln be rufl ivntn for hip miiiimi nil yean cirrkd moved by aey ji ill und couded by lr ho moon sr tlmt lio mar hill resignation be accepted cirritd moved by acy 31 ill uconded by malcolm keniady that jl john ton elected nu ui liu te id of lio inliull uhai rulgnitlon he been llccvpled cirrled moved by lou meq irvln ic iiyaiioiailtltaikcir6rr7et toli piid by pupil be two ik nee per month for ht pn int jeir curried mived by acy hall ncond by lh dtvld on that tlu rati kve be piid ly ich pupil with the lint uick of nontb and in filun of ueh ptymm tlu pupil iet mud ma until mic piylileut mule cirrled moved by mr hull jaeemdud by ii ciin th it no ehlldnn be admliu thl ii hji from tin ctl mo let by mr meg tecondi jy mi cuntrou lb it idmltnd to lh alihl from other ilttluii mjvwi by mr migtrvin londid by ir ktnmdy lu anuiulnnnt that tluy lull admtttid cuikd linn hui uiiitlnr il ulvlng tin um eoutrlbuttd by vaiioui pi on tlu indslitlm ror liih iltty tungtt all tlu iy fruin ltl 1h lid liu tovrumtut kiunt foi ihut ui lo prlui ion would llkd ne ill ulth tu tlu tianu on that ill of ton trlbutom of iouiw th all iunl on it many ymi kin duiuan ntudy jihnhlui munnn juniw hutlivkfpid joint isuli joint miimiuld morgan ci whoi lm llllllui btepluu maftlui iheuiuo uj bjgi itouil ia in grajiajii itwoii uoubin vaxuajuu alak utt and aftlitwaudb tin hone very utilitarian anhnitl valuable alike whin alive and after ho ho rhuffled off the teem in joma countrie lil lief it lr ued is food hh iilde turned jjitojiiuher jiarlpf hl anatomy turn up in the hape or ilui and unit uti apentlajfe in life hl til nl turned to account who for in ince consider he il ten en riptiiied to unit be iiitiful melody th th vlrtuao ttrictlu hl eutraneli mu le bv druvlni hain ikvii from hoi lill aero tlie in uj lint of oim nilm ide into tin ipe of trim ind the iptiv ited lliull il hi il cimforuble ch ilr tlu cha ict an it tuikd th the im kind of hair wh ne ol to at nl nt he recllnt on mu perhip tuil th tlil ilr uul th pilnui pile hl cillin ulth bru id fr in dobbin lly uatur ii him thiev dliferent militk of li ilr ar iio nled till till tll in nnn rej ii color nl hilr iu ni irly bl lei pa mu tly in dem uid the lulr ucd in the up holttery tr ide for tuilhif mitt rea und makini ei rt tin incl of briuht artentlni uppll tlte reite qu mtity followed by the united sliui great brit tin germ my md id accord inr to th indu trlil deiiiruneiit of the cm id ian nitlonal itniluayj the bel klui inufaetunrluu high retard for cinidlm hone hair and it lj probably tlie moot exiienive which account for ciniuln not supplying greater portion of the market cheapness bcbig onv or the prime cotuidcrauom tub tbodble atlatlon would ht all right it you got your engine trouble in good landing places said tho amateur aviator yes said uie mall piano plolt its like uio story of uio rich man who said to the poor man after all george it doemi do chap any liarm to bo thrown on hli own rkuroj but growled gorge it always lia pen when hi liusntfany ntcessity doctor in bouiured with uuoej pain win btnd forward tretch out my arm and muki hemklrmuuir movo mint with tin in tiharp sting come in my lift uluuildtr but why make ruch motions will if you know any outer way for mui ut gvt on hl overcoat wiah you would let mo know inurually uiul xurtuljy it it good xlte ei owning proiierty of pr ihomil lxuetrle oh li that it can be used hi urtuilly for many complain tci well mi xu rually lr oro throat croup whooping cough pain in thu cite colic and many kindred uihiieiiu it liaa quail tk tluit utv unsurpajwd bottle of cefeul htuo uid therv li no lcv1 in alway havng it tit hand need for reform wish our bank could get on its feet mough to stop sending back my choqucg marked lnsufllclent funds said the brldu to jicr huubund bonk that liasn enough money on liand to pay chequo ought to be merged and put on sound busli why wa llko ochoolmoslier aiie became uuy both tint good but proud manager cay these goods of ours are fine aren thoy visitor oh theyro all right but uily couldn liold candle to our goods munmrer wltatl howvi uiat visitor wo makn gunpowder why should iiocmakcrs work all niitht becauw it li never too hit to nicnj cadesky onomenubt will bjv in acton om monday november anyone aulfcffing from eyestrain dcfectlvu vulon or headache should not mls thu opportunity of couaultlruf this eyesight bpeclallst appointments may bo made with mr brown jruggist consultatiok kiee ofxioo tloora in till gfflmmbsmi ailslakis will 1appn iiauiur on tlic bit rnnlioiml llmlled complained upon llndlng one black and one brown nlioe under ills berth in the morning dean dat beat alll tajd the porter when informed of the incident that the second ume tlil muunbi that hi done hapjiened canadian national railway magazine or in cooking its fine either way it no luimtiytt hsvo package of callogga aixuuan in the kilclien serve it us cereal uto it also qi wholesome ingreilient in your liiuxuim breads omelets wuillc etc tcehogga ail buxn euppliou bulk to uid regular hub its at uuaw is also rich in vituumi ai wu uu iron uli tliiiietl of the blooj two tulili vpoonfulj dully will cor rect common roiutiputiou due lo iuuufluiuiit imll in thu dit in vere custd willi eueh meal if not relieved uiu way iwo your doctor ilia of an huan tloj not break down during dig hi ion us doa uml of luufy gtitulil uiul thurcf ford nioro uffuctivd 4ur furnulilu tlm nwdj it it elfrhelouj luicutlvo food fur bolter tliuit patent mediciiidj col the red unci green puekugi ut your groe muilu by koltogg in on tluit ontario keep on the sunny side of life ra for everybody did you eveit see man carrying billboard under his arm no did iou ek sll handbill on reading table no did ou lvek sle piciure or the new hat ou wam come imo ii1l iioate via radio no did ou evek see cop of live newspaper thrown into ihe waste basket without being rlad no thats why advertising in this newspaper brings results ffist many refinements in ford v8 cars for 1936 wk ysh wv iv jgk wmj vjfl ohd v4i cag iof 1036 feutufo completely now eutorlor treatment with ndw hood und fender btyllna how jrlllo and headlamps how wheels and many detail refinements interlora are tiew with the style and color of instrument panel und mould no to harmonize with upholstery trim and ap pointments gulet helical oara aro used in all forward speeds and reverue steering effort is estimated to be reduced more than 25 per cent adov yhe tudor tourina sedun with commo dious built in trunk note the tiow wheels with 12jj inch hub caps and tho lonqoi body lines inbet the kedeslghed front end streamlining steps ahead fenders have sweeping inward flare and horns are now carried behind arllled hi the fenders hood touvros are tiowly styled business directory medical dr mcniven physician mid btorvbon oetlco and residence oorer bcnftr avcnuo and elgin street dr nelson ihystolsn and sarcean electro therapy phono dr wa cullln ill yjc tail and barrn oirtt hour atul 0pm corner itfderlck and mu1 streets lekphom 120 legal phonr no 23 bo sw harold nash tarmer banister solicitor notary public conycjnoer etc mill bteeft acton out lloun 30 to 12 00 noon oo to oo saturdays 12 00 oclocfc kenneth langdon barrister solicitor kotary pobue oh iced acton oconretown over scynuck cole mivin street por appolnttncnu phono acion 65 ot ocotkctown so onicc ildunt acton tuesday sad thursdny 15 hi to 40 ingn on request dental ajeuchananre0 sr denisi oh ice lit lcuhmon block houjtj it until nu kvninf by appointment goa for extractlona closed wednesday alttrnoon phono 148 pear1cn dental uorcvotl moed to our new qjirter in llio smon blick plione 20 mill street acton vl1luxntauv dr bruyns veterinary surged all cftlb itccclve prompt attention phone 13j acton ontaiuo oilice mill streot harrop vsc piionc diy pr nifbt 03 residence boucr avenue actoo all call promptly anrwtred liatos ilxsclllanlolels trancisnunan xtookbliuw account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of bvcry descriptlan carefully bound hullnff neatly and promptly done wyndlmm etreet ouclph oat eagleson oniaruf hwi dominion ynfl ucjruired kvafeniaiuil enxtneef fiurvcya licporu sktlnintc plans duainagl woluf bpectaltx tcupbbtie 31 ormicvtllc onl general life tire health and accident automobile winn pi gluaa boller fidelity bonds annuities und all general lniea of insurance also ocean sleamhhip ticket llautng comlanlkji vim nv fred wright acton the door of opportunity them snail ads will open door to whatever yo

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