paob two the acton free press tuur3day december uth 10s5 aula elans setters from the girls irar oirjs you certainly arc better leiicra writers than the boys tlio mall you cunt to me at tiix fur pts3 certainly made the job had dlfllcult one jlow could posaibly pick winner out of all that bunch ol letters well when act atuclc in job like that there was nothing euc to do but let mrs santa claiu hoip mo to decide but oven with the two or ua it was hard to ay who would have lhat great big doll from tiu fun press window we couldnt apend too mqch tlmo over the deculon at this very btjy time of year and ua we jlnally decided annutta evans had the letter uo ulcd best and should win thai big doll hope aho will be good to it and it will be ready for her on friday want to thank you all for your nice letters there are five other letters to be printed and all these will get one of my special red boxes of candy if they ulll call at the fbkk patsa ive made note of all th thing you want and ill do my best to ate that you get them hut if do make mls laku or two know you klrls will realize have lots to remember ulld the places may gvtmlkcd up bit your food fruml santa claus acton ontario tuesday dvic 3rd 1035 dear ganta claus ijetur write und tell you that we have not movvd ill be looking for you ortclirblmiiskvtj uould like to go to toyland but cant akfor too much bccaum we have not car and bus or train fare costs quite bit it snow ing now and hopu that there is enough mow that you can come chrlttmius want to get sultcisc pleiue and huckboaxd that stimd up if it la not too much dont rorut the other little boys and ifirb nnd if thv dont write you letter acton ont dec 1035 dear sanlu claus chrlfitmiui la nearly ioro and stijipoac you and all your merfy eleves will be busy making gifts for the good girls and boys please dont forget the sick and un fortunate children thlo year would like nice lg dollio this christmas becauso the one got two year ago is broken but am nearly eight years old and will bo able to take good care of it dont forglt my dear friends and brother and sister am sure you will be cold and hungry after your long journey so mother and will leave warm flro and lunch for you wish you merry christmas and happy now year your loving friend maiuorie hilton 1035 jou can wild them omthing nice have tried to be rood girl und hope you can send my presents and nil the otheni too ir it very cold out wc will leave on cood uarm tire and some cake or pie lor you to eat and get warm your old friend annktta vaws acton ontario december 1035 dear old santa tills lj just letter of business whlck am ndln to your big ice palace up north in tll ui gouik to tell you what would like you to bring me in your big bair at ctirlstimu time thb not lery much because do not want all th tilings und not leave anything for anyone tk because iou will not be totting anything the tilings would like are baby bubbles doll black board because wont to sate come for other children who are not getting anything this will be all because it is lato and oil good little girls like to go to bed fcarly so chricunas will come soon goodbye ifcinta until christmas when liopo to sec you youra truly katiitieen may louttkt age years old church street acton dec 35 dear snla well it is just about time for you to come again and can hardly wait liope there will be snow and then you an come in your sleigh 1th the reln dier please dont forget any kids that are sick because they need toy worst of all tlfcr are some whoi ulll be in the arojfpltal and uont be home for christ mas am trying to be good and would like topsy doll if you have one to mare lb iiprl rnvnp tn tntbprini1 dad jean and hoy and bring buddy bone please bye bye for now love from beattv jjeatrice lambert age fl jears dar santa jilt feu lliieji to aslc jou how jou are am just fine well hero gotu santa to write you few linos and fianta admiral that beautiful doll and chocolates that you gave the ivce putvt ottice sure uould like uwm but uould ratlier give it to the poor little children ulio have nothing santa this cn rkunui uould like pair of motter boot and fountain pen and eversharp pencil to match am not getting any thing else or you ulll haw nothing left for the poor little children who are starting to death and are uluajs think ing about you well santa have not bad doll but listen ashed my dolls blockings und thin lot uiem some place my dolls legs will fret oh santa can you tell iup how to make her legii vi arm luve lots of clothe for it and utnui like the doll in tin ivli puivi window tolw my dolls frind my doll jjiita very ery lonily without jome oiv to ktrp it company well santa mujtt lcuo you now your old friiiul hkfk mann agnes street uoit 30 aeton ont if you have nut tlukw things for tue abight aervo the other tumr children nt beforrme dont carv uui lout santa claus campbellville ont dwc ith dear santa claus ai is getting near christmas thouglit had betur write you little letter to tell you what would uko you to bring mo would like that little nigger doll aw in ilmtani store win dow have two brother and emu sister plemj bring them ome nice thlngii pleili remember nil tlie little neetly children we arc liuving concert at our school and church hope ulll iee you there ulll close now yourn truly iiaznl uamsuy out pate the sunday school lesson froit sunday iilmhllc 15th old oentuunun bolluva you frald of work happy william afraid of it alnt ren acquainted whl it misled something whon whh colh workod hitrdtut my tiulli jb didnt havo any time yor hiuicliull qeo itjid you dnnt lnow what you mlntud milk and bananas some wcumaurms or honey before the introduction of cane suijar honey was apjuirently the only tueet ivnilable for humiui consumption in thae days of long ago honey was not deiired for 1u sueetness alone but it was also condered to be food or remarkable qualities for instance one old legend clims that to eat honey brought health ealth rtrentith and offsprlni toi man lurthermore king solomon in hl wu tlom advised that it be used hot only fur il sweetnetj but from the stand point of health well the modern beekeeper li too much inclined to adopt the inferiority complex when it comes to advertising his product und as ieult overlooks many of the legitimate claims that may be given as reasons for iiing it in preference to many other rroducts that are now in competition ith it in the first place honey is the only sweet that coma from nature tq the table unchanged by human agency honey kj the nectar of flowers gathered by the bees and ripened by them utthln their hives the ripening process con risl of driving olf the excess moisture from the nectar and of certain chtfmlcal changes in the sugars it contains honey may be classified tm concentrated rolutlon of sugars having wide range of distinctive aroma and flavor that no other food possesses honey consists lrrgely of invert or prcdlgested sugars lev uloso arid dextrose and because of this honey when eaten ir immediately absorbed into the blood stream and thus becomes quick source of energy which makes it an ideal food for children and rrthletcs furthermore bcln predi eestcu food it places no tax on the tjlgestive s3tem quality which makes it especially suitable for elderly people and those ulth impaired digestion honey also contains all the mineral clement necessary to the wellbeing of the human body it is true that they arc prvtent lr small amounts only bui the fact that they nre present and in soluble form one that should not be overlooked riav or is necestairy for the enjoyment cf food and honey absorbs its flavor from tlie flowers and honey ith flavor that ulll suit the mott fastltdlous palate can be obtained honey when trst obtained from the bees is in liquid form but all canadian honeys granu late sooner or later and many people prefer granulated honey to the liquid form nbnt clytisodtcfir spread pool tnslilniiitl mi tjeiiilerly thua runt tlmt lumurlfiil poem mnlrt mim riiul that pinm jiut love to rend iilniii ultra fiihlilonnlilo girl start early ho pahhlimnttiy uould ro to th entl of the earth fnr you flho culmlyl fjuml by bang bang if you want to proiwr lu thly world you immt go to bod with the clilckenfl yanar ihp wlllln to go to btd wif rnf ill fnllrti rnt ou rlilelftnm aint flurtlclently truntful uiiat itktukms auk yold making xcourtciy and rutljnt arc both con tagious children who urc snapjicd at by the older members of the family bully their younger playmate clerksuho are snubbed and scolded by their superlom are likely to be rude to customers it is much easier to do us you art done by uftn to do to other ai you uould have them do to you if you have been treated roughly mast of your life if you have had more than your share of hard knock of rudencj and of unkindiuijt that pity it uould be itreater pity however to let mich epiticiui spoil your character while it is natural tq return rudene for rwk lieu and iinkludnej formklndiuvj if jou lt jourvlf ilo thls you hue harmed yourself nuut than anyone ele tin stakik iiadoctor and mlnltei eintly lei nil ror mlf game well ir aid the dortor what uv play inn fur tin mlnlster tmlli if little out my uiir to ikt he oluirved th if right too turned tin pinirlui we ought to play for soim thtng however iii tvll ynu what ill do fll put up coinpkte phyhlcul tvam ihiition the mlnbur ilglud okay lw uarud vaiwl ill put up pruyrr busy old boy denies hlu wife nnthlng woll tbnfb line uuy to avoid trou bu if you run afford it whas lllllvah sou rniifeih wuuldu yoil like tn be inim tilly of tourne wouldnt youi kziiatkachino tiik law ok god oolden text hie ciiimir of thy uorcii givcth hunt pa 119 130 leifcoil text ezra 10 nih 13 812 vrntcs printed hriv neil 13 812 study the entire eighth diopter of nchemlnh time placejerusalem exposition ezra urading word of ood to the peopte 16 we liave hero picture of ulie tif uie tnoflt interesting revivals in all history the whole people gathering together aa on man for one purpoe to hearken to what ood lias to aay ezra did not have to urge the people to luten to thr word they rather requested him to brlntf the uook it wus ra hungir for ooda word uint brought the crowdt there woij no netd of ragtime music or vaudeville stunts or movie shows to draw them there 1a great hunger for the word of god in mnnr quarter today no other preaching draws so largely and iij continuously preaching the word in the povtvr of the holy spirit the writers own long experience as pustor ukitl his worldwide uxperlcnce in evuli lelltlc work lias demonstrnted thbt the author of uie book of nchtmluh calhtl tlie law the law which the loud had commanded to israel iu either ueluv ed that the law was given by mo or ul he did not believe so hlnuelf but llied to deceive otlvrs into believ ing if uie law as found in exodus luvltlcus numbers and deuteronomy vvls not given iu here stated bymoses tlen nehemlah and eti and jesuj clrlst too utre elthtr badly mlitaken or delllieratcly dtcclvcd and people cf luke ig 2u31 johif 47 luke 21 41 the opinion of nehemlah and ilra uho lived to much nearer the time and who probably edited the canon and of jesus chrbit who lived so much nearer to god is of astly more weight than that of these modern scholars with their linespun theories that lead to no consktcnt conclu slon and which they arc so consumtly ua their piety by remrmberlng those who had nothing 10 truo tlianksglv lifi day should be day of giving gifts to the poor not tlie ulvuig of glftu to our rich irlrijtfci it ti hm very tmmmuso of blblr rvugltjii to biuio ulmi uchavc itii thor uho have not acts ia 34 i61 tlie joy of jehovah llu tin brllrvrr slrrnifth 101 ii tht chrbt jans duly to be alwayd happy in the ljrtl jiui in trrdiuu uixm hu word phil jtr 10 it uili day not only of rral gladtua but of irreat mru the thing that they made merry over um that they had understood live wortu uiat were declar ed unto them nothing will cause truer renter or more abiding mlrtli than to uudemunid tile uords of thu book discouiiaokmknt ik defat dfecourugcment li deferat you can tiiil imagine ducourgcd person going oil to victory for iucli an event is con trary to all observation and experience ikmie of you young people who have fallen into the habit of acknowledging mat you ore dburouraged do not realize that such statement giveaway moot a1 bad art saying you arc du couraiied is to look it in any crowd you cun pick out the dkcouraged people their moutlis droop their eyes lmvc blank bevtlldertd cxjwewlon if such liriou tries for job the pencil to hom he make the application barely iroks at him before he sy no how ver liard up he may be for help he cjots not wont that kind it very ditftrvnt matter when young fellow radiating vitality and ielfconildciico ualks in that rt of rson never has to look far to find employ hunt thete tviry relon tn the uorld for lighting dlscourajeniliit and one of the mat imiwirumt that cl llflcs you among the defeated vou are never beaten so long you keep brave con dent heart mistakkbpbo happen for men for christmas go to mans store youl find our stock complete with suggestions that solve the gift lroblcm for him shirts for men snappy patterns smart christmas boxes favorite gift for men 100 s150 200 ties ivrcijc assortment to suit all iastes 2sc soc 100 house coata and dressing cownii boxed handkerchiefs pure linen exceptional quality 10c for 25c and 3oc each tfff litcbt checks and diamond patterns jjrf quality at low price chancing though it uas the law of moc it as jejiov ah ho had com manded it by mofe1 cf so jehovah uos the real author so it with the whole glble god li thv peaker whoever li the human urltcr or recorder 01 qod utterance the fact that the people did not oberve the law no proof or the nonuxl of the law the fact that uie people did not obey the law being proof that the law wob not existence is erne of the favorite and ntronueit arguments of tlie deitmctivtt crltlcr but it nbfjilutely uithout fotce the bible exlnted throughout the middle agar but it was not obeyed the tmme line of proof that the destructive critics adopt to prove that the law did not exist before joalah or before ezra uould prove that the bible was not in existence during the middle ages not only did men and uomun gather to hear the word but all tlie children uho could hear with understanding the word of god wemed to be uueet to them some toduy think that service an hour long li long enough but these people iktened from uie morning until midday and not only did they listen they uere at tentive unto uie book of the law quite model congregation that tlie people showed their reverence for the book of god by standing up uhen ezra opened it wc ought not to worship the bible for uie bible li not god but we ought to regard it with respect and attention that ue give to no other book for it li the voice of god eita ble jehovah uie great god and all the people answered amen amen st uac not the book they were worshipping but uie author of the book they stood up out of respect to tlie book they bowed their heads and worshipped jeho ah with their faces to the ground ii the levltes causing the people to understand the word 712 while gods word is plain book and easy to understand neveruieleas men are needed who ihall open the word to the prop nvs ct cuke sratbr fl 3035 but uie great interpreter of uie bible is the author of the bible the holy spirit himself john 11 1215 14 2g john 5ll 27 they wen model readers of the word in uiivhj im portant respects they read in the 11 uui of the law of god distinctly many modem pulpltrerc liave much to learn from uumi in this repect thry gave uie seiue uiey did not attempt to allegorize or explain away what god had nald they made plain to the people jilt wliat god had ald that ls model preaching they caused them to understand the reading they vvere not content with giving the seiua they made sure thift the piopk had caught the vne that they really under ittood listening to the word pnvduced it always dtns jirofoundest conviction of tilt all thii people uvpt when they heard the word of uie luw web 12 there ls nothing prtwluctt convlc tou of sin like the word of goutcf king 32 11 acts 37 john 20 hut while the word produce conviction of slu bible religion very joyul thing tin juapu uere bidden not to mourn nor utvpoa the day uas lialy unto thelaord cf lit the ultimate outcome of the reading of the weud was veiy great gladnesn vi 12 17 if chron 20 22 rticrrt ti alway ery great uludnesa wlur giwl obyed ulth the whole heart nehemlah the nmeruor hlnlf had part in the teaching or uie people it gieut thing when cvll rulri kiuw and uurh the word of god tlie phpiv wrrc lllsllllctcil to hllow their urutltude aa well px on the limited looking und hl lwtth in the morning found one black shoe and one tan lie called the porters attention to the error the porter scratched hl head in bo viltltrment well vt dat dont boat all he said dits dp second time dl mawnln dat 2sc isc soc 75c s100 and s1j50 tllllrllttfs smart and well appreciated eitt nulakl happened at last little girl mother ju lulou that ojti vux jou paid ha been handed doan from generation to fieneratlon mother yes dear little girl well thl generation has dropped it ar ermuube an eftecthe prepara tion is mother graces worm ex terminator and it can be clen to the lnort delicate child uithout fear of injury to the constitution pyjamas christmas wrapped si 50 s195 and 223 thtse items will help you solve your gkt problems cienuine holeproof hose for ladies wc sell tlie well known holeproof hosiery for ladies cooper gents furnishings acton ontario the free press offers you great subscription bargain that saves you money here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this istall you have totdot select any of these famous magazines together with your local ir paper and you will receive the whole 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