Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 30 Jan 1936, p. 2

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run two the acton free press pubuthcxl every thursday at actoo ontario both old hantc of subscription ratesuw pr yea united stale 9tc additional single copies ind addreee ahould be given wbew addraae rcqacated cancellations we find tht moil oaf aub criber prefer not to have thai ubaerlpjioo uterrupuu in cam they lil to remit before explratlpo while aub criptioos will not be carried in rreaf avo an extended period yel unlet we are notified to cioctl we time the uueenber wuhee the rke cootlnued rniuuncm hould be mde by registered letter money order or cheque advertising rates lnl notlc lac per line or first insertion be per line lor each eubeequent intion ruder ioc per line or each labcrtlon ii in black face type sc per line additional notice qualifying aa com ing attraction ucb as conrri entertainment church society or orasnuslion mretin etc ioc pcrvttne mini mum charge sc reports of meeting aladly inserted frac in alemorinm notices joe and ioc per line extra for birth marriage ices oc and ioc per cand death notice ic per rd kpplu charge aic caab if addresael es vary ac lu olu advtu booaed jjc to this oflui diplay adv io space contracted lor although every precaution will be taken error the free 1reaa accepts advertising in its on the understanding that it will not be liable lor any ttof in any ad vert uemrnt published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement la rcitcd lu writing by the advertiser and returned to the free we bustnens office duly signed by the advertiser and with such errur or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free pre its liability shall not ekceed such proportion ol the entire cost of such ailvcrlleiiieiit as the space occuyied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by ucb advertisement ahi01 dills kditor releihones ediiorial reaidenc business otfc acton joins in tribute with tribute befitting mortarch beloved by his people every part of the british empire on tuesday participate in day of mourning acton in com monwithallqiherparts joined on this occasion of the funeral of the late king george busincss places were closed and business suspended for the day the service arranged under the guid ance of reeve harrison and the council was attend ed by citizens in every walk of life and in larg3 numbers residents of this district were joined in common bond of loyalty and sympathy on this occa sion in tribute to ruler beloved modern highway cleaning methods the past week has put to test the maintenance of the moans of travel and the opening of roads of course regular schedules could not be maintained in summer tiiriq but it is remarkable just what is done on the highways these days with modern snow clearing machinery on the second line below bcacji wid crowding down irom the sur rounding hilui simon was dlhufently wuihintf hliiiicbi ulttr iruluuju night acton and on down below the county town the roads have been cleared and are in good condition but the piles of snow on the side give evidence of somestrenuous work in making them so good for motoring just east and west of acton on no highway the snow is not quite so deep us it wojuld seem that the snow fence has been placed to gooj advantage it seems only few years since motor travel to any of these places under present weather conditions would have been out of the question the increasing motor traffic and the demand by the public for this convenience has made the change necessary the plan under trinl by the council of clearing the snow from section of mill street is in keeping with this trend and step along in the direction of mote convenience for the motorists thursday january 30th 1033 the sunday school lesson sunday fk11iujauy 2nd 1936 jesus knljists 11eueku golden text rhy left oil and fol lowed him liifco ii lesson tevxl luko 111 27 28 tlirto 28 slucc galilee htnir capeniiuim exposition jtui lrruchlntf irom fliihlng llout 13 thrt is nothing tlint will draw the tnulliludt ultu tho word of jod it rvin mann disf nrfd and when otliur topics full to draw tin an ancient watcn is owned by mr clement toovey 70yearold baker of whicldcn street amcrsham he uses watch that is 253 yrarj old it la bullcvcd to bo tho only cjiir of its kind in ti it la solid cold and is only xllalilly larger in clr cumftrcitct uian halfcrown tho watch originally belonged to his grcat grcat grand father and has bevn lianded down from one member of tho family to tho otlirr mr toovey has wd it regu larly for 45 years during which time ho has only rent 2d on it when hand siorkod loocc word of heuiltig mic god commands it brought great joy to the heart of jesus to ixtj uieij jnultltudes gathered together to hear the mussuk from th father ittlo way from tlio uioru jfe wit and taught tlui crowdtt lbilng uie kcrsian ilalm li mugieal in cxaunk llurlng complex ions little grntlc tuddinrand rjciif lslnvigoralfdrand toucliud wluithe truo iwuuty of youtn cliarmlngly fragrant dellghtftil to uw ctxils and currms the rlcln itellnves all rouglincjj and cliallnif cauwd by walhcr condition ivjuva and fctlmu uuji knliances aiwl proucbi the lovelliyl complcxloii unrivalled as perfect aid beauty and cllarm god ive tlie kink the british empire goes forward under new monarch king edward viii who became king on thcdeath of his father king george much has already been written and told of this new king he comes to the throne at time of life that has given him the advantage of mature judgment his train ing for the position and his opportunities to visit and study all parts of tho empire fit him well for his responsibilities he is fully abreast of the times and his association with people in nil walks of life has made hint favorite with nil who have met him kfng edward viilcomcs to the throne with loyalty engendered in his people by his own winning backed by hie example of his worthy predecessors he will continue to bind closer the parts of his farflung empire of which all people join loyal in singing god save the king belter farm produte prices judging from prices realized nt recent farm auction sales it would appear that an upward trend is noticeable in these commodities prices reported inst week at neighboring sale were cause for real optimism another fenture was the fact hint the goodtprices were also ensh prices and the deal was all completed the day of the sale these facts are encouraging it has been stated frequently that better prices were needed for farm produce before general improvemnt in conditions would be pos sible evidence points to these better prices being here along with more optimistic outlook among the farming community it is undoubtedly among tho signs pointing to better conditions generally actons population the figurespublished last week giving the assess ed population of acton last year ns 1957 will come as quite surprise to many it is quite probable that thisyeurtflgurcswiiriroinrrurtlier increase over those now quoted and possibly put the mark ove the 2000 figure jew years ago there was nplnn to annex that pnrt of bcnrdmore crescent lying in the township nnd if this were done it would ndxl another hundred or more to the population figure of course that brings up th construction contracts gain if the trend of building activities reflects the stnte of the public mind it would seem hint the canndian people have no serious lack of confidence in what the future holds construction contrncs nwnrded throughout all canadn during 1035 as com piled by maclcan building reports ltd amounted to 10305000 nn increase of 274 per cent over the 1934 total or 125811500 and 047 por cent over the 1933 total of 97289800 during 1935 there were 19047 separate projects compared with 10734 in 1934 and 13407 in 1933 the number of jobs of tll when jraus luikinl the loan ot hbi bout hu cheerfully left his worlc and uccetfed to jctuu rcqueit it was well for lilni tliat ihj did he teas abundantly repaid lor his laicrlflcd no one ever puui lilmielf or what he luui ut jcaw deilicul hut that he lj richly rewarded mul 10 it would be well if moro nlnhlen loday pursued the miuters plan of prejichlnir in tho open ulr where the crowds are kvery one of the reul ujmolw recorded in llvj ulble wer preached in the open ulr ii obedience the condition ot dls clpleshlp nnd its howard 47 the sermon untslukl jesus proceeds to imy for the use of the boat launch out into the deep lie says and let down your net the masters com mand was searching test for peter he had ilshed all niht und cuuuht nothhitr moivover ibihernuui he knew tint ilsh are not usually cauifht in the deep waters of lake at first he protests but remembering who it li that sneaks he finishes ills obedience neverthchs at thy uord will let down the nel there was neier any luck of decision about pxitcr and that was one reason uhy the holy spirit could use him co nildhtlly in the bulldinn up of gods kingdom calllnir andrew to help him he immediately pulls out into the deep and lcls doun the net ilk faith wiis speedily reuardjd they enclosed jjrc multitude of tlshes ilnppy is tile man uho is able to say to jesm in spite of uu the objections or his own common at if wc will lend ourselves to the leading of ubi holy spirit he saw in him mm rlicrn hli redeemedllbi con hu dlsclple ills apostle hlt bfoaruphcr nule that levi was attendbiw faithfully to lib business when jesus called him white the multitudes hud tone out to resort jt oellcalj fcuf is delicious hkkillinkks can jlfc cufctl vated you ure fortunute if you are horn un optlmlit or you takiu cheerful view nuturilly thaw who are born wor riers who come naturally hy tilth fears and uiinrehliiloikj nied hot dnsnulr cheer funev it onu of the cjiuiluiei that can be cultivated and the vurlity created by jiteiuiy nenltent effort quite as liiitlrfticnrty nnviejjloii tui that whlciib liumirn th fuct lt that if you do not like ihj rlmructirltlca willi which you ure born dt termini to chunije thetti tlieodore ruaevelt who li reiurdid by mat of you us symbol or rmdjld ktrennth wai youth ulr jitronc body wiu jetur fidelity to duty necljjirv in one who would be dirclple of our ijjrd mid jefuj uho iacj the lieiirt rccotfttliud tliu iunllty in lvl more over ur uix kntherer he hud beei trained in habit of accuracy to judjfo nicn and to be proof iitfulnsl lmpojuon all characterleticr which god can xui in jiu tvicc the lord calhi or iij pleaiui but lie uhat lie dolnjl sovereignity li not bud it act with boundlcij wlwltup tile call vna very sudovn very brief very much tojlii point without hejilbitlon levi rcji up and folloued thu voice of jciiir hud what the difference between bun transformed the keen moneyjiettlua and drum publican into devoted dliicipki one is raten and the other li beaten not uift from indulgent nature but the product of lib own ditermlnutun some or the bruvcjt net ever performed have been done by men who were born coward some of the mot cheerful roul who look forward confidently to every tomorrow marled out in life by bclnn nppreheniive nothing blrult factor in rucpjj than chferfimw nothinc mor necejiary to your happlncis 1iki1in tacii otliblt picnic party itopied ut un orchard und niled tlulr lunclwon bukut with fruit ai hey piiurd the farmer houo they liloviud up while one of them called out we thought we otiifht to tell you wv helped ourielvti to yourrfpnloi oh thuti all rlht niitwcred tho farmer cheerfully helped myself to your tocb und ipatv tire whllu you were in the orchurd li uaiy mull boy at party hud been eut im steadily for tin alurmlii lenictli of time when he ujked another hulpln jhe hojiieu inoke to him earneitly willie she said im quite urlouj ii you luke another helplnt of cake youll burt willie lbtenjd alarm preidlntf over hi il mures he hrsltated and ttuud the plate of cake finally he sat erect study of lierofr resolution arlclit then said he nlc anltlivr helpln and staun clear llttlj iijy on way to dentlits oh mummy uhy uasnt born with benk taken in conj with the value of th work cense andrcaionlnc ncvcrlhli indicated definite upward trend which should be tll command will in thjri accentuiucd in i93g if national and international skies continue to clear each province shared in the increased building activities in 1935 where 1934 tlollar volume totals were smaller the percentage of increase during 1935 is noticeably high ontario where 50 per cent of the total awards were shown for 1934 had 44 per cent for 1935 but at the same time exceeded its previous year record by 118 per cent with little or no changethe other provinces main taincd their percentages at level with those of 1034 while the federal government work was active private enterprise prompted by renewed con fidence and actual demand was equally responsible for the increased operations residential construc tion increased 19 per cent business buildings 292 per cent industrial building 28 per cent and en einccrirrk 3rnperccnt another lndicarioirott3ettey fines is the amount being spenton new theatres and renovations and alterations of existing properties the 1935 total of for this class of work was 12g3 per cent over the 1934 total nnd the first major increase in this classification since 1930 editorial notes at the request df tenders the old man gives again his early history of acton streets commencing in this issue of tun ifrcc pncss copy the times has come to our desk it is splendidly illustrated in colorsamla copythatrisapprecinted havent written hockey editorial this year were mi vm it until the boys land championship that indications point as splendid possibility this year it is claimed for new invention that motor car can he made to run 2i miles on pint of gasoline or more than 200 miles on gallon another re vision of the gas ta will be in order if the invention ever reaches the market county council met wednesda the ngs up the question again or incorporation as town or retaining the status of village there is reluctance on the part of man places to incorporate as town fergus for in stance has had many more than the required number for several year and yet remains vila itpclumis announce the new wasnhr rtutthj bl nnd jt is nring editorial columns are writien previously ueeve th w0 mark memory serves us right forest ceorge carrie of fsquesmg the very probable hill village with population ol over 70011 retains scll of lhc mcmhcrs wi the name of village after all whats in name county council during this term the thing that causes the most satisfaction is that in these days some growth is being shown and actons population is showing substantial increase due in im ts of fresh iruit fnun canada during no large part to lhc stability of its industries and their vcmhcr lli lllltl ynllie ol 2292150 compared with expansion 1753085 in november 1934 apples to the value nf 22ti7l22 were the principal item and went to 31 countries the leading purchaser of canadian of various governing bodies and or hcuds of various governing bodies and organia apple was the united kingdom with shipments to tion imve been selected tins month january might the be termed organization month vplue of 2157017 and brail was purchases valued at 19257 wards liej the secret of all blessedness all victory and all achievement cf jno btessihtr alwayr awaits the obed ient deut 11 27 isa 10 acts 32 put out into the dep he li miylm tub to nil today all about us are rreat decp of tin and misery into which the average rqsnel usher man never puts out but uhlch are full of jlsh some of us uould unclose jreat multitude if we uould only heed jesus command one nlchta fruit irss toll does not foretell failure so ereftt war tlwcntch that slinan and hli brother could not handle it they called james and john to help them there lesson here for churches and indl idual worlwrs how many church that is utterly unable to secure oil the lbh in tlw neighborhood li still jealom of other churches that come to its help they wou that tho nets break and the ush escape to their belnif caught by some other denomination wc need to be morv concerned obout the fish being caught than about who catches them there were mare than enough for all and both bonis began to sb gods blessing often proves almost more than weeun carry iii jesuj mighty promlaj to peter 011 peter takes fright at the miracle he hmtgottun rhmpsc of jesuatleltyr and in the presence of that plirity and pouer was overwhelmed wltlia seru of his own sinfulness hbi unworthlne depart from me for am sinful man lord he cries view af god always brlngii the sinner to realize hh rckl of iniiimi44ii jobjafcrv jl recognition of jesus as divine and of our sinfulness ouoiitto bring tn fp ills feet for pardon but not with jlu cry that he depart jrom ug mercifully jesuit refused peters petition sense oi unworthliujj real sign of lltntas for strvlce jtxus cheered peui trembling heart with that oftrepeated 1var not thvn lred it with the glor iv proinlv from iwmceforth uimi shujt ratch men jcmb first baiushes ovr feir then ciiipouen for ixrvlce th vtird truirjitid catfh iiuiuu utvraly tule alhe the gosiwl fbhcrninn catelts men lo niale tluin nlhe uilj feel them the day eanv uhen th mucrs prmnlj uoiulcrfu ly lul lilhd ats 1441 klnuin mid inimiuiis huwid that they bcliivcsl jtu prmile ty hulnj all fnli iiih him iarvtim vhn wnnlrt hi titt true foil hut must tn tin junr mul hi 21 iulce i3 but mirh fonac inc ull piv fit in fin thij uill ciii fur all time imdi ternlty iv the cm ur unlmmulthett pilbllfui to nimt 2711 jtmlt ui iuthrrillg taxes uome lining hl pockets to the sacruu hb palrlntlm he belonged tn rla hiiruly clt pled by hbi fello jcuj vl this dplmd publican ai iy an important part in tublhnunt of the gapel and to url the dmiarlhily jettlh auip1 iv all the evil that uas in him out lie alio saw hb luiaplutiiut tor llclpl shlp and sen ire nuw ull that iitut to muke of hllil jllt us he in ill ofiu uhit he can inuki out red rom tea iijb rj pii 26c rowntftet umwasunitd chocolate isi 17c swcl sphiih pimlentosiin7c to darken tnd fuvoi gvy bisto mpus 25c cnd wui or cid vinegar is 10c heinx cooued spaghehi ifi 11c tku tbe uat eu tb fooj ul td topi kit itvd ia um town uirroundia tb luiinu uit cubed carroll bot jde bulll pineapple 10c white meat solid pack tuna fish regular fo tender meaty prunes medium lb 23c lyhti villoy piu pumpkin 3vn2c blueberries tender evpofted peaches klb 10 laichlne goldan wax beans anosmcst ndtn patch golden corn 170 in 19c mccormicks frctli bitcuiti buher bars pounds oia nnd sanborns dated coffee 1lb pkg toilet ivony soap ukm 14e liquid steve poliih zebra ea 15c mupla uil pure itaitdj ilb tikg 14c flnffvjqy glancot jam 32ai jar 26c velveela or old english cheese mlb fk ise t0 lett su roiis 25c blue bid red salmon tn 27c 151 carrolls limited grapefruit sotjllem inions uunil and dry lbs iv otatoes hft ood cookers peck jv good spinach crccn crbsp mid curly lettuce tomatoes lbs ickkeim iikm iibads ytlpk oranges 29c navei nice sie ala kiwciiil medium ivikie doeii iakce jlc dozen eltee delivery phone second with mill street ph 151 acton ontario

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