the acton free press page okvkn thank bo to god for th trfecb and tho hltperlng of the leaves thank bo to ood for the beauty my innermost oul perceives thanks be to ood for the smn and brecaes thftlcomp and go brlngihg to me message ftom out aftbejong ago thanks he to ood for his love for music of love divine thanks be to ood for the sky where the stars so brightly shine thanks be to ood for the peace which these things in nature bring tbr they seem to me glory dropped down from an angels wing thanks be to ood for the light dancing among the leaves making the utue sparkjee in the web the spider weaves thanks to ood for his power it shines over all see over the hills and valleys over the land and sea thanks for the drops of dew ableam in the glistening grass thanks for the bird choirs singing their anthems as we pass thanks far the light of morning thanks for the evening sky thanks for the lovely rainbow frnfpg ge on high thanks be to ood for all all we receive joy or pain thanks be to ood for the harvest thanks be to ood for the rain thanks be to ood for his mercy may he bless and protect from above and in us may he of his bounty produce and bring forth flowers of love hannah morris twenty yeafifi ago issue of the pree pre of november 4th 1915 tender references were mad in the churches on sunday to the late heroic kttrse cavell bo foully murdored by the oermans in brussels mr blames carnhan has sold hi farm lot 35 concession nassagaweya to mr wulougbby mr james moffat has leased the brick residence of mr charles stevens and will remove to town at meeting of the council it teas decided todlscontlnuo ringing tho town hall bell morning noon and night as thedock inlhegovcrninent building is considered sufficient the silvery tones of the old bell are sadly missed by many mr robert sprowl third line found he had 3400 pounds of early norman oats from 33 pounds sown the lnterdcnoinlnatlonal mens ban quet held last thursday evening was splendid success about 140 men of the churches participated and enjoyed the evening addresses were given by wr reynolds johnston and mr rose of toronto the menu was pro vided by the ladies of the lied cross society and was excellent in all res pects letter from mr stafford bennett of mulerdale sask says there has been bumper crop in saskatchewan wheat has yielded from 30 to 68 bushes per acre and eroded mostly no northern and all sold at 76o to 84c died orjthrleon sunday october 31st 1915 at ardmay ouelph donald guthrie la his 76th year bwaoiaiamzst in acton on tuesday november 2nd 1015 mary chlsholm wife of hirum ttwackhamcr aged 63 years chronicles of ginger farm written specially tar acton free press gwendoline cffhtet have been away for holiday four whole days away from olnger farm and have had one lovely time not until was actually on the bus could be sure my holiday had really started be cause first thought would go and then thought wouldnt and then would change my mind all over again tuesday night went to bed determined to catch the ninethirty bus next morn ing that is wednesday at five thirty wakened to find it raining ouess hod better stay at home decided drowsily and turned over and went to sleep again at ruxthlrt the rain had stopped at seventhirty the sun was shining and at eightthirty wa pack ing things into my grip as fast asxcofd get them there here were two dbaen eggs for my sisterinlaw and here was my bottle of horrible medicine which has to be taken hail rain or shine now supposing thought the eggs and medicine should get smashed and mixed up together what terrible appalling mixture it would be the horrible thought of it mode me particularly care ful in my packing or these two articles the morning after by lilian oakley the difference wiikn fred lawronco decided to luivo party and provo to the tutyu how much better iiih homebrow wiih than the pale imvmlc ihjulil they hot uh over tho counters downtown hill liny wiih tho unit man he culled kills wife wnh hyetm ulxiut poker pliiliur and hi nee iiih marring mill hud twmh forced to contract hut htihliuui ih not alwityh imihiiiohm when it keeps man downtown late if you know what mean anyway hill bald okeh old ny old mty im dry as ii cotton halt uk camel und lucky is my middle name then him called iiih wife hello ilurlliiir he hiild in volco heavy with huxlnestj worrlem juat phoned to toll ou ttot to wait dinner lrom the way things look liow wont jnbelo gftiiy uy from the oolco before nine or after well thnth funny his wife told him thought you raid at breakfast that you didnt have any hunlnesh and that you just kept the office open to fool the lielghlmtrh yea yea did hay that this morn ing hut 1vo dualled covey of orders and io got to stay with em until icet em in my bag dont belicvo one word you say hill hoy not one word think youre you hear so much of the extraordinary successes of that great american thomas edison that many of you prob ably think tliat ho was always successful he knew what it was however to lose the result of years of work and all the money he possessed he knew what tt was to struggle month after month trying to perfect some invention and meet with nothing but failure some times he performed fifty thouoand ex periments before completing single invention if ho hod stopped with fortynine thousand bo would have failed tlie difference between success and faiurc is not tho difference between good luck and bod not alone the dif ference between ability and lock of it but tho difference between sticking to on undertaking and giving up however really managed to keep everything intact and eventually readied try get ot my destination after inquiring directions from the busdriver several streetcar conductors and various passengers never know where am in the city but nevertheless always manage to get wherever want to go oevopie find ale always so very friendly and ready to help out in any jltue difficulty just imagine when got off the street car at 6t clair one nice little woman going in the some direction as myself insisted on carrying my grip part of the way my waking hours in tho city were divided between meeting friends vifiltlng nncmlutgolngtoiumatmeerhopping expedltloru most of which were of thd windowshopping variety because went broke the second day was there and taking haby anno for long walks mudgo cooks reception with mo to nlghl no honestly darling id forgotten nil hhout the reception hut this thing may break big for mo and 1vo got to stay with it and if tilings turn out ns erpect them to 111 buy you tho prettiest hat in town well of courw hut still think its queer that you have so much business tonight after haying what you did at breakfast told you that all of this canto up uln co noon and im going to have plenty of competition so dont sit up focnu for it may 1k leven even twelve before get homo when hill got to prods house tho party was on and what party it turned out to bi the homobrew had while the remaining and intervening kick to it and tho cards ran high hours were spent straphanging in wide and handsome kings couuorted streetcar or else waiting for cars at witii kings and tho four aces clung btrcet corners closer than the mure brothers that one two three and half days tpent whc toy were in hills hand hill had lots of luck but it was ashamed to give up we are sorry for the one who id down and out who slht on the park bench in the sun and who suuido in the bread lino when ho wants something to eat we ure sorry for lum but we cannot admire him uochum fute lias dealt him hard blous he lias dropped like stone and kivcii up trying to regain his feet other people who have experienced the lumktt kind of knockdown blow still huve climbed to their feet and gone an lighting they have seen their hoped blighted their efforts thwarted with suoces hi their grasp they have found it turning into failure yet they have not lost hope tlvey have not stopped trying there is no room in our hearts to pity such as thtc we feel for them an admiration which becamos inspira tion fanning our courage into flume making us osluuned to give up tlltf cukatest soviet it is the motive that makes the action flue or commonplace mother caring for sick child may put sucli tender ness into each little servloe us to make her ministry holy and beautiful nurse of un fiulrvy oamp type giving thw lame mrvlce with purely mer cenary motive makes it repellent and ugly it1focoiot matter so much what your choucti work is as what you put into it the gtvat service is that which ut inspired by loving kindness in widen the dor loies sight of himself and thinks only of those he ttervhig judged by this ltiuulard the factory worker may outrank the statesman and the girl who put her heart into making the invalid trmy appeahg may be luurcr becoming great artist than another who spends jber day ikaltitlrigpictufes tttuxuhlk visitor and who is tluit red faced man over there yokel that be tlie wjulro power ful excitable man be too they say si ow once burtt blood veisel watch ing chrsd match vtbv olulnaitv clerk thrre are especially strong hirts madam they simply laugh at the laundry cutomer know uist kind liad some which came back with their sides put away from home with perfectly easy conscience as had left enough baking and cooked meat at home to keep tartner and the children from suffering the pangs of starvation in my absence for few days at least hut on towards the cud of the fourth day began to wonder how the food supply was hang ing out would daughter remember to buy more meat and would she think to leave word for the baker if she were away to town had purtner got over htf cold or hod it got worse had it in vaded the bronchial tubm or could it possibly have settled on his lungs was it really all right for me to have come away for thcie few days stay until monday my brotherin law said and his wife added yes we would lava to have you stay goo gurgle goo said haby anne diplomatically not wishing to commit herelf but couldnt be periuoded the call had come hometies were tugging at my heartstrings and just as eagerly as left it co returned onco more to ginger purm found there uas kuij pie left and daughter had boutfht enough eatables to see them over the weekend partner showed no algns of incipient pneumonia and no one had broken any bones butyoung son had fallen through hli clothes an usual of course really imd wonderful time and did several of the tilings reully wanted to do spent hour in the book departments of tlie stores and also went to we midsummer nights dream lt was very beautiful very interesting and decidedly amusing there uas jurt one thing that objected to and uiat was tlie cliaracterbiation of puck puck have always imagined to bo light elfin nilhlevq nmealrnut puck on tho screen looked to be boy about ten or twelve with coarse rasping voice and loud laughter tlie laughter wasnt go bad but tlie volco uas terrible another thing rather both ered me tho plctmvs us they were flashed on tho ureen looked to email as matter of tact they were not small ut all it was really the stag being to big uiat one was conscious ot wldj expanse of curtain on either side of the pict or all bad they called tho party off at four oclock hill was seventy five dollars in the hole and had cramp from writ ing he borrowed tweuty flvo dollars from fred to stem tho cur rent of his wifes wrath if the worst happened and started for tiome when hill reached his house the moou had called it night and go no to bed tho sun was shaking out its rays and mundy the cook was in the kitchen sturtlng her breakfast hill gavo mandy one of his borrowed dol lars hot to tell his wife what tlmo got homo then ho crept silently up tho stairs to bed tlio next thing hill heard was tho clock striking seven he opened cau tious eyo and looked across at hlu wlfori hod she was gone tho covers wero nciitly folded buck tho room was wurm tho cat whs purring on tho win dow miat ijtferythlng wing of pence and nmlty bill hounded out of bed with light heart ho wont whlhtlliir down tho stairs tome tvn nilnntoh later nnd opened the broii ufiihtrooiu door with bright good morning darling hut tho words froxo in mid air one look nt hlu wifes fuco told hill that khc knew nil kill did his part but ho didnt get anywhere oh stop lying to mo hill liny know exactly uhero you uore nnd what time you got home mie kald jont iee how oti know what tlmo got home hill wild you were sound uhleep imorlng loud enough to wake tlio dend uas not youre just making that up for dont snore know what time you got home becnutte mainly of magic lantern show at sunday school concertl wanted the picture to tako up the whole of tho stage which of course was quite impossible at the hoyul alexandra then again had seat in the second balcony and looting doun at picture all the time is not so good which of course won nothing to do with tlie picture but ruthur the rvsult of my depieud finances lot ever on the whole was very glad went to see und if ever liave the chance to uw it aguhi hi smaller llnjutre ahull certainly go under stand there is to be unotiter shokiwpeare comedy put an the screen the more the utlur would sjy if we cant have the real thing that is ullage produc tion tlun second bett is preferable to nothing at all hut of course it all de ijeiids on the reception it hi given the public is alwaw the deciding factor in biue things in that cose you know what ue must dot new zealand gets fish from canada new zealand is buying from canada lncreascduuantltlca of motor ve tires newsprint canned flsh silk and artificial silk piecegoods flour gum boots iron wire leather footwear agri cultural machinery cardboard and simi lar board and adding machines com parison of figures for the first she months of this years as compared with the sam period of 1034 uhows according to traffic officials of tho canadian national steamships great portion of the pro ducts enumerated being carried in ves sels of tho line in the direct canada austaraliannew zealand service can adian canned fish represented 501 per cent ot the total imports more can adian radio receiving scut and electric stoves were also sold on honeymoon they were on their honeymoon and had just had their first disagreement bald he perhaps was llttlo cruel yes you wcrel aho replied wasnt lie iald in hurt tone then well look here ill say was cruel if youll say wasnt very well peach blossom you were not then im sorry if was specie woman entered bonk to make deposit she had some bills and cheques to deposit so idle procured deposit slip which required the listing of bills specie and cheques she listed her bills and cheques in their respective places but was doubt what to list under specie lafter few moments thought she wrote after tho word specie female and handed in ter deposit everything dates ptood fbom the music and literature mr oeorge hernord shaw discussing tho difference between novels and playo says that hid system of writing plays is founded on music method and tradition he says is not founded on literature at all was brought on mualcwhjn young did not read playti very much because could not get hold of them except of course sliakcspcarc who was mothers milk to me what was really hi teres ted hi was musical development if you study operas and symphonies you will llnd useful clue to my par ticular type of writing if you want to produce anything hi the way of great poetic drama you have to tako theme as hcethoveu did in symphonies and keep hammering at the one theme time is as tlie body and eternity tlie spirit of existence harley worms sap tho strength and under mine the vitality of children strength en tliem by using mother graves worm terminator to drive out tile parasites in the state of vermont and particu larly in the wlnooskl valley everything dates from tho flood not the deluge that made noah famous and put mount ararat on the map but tlio flood of 1027 when many lives were lost and millions of dollars worth of property destroyed says robert ayre in the can adian national hallways magazine hallway bridges and line were washed away but in three months trains were again steaming through the state tho residents of towns in the devastated area thought it would take year and tlie return of tlio engine whistle was novcr tobeforgottcn sound today there is no sign beyond highwater marks on station buildings and in the farmhouses the beautiful dcauty has been tho delight and tar mrnt of the world ever since it began there is something irresistible in tho beauteous form tho most sower can not pretend that they do not fecf an aimed ate prcponscuslon in favor of tho handsome at tho same time the hand omc should bear this in mind that not any can bestow this gift on themselves not retain it when they have it steele doubtful mrs figg does your husband over imy you compliments mrs fogg well sometimes he says youre nlccoucl order roofing time tables nadian nationairrailways at acton going bast doily except sunday 700 dally except sunday 1007 son dally except sunday 13 pan sunday only 7s4 pan the chicago flier that passes througb hero at 031 fcastbound atopa as georgetown ot 40 going west dally except sunday 8m daily except sunday xhpm dally except sunday 70ipjn dolly except sunday 1231 un sunday only 808 wy sunday only luspjo standard ttmsi ttrtne bcffn alley proof young wife pierre la perfectly won derful to me mother he gives nie everything ask for mother tiiatliierelybhows7my dear that you are not asking for enough equipped fatheriiows your ball team making out jlmmle small bon oreat popl weve got bats balki masks uniforms and an imi tation diamond ring tliat we take turns wearingl the difficulty jlggs what happy people you must be to have eight nice daughters what resources for yoir old agel jaggs very sadly yes resources enough hut tho difficulty nowadays consifihi in husbanding ones rcsoureesi eerxess sales books are the best counter check books made in canada they cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction we ore agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required see your home piinuf flrrf the free press offers you mimtlyr what doch alio know nbotit it yes what does she know about it hlu liiihih that lay here all nllit by nij keif with thl in oa and murderers running round everywhere while jou uere out earnunlni with that nu fill ivwl ijiwrtiice drinking hlu lie homo hivw ji ii rt plnvlng linker with that gang of cut tlmmu ho runs with and telling me it uin iuikihchh ftttlcilfiolthii imprisiloji luughttopaijiiiitcuiig umlgohuwe dougliis icgyplaut liniment hi recom mended for sore necks galls distemper callouses and spavins atcnuwut pruud flesh and hoof hot susjmi bleeding in stantly to mother thill what ought to do hill knew when he was beaten well to tell the truth he mild we lit play few rotinilh of jtolor after ue kot through our hiihliioiii unn reeling pretty jtickj and thought you rou hi 11 11 little wligur inoiiej hill piinlied one of the borrowed tenfl nerokk the table to hlu wife she ojed it itli scorn with an invwtrd high of roklkiuitlnn he flhhod the other ten nut of hlu ioeket still hot unrdu nnd told looka then the telephone jingled lilt wife went to liuhuer ft porkotlliu the tons before who left the table hill niiide ii boo line for the ultiheu hl tu thui cnloiod manih thin or tvio hut mand hinl utteu eheir fill little oar full through the kohoh ami ho hiil him to the hint word by tun hitnth and snort iinnt ou eouie in hire bliniiln mo ml lull hill inuh noior to ife what time jnnll hnni iioihmi to clluil liexor she oiiio hi fieii axlli ue un mild iiiinrtiiii uonl iwiu iiothhi utull bout uhni lime tab 111 got hmno uas too hiiy tin biekiuh reudy to look at de cl04 vv wm mssses t0s sets here is real offer hat will save you money give yoursellandyourlatiify enjloyment and enter ainment the whole year through this is all you have to do select anv of these famous magazines vour local pap and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low price current thought yr kcfortal review ft canadian magazine lyr national home monthly yr canadian horticulture home masaune yr our guarantee to you tllu wondcrhll aiict id nvuil ublu to old uiul nuw bubirib erd to tlila nuwitpupor wo uuurantco uiu fulfillment of ull mauuzino aubscriptlonu nnd you have positive uurunco that tljiy tiencrouu offer iu exuetly ua reprejunled kc newala will hit extended for full term ahown pifiud ellp lisi muuuinci alter cliccklild pumica ioju desired fill out coujwm carelull gtiltltnlt fncloiiu piwujo uend mo tlio throti mauuined checkud witli your uubucrlptloii to your newspaper name stkeet oh uvd town and ihovince arrow bus leave westbound 94s 114s kn upi sjdarday 215 313 sn satardmy only 51k pi in 71s in 1115 th 105 in tmtardaytf btwdjiyfl ud uaudmya leave eastbound 700 dally except 8osuljly 910 1145 4j0 kn 65 tax 900 ttu itinebabies p1anned to united states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines toronto patterson ro speelsltet in eye rrmhwllnn orthopue tratmeab 10s wyndluun bl next tm otielwl wione 2103 qfuuliy aoonuiy savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelpil ontario wyadliun 84 ode drtnw knatte wst kvm1 ooaaslon llec year iwith will not be heard let tt pet tlie atory nt year inifi inte abapot the acton free press subscriptions for all magaxtoea taken at the free presb offlce tjani ijtlfai un iti jiu atj aieibaartfaai