thursday january 23ld 1036 the acton free press fao t4mt gjlu 3frree ijrpsa ljnrt tnrg crumbled wings john scott douglas he accne came back to hoy baxter dally almost hourly like hor rtble nightmare it wok pic ture which blotted out all other pictures in his mind all other scenes before his eyes ho had thought he might escape those unlquitous memories in travel only to learn to jib borrow that it la impossible to escape memories ko the pqlmshnded patio of tho casa de mariana hotel hi atitfqimt auatemla itoy listlessly ate breakfast of huovos rancheros eggs rancher styh and dranlc black guatemalan coliw his lean brown face with its brooding blue eyes aemed years older than his twvnty years as ho stared at tho splashing foun tain in retting or luxuriant flowers in tho centre of tho storm patio then in that strangu way of late his pruent surroundings faded into another scene he had been analrmall pilot on the new york chicago run tho youngest pilot but one of tho ablest one night three passengers with political privileges presented themselves with orders from waahlngton which could hot be ignored roy had explained that reports indicated fo in pennsylvanias himalayas tho appalachian and allegheny mountains hoy remembered well his passengers the hotel and man ran through tlic hardwood doora he was heavy stolid looking guatmalteco with intelligent cyct and strong jaw consternation was written iii his phlegmatic features nor hulls he said brvathlexsly to the dutch proprietor who sat at another table ml epomi mis niuoil after ecahnlng my wife my children ho broke iblo 11 rles of excited spanish words which hoy km wing only tnig iiicnls of tlm language was unable to translate swiftly enough to compreh flit dutch proprietor was ilnst puz zled then incredulous he arose wulking to the centre of the pallo where he could better view tlie erupting volcano lor moment he stood shading his lightblue eye agaliist the white glare of the cun then he shrugged bl cliaracterlstlc latin american faslilon itoy lieard him say then nothing con save your wife and children for the llrt time ln days something liad seized the yoijng mans interest hoy risked on intrusion by asking wliat is wrong senor hans hacr pointed stubby slinking linger at lane abode house standing on the side of the mountain ills ges ture told hoy baxter much of tlic story the man was big jovial sort with smllo man on the aide 6f acateiiahgb taking advantage of the fertility of the lntredlby rich volcanic soil now tile octopuslike shadow hod lines connecting hose and mouth jio had laughed at boys suggestions of dan ger the womanhls wife was sweet faced person with countenance exprea dratvn black tentacles of lava about tlio aive of character and charm reminding hacienda on all sides and was slowly theyouthfulpilotqfhisowajnothcr josing about thchouc jtwas impos the girl about thbl unfortunate mans abode surely your wife wouldnt stay uicre who had passed on roy to own age possessed her mothers charm and had smiling vivacious blue yca they ilew into that mountain fog on moonless night and they never hew out again itoy remembered the hor rible sensation of helplessness wllfcrt the hub on the propeller hew off and the propeller followed it robbing the aero plane of all motive power the propel ler spinning at 1000 revolutions minute ripped through the lower whig of the biplane nearly severing it there he wait left us best he might to ret then down with his ship whose wings were fraying whose motor he was forced to shut off to keep it from tearing itself and the aeroplane to pieces when the propeller flew off and visibility nil itoy baxter was no coward but the terror of death was in his heart ut the young american snapped in his brain think life purposeless to wonder whj he alone of those four in that aeroplauta nccldent had survived he kjfv me tering prayer that he could get his one thing he had been unable to observe for certain from the casa de manana the reason the river of lava separated into two streams on either side of the adobe house was evident great point of rock above the house proved the point of cleavage as lheiavacontinueota flow however it was breaking new ground in less than ten minutes it was probable tho house would he surrounded by the incredible hot stream throwing his machlno into slow spin itoy nosed down for the plowed ground lbchlad the house he wondered if hw would survive the landing he must lossculiig ids safety belt as he cared the ground he veiled out tho biplane the aeroplane etruck la what would have provrd perfect three point level ground now duo to the rugged contour tin crate bumped along evenly tor doten feet noted up and sent hoy catapulting forward as it did so when he slagged to his feet une dutmie from tin machine it had pivot vd ovi on on wing which was cruiu pled beneath the twisted mass of wreck age something constricted in his uiroat hbi hope of taking the woman and two chlldrrn out in his aeroplane was shat tered squat woman with tollworn face cuiiie running toward hoy senor senor she exclaimed are you hurt he forced pale smile to his lips no ho answered lie ln spanish but im afraid were all ln bad way id hoped to take you out in toy plane jvar and despair looked out of her eyes as slie burvcyed the twisted heap of metal wood and fabric hoy stared with narrowed eyes at tho ttream of lava already strlwng the tcv of tlic house hi tned hu eyes to the geat natural barv of lwik which had xc far cleaved the rtrcahi quick he muttered tliickly we must run toward the big rock its our only hope hoy sprang toward the house fclrl was crying on the floor oo to your motlicrl he directed her tersely in spanish on the bed lay boy with flushed brown checks and feverbright eyes tills was the hlnltof whom tlve moxo luul spoken sick with malaria hoy guessed ifc picked up the boy in lus armc hur rying to tho door thin black stream had trickled through the doorway hoy leaped over it staggering and hurried on up tile slope to the place vliere the mother was standing as lw had left ner her mind evidently still numb from ine and two children and knew nothing or her position come of this but she could not leaw my iw5 llqarse1 ei followed him up littlest child my nlnlto so tick he tnc pclpitous slope llky child the cannot sit up and my wife would not rlrl cun to hcr ilanu leave him senor itlsaot potublfl alr was gnant wltli the verdud fumes of the volcano and hoy pxrted sudden emotion dlstorud the face of rom th uurden tho klc child his when the volcano ctnrted to erupt said roy crease furrowing his brow tliere was almost animation in the stolid face of the mall as he said broken ly but yes senorl my wife would not leuve went to guatemala city two days ruo on the bus leaving my wife airedale terrier firat called bingley terrier about htindrtml years boi wheal the lure or football was thing udi known yorkshire riilnem partlcular iy in tin vm1h orrhe aire cvo ii uilr sparo time aqd pence to ihi hport of water rat hunting and many were th sjiturday afternoon imniev iitnlhe44 liwinn rlvnl dogs over unjimml htrip of the klvur alro wrltm mnj mltford brlre in answers njr zlin ijieh log followed bv imjrti crowd woub bt iiilotttml mpiiratt lnmu mid hh mmwi uu titlicr c4iiil4stnni ihilnted nil in his hole tin limit would rhci kl and miirkw nwnrdid kerrem hiivln linn employed to hoh hhn tbn rat would tiinke frr the wntir unit the imiit be rhiiiiifd iliintwl wntfr rut invi tnibit of mwlnimhij uhdir at and rfhppeur lii at une dlmunt point but thhf inluim dojr wii rml dteivid they ulmply lrodvvatiriind crunlim thrlr ntkn hiiiuhi frvr in rntv rtiippeur ulke nhlllllv one of tlulli would cficet it kill when more polnin were uwnnled so protltiihlc nnd populur hid thu spoit htvome tluit it whu decided local ly to tvolve if possible the p4rfet wa tendde ilo fie hud to he it good swim mer courageous and above all hleiuted with ntreiigth and linnitin otter hoimdh werif crosaet with rotmbcitiitid blueuiindtitn working terrlerrf tuid an iinhmil wiih producwl thnl dellghtel the honrts and tye of the local ancient thin animal was 11 rat known as tho blnglcy terrier but in 1871 ui name or airedale terriers vvaa beutowed upon id in and something arm eroplonc was burning now pajaiigers down safely regardlesi of what became of himself he triiul to glide to unseen crags below it was hopeless washout of course the miruclc was that hoy naxter uwd and tluit the aeroplane and mall did not burn tho subsequent investigation completely exonerated hoy no pilot could have done morv than he had done to save hid passengers there was re commendation that tho type of aeroplane he had flown be discontinued in servlca because of the radical structure and mechanical faults and that there be limitation of passes issued on alrmall planes an investigation however does not re store three lives hoy baxter was clear ed of blame and his position was open to him but he could not go back he explained matters to the super after the second trip and was advised to lay off until he could forget buying on aeroplane with his savings he tried barnstorming for his living uarrultormlng required taking up pas ieiiger however and he was afraid of what might reoccur thinking distance might lessen the pain of memory he hew down through mexico and guate mala landing antigua that ghastly scene still haunted him as it did now however ronson because he ame of th ti four had the ability to pay that debt of life to the uorld warm fcellnn of security and strength seemed to flow in his vns at tins realisation life was not meaning what folly to lknltwl bv ule rucr whlch surroundd the house lie had arrived hardly in time as he looked ahead hoy uondered if he had not been too kite the path was growing narrouer the woman sobbed we cant make it senor it is hopeless have faith said hoy through clenched teeth trust in god lie slandered on the stream seemingly la1 then as an uraanaineaod alu ho had uorked out tho intricate plan thcy te mad cnoubh to of attempt it the adobe house was crum ulll save jour ulfo and chlldrou bl 6no wa lotll ana tc lnu he cried suddenly have plane if lance can land in your borden there may th nrrocd to yard be horw places to it is madness ejaculated the plump pk pb proprietor or the csa ue uanana 18erhl on tlo pouring down his face at the cxer rroutiing vou cannot land olie and tlon mry spama modern and akicient urfaaui and rural there are many pal mi and oat mia modern urban and rural christian and moorlali observer madrid cor rehpondcnt in the now york herald tribune ttwre is the spain of the homaos at tarragons and merida spain tt lie woo rs in la olrulils and the al cazar at scvlllf in the moiuiue of cordoba the alhumbra und getiorsllfe of granada obrlhtlnu spain in uie iteautlful cathedralu of snutlngo se ville leon elurgou und toledo tu the mnunstery of 1c1 kdcorlal lu the con vents ubteyu church and rxsllcs of every period of european culture scenic and wimnntlc spain the land of varied and overapjieulink natural lieautlch of mnniflcent monmnentb 4iid castles of gardeiih and country wide of tlio almoat perfect cllmiitc of the charm of city and vitiligo fotoa of fnlkloro tlmt tin product of tho most diverse civilization of bygone days everywhere delightful thlh spuln of don quixote gil hlnn of tho cid of hon juan and of carmen still uvea in the very center nf the country la madrid tho iiluuya amlllnk and courteoua city great modern capital ln every respect tluit yet chorlnhefi lt remembrances of the pntt hero one cornea for every type ofclvllled en jojment hlnb on the lint of which are the prado miiteiim with uh treas ures of velaouez murlllo goya icl graco the essentials to success ln gooso ralshig according to tho dominion poul try husbandman are free range and an abundance of tender gross or clover tho geese should start to lay about the middle of march and tho eggs should be set on kooii as possible it is advis able to sprinkle the eggs with lukewarm water once dally when rt under tho mother goose ur under lirns and twice daily when set in an incubator goslings require warmth after hatching and should be lert under the goose or ln the incubator for about two days when tho goslings are ready for fed ug plate gre sotl near tbe brotwler in order tlmt they may pull the tender hoots iir the first few dnjtithey should ix fed bread crumbji moistened milk when they are ulmtit week old give tlum it moist mash composed of bran anil shorts feeding threo or four equal weigh of corn meal barley meal tlnms day for about two weeloi give the goslings good start then turn them out on good pasture und dlsconthiuo the feeding of mash thoy ahould bo protected from cold ruins con ilned at night until the weather gets worm and always liave plenty of sliudo und fresh water fcxercuuuuj the ftrcedlng kwes tlio matter of cxvrclslng tho owe flock tduuild not be considered lightly if strong lambs are to be had pregnant ewes should have access to run at all times if necessary spread liay on tlve snow so os to force them to move this will help to keep them in good health avoid crowded quarters not only are they unsanitary but tliey are uie cause of many abortions the spring seeol supply now is tho time for farmers to take stock of their spring seed requirements states tile dominion ccrcalist those who do not imve sufficient seed of their own should secure what they require as oon as possible making sure tluit they are getting the varieties recommended for tlicir part of the country armew who have their own seed should have it properly cleaned and graded before the spring rush ueabnkd yestkkoat gob professional hired by big de portment store to give golf lessons was approached by two women do you wish to learn to play golf madam rhcojrede oh no she said its my friend who wonts to learn learned yester day the fugrrrvx through alt kansas claims agent heros unother farmer who is suing lui on account of cows oflfelal one of our trains haskillcd them suppose agent no ho claims our trains go so ilow tl the passengers lean out the windows und milk hi cows as they go by an angry woman rushed into the trars office in her hand she bora license to tho registrar she said did you or did you not issue tide ll for marrying zno to alh brlggs yes bcltevo did why well what are you going to do atucgt it she demanded hes cscapodl suits him tim fact thut our jov rarely come up to anticipations is more thuu counter balanced by tluifact that our iron hlutt are never us bad us we anticipate youth ljit she beauty 1rlend ijhe has more beauty than knowledge my dear boy you til thats till right hare yood encyclopedia tkukihlk what lire on thinking about johnf the millie 4eiyllr mary oh if jou do ill sen am cost of caujelessnkss riley met with an accident but the next day managed to crawl to work why didnt ye stay home for week two said flnnlgan womt ye enrrjin an accident policy wor not bad ccis to me careless nessi said ililcy had left it home ln my bureau drawer stop that cold in hurry with you cmat cu ww 4j 1w can qulttlr dawalop into mmatktns tnudi dion kvdimia dn bm man cold trnk goxrt bmian qiiiniif grov wk it tk to wop tlut cold quickly mtul vdcnrmlf as dujupt ask to grtrrm thmfim la wuu aoi quinine bcufs send fir mis hockey book and autographed pictures vour favorite players heres your cliantc to book oil hockey how to llecotive hockey star uod kjccial sutorapltcd picture of fiimous hockey plseror team ilhk tliu uouk imi uuiey wrllwn by itunintu cnwi umu iuvj tuch at tli witua chiinivtitri irdtit uaiuwii 111 anj oilto lllifl ll4ul xl4 lvry will wiit llit hcky if iiu rl1iiii uu tluiuij liuiw iiluiui inn ley miftv ytuf htullw iliu blvrfllwwll fcllj ntv tliu ituifcuiullitg fmrr iauul id uxr ut cnmd uiith ujiuld iwtly siil in tui uurl urn can kjmumc cbowh ss1ahd lilv whiyt coftm vruf onj lid font ut jr mi ttuni any tun ol ilk ulliar iuujucib lulj miuw ur inxiu 1jici uil ti tlir 111 lloil nua miy t4cuwf 4j vjui ci rtiiii tlir iirnup tiiown al tlti rldlit malr uli vlmlo l4lll ibuo ijta lum wtiryuui elnlons cotin starch caujuaacoum stattch llckcr coiiw fyaich tllvfm clou laundrv staltch nim itmilii cominv imluu toronto kklkcv vobg icytmi vmm vuit nir fuj crmip canldumm 191s luur krjtljl ljtrm an lwii hun lllmlt aimuul mutdo jll itlwlo rrl ilurlw why of the four wondered roy luul lie been the one to live was there any ouidmbhitidireetlhedcitlrtlertof if jou should how would you escape hoy shrugged that dont know but something do know is that way will be shown me have faith in god lveryuiing is for purpose come here aimlessly thought but in reality for the purpose of saving tills mans wlfej and children there la meaning in everything if ue will listen to gods com mantis he hurried out to tlie cobblestoned street the driver who had brought the mosto from guatemala city was bar gaining with group pf guatemaltecas anxious to escape from antlqua you can come back here for them shouted hoy jumping into the taxlcab take jueto tlie landing hold muyproilo the driver nodded upon seeing the size of the bill hoy handed him turned mambiinartitrhitthdctirtlertef hlscaruroundrandwent bum ping crost iuan to make order out of chaos it the uneven street at swift rate pre dld not seem so to hoy he saw no scntly he drew up before the littleused reason why he of the four should have landing field hoy jumped out dartlnir been sparedl mo supreme hand would across the field to his biplane have made such decision if humans blplaiii hu placed chocks before the wheel just drifted through nn aimlens work prhmi his engine like chalf ln the wind however to what on tli at last they reached tlic great out thrust boulder which clove the stream of lava spent with tlielr climb the mother and the girl lay panting on the hot rock hoy laid the little invalid beside him and watched with grim sort of satisfaction as tlte trail closed behind them hours dragged on the convulsions of the volcano grew less frequent hoy knew tliey were saved he knew too that lie had been saved from life of futility by uie realization of that day he would return to his position with the new yorkchicago mail line because tliat would be tile hardest tiling to do he luul been ruanlng away from duty would be pleasant duty if lie would but remember that it was his only way of repa god for giving him that oppor tunity to serve man could he pin faith tlui reasoning al ways led him hack to the sunt futil question did anything really matter hoys pondering mind whs drawn from its own troubles by rumbling and lllifllmr the jouth glanced up at the three volcanos which stood guardians over the flat adobe town of antigua they were cilied agua ruego and ari tenaiiuo lyoni the latter issued plume of binolce etched in black relief uiilust the blue dome of the sky hoy wu in liferent to tile fict thit lui was now beiflmilng to spill ovei the brim nf the crater ainni thiy before smoke hu lvuetl jfiom atiteiiingo in purts tumu iini nulkhroomluir hf mils alot the ptik guatenmlern intllilis in bright him red und eltou homespun hulplles had trudged along the cobblestoned streets ul the oltl town othen had di pij oxcuru containing their ieanty posses sions watching theni hoy wo it ware tlhy sensed dung in the rumbling and growling of the volcano now tht thilr indian fears had materialued into rrallly hli instinct for self preservation was still uuarthisrd what dxs it mat ter anyhow he asked himself ttuddvnly car grated to stop outside and swung the prop third downward stroke the motor caught bursting into roaring song leaping into the riar cockpit hoy riuid up the motor mumuhile studying nir gis and teinptiturv ipiugis 11 ill rutting the gun he adjusted his helmet and coughs and then rocked the ship by qiilfklj opening the throttle in jerky fiuhlon until the biplane jumixd ltfi chockj and trundled down the un dulating held the mle of tin keep your stock free from blemish with douglas egyptian liniment itc mouj inflammation quickly relieves brubei sprains strains swellings con traction of cords stllfness of joints and jure muscles yugoslaviaa show placet the most widely known section of yugoslav in is the dalinutlun coant here in the undent coun split spala to with the lunious ruins of the palace of the honiiin imperor oloele tlun the well preserved huge palace la unique example of unman archi tecture near split are the ruins of the early christian town of siilona and little to the northwest rtnndh tho undent town of troglr trail with the lion of sl mark on the walls of the cathedral and of the city hall proof of the power of venice ln tho middle agea fuga ou capitol there are two flags which fly on the united states capitol uuy and night every dny in the year these are the hugs which fly immediately above tho nuiln east entrance and over the wst front of the capitol there nre two other fliigh one ovor the east front of tlienehittewiiiifi tlta other ovr thoaoflt fnnii of the hniifie wiuk these fly only during the legislative day tlmt jswliedllhljlnig quetitlon is in esslnii livks lost the production of tliat liw of thousands mr grilijeater no meat for me cr eat any thing that caits the life living crenture this bolud pota ti will do pilot uas grim and mr malfed very well but let me rlbihlnd hit owllike goggles he jerk lh the timtrol stirh baetwarti nvir the potato hu cut uid the held to hrinr up the no1 potam buis lllt liluu acroplaueuohukd tree in pace climbing with roaring motor kicking the left rudderbar untl euslng 111 stlcfc mlghhj to the left hoy ixuikid towurd acateiiunio now belching black lmidn of smoke he boiling slip ream hurled back hot ujhr and cludm into lib lean resoluui face inukhig breathing difficult ltl lachine guni in airplane to the outbreak of the world ulrpliiui on the ueuern trout ituiihv nnned with machine ic1 men carbines plttobi utintglinn liiitnl leiuules were carried by and nlierts in the spring of nil hillleieiils begun ti mount li in liin in tlielr stuiitlnrd two ml nee rem ft the ei iiioihliiie utitlinilt limti wan itrsi elleetlve tighter iuritiiiie taxpayer ilia gilat nld if uu ie win you tlty it uitdriiiiud to uiind uu thu hiii mlleii or other it ji mid hi ie the phillk im1 wii txtei mid the iniltlliiieir tuutillip in nt iiimm tiled heft re li tin lo lih rescue me the biplane shuddered in the grip of roiituctuii wind currents taiued by the fiiqiifiit blasts of the volruno mud formed on his wing in great gray sheet as the steam mixed wltli the while usli illlug tlie air as the biplane lie red the inuuutaiu itoy teasoued out hu course he saw little marl grandmother had uuyi it nivasurinj jard by holding tun end if the goods to her niiie and then stretching the piece at arms length one day mury found piece of rlb ii il tue ilict tin ti pillon and ereil limine currying it to her yrundmother she reqdtled gravely grandma utitdl ihu and see how long it is wouldst thou subjuct all things to thy lr subject uiiwlf to uiy reason uullcco vowlo nd uirlni ihe ori wmiiiiiu ulle or uiih und ihlie of heap depi iiiim lug wt1l it inu bllnetl ilk eipe tor it ult cuke little til hint iiliwhhii but juiliueiit 111 nili hi the free press offers you great subscription bargain ihat saves you money osfiul jiirl imt ueaiiofiy here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment anjdljbhtjertainjnenokewiijeejbr through this is all you hav4 to do select any of these famous magazines ilct liv with your and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low puce hw pi 02 currnil thouaht yr maelcani 34 iiui yr chatelaine yr canadian yr national home monthly yr factorial review 1yr canadian horticulture and home magazine 1yr our guarantee la youl this wonrtfrfiil atfor uvnll ublc to old and new subscrib er lo thin newspiper we ciuranuc tho fulfillment of nllttiiiliiiadnc inbrcrlptlrtiiii ump you luivo positive jiiuirnnce thit thlu oneroua offer 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