Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 31 Oct 1935, p. 2

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fact two the acton free press thursday octoheit slot ims tjp alton 3to ifcebb pabtuaod eoonr toorodoy actoa ootmrio subsc3uto0b atisoo ead mw oddiomq ohoold bo civ both old of cauckixanohsw soo loot aal ol otw oob jsl tsu oot bo orfo ia ifittd oom ojo mo ootiaod cooed wo oooooso aoould bo moo by raiiourod tetto moooy onu iqoo advertising atslool hortcoo uo por trso oc or boo oddltjoool notlcoo ooolurus coo btiuuocuooo ooco cootrt eotottoioouou cbock sotor otodo ou mo cooroo jc koorta ol asootiogo bold xudlr bhd boe tm flroiorioi ootkoo ood ioc por luo oxtro tor futbbtk hmkn ooodomk ootw boo soull odrwoaooto te per wort ouoloio dwi f4 booood jsc1 uo boc ojrtro wboo opptscouoo or oddroomd ikb osc dtapur odcrtuio rot or ocoonlio alutoooo ovorr procmotioo wlh bo takeo to ovoid orror tbo fioo ptooo occcpto odortloloc iu coiooum too oodorouodio loot it will oot bo uoblo lor arror ooy kdvcttuoau pubuobod borenodor boimo proof of oocb odoortfeomeot roooetod in wriumo by too odtcrtiocr ood rctnrood to tbo froo pro baoimomo odfeo dnlr ixod by tbo odrcrtlior ood with oeb orror oolod la wrltioa utorooo ud lo tbot ii iy error oo notod lo oot oorroctod by tbo froo rrao uo uobulty oboll not oxceod oocb proportion ol tbo eotlre coot ol ouch odrertuomrot tbo rpoco occupied by ibo notod orror boor to tbo whole rpoco occupied by aslof nirts editor ttxephones edltorlal ond burlooos oftice rcoldeaco glass on the highways judging by the amount of broken glass left on the roadways about town these days it would appear that few people are conversant with the penalties provided in the highway traffic act section 39 of this act reads no person shall throw or deposit or knowingly leave on highway any glass nails tacks scraps ofmetal or other material which may be injurious to the tires of motor vehicles or while the highway is covered with snow deposit ashes or other refuse thereon 1027 251 39 the penalty for an offence under this section is from to 10 for the hrst offence 10 to 25 for second or subsequent offence and 25 to 50 for other offences and his permit or license may be suspended for any period not exceeding sixty days we dont for moment think that any of tho glass has been left on the highways about town purposely but rather carelessly the law is explicitbnd possibly those guilty of leaving the glass are not aware of the pro visions thk sunday school lesson for sunday novkmbe 3rd edhrjap first hiingb first tho improvements that according to the inspec tor must be made at halton county jail would of course in this modern day only seem the proper thing to have done but one sometimes wonders if an inspection by officials of homes made by those struggling to keep out of jail would not also reveal some equally shocking conditions in large num ber of homes in halton there are no doubt modernly equipped bathrooms with running water but also inspection would reveal an equally largo number of homes where tho water has to be carried from the kitchen to tho bathtub we are not critical of the improvements noted for tho jail but really wc think more of plan to clean up the slums yes and the extension of modern conveniences to those lawabid ing citizens who are surely deserving of considcra tion first perhaps inspectors of public institutions might rcceivo some startling revelations if their routine were changed from the public institution to visitation of thehouses in whicrnrnany of the land are domiciled are first things being put first gossir record vote canadas voters marked record number of ballots on october 14th it is disclosed by revised but still incomplete compilations of tho voting by parties and provinces with final reports to come from many distant ridings tho survey showed that 4022 567 of the 5917387 listed voters went to the polls never before has the total canadian vote topped the 4000000mark the previous record set at the 1030 election was 3898095 tho proportions of the vote by parties were not materially changed from those shown in tho hrst canadian press compilation the day after the voting somebody pays anyone with recollection of their own boyhood days does not like to bo continually harping at the youngsters of today but even the rod may be spared to disadvantage too in recent weeks uncalled for damage has been committed by youth about town that demands halt the windows in two vacant houses have been deliberately broken and another ono entered and damage done street lamps have provided special target for catapults with alto gcther too much damagejo the lighting system the playful spirit has gone past the stage where it can be overlooked few weeks ago we wrote regarding the conduct and damage at the public iabatories tho authorities have taken very lenient view on youth limitations have however been reached and tho property damage must be made good even court proceedings are mooted and surely no boy wants to start in life with his record besmirched by court appearance it isnt necessary to d6 damage to have jolly time somebody always pays being commeiidtvl those who predicted that hughes cleaver hal tons representative in parliament would be heard from scarcely expected such immediate action as he showed following his election when he suggested moderatepriced pot office for burlington of half tho cost of the appropriation and the move took little backbone when it is remembered that burling jl andquito naturally be would want building suitable for the community when the cost of about 24000 is considered on the building in acton including lot of the equipment it is realized that air cleavers proposi tion is no dream butcould readdy be consummated the economymove is found in general favor how ever the chtsley enterprise iu commenting on mr cleavers action said in the concluding sentence of an editorial the hulton at has done well iu be ing the prime mover with the economy cleaver the barrio examiner in an editorial also commended mr cleaver on his action and points out in village of less than 1000 people post office is to be erect ed at cost of 20000 the barrio paper also points to its publk library which with auditorium cost only 15000 it is quite apparent that mr cleaver has struck responsive chord we hope that bur lington secures suitable post office they have been longsuftcring but it docs seem that mr cleavers estimate of the cost rs quite sufficient for suitable building year of achievement with municipal nominations only month dis tant it would seem that if any comment was to be made regarding the years administration it should be done now before the field becomes cluttered with candidates and there may be no semblance of in fluencing the vote if silence on municipal affairs is any sign of commendation it would appear that the reeve and council school board and public utilities commissioners were being very silently ap plaudcd and after all it would seem justly deserved at that although possible little more enthusiasm might encourage the performance of citizenship duties with reduced tax rate of two mills very visible street and road improvements and real service without remuneration it would seem that the council this year would have v6ry satisfying report to present on nomination night the school board with few changes on its staff and maintenance of the property in its care adequate and continued economical administration also will have good re port to make the public utilities commission with its rebate to consumers its aggressive policy of building up the service in acton and its program of improvement being carried out this year also will have story to tell that bespeaks well of its steward ship for the public taking it from every viewpoint it would seem to have been quite satisfactory year and the elected officers have made it year of some achievement editorial notes halloween tonight and well see if the young folks are getting better behaved than those of few years ago judaix tiakkn aafttve golden text rlghteousncas exalte ui nati but sin is reproach to any people prov lesson text kings 25 112 study also kingff 25 121 time wm places jerusalem rlblah kxpofiluon tho sail of jerusalem 14 there are five accaunu in the bible of the siese and fall of jerusalem cf jcr 39 62 lam chron sfl 1721 the siege lasted year and six months wiring day the condition of the siege drew near its close was pitiable in the extrtne lam 410 at the outset of the siege there appeared to bo no likelihood that jerusalem would be taken lam 12 but ood predicted that it would and his predlcuons arc sure it was because of the sins of the prophets and priests and people anduie consequent anger of jehovah against jerusalem that it fell lam 11 13 jehovah had withdrawn his watchcare cps 127 and tho people had put thedr trust in egypt lam 17 and jehovah had turned back the weapons of war that were in the hands of his people and lhad himself fought against them jcr 21 when the breach was made in the city the famine was already aore cf jer 62 the famine had incapacitated the men for defending the walls and the breach was made in the night vs the en trance oc the prlnooi of the king of babylon into the city and their setting up of their thrones in the middle gate was literal fulfilment of prophecy er all is the names of the princes indicate that they were worshipers of nergal and tebo jer 30 this does not prove that jehovah had been conquered by kergal and kebo ho had himself given ills people over because of their apostasy and fought again them jcr 31 ztodckiah was watching and an soon us ho saw the icadcrs of the chaldean inside the city he fled with his men of war tho manner of his night was an exact and literal ful filment of prophecy ex 12 12 cf ltov 26 36 dcut 28 35 there was no use in his fleeing he might have known that he could not escape jcr 33 45 ho certainly ought to have believed gods word fay this time dc the capture or zedekiali and the deportation of the tvoplc 612 zodekiah did not get very far before he was captured israel had won their first great national victory in that plain joe 13 13 because they trusted jehovah they suffered uieii final defeat thcro because they had departed from jdoovah zcdckiahs army luul been scattered befart his capture his capture was an exact fulfilment of pro phecy jcr s3 he was treated with extreme cruelly the last sight his eyes beheld was tile lliiughur or his tons cr lleut 2s 34 aa this was the last tiling he saw before his tight was destroyed it would make more indelible impression upon hk mind it had been prophesied that zedekiah bould be taken to babylon and yet not ce it kit 12 13 it hod also bcn prophcxml that he should speak with the king or babylon mouth to mouth and liis eyes should bohold his eya jcr 33 and that the klngr of babylon should lead zcdeklah to babylon jer 33 34 these propheclen eoim ed to contradict one another but both propliecles provd true zedeldahn were put out after sewing the king but before reaching babylon all necmlng contradictions in prophecls uint are ao jet unfulfilled will be reconciled in the actual fulfilment all rbelii against god are carried into the enemys and in chains cr pi 107 10 11 john 34 the royal palaces and the houses of tlie people ucre burned and tho walls of the city broken down vs 810 but this was not done ut once jcr s3 12 1c tlie intervening month waa spent in ay ful cruelties upon tlie women and goasip is always personal confes sion either or malice or imbecility and tho young should not only shun it but by the most thorough cultdft relievo themselves from all tempttftlnn to in dulge in it it is low frivolous and tod often dirty business there are country neighborhoods in which it rages like pcl churohcs are split in pieces by it neighbors are made enemies by it for life in many persons it degen erates into chronic disease which is practically incurable let the young cure it while they may holland persian balm cool and refreshing soothing and protective the perfect aid to beauty unrivalled in us softening and beautifying effect on the skin im parts fresh and fragrant charm to the loveliest complexion banhhes rough ness caused by weather conditions sate guards tho skin and keeps it smooth soft and flawless use it for tho hands and face always results in the highest expression of beauty rlfla when they do come while god in his longsuffering delays his judgments men are despising his mercy and stor ing up wrath against the day of wrath romans during all these days of the delay of this judgment god had been pleading with his people to repent chron 36 1416 prophets had been multlflied in these last days jeremiah ezcklcl isaiah and ulcah all of whom had hot failed to warn the people of their impending doom hut their messages failed to turn the hearts of judah to wardn their god and the day or retribu tion anally dawned salada orange pekoe blend will prove sheer delight to lovers of fine tea salada tea wondeofvl discovery farmer vksltcd his sons college watching students in chemistry class ho was told they were looking for uni versal solvent whats that asked tho farmer liquid that will dissolve anything thats great idea agreed oie farmer when you find it what are you going to keep it in candles used fob lighting purposes there are still places in the world where candles are used for lighting among these arc tho country districts of cuba where in addition to candles oil lamps are relied upon by tho majority of uie population for lighting purposes ttm uso of electricity confined almost entirely to the cities and town accord ing to the industrial department of the canadian national hallways perfectly just and sound mind is rare and valuable gift preference grandma now johnny sit down and tell me why your father whipped you johnny rd rather stand up and tell you the next war the other day an cxsoldicr expressed an opinion of what the next war will bo likv it will bo terrible he said tho safest place will be in tho army and the soldiers will spend ulr spare time knit ting comforts for the harassed civilian popqlation two says wot ay is the man should have all the say in the home thats wot say say the same only dont say it let us have faith uiat fight makes might we suppose that soon now tlje guessing contest and preliminaries leading up to the wardenship will be the next election surmise remembrance day week from neyt monday at least the day will suit all who like weekend this day with its service locally has always been morethunjusr another holiday official counts for some reason setim to he going in favor of the liberal where the votes were close the liberals now have 171 members and the conser vative group has been reduced to 30 young woman graduate of an ontario col lege reading the renfrew mercurys page setting forth the platforms of the various parties asked who is hepburn and yet we have men operating stores and businesses who fancy the public know about them the st thomas tinicsfounta says wt to hear what hon howurd per we arc waiting patiently guiou uys when he bunds iu his resignation as high conunusianer it should be plenty or perhaps he will not be able to hnd word eloquent enough to jtiect the situation pi inwni unify 1713 tnls was all according to coda warnings and pro phecies is 10 11 jer 14 17 31 10 20 32 20 34 22 37 10 mlcah 13 amat if ewr people hnd abundant warnings or romlng doom and consequent opportun ity for repentance it was tlui people of jerusalem the deflation of tht house or the lord had rlilt btun predicted at the very time of its dedication king tlie city war burned because lta mliabltantu turned deaf ear to oodratforttrjcrlv 7ttchron 3it 1519 tie ma of the people etlll ivmalntng uere carried auuy to babylon thli all woe literal fulfilment of many prophecies ex 12 15 1g 2j 16 jer 20 lev 22g 33 deut 27 kings 20 18 the number of people deported is given hi jer 62 2030 they were carrkid into captivity becautui of their lack of knowledge consequent upon tlielr not studying arid heeding gods word li tills uprooting of the people was not final nor was uw later uprooting final ttur to be anothtr ilegd of juruuilem when their lord will uppear to deliver thim cj ym 14 ho differently from the one hure recordd 141g thl later sj will urjilbiate ucause of the nd nee of tile people upon and conwueiit lulp or jehovah all uilt awful defeat resulted from zedukulfs fear of nun and lack of trust in ood cf rov 30 25 judah had long uundered from clod but in ills long iuricrlug patience ifa had dvlityud the day of doom cf itter kccloa 11 oods judgment urw none uie uaa urc bccaum so long dclid lvter 10 and are alt the more tcr national cheese week bargains u4noll malted cheese hfo plcgs 25c loaf cheese il 26c canos gowv old cheese ik 21c collfk new cheese il 15c chocolate pull biscuits lbs 25c lyons tea 31c gum drops rr lb 14c jelly beans lb 14c peanut taffy lb 14c prince rupet fancy pink salmon 1j 12c heinr tomato vegetable mushroom or pea soup 2tt 25c ea choice golden corn sjr silver ribbon choice for halloween peanut butter kisses 225c walnulj almonds brazils nj filbert mixed nuts 18c frcih roasted peanuts 10c habitant tomato soap pg soap 10 bars 35c chipso flakes 17 kirks castile 14c matches fr 20c ammonia pod ot 5e sweet fancy quality sound and dry potatoes v2 10c onions 10 tl 15c gr apes oclb goldrin ripe exceptional special bananas 25c ik oranges 25c doz craniserries and other fruit an vegetables at special prices free delivery phone iks another great week of crash carrolls feature specials limited mill street phone 158 acton ontario

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