Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 19 Dec 1935, p. 7

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thursday otckmbbr ibtb 1099 the acton free press the little china bowl you painted it for little china bowl with sprays of blue narvbelf nestling on the side and on chrlstmaa eve when our little world lay hushed be neath soft snows you came and laid it at toy door tiny treasure wrapped in crimson tlsaui you come no more on christmas eve stealing stealthily to lay crimson package at my door you bring bo more sweet surprise that you have fashioned all for me mo more and yet today know looked into your eyes and saw you smile even reached my hand to touch your atw and then somehow at you were noe save in my heart but still stood andgased and gmxed at the little china bowl the one with harebells nestling on it side you painted it for me and on christmas eve when our little world lay hushed be neath soft snows you came and laid it at my door devaloisftrad chronicles of ginger farm owendoumc cihwkw his hunch twenty yeaks ago of tb fte plreaa of thuaday december urd 1915 jolly good sleighing for christmas lira donald mcdonald has completed her fiftieth pair of socks for the soldier halton expected to furnish 500 toieu for the hew malton duuerin battalion mr caldwell has sold his electric chopping mill business to mr robert lsfsby who has been employed by mr osidwell for some time sergt coles has enlisted the following recruits during the week albert uris tow john scarroar robert deforest stephen george sergt ilarry harwood is en route home from england he has been in the hos pitals for months since receiving his wounds in an tnpgifrmt tm apru at the annual meeting of the metho dist sunday school the superintendent 1l moore was reelected for the thirtieth year in succession bur buildings on the south side of main street in milton were destroyed by fire on sunday afternoon with total loss of a20 000 calls were sent out to acton and georgetown for hose acton firemen reached milton half an hour after the call but their services were not required the annual chrlstmaii treat provided for the children of the employees of messrs scardmorc ju co and the acton tanning co was held on tuesday in the town hall lukfeiy smith on wednesday dtceuber 15tli 1915 at his lute residence 11b mar guerite street toronto charles smith beloved husband of ada thurston aged j9 years wlfey youro pending too much hubby whntu th trouhl do want new dwmw brows and brows aw ou that tvlxcd lvtrywhere dr thomas jujcctrlc oil was put upon the market without any flourish over fifty years ago it uas put up to nuet thti wants of email section but as soon ai 1u merits became known it liad whole con tin nt for tad and it is now known and prhxd tlirouifliout this continent there is nothing equal to it continued gakn in lukuluymfcnt employment in canada at the be ginning of november showed contlnu ation ofthe gcncrallyljpward tendency in evidence during the hut six montlis and reached the highest iuw1 in rive years reports from 9182 firm allowed 013 103 persons at work on november compared with 097300 on october an increase of 14 803 lbriectlng this increase the index of employment rose from ltn3 lii tlie preceding month to 107 at the first of november as com pared with 1003 on november 1934 manufacturing allowed can traasonal improvement with urge increased iron and steel contrary to tlie usual seasonal trend in tlie last fourteen years textile rubber ckctric appliance ciiem lcul beverage and nonferraua metal industrie alio afforded greater employ mentrthan in the preceding nioiiucoi the other luind tlie animal and food lumber leatlier clily glass and stone electric light and power non metallic and miscellaneous industries re leased employees the decline being in many cases of bcosonal nature log ging made important inprovement and gains were ako siiown hi hlghuay an building constructon mining and retail trade tliuiu no nation railway con struction mining communication and services shou ed contractions act is customary in tin autumn christmas always seems to be time of reminiscences doesn it and that fact makes it time of multiple joy because we not only enjoy the christinas that is but also the chrfctrnaoea that have been and for those of us whs have had happy childhood lsn christmas one of the occasions perhaps the most important occasion when we look back and realise how much love and unselfishness was brought to the fore tn order that we as children might money foolishly on tobacco know chrufjnas free from sorrow and disappointment we did not know then but many of us realize now that there might have been many empty stockings many heartbroken little children had it not been for the devotion and eelfeacrl flce of loving mothers and lat de votion which asked no return except the happiness of those whora it served lucky indeed are we who can look back to childhood days remembering the chrlstmases that were made ideally happy for us in our own homes perhaps if those we loved have passed on there rnay be sadness in our remembrance but yet how many of us would care to forget should we not rather remember and let our remembrance be to us an inspiration to make christmas so happy for our chlldreen that they in turn rnay look back and have thoughts kindly of us as we now have of our parents but enough of serious thoughts to be serious is all hatit but like every thing else enough is as good as teaat here are few verses made up white was doing my christmas baking wouldnt like xo call them pdelrytbur you know how things will sometimes run together and rhyme almost in spite of one so here they are without title and very little rhyme or reason chlttstmas verses setter laje than rievcr so they say and surely hope tis true anyway cause from my stove vc taken the cakes that ve been baklu lvir christmas not so very far away my mother bless her dear fore lianuvt soul had every christmas pudding in its bowl by tlie firfct week in november never waited till december like her daughter wlio slower than mole tlie cakes like as not were often mixed tup hue we kid got up to monkey tricks slats diary dry oliver warren sunday jakes parrcnts ast joke to joke scde to me at this while tho tcccher was refurlng to rcfurene shcat wot did ho want for christmas jake scd hedo trldo to make out lktt but cuddent find shcat of paper big enuff monday pa still lnjoys fibi llttel joak at mas pen la at luntch this noon lie jtcd lie pcrposdo to mister aillcm that they git their wlfcs togathcr ton to have big time he sod mister ulllcm rcplide but wholr will we leaf them ma dlddent spam to 3cacky do tho funny part when all of us laft tuesday are tcechcr in are class at ore stool ast blisters did he no what is lgnorants blisters rcpllda sc scd it is what doant no com budy nose dont no the anscr warned to tmmftfift the teecher tho it ls to dcap lot went over nqt thru my hed xpect wednesday joe hlxcs be tor was in plccoa poart this for hlten man on st corner she aed to the coart scd she turndo the way signcl ed thats why got hit ecd her vlctum tlie coart let her off with rccpreman as scd ahe wassent gilty but to not jet liappen no moar thursday of tlie brldg club at jarre house last evnlng ast jane waascnt she to littel to rcmane up so late si jane uas smart she sed in ripply that mebby slio la but hi the hi her ma all way scd she is to big to remane in beds late in tho prlday ike tubbs whose tlie husboiid of are house kleeper llexy is not as dum as ho iks he wad ant by lizzy did hj notis that slim jeterscs mistress had nother new hat ike sed yes but if ahe do you think thtre is any chance wtta ntl huwwy ahe of our breaking into tho nmavt set ttooddcnt ot none tak kon kluded the dlscuahen saturday tjnkel icn must of bin ladic killer in his day xpeefc enny how when he was looken at xmas cards day recent the clerk sed hears butlfla cciitemuit to the only gurl ever luv ed okey gimmlc of them my unkcl rcplldc ju sed dominion weekly news letter nkitiikk time tables madun here by smart ut do you ud hlgb brow or low nock old fogy then eacli uas cckd in turn to give tlie cake churn and wish for uiat on ahicl her hop ucrc lilted and mincemeat such lot my mothc made most tuenty pounds im sure had it been we lg lied and then my mother uise vtade it into little pieg and after that it vanished afraid tlie puddings in the pantry hung on lioolo and remember even now tlie longing looks vou1s1 tieaihc ccvtivlls lit aw figures reltaitd by tin canadian de partnunt of imniliruilan und colonlza tlon show luavy influx at lsltors into canada during tlu month of ipttir br an inert ufe of gj841 tourlls fchoun ovtr september of last jiur ad missions ut all border kiliits during sep temur 10j5 totalled 650 86j of which 41 845 came by highway and frrry 00j canie by train umrfefots came by boat admb tons ut all border nolnu during icputnber 1034 toialed s87 031 lurbig the ujbmonth period april to ijcptctiibtr inclusive tourlats to cuda tuulled 10 4j7 177 coiiiparrd with 317 hn tie corrmpondlng period of 1u34 gain of 100 012 in every month of 1035 tourists admissions were lugher than in the same mouth of tho preceding year we children there were four and we looked inside tlie door like jealous little hock of hungry rooks on christmas day turkey sizzling brown would grace the table when we all sat down there was thyme and parsley stuffing and bread sauce lacking nothing and gravy just the best youd find in town and after tliat came pudding all abbuel such sight you never wiw in all your days as uiis pudding piping hot pprlg of hollyon the top and dancing flumes that kept us in nuue came tlie pies mentioned nnrp iwfow sweets nuts ve had and fancy frun galore tlien each with doleful slh to each other would deny the time luid come when lit could tut no more ito all long ago it nuut drtam ytt tlie naniorj ol it all like beam of light from far oif dayi and helusmo iwvw inuuis io mule christmas our childnn ij esteem oh hurt nothing quite to ood do dtclare as rtnumbirina christmas free from care tlun for lltth children lake let ilh all an ffort make io crtatt jo that iviryone may share and noa rtuul frkml bid ou nil udu and und to you my best of ulslui too ivrhups soim otlier tlhie whi not inclined to rhyme hoi may urlte wnsc uuuiii to you good be everybody happy da an happy memories too the close grasing method of pasture mbtifir in 1027 four plutu were iald out or the arboretum at the otntrul experl tm ii lai farm to learn tlie effect on tho consumption and yield of grass or cut ting it ut intervals of one two and three weeks with the fourth lot cut as hay ullh after math tills was the first tchnllflc examination in canada of the uolwhihclm system of pasture manage mrnt scltcme which almc by close grazing and licavy fertilization to furnish young iilgldy nutritious gratis through out the season this experiment has been continued and the results show that tlie close graxing method is one that furnlshcu throughout the season pro vided there is bufflcieut and well dis tributed rainfall pastures rich in highly digestible protein it has also been shown that this method of pasture man agement ls the best bo far devised for producing the maximum amount of digestible protein per unit of area bono lltnia on honey oranulatcd honey according to tho dominion apiarist can bo brought back to its liquid form by standing the con tainer in water and hmng it to iso degrees fahrenheit higher tempera ture than that is likely to darken the color of the lioney and drive off aroma and flavors a3 soon as the honey has become liquid cool it ad rapidly as pos sible but do hot put into the refriger ator honey absorbs moleture from the air and loses aroma and flavor rapidly therefore it should not be kept uncov ered any longer than is necessary keep extracted honey in cool dry place byi honey in the comb should be stored where it is warm and dry fereed for icraie veedin the best breeds of feeding are tho general purpose types such as plymouth uocks and wyan dot us or tlie heavy typos such as jersey giants at acton steward stood at the gangway of big liner and as he stood there he kept shouting for the benefit of the arriving passengers first class to tlie right second class to the left young woman utepped daintily going eas oboara with baby in her arms as she wp sunday lies la ted before the steward he bent over tier and said in his chivalrous way first or occond oh said the girl her face as red as rose oh deaf neither only the nurse uehncr notice you got up and gave lady your scat hi the subway remarked an acquaintance yes agreed the other tever since childhood have respected woman with strap in her hand daily except sunday daily except sunday sunday only the chicago flier that passes hero at 31 easibound stops aa georgetown et 40 ji iqjotajb ulpja worlds crtt hagui btng owtoma not mo nuny yr afo coniumptloil ww thti world rtrausl boutk sill latlly knraaet tml not polnl ikaui of llin ifltceive mn which llkvr imkti tken for tea prnvcnlin wmi th physician iho dietitian kwl tb lliltallon expirt havn all eomttlimxi iwl wilh tint aid tr utn vuu awl trh air aito havi nat4rlally checked the knal innwuu which lulcculsia knade upon ittr ptilallun tin jllimaj hanharium aocilioti iiiv ruttw tin mimkoka lluaptial to ut tiinito llnuealr4f iitkutiilllv aml lh ouiii iltry lliwiiital uw cuiuumpllvt hlldrii wl ich commitcd liav lutal ratikclty tj lllt ivf mm ihhu tlt an ihorouxlily tjulltmi ulul have all rarililw tot tht tnmlrri iriaum ill of llria tluruu and it itururly tltrnmli their ntrim ebal the tl alii rau fmm coiiuaitlioil ba bti ji itnally ntlueod rliiwi tkkhtiilahl ae tml optod fur thi wtll to do hut an tnalntajonl af4nly ttif thti wmw who art atulctod wieb tubc cuumu ami kh without huani lo bay uir th ir tumimfit attd earu it uuln urfat tltiaj of moiwy to ootratti thibm ltitlluluuw far more than liny cajl hotkti luctlvo rmia ataluuiry allowaitciw and it unly with tho co jon of malty bnertius fiiond lhai ii can xmlinun runrry many ibousanda uf dollar wul bo ikimmltd tocoum lh ailiirtacti on opcraung uila yiiat will jul thimri ajuiut by fcindtnrf conlrihuluin ta thn natiknl haul lah tint associativa iji collvae humi tfjnmu oesng west tally except sunday iflff ajsa dally except sunday jjpsm daily except sunday tftpjsl dally except sunday 1z31 aa sunday only tjkt sunday only lljmpjn stamoaad tzkce tstctgjglgtgtlil vg3ggbbr98gb abrow bush leave westbound ul 1115 la aad smiaday us lis sataiday auy s1s 715 in 1111 la5 ft kn siunz4a sunday houdaya leave eastbound kn dally exeept sb4aj 1145 aa est e4x to aa itineraauss tlamtmd to avl joints in c2amada united states consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bob lint tobonto pawerson ro speclausa ta kye lc oribop lyeataeais lag wyiwueam st kext tm ouellli lhone aim qnaxuy aeettracy whn in tho worltl mndo you jilt ralph qh in gatoh norvoiialwayat rofeiisor mi uliieal keepfl mo uwny from home uioat of tho tlmo farmeif waal auiiit thought lfc wux dum foollalinenfl tiut seo tliey bo uuthln to it art or all dummd ef tbey aln well posted ill whut did lutum und pytlilaa d0 tllllt uhllit mil iii si fllllhmlh don un mln un tint think tluy uiiuiliil ilitrj thnt koiuu inunukt found in out uf tin buhh lfnjut easy many mour cart tufy to ui virtue of mother graves worm fcxternilnator bcaua thr know from experience lioa useful lb mw ii linti tu uwlp tiliout pw pit unit dont ituo to go iimund in mult iih prndt lrn ins el to kay thlwu ih ttr luht ilnuu jour tjbrow ut the proiw point aud you ii kloilg gift that lasts whole year every reader lias number of friends who enjoy reading the home news each week triends you would like to write to eac week but just havent tho time porhapa theirgirt problem has been bothering you the tree pncss for 52 weeks would solve that problem and be reminder or your thouchtfulness every week through all of 1036 gift card of course wc forward gift card telling the recipient that you are sending tin rn pmss for year and hie offer includes the remaining issues of 1935 and all of i03g the cost if of course two dollars or 50 to your friends in the united states engagement rings well make it us interesting letter each week know it is gift that will be appreciated and we ph the acton free press one 174 read the acton free press tattdfcsfcddiafcasd mim street sabacllp for au

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