thursday january lbth 1030 the acton free press page pbv3ck wteen the sun dlnks over the tls good to rest at eventide from tho tolls of busy day and let our hearts in peace abide wtlcn oil omr cares larclajd away tls good to feel that llfo real ami to the world we bear no 111 bui bid farewell to evry care when tho sun slnlcs over the hul tls good to greet tho folks wc meet with kindly word and perhaps word may help some friend to bear with fortitude tiial tls good to know some friends weve won when our duties weve tried to fill jbut sad to leave some things undone when the sun sinks over the hill the shadows round about us creep when shades of night begin to fall the wood nymphs charm us all to sleep when the meadow larks cease to call the mists jlo low along the stream and moonbeams sparkle on the rill the day fades like pausing dream when the sun sinks over tho hill percy yerks twentv vfcaus ago from the issue of the free press thursday january 20th 191g mr robert elglc formerly member of the gtk staff here but lately with the canadian northern hallway has been promoted to thu position of city freight express and passenger agent of tbe at oshawa scrgt coles has twenty recruits lie re now those enlisting durlntf tho week are matthew cooncy jack eason mclvln fioper ernest barr councillor john bingham of esqucs lng was thrown from his cutter when it slowed on tho icy road and was severely bruised and badly shaken up three sons of mr wm smyth have enlisted capt arthur smyth cobalt capt sfennell smyth watford and wm if smytli of london tho now jlegiatry offloy hi mlhuin is now completed and the furnishings going in the old building will bo demolish ed the full ipalr annual report showed balance of 99490 in the bank the oflttcrs for 1916 were president oco havill 1st vicepresident ed pcurcn 2nd vlceprwdduiit undsay secre tarytreasurer acoxae uynds auditors tbrown and macklmion at tho nassagawvya council moctlntf tho hydroejectrlc hallway bylaw was given third reading and passed tho township ofriccrs appointed for tlie year ucro as follows aklrui aiiiwr wm mcplujli collector aiid thomas moore and james strang auditors ma uk holmescolxmam in st albans church winnipeg on monday 3th ucoember 1915 by iuv if crawley henry francis holmes ton of ii holmes otjtt ugctit acton to ethel marlon daughter of henry gold ham acton niti mclcenzle at umehouse on saturday junuary 15th donald uckciude aed 80 yvanf thompson in erin township on thursday january 13th 191g mullldu emuclc relict of the late robert rhaninum in her 74th year chronicles of jgingenearm written rr acton free prcs gwendoline ciagkk gallant desperado by samuel reeve the lamp in the window continued from page three out jlde threi miles away sho knew tlw way and uhv could easily bo back before tlijdjrtcftnier jkatlltl ulttftou iiakk all good things come to an end and the gooder uiey an the quicker the end and so with christmas cake fjust year did not makv any and io of course wo did not run out of it very quickly but tills year made live and here wo aro in oie middle of january and only about halfapound of cake left but let mo hasten to add we didnt cat oil five cakes ourmlvcs did give two away and of course everyone who culnc to the house had to sample our christ mas cake mot tliat it was anything wonderful but you know how every uoman likvs to trot out her own special variety anyway uc arr not npurly urcd of it yet and to am goingwght ahead and am going to makir some more cakes three at least extravagant hardly think so jyult cake is more nutritious and lasts longor than an ordinary light cake always hiakc the dark kind and uiijuhlhu fkatijhi nwiiy from the iittrigulne vy fliitilnrf tliat udnriitd iiluihftir erekdon of biixlet im korr miss alwell he bald crlxply but iu ft11 down badly on oit two frit ii re iikslunuhtitil im given you fur tiiih will huvtt to lm your litnt rhunr kllutbtth wiw duly out rlt her now job hud ninile her tin envy of her tliolf gradual liti hiiv mid who couldnt hthhltly ufforil lsf it im pohlt ill put it ovt thin time rthu omuirtd hint rriirily well youre gflilii louuh one lirlnj bueu ktory htfore tomorrow night ou ihiteh wubiir the racketeer and his kldeldcka hamumim hill ihll llps atift krnnkw crlllln outcli wjigmr kilimlwthh licnrt bank at the word thnt uiih tnorri than tonli ihlinniit it meant alio wnh ulrtinly through unlehq hhn could do ok linp wiiunir und hlh mmil hum out in the cuw club lt on iiicht in tho december report of public school pupils who won honor sfautdbj in their cianse the past month ciilm fourth gordon mccutchcon 353 marie urun elje ilb beverley arnold 343 mina clpp340 annie molatio 339 tom wuuon 335 total 400 bennett principal junior fourth polly porty 450 prances chlsliolm 447 lornc masalea 429 jack cluipman 400 jean froser 3q7 iou dawkljis 334 total 00 fultaur teacher sen nurd xtarga rettzuib rl ws2 ileim bralda 440 margaret smith 440 lome roney 42fl dora wood 421 total 550 orr teacher fieaior third charles arnold 440 sammy ilrunello mai ju gji tndc 303 bib juckson 391 muriel darby 388 total c50 kvcleen bralda 403 peter turkaat 348 ethel pranklin 337 beatrice creancer 323 enoch marczak 323 wlunic dawk ins 310 total 500 anderson teacher srtiluf fvmmllltl kduurd arnold 413 lolj ivjcr 408 tjrthn twrkow 382 donald evarw 375 victor miiuti 3g0 lamb 38 junior sfcoml eleanor alkn 427 miy nicol 413 mut spins 411 annie ptjrlj 389 mar garet wow 3uo june tulbot 379 total 500 mumiiiin tiulur senior irst lhilm1 iipnln 2t8 clitn 2j2 audroy mvkuiimii j4 ii son 47 iiitt iail kuuirt ii total 3q0 11 yuuni telwr juiiur ixiuul ohnurlv too vivian cinird 94 georiie john on 2hi maitrrt ijan 280 an ilrunllf jiu crpx iii lohil 400 sfnlir lrlttifr shinpml uau arnold jt cla bru juuur iwnnry earl curnrlu junr mcquitn ailu john aar ahirhy kentmr 11 uurd oil hunt lyucher wc like it better without icing tm wheros tlic cxtruvugalicu7 well thats one proverb disposed of except tliat before taking leave of it would like to make an amendrmut alld haur it read all good thtiigj conio to and end but when they do begin ugulul and now uw not jure but it uciiui to me there muit bo some kind of pro verb sonwwheru which tneutu iti the maiden uunt who knous bet how to firing up family and liere la an other quite original nr matter of fact there arc more children spoilt by grandparents than thld world drcanu of tujco tile maiden aunt problem first every young motlier thinks slie knows better tliun her unmarried suter how to raise family but am beginning to belle tliat the average maiden aunt does ut times know belter the right course to pursue than jolumy or joans own mother for one thim jjic hoti more time lor observatloii and she has cjurcr vision because she is not worried with tiie entire rvspoiuublllty of johnny or joans exisunce tiicre is nothing lilfl worry and anxiety to cloud ones vblon and there are many demands on motlwrlove pirst there la tlie in evitablo drain on physical vitality then her anxiety for the lieulth of her family individually and collectively eometlnlos it happens that big sister has tuirlous lllneaij und poor mother hi her worried way overlooks tlie fuct thnt johnny und joan are liavlng altogether too much of their oun way perhaps aunties jum exactly what li happening and offers little goodnuturod advice which her slter rather rerenl and probably tell her mother surely knous ueit how to brine up her own children then uualn ue haw the overanxious mother uho unconsciously theltero her off sprint to much an extent that they nb nr tu reach maturity ulth deplorable luck of initiative auntlei or course could ec jut what was happening and of course ue have the mother who 1s so uorrlud uf to uajr and meaiu of that through being uo rhe does not ul uajs notice the small beginnings of ill iuas unrtihness or dlicontcnt but auntie not bmt with all these major problems lias uihj to study her nieces and nephewt and may realize even before heir mother tlu neceilty of different method of training mothers too are little too prone to think of tlwlr children as young para rons like caesar tliey arc beyond reproach why should any mother be ashamed to admit when her child la in the urong who wants perfect child would you not rather haw your child normally healthy happy and mischievous nuhfmhir naturdwtyzthanalniuiil perfect and so would ay to uoman without children but who takes an interest in childtraining may know as much if not more than her married sister we sometimes defeat our own ends by being too close to our probems hudson midnight found kllxuheth pacing baek and forth on the dttartid land ing place from which private launch curried gtntt to the cull club hundred ynrdu out in lie rlor nhn could kee the blue ntkluli craft gkhinlni with rolored llghtu but it might huve been ten inlhw away ior the girl hud no iiiiitim of summoning tho launch and no assurance that it would ttiue lier if it rami then tnl dro up and man nllghttd hie unlued to tlie edge of the landing blew peeuhiirkouiujlnp whlktle und turned to klluhelh did you hlunul lie wnw powerfully built man uljhii dftermliuwl fare kitw lht tlnee nf thnw jlggirrt and tol hill ilillllps if he wunth mo to meet lin mi hoard he gottu got mo without it the niiii iio1ed nt hr ngiiln and then smiled ulth friendlv polltoneas oh ho youre friend of hill phll ilpb she boasted sure iuipk hwell guy they dimt roine un better or tougher the stranger heemed ilulj imprehked and invilid her to milt the trip in the launch ulth him hoard they were greet td liy il hartli man in the uniform of rnmnmu willor he seemed to know ihahetirn enmpan lon mid the two parsed ah they entered the calmret lioueier the glrll hlood ehitled lie head waiter had jiift ndilrehed the man th her uh mr phllllpi stupiiinu uhriiitly hiio glnnred imrk nt lie hmneh an if to make lastminute dah llni now the man look her arm and smiled leld go find ihllll lie said quietly the otill eluh wn inure trumhllnc den thnn dam hall fluest phillips isnt here jet rllza bethd roinpuiiinn miirninred how until hi inies the dame streii lied into several nnd gradually kllihnhs tenslun piuvpil aa they sat at table half hour later she enutlmisu began to uik finest ons phillips or whoever he renll uas seemed to know almost everyhoih in hlghi curlmisi enough ililmugl illxu hethn eiiiiipaiihiii appeared to knon all these men well he made nn effort to introduce the girl to attybndy lur thermon he in turn began in ucfltnn klbahetli ulth equal skill to find out how uell uie knew phillips and othor niemherm of the tinu elub trail the lrl heeaiae lorrllled vu ho trying to learn how dauber mm she hud become before putting her oit of tho way shu evaded hla question and the coin ersat ion wmn died into uu certnln alienee suddenly there wnii commotlnn on deel the httnngcr temietl to th look out fjuddfiuy lynn felt the sting of snow in her fure and tlie tug of squall ut her tiklrt startled she looked up prom the chhfuilns lofty summit great clouds came driving sudden fear shot through the girls heart in nuiuent it seemed the cloud coverfd the moon and there began to swirl about lynn tlu tmw of the indian huih swiftly the girl turned and started burk jler triigui was not tpent muy hi she could kiup ahead of the storm boon the wind began to blow from another direction from two or three at tin same time so it seemed the going became harder it was almost impos sible to get through once lynn thought she saw tin gleam of martins lamp then it wus gone aguiu tile skates be came worse tluui useless lynn cost them aside and startd out on foot in spite of all iwr care her strength was going fast tlie bitter cold wind was biting clear ulo bone lynn felt deadly tired slie could scarcely see now the uiiow tto blinding ilvr hands reached out gropingly licr feet stumbled llttlu dark hclip crumpled down in the juiow piom it came sobbing cry ted oh ted come im cold tired come thc chieftains whlto armtes went marching om through the storm and the snow covered lake plowed two men between them drugged rope again and again their calls sounnrd orer the lake lynn iynil only the storm aimwered theodore stumbled and fell it uos only drift it should nut luive thrown hhn he rose and looking down saw hit of dark uuutnst the snow with hnacse ihout thul carried through thu storm to hi companion he threw hhn sl down and bton to brush the snow mm the dark form that lay tencath miiitliewsl mattliewsl oh ood wrv found lurl ihre hen tlili wayl prvrrishly throttoru tugged ut the llnu ulth one hand while with the other he rulsed the girl to hb breast desperately he unmn to rub snow into lur rroarn face eulling hec all tin while holding her close i3eud7 alive martin had ruui she would bo alive but what did martin know about itv mat the ut came panting through tho snow qulckl ha cried there is no time to loe well soon he in have my compass together they carried the girl dog gedly they foughl thu storm until ut last they saw tho lantern swaying in tho tns prom martins window shone the yellow light of the lump at last the rescuem placed lynn be fore the fire in the cabin tlie numbed face hands and feet were rubbed and rubbed martins foresight had provided hot broth and this they gavo her little bylitlk finally her eyelids riuttcrcd and lynn ame bark the world as sho opened er eyes they fell cm theodore kneeling fre by hthe pg of tinmnn heart written in his face weakly her hands realvd out to him drew him elose in the hush of thu room they heard her whisper ted oh tcdl knuw youd cofmit tenderly and with something of new note in hli volcv tame tho young limn answer bould have been ttm lute lynn but martins lump was burn ing all the while think now under stand and lynn when juno comes irv putu lamp in our window tool cub and llrulvrs ibapprar wlien sulferlng from cuts scratches bruises sjirahui sore uiroat or clvest and any similar ailment uxi lr thomas eclec trla oil xia healing power is wellknown in every section of tho community bottle ot dr thomas eclectrlo oil should in every medicine chejt rvady for tho emergencies tlmt may always bo antici pated kimshkd novice vith gwat determination after numerous attempts ill stay here till hit thu balk cuddle wee ye cull get wane itlier laddie to baud yer sticks for this ma bath nlcht nnu riilhhod intel tci khnhctli txrlteu ly were rttltli41 lit whlspprod pot out of here uiu kimpl clouh klliulbtth hutiltjitiil hut thon aaw uevtrnl other men leaving hur riedly nnd yielded from the deck thoy utt lnrce imllre liiuneli llled prith trwtrtk ww hf rapldly on the ui lit couie on whispered her eoinimnlon und half drnirired her hy the nrm to whero miiiill rpuont wbi nniored itowlnr nfl ijuletly as pnihllde thev treau allow llicm irlvllc never in mn 8tou and now the btrandparents god hie them the chldrens uorbt ipolera and why simply luuuute all their iientup love of children li livlthod on their erandchlldjvm they ylve uiem little thl life clven to their own children in hort for grandma and grandpa comes the plealnre of parenthood all over aualn uithout us harden of iv sponrlblhty thej an terrible spoilt hut what uuuld we do without the nr id ooi iditsi to itmi or uhnewi piiwerfully assuraiii 01 asli souieliou liial illelteil intff iiiiii oiid liav her iii ill tills mill what si raise her for iii iwiisireaiii ihllllph henl in the oari eaihlv imllliu ro ll ill at the lirl his fear nl hllii aillnlialloii no lerile di nl to jl rlil didnt in irjer john jucl inns ir ut no il lillttl rlimi to his ii 11 il to rid th jl jtik ji hat itiih hmself mil nin th it ii 111 it nlus who his have ilal ui llllls strile muled slum ilslmii il to la nlie aial hnluli mil arli as viimlrkh an icllnt prpara hon uiltlier grav kxtermlilator lias iuivd the litis of tuuntlu chlldieu dtt uulltii rnlltinlll itilil the te liu und the turtul cknl rahrtr rnriheurvintlmrrhtt ma if laitudu it idiir lu ua uliiu rdifngiat not the hi lltil mad hi il li ik tri anil oiiim ile lie toiall in other 111 ill ha fiuiiul irlil hiin in iilli pi and math it moi pi nit lni th in uul neiilu trciur hi at trltli it bull and ihim the ru ihip it bill ai pur ue pun rl to mole it in liuul nt ah iwj nor itituulir ut itiufui he nl the win tin or not it pitv ah to lllllli 11 an uuler lliini rltlt to tet tlpli as the hnit both do ui hlliiij lnwl rinr iriik store lliliu nllel out ii rillllli dasbel into iim ulill the iran el ailel lllale mis neil it the ii il jhlll elllb ral brellv null said the purie rf ill st there linn hi ii end sllll she lnii all inii nliih isii is hail air 1111 mi her inptlil phoie in lb ii lor dlinlj nis nil thtrv mil isinii ii ln lure iii til story est he ui rlul teil illh nt 11 lienlliu star he lias su lit ituui hi iii llil 111 hi 111 lb all rluhl dun his jlrl friend allot luel and did eot did you ever stop to think by ediloi xl waite shawnoc oklahoma ing for town worth living in is worth work all tilings should be judged by merit only this includes politics as well as business he who sets steady pace is the one who gains the summit first tbe man who does not see any good in advertising usually does not have stock worth advertising time tables nadiah natiqnalflailways at acton going kast dally except sunday 700 am dolly excopt sunday 1007 ajn dally except sunday 6j3 pjn sunday only 74jjn tho chicago filer thai pajoes tbxooib hero at 31 eaatbound stops af georgetown ut d40 kioto wat dully except sunduy ba6 ajn dully except sunday 323 pjn dally uxrcrjit sunday 704 pjn dally except sunday 131 tun sunday only 908 ajn sunday only jt3t standa1ud time arrow bus leave westbound u45 1145 except saturday is ta 31s saturday only 515 kn 715 1115 krt 105 saturdays sunday and moliduy leave eastbound 700 dally tuccvpt smiilay dlo hi 1245 t50 li g45 ta 300 to itinkilaitlts tlannliu to all 1ointk in canada unittb statks mexlloo consult local ap wiles kestaurant central ontario bus lines tobonto stove for every home electric coal and wood coal oil oumllnc electric hot plata imd splendid ranue of guaran teed uicd and reconditioned stoves vvo aljui furnull itlcpalrit far all makui of tovea your old stovo accepted as part payment tcrma arronacd we can save you money ilonkek eqummknt co established 1023 19 woolwich st guelph ont when you buy away from home you get the merchandise and your town loses money when you buy at home have the merchandise and the money re mains in your home town no one thing will contribute more toward the rehabilitation of business than to relieve our people of their burden of taxation the vital need of tbe hour is simple economy on the pari of every public official so says all landoii governor of kansas advertising is public utility the art ol llie public serviet banishes distanct making known it is ilts migltiyiit conquers time il il speeds production and prosperity creates national distribu tion makes life richer and belter and il pays for it self by reducing the cost of mak ing distribution and selling goods ins fire car accident sickness etc harrow iuiwllisentative gore uulricl matttl nurwleh unlad canadian klrd inxuralic cumpjuiy 1ua awjluc ateuxuad co the caiajty of colwu aworaiio compaoy the aacrehaliim cajjdiy cv tiut matiul new business plilntkd ew bmrlnw taka tha plte jf thd 4d that yu or luiluf get bur prl ou tirlutlu the acton free press