Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 12 Dec 1935, p. 12

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page four the acton free press thursday december 12th 1855 it us kkmkmbku oar chrtaunu cannot be complete without thought for those who are not able to behold the beauties of the rose tfacy cannot ee hat our joy the brulanct of day their eyes are lirjrrwl from the lisht when golden sunbeams play their steps beset with dancers oft which we more blast deny where otcrr dy pgg lggl in streams while theirs are dry their patterns and their cheerfulness is wonderful to see and thus our sifts should always prove as bountiful to be so let our christmas join with theirs with happy thoughts and kind our memories would then recall that christmas for the bund fane seaell handy fli fos cuppings lje iter prraa bijribtiuab gtnru the soul of tree owcndolinb rrntyy ran across good article on that the other day but can find the paper it was in hoar often one hears such remark honc takes colic binder knotter gets out of order construction problem is presented there is any amount of help in print if it could only be found over twenty live cars ago hen first confronted uith thu necessity of flndliii aremcrs to thousand of quiiti yearly trx writer hit upon simple adaptable ijsum uhrch ilul in use and nou mjloyed on the dominion experimental ublatlon at lieavirlodte several curdboard boxij of cheup nianllla envelopes tterc purchad one jor each department or troup of ques ta nu lor cxampw live stock veter inary loullry llcs farm gajrdeil legal etc whtn useful article ua found it as clipped and inscribed with the date and name of the paper and the name of the author it was then ajmp pedlnto anenvt5iort the upper left hand edge of which was written the subject such as breeding crate ringbone spavin strau loft for poultry house x3rern manuring vegetable varieties will probating or whatever it might be within each bo or department this envelopes uere arranged alphabetically and lncc care as observed to write the subject uith the most kttggestlvc word first wul probating an item on any particular topic could be very quickly found by thumbing the edges of the upright en velopes even alter the encyclopedia had irown to large dimensions ub group hg aided this for in time live toek subdivided hi to livestock cattle live stock slicep live stock ocn eral etc kach box liad its content indicated by large print on tlie end thus live stock cattle au if bex contained more than one group each tioup iori indicated by raised card leaird tab one rnlgtit commence with ingle box of clippings alpliabetlcally ar rangvd and subdlvlde as the material accumulated one great nd vantage of the system it adaptability it never becomes over trovvn if two or more clippings on the tame subject are taken they may both or all go in tin oita tnvtlnjv if in time lame curly article may be superseded by more complete and up todate one the eld one may be readily dkeorded bcrapbook become cluttered in spots hlle vacant on otlier pages the en elope lllc may be divided and sub vided ulthout trouble it may be ex panded or contracted to any extent in liij direction it is hand and may wiiicllme ae an animal life mrs cromblc sat at the telephone and looked over the list in her hand with troubled frown really this habit of giving presents was quite business and after all people so seldom appreciated ones kindness howsver much one gave yes operator 2264 as the number mr sparks oh my sparks uill you please wind hamper of apples to mrs king 46 church street yes and box of fancy biscuits to miss katie smith main street three pound box of chocolates to miss helen watts pine crescent and uonder if you would make up christmas ivampcr for the harry knight family on west avenur icftvr the selection to you about five dollar thank you mr sparlcs ob jtlst mlnutt you uht up ii cird in with dl tin pin lj with compuriwnt of th on iron mr dmiel cromblc wtll th uil loodm thiti one iu now for the harl hut ii rlni at hit dwibell interrupted any further uk phone nuijige joh come hi mri ndovtr exclaimed iu ht open ed the door to lar bltor my but you are loaded you look like santa clauj himself yes and feel lllci him laughed mrs wendover ai she put her parcels down oa the nearest chair just called in as wasg6t5g by to tettysu tkcrc fc choir practise to morrow night for carou you know my but how tldycvcry place jooksl you must be wonderful manager to keep our house looking like thisso close to christmas how do iou do if you should sec my placet am mwas tidying up but omehow tlere seems to be string htn and paper tkcrc parcels waiting to be wtapped or deliver ed and to add to the confusion the children bring in the clirutmas tree and bring out the chrstmas decorations but it all odds to the fun uie said laughing do think chrktmos is the loxclleut tlnu dont you mrs crombu well don know not aure that nee much fun hi it answered mrs cromblc heatutingly was just phon ing my grocer ad you cam in about prmntjj in the produce and grocery line ou uiow oh see then iou have everything tent lure and tlien make up your boxed er no not exactii uas liaving parcel ttnt ditvet from the store to ad driise gie tlie tracer it savui such lot of time you know oh yts of couru muttered mrs wendover somcwliat unintelligibly well really mubt bo getting along have lot of places to go these prescnu you know oh ore they presents and are you delivering them yourself uh huh always do it makes ones gift mon personal you know savj ou look awfully tired mrs cromblc iut on your things and come with me it will do you good really belli will wont be minute but while you urc waiting just into tlie hviut room and tee my chritma lytc mr wendo crossed to the lnlnj room uid exclu lined in delight ut the low li tr that tood in the reel of the blj window it beauli lully corited uith tin and lit in ibundmc mill the ueeu little filri ht lima onl to ewr twin fn ulndoi li lud ohewlhtd he could ulford to kt her children lovely tree lilv tlut but then he wl not it widow with me ire like mr crumble and the pity of it wu th re were no children here to enjoy tiu tree pleiidor it ul merely up for the take of tradition iisli few minuter mrs cromba ui ready and together the two friends step ped out into the crisp december air at tnethrraeetnattwaran oldish luuy who had bven bedridden for several ytars slic exclaimed in delight as her visitors entered why mrs wendover ou dear wul but sure twouldnt be chrfetinjes without you to visit body tis jut ray of uinshlne you are wherever you go now what is tills you un giving me not to be opened til chrltmas and here am fuir conoum ec with curiosity to know wliat it whatever hut sure lti meself tliat will pend many happy hour just con iderlng wluit your kind heart has thought to ulve me 11 warrant tis raonietlilng those buy fingers of yours have been after maklnf he aid knou hgly well yr it is admltud kin wend over now we really mustn tay mrs ncill because ue have thee other parcels to dejher good bye happy chrutmas nnd may your bext present be day free from pain good bye my dear lood bye and ay tlie lord blev you for tlie kind thoughts you have of otkers mrs cromble turned to lur friend when they uere safely outside now wondtr if you will forghe my mimiii jn xacation tim luceiitly tlierc ha been puululied diary be sinning in 1b80 and continuing throufch 181 it uu rutin by little tlil uho ulun jie bti an uil diary was nun yean old when chool clocld that irt ytar he wrou wont hae any nure nkiitil arlthnutlc bother nu mil ipoll all my good turn we liavc to take nap though and tluy in about li bad jlrly hi life llttl mary pautui dis covered tliat even in vacation you can no liave every tiling ju iu you would lltie it mental arlthnutlc no longvr cast lb dark sluuiou over the day but theordcol of takingauapcicry axtcr roan had to be faced although mury in summing up tlie thbigt she did not ule counud najii along with warts biid pouon and ricas and goltil to th dtntlits lur diary shows unit siu urcepud it with more or let phllttiojpliy lid was up extremely happy little ylrl vacation time utu unalloyed pka ture evert high school graduate might cnud to it end as niatttr of fact liwcver the pleasant things are pretty unify divided between the working part of the yar mid the vacation sexion and luj month of tlie twuve is free from things which seem dltflcult or dutatc jul it dtkmit pay to malt too much ctrie vppli ncus see ur displi of iiotoint tlectne accessones to isters curlnir irons indu ich toasters ftc lliclnc clofls kitchen atirtitk alnrm 150 jlashlights tul ranue or skater aten ladies bos girls granite wonstcrs ob lone full size ut iron 89c othlr stles at si 00 si r2ttrrtneiir pjilx and silvlruitrl in unit varilt of articles at various prices ancy chinaware many nlu novel pieces curtonlty but nould like to know what was in that parcel thatr oh that aas just little bed jacket made for mrs otoclll the poor ou1g so fond of pretty colors and so made it lovely shade of mauve it will look just sweet with her silvery hair the two friends made three other calls and at each one mm wendover was greeted with loving welcome at last they were through and as they neared mrs wendover home she asked her friend to como3n diiti arrold wo shall liavc liard time to find place for you to sit slie laughed and in truth she was right tlie girls were hi tlie livingroom the boys in tht dining room and all four were busy making paper streamers ar ralgbig cvtrgreens and putting the flnlshmg touches to tlie christmas tree tlie tree wne an ordinary plno which the boyt luid cut from nearby bush with tlie owners permission of course it was not very ymmt tricai in outline but means luid been takt to strike bulu net by attaching extra bruiichi in bare lace iwo younger children wtrt jumping around getting iu ryone way uiid almost frantic with vxcltenunt but nobody aemtd to mind jtu dtcoritiorl on the tree had hit iled ytur after and were irnt lit uith at il tli liver ir which toi the tre and which uil tm old olci frl nd lucitlrf tell of the older rhlldr mc nib vlntly iu idy inn uliw ii ur lnvi hum it ro mil the lire whll told tl the tory of tin wl mm lllow mi tlie st ir ii my uiy ir ii mil alwiyt hiv ir on our clire tniiu tree lu would tell tlieru leciu it ul star which ulued th vl men to hipplnc ulun the chriit child uor born and if we would bo happy we mu have star to culde too not only at chrltma but all the time from one ctiristmat to uhother mrs crombu iukl wl wfcteld happy laughing family and the tear tilled her eyes as she realized how little he had underlood the true meaning of tlu christmas spirit she liad given lavishly but with little thought for the indlviduil it had never occured to her that tlie lifts ttillht better uppreclat td if aie choac and delivered them lur ielf humbled in spirit he bade goodbye to tier frhnd and hurrkd home deter mined if poslble in tlie little time tliat wo left to bring comfort and cheer to all whom she could but wliat could she do he wondered the prcents he had ordered had prob ably beui delivered by nou what as there left for lier to do still wonder ing she reached home and saw the tree uith lb fairy lights gleamlnt and twlnk lint hke hundred little star from the ulndou of lur lioue and inrtlnctively he knew that cun the trcu was wrong it uai lllc dead thing in pltc of all it brilliance pehaur it needed the company of little children to give it hvlne oul ah he udduily remembered what she would do there uo her sunday school clu slu hid intended ltvlng vach child nice preent but nou she leallzed how much better tliey uould appreciate pirti nnd preents on tlu tree and chrl tma lve found merry crowd irl and boy in mr cromble house for tlu little girl had been told to bring tlalr brotlur too on the tree va preeint for everyone nul and ctmdy in cay little boxe and chrftmas cricken with piper cap which all add ed to the fun mr cromble it doun for minute by ittle met dnw jinet ua lame and could not pliy could the re but her tyiv hone aa he turned to her ruber tlrvd ho oh mr cromble it unit th mk jou but in it beui inch lovtly pirty nnd ihe tre ol luu hut vul it ml my life uint trtt so hill bt domdaon kxku3akktal wamb weekly news letter fu about nuntal yt form tile liablt as much ulun aps and so tlloltld arlthnutlc yo nu itlplii have tak fu inu tlu sstishh ilu iot uho raj cid kit nu uijutbiud had tl rtbt id no ut hit vrtnt nt li lin that hi rin alf tnl to fojd your hand ovif it howi vt il lo oay neokl has bii ytu ijuutd be ambitiou to surpks it to morrow the high water limrk of tlu patshould be your starting txunt for tlu next struggle it better lo lx uiucuon ably discontented unreasonably rxmcting than co settle down complacently feel ins that you have done enough rotersmvjemlc lie ulniiml iu radio alue ulli the new spriv slutldwl fuluw not iirui tube pi leed troill 6695 32500 crops for buace for eleven years the field husbandry vision lias been conducting experiments 1th the cnlllng of various crops of the crops tested corn kt undoubtedly the best for ensiling sunflowers arc re ceoimended on licavy clay soils and hi co climates where corn does not da well mixtures of oats and peas or oats pros and vetclicc mala very good llagc ltt clover is on excellent silage crop but alfalfa is rather difficult to ensile unci should be used far hay where pos siblc liuck wheat cut in full bloom it ids or tons per acre of fairly good llagc experiments are being continued ullh uie and other crope itcfbttcredt cockerels oultry brecdcri wuhlnt to improve ug production nnd tg lze and thus lowrr the ca of nrodiictiou and increase tlu rrvtnuc from tin poultry uock he uld eeure httlsured mal to mate th tin ir brtedlhi lit iu for the comlsu itdini on ib tlu lkiminlon it hry uil buidinun ii lnf br frlm rent liirli pill rit ipacity for hli li ef prmluction und rj uiu ril ih bnedlnt tt try incr tht tj luct my 11 cl nd un well ntv tlu cycvlnl bred from miture fern lit and arc td by ovtrnment in pector after tluy ire tx niontlu old tlu buyer in rtt uivd that he lilting blrtl pot int ood con titutlon and abun dint lior iutl tcrtd cockerel may be cured from poultry breeders in every frounce in canada lhoe intenled jhould consult tlu superintendent of the the gift luare experimental parni or write to the poultry dlvlloti central experi mental yorni ottawu that keeps on givirig uhy not present your fmiily with ramily income tj tohcj for this cliristmis so th it then future christuruses tjy uill he issured even it jou are not here to provide for them if jou ire spired ou ill enjoj the income jourself in later eiis its truh the git that kee on givinj let us tft tell lhout it md well idl hive the policy re idv loi hr nu is reseiii mon us ibom children thuft eles still them rnht in life ra we tin ut inn insiirmet service for lvtrv need general insurance to one and alljvvehxjv1jcrvuciir1sta1as and happy new year tgtgtigigigigickgictg ljk4 wsi and 11qu rr ui up he add viltfullj is ufrald hould never hit it vv llki to liu pil liu tin afur the chllclrtn ueri tonc mr crunibli irvejid the lintamulir uidir licr llvlni room pirlnje tho curixt ua mtk ruldd there nilnht iwn btttllkv hnicr crl on the wood vu rk but there vw rt al tumtv thrti ji jlnt rlllllllejj wljuhmtriutm maelwiii rtulli happj and uho hid crjited an almopliere ultliln lur homi vihlch it sjr had nevtr lenoun before inel the tiitf chrlmmu lnw mltn 1l tulry uulili ellll ufnklni and tulnlcllm it her lancj si or did tluy have sitter uarnier rlou no it uia not her fancj for the tret laid fiund 1l soul und tin lltht viirt lltamlim uith tlu inntli nnd radiance lovt under tandliu snipatli and goon hip just ike metwsauc prom santa the whihper li gomix the rounds be sure to see ernie barr when plaimiri lour entablcd for christmas spcci ii prices on uuntities of candies fruits nuts novelties tresh stock js convenient display highest quality reasonable prices exclusive goods appreciated custom personal service peeklrkw english hiscuiis ir 2k iti 0c tk box lla tuo or thre llaee4 for clirutnias itn iuijiih av aq talbot ai hie mux and main street coknut ul ll 111 irl tl in in til 1111 11 hi in lha th ll ii th it id jit tli it tl iui an all ilu ku mi om lli in ul liurlly they re frrenli 3iorjau33cnennrf assomtd per lb ilu oranges kinkt kellfhj aveu 29c ast joc tvc tk tip china dunkirk llarnianv ltoer wiurfesld at popular prices sutgesrions imnl lsh vlnpli sjrni leiter hi no plml ill until sirdliits ail 11 shrln svrup lin cake ci kh ii idl diii rn 11 ule chip ilwf nn did leii 111 11 ill in ip jul ipln uh vllbl md iviut iou olit ciiuistms ikes mincemeat pudtlniks till hi st reeleaned sultann raisins mith seeds lexin raiims seeded pupred raisins bleached suit inn raisins seeded packnge raisins rccfcancdnlnrkc currants rreh pitted dates good cooking pigs whole glazfd chlrrils colored prneapple slices mest lemon orange peel choice citron plll drained dry cut peel piekape preseived ginger inest shelled walnuts new crop shelled almonds quilitj shelled pi cans clubhouse bottled spici med sie tin moi assl iesh almond lcirrg paste uedpith 1ng sugar niilli aim ud lemon tvt mel hen gi ipe punch dilnc icmt it ur liitlilly ilk linn tliat all rl uu ai hi ir lull lh in bi lit and ti in uhj th aid hi imiiiberrt of auouu1 luiiiiid 1tlur unit upprivd ir ih inn diua unlf lwiu uu churlubk und rull mil habit of judnum wilfca individuals und hoc im iul alu couktfcsl sek ice barr phone 1g motor delivery ietetetetetctceietetetetctstcq aji

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