thursday january 30th 1930 the acton free press paob bbvst tsui land op beqinnino again wish that there were aome wonderful place called the land or beginning again where all our mistake and au our hjmrfaffh and all of oar elfish grief oould be dropped like shabby old coat at the door and never put on again we oould find all the things we intended to do but forgot and remembered too late utile praises unspoken little promises broken and all of the thousand and one uttle duties neglected that might have perfected the day for one less fortunate chronicles of xiiiigerlearjrl written specially tar acton free press owendouke cijkwmk it couldnt be in the lnd and the ones whom thtlr would and le not to be kind beginning again tusjudged and the ones bomwatgrudged dknnens of victory here the grasp of our loving clasp more than penitent lips could explain so wish that there were some wonder ful plfee culled the land of beginning again twenty ykars ago procn the lane of the free press of thuraday february 3rd 1916 owing to an epidemic of measles at erin village the lubllc school was closed last wvck the partial cell pec of the sun takes place today between 10 oclock and noon tulips peeped their noses through mother earth during the warm spell last week and the lilac buds partially opened adiss tuclla lane favored the phkc phksj with generous bouquet of iwmisloi gathctvd rrom her gurden on monday checker match between milton and acton was kocrdy contested in tlio seventy eight ganics playvd mil tan won by three mr john crlpps of vancouver la going to russia lo take position in connecton wit the of now railway from pctrogrod to ekalefna7in lapland at the annual meuung of the fcsqucs lng agricultural society the following officer wrw elected president clarridge 1st vice president near 2nd vlccpresidmt campbell some mtcrutuig data concerning tiii bamiockbum school lias been supplied by mr wurrvu prom this rural school linjtgone out quartette of earn est ministers of tht gospel tluy are liev alexander worrell ilctf mulcolm gordon jiev ration brown and uev james henderson twentyalx teachers laid the foundation for their profession in tldtf school and somj suc cessful builnui men who claim this school for their alma muter are james warren ih john luwson capt john shaw it worren sir banal mann brown dr warren kerr brown bay watson and many success ful formers atunded school at bannock buru knox church held successful anntver wiry services last sunday wltli rev archibald blair or guelph as the special speaker ttic opening of tne present church occurred on sunday pcbruary 24th 1805 imi niven at london on tuesday jun uary 25th 101c dr james simpson nlvcn father of mrs torrance bear more acton ip his goth year sometimes one lo almost stunned wltn the thought or the possibilities that lie in the unknown future last wvck as wrote news hod just como through of the death of bud yard kipling and be fore my article was actually in prln every comer of the british empire wad shocked at the sudden death of uic late king goorgov the very suddenness of his papain makes one rcollxo the significance of the setter formerly known as the setting spaniel there sec in lit tit diiim thtti llni english setter wiih hrl kimu hh the netting spaniel and huh hiiialler dog than the hotter we know today willi thdetelopmentof tb letl mill with ilie arrlvnl of the gun to nplace the net writes km nk lol in the new york herald tribune in riser dog wero dvajnd nnd tliu hotter wiitf porftm toil the first comprihiiimlve to count or lhi hotter is found in tin writings of john keys founder of the ollego at ounhrldro unlverxlty mini hurn bin luitne ill wrote ii honk on dim lihoilt uv70 lit guve nilici iitlontlnii to kuin le and as nuh7llvlhlui of till breed wrote of tht tunm ealhd the wet nr or in latin indix ono portion of kbit of mltlelfiit itittrtht to ilog lovers to hu quoted horn of lm nvdlevitl upoulipi it fob voting arrangements in eramosa beccnt creation of new division recalls changes in voting places hi since unless worms bo expelled from thj system no child can be healthy mother craves worm kxtermlnator is on exeel icnt medicine to destroy worms fortitamovidiyihrpateoijilr as uie prench penetrate further and further southward into the sahara pacifying the roving arab tribes as they go hotels are being erected for the ac commodatian of government offlelald visiting army officers business men and the occasional venturesome tourist the hotels liod to be taken south through the desert in parcels each parcel weighed about 300 lbs and was one camelload caravan after caravan travelling fartyfivu daytt through the sands brought to timlmoun in the far south of algeria uic many tons of win dows doors gloss clilna linen cutlery furniture electrical installation and other equip me ut needed for the local hotvl nvltherforejnenhor european laborers would agree to go there so tlic place was built by prench army engin eers who themsclvixj had to trace in the sand tlw first outline of tile building because the superstitious ulld arabs of tlie region feared the kvll eye and would not have any tiling to do with blueprints they did consent to make tlie mudbricks hoavner which form the unlls and to drag up to the site the datepalm trunla forming the roof beams and glrderuorlc tlie rist had to come in parcel uvea the hliu of the dewrt bringing the parcels uere tem itcramiiital tlu mould not truel on even such good rondj iu were lo be found auiig their line of rouie but hud he sttivd uu soft sanely rmirv cumdj suffer from bul spell of loot jrnus uii1ls allmed miu trad foct thoirttotcven king when thu umo comes for oiilghcr calling con bo held back cither by the skill of his physicians or the prayers of hlo sor rowing people we may truly say of our lato king greatly ho lived and peace fully lie died king loved and re spected wherever his nomw was known and in his own words friend to all enemy to none before tile almost unbclluvablti an nouncement como of his death wo heard on tile radio tlie latent bulhtln of hfs condition following which band play ed with heurtbrcalcuig solemnity god huve the king how often we hi or the notional anthvm and how ultle atten tion wc sometimes give it but uist mon day os wo listened we were struck with tlie significant simplicity of every word our king was dying and in our hearts uas the thought god oive our gracloun klntf long live our noble king it was tlie prayer of every loyul subject that even yet he might bu spared long to reign over us but even while the urtxious thoughts ofaonmny nillllonaof leoiile werv with him our beloved king lib life swiftly drawing to its close waited oven as kings must wait for tlie loving summons of king even greuur than lw culling him home pullouing the death of the king it was so very obvious how greatly he was loved and respected tiiat could not help thinking how rvmote was the posjlbllity tliat great britain could ever become republic we hear rumors now and again tliot the brituh empire is npllt ihig rumors lllco that will no doubt by hoard to th end of time every ae ha ilt ngllators and its uuipbox orators remember as child being terribly uiet because heard comeonc say theij uouldnt be king in england much longer that royalty had had its dny and unit we were fast approaching tho uve of democratic era it uorrled me tlien but it doesnt worry me now be auim do not think thero is any fear of great britain becdmlng republic uhen the passing of sdwrclgn li such real grief to the common people and uhen the uccesslon to the throne of ft now monarch is tin occasion of natlon ulde rejolcinff looking back over the jears one of my earliest recollections that of playing in the drawingroom nt my home in england my brother and sister came in dressed for going out they had booked scats for theatre that night someone ran in with tho news that the queen was dead my mother cried my brother and ulster to uhom theatre as great treat took olf their things without uord everyone uas rtunncd into silence strangely enough king edwards death there fji uliother nort of dug orv lecuble for fowling huiulug tm oou4 either with foot or tnglie uhlle it fol iowm the game thf dogn intend dll lirtiitly npxtn their nuikierh mid from their directions biicii as oiiih itintloith mid gthtiirofl hucb iim it tony pleutie them to give either go forward draw hmgward or move to right or left when ho hits found be bird he kerph mm and find nleiue ktojiving unit with cioho watchliui ty laj htuil kftuind creeping forwunl ah he np prunchen tho place where the bird in lie tliu down mid with murk of bin fitiw nhows the place where the bird la renting whereby it hi mipponed thin kind of tlog hi railed index or hotter being tndisd tlie ininit hettt lltted to bin qnalltlts the fowler then wpreadh bin net intending to hike the bird when tlilh id done the dog in the nc ttihtomed klgu from iiih nnikter rheu up nnd drnuh near tlie bird that lit tttnrtled into being the author of ltil own eiihnnrlng iin prepared net he eiitnnged in the tjio report of tho inaugural meeting of tlo eromosa townalilp council where it was stated that tlie council intends to rearrange tho polling subdivisions of tliat township and rreutc ftuw dlvulun ut edth mllb brliigs to light some interesting history of the develop mrnt at electoral machinery and sub divisions in erumou prom thi time of tt first township council meeting hi january lsiio january 876 oil municipal elections were held at or near the centre inn this meant drive of tun miles for voters from uu north conier of the township or nine mihti from tlie other comers lu 1810 the council esuiblbiied thn0 mibdlvljoiui for parllomenutry pur poes tlirse were no ruckwood comprising lots to acroji the town ship no centre inn comprising lots to 10 wld no oustic taking the remaining lots 20 to 32 although thise iubtllviilomi were es tabliiied in lutjo for parllumentiiry pur posoi the municipal election were con ducted under the old system of one port ing place at the centre inn until 1u73 at the october meeting in that year the council decided that the old system would remain in force for the election for 1178 os the provision for two new subdlvlslons would be too expensive but apparently the idea of convenience wai gaining ground for at the december meeting the reeve stated that the council uere obliged by provincial auth orities to provide convenient polling placen for municipal elections and the election for 1070 was held under the new system artnnh srvxtt ml stoeboag processional service inittntcdbyriic conncilrr two minutes silence scriptural sentences mr snll kevochhrriion rev bennie time tables hymnwc arc compassed about wfth so great cloud of witnesses par ull the auiiiu who from thuir labors ret who thee by faith before the world eoilfrsjed hy liiliiv jesut be for uvir blest liullllljuh iwm wujt tludr liock their jrtrcij undthetr might thou ijord their captain in the well fuuifht fluht tiuui in the darkutss drear tin ir one true light rullelujiihl and when the strife is fierce the war fare long steals on the war the distant trlumph song and harui are brav iigiln imd arms are strong biilllujahl thij golden evening brightens in the wijt hiton smm faithful wurrlon comcth riyt iiut is the culm of puradlso uie bvst halhlujahl but lol tin ro breaks yet more glorious the salnls triumphant rlui in bright array the king of glory passcs on lib way llullelujahl 1vom eurtlis wide bounds from oceans furthest coast tlirouffli gates of pvarl itrcauui in the countless hast singing to father son and holy oliost hallelujah amen row psulm 90 the i4rmuuii iijulvu jiihaijlip vilnped on the omnten of country gen llemen and nobllliv in kngluiid do not rvmember so clearly except that at tlie time was serving in millinery shop and the hop was almait besclgcd with uomnn unntlng to buy black hats uas serving one lady for uhom could not find suitable hat she folloued mo wherw ever weut look she bried suddenly theres one you havent shown me pointing to ulde brimmed hat in the corner of glass case im sorry madam but that is my own hat never mind let mt try it on will pay you for it simply must luive black hat and so rather against my will gave in and sold the customer my own hat alter all her need was greater than mine since was only young girl but atlu it was wltli rather guilty feeling that attended with my mother memoral sen lec for king edward vii and wore white hat with broad black band that uas tuvnty seven years ago but the luurt of the british people the simc nov as it uas then there may not be the same rush for black hats in thii day and age hut the sviue of loyalty remains unchanged and uliut of the iuu king partner has bet asked that question ojd many time brrain uhlle tvrvlng hi trance during the oreiit wan he uu fortiuuite enouuh the thin pilnre portion of our country once property of mexico nearly third of the territory of inn continental united states wns nneo part of mevlcn it was aninlred by the united staler in three iiiineviitlnnk the tlrst wns uhen tevuh lib hud rebelled from mexieo nnd up mp urate goiriiineiit was nrmixei to tlu country lu 181i the miejilinn ofihe tens boundary led to the leliih wir at the run ehnlun of ulilcli our sniuheni neluh bor ceded eerv thing north or the tin flnmde and clin ruers in isvt thin country nettled number of neektloiim of boundary property and damngei by ptircluihlni an additional strip of fontliwoitern irnd from mexico tlui giiihiden uireliuh included in these three cessions were nil of the stales or tens new mex ico arizona nevada and california more thnn half of colorado and parts of oklahoma kansas and wyoming lord thou hast been our place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth dr ever thou hiidst formed the earth and the world even rrom ever lasting to everlasting thou art god thou turnest man to destruction anj ajet return ye children of men 1or thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it past and as uatch in the night thou carries them away as wltli flood they are mi uleep in the morn ing they are like grass which groweth up in the morning it ilourlsheth and grouctii up in uie evening it cut ed polling pkice taking jn territory na down and ulthereth fur south iu creusuiui corners and re ue re consumed by thine anger llevlng the heavy lut at rockwood nni by thy wruth nw ua ti all remain standing suiil responsively mrj mcdonuld zone commonder and president canadian legion dwelling nadian at ajcton dally except sunday 700 aa dully except sunday 1007 jm dally except sunday 6j3 pjb sunday only 7mpna tlie chicago flier that pe throatfb hero at 031 toastbound stopa at georgetown at d40 galxv west dully except sunday saaajn dally except gupduy 133 dj4 daily except sunday 704pm daily except sunday 1331 tlox sunday only 006 am sunday only 1136pm stakdaltd tujcz thou httit set our iniquities before thee our jtccret sins in tlie light of thy countenance tor all our dayv are jiiuised away in thy urath ue spend our year ns tale that is told this plan of four subdivisions con tlnued until 1r0g hen rearrange ment provided for he subdlvlsloa es tnbllshlng now polling place at speed side in 1901 the polling place at the centre inn um moed uestward to no school prayer of supplication ulld the folloulng year it uas established fartlier uest at tlvj four corner hymn with minor adjustments the sub god of our lathers known of old divisions and polling puicls or 1902 hae lord of our farflung battlellne continued to the present but during evneath wlioe awful hand ue hold dominion oer palm and plfic recent clclltlcnn to the tew ltet1 aoli h0i bc bllh yet ol thu nnmca or wive of rntepnjcre nntl tti forcet of furnicri qni and dailfthterr iave duelled the lliu to tuch an extent that the tumult midthe ahoutlnp die thu list at hockwoodnow umolmtl the captalit and the ulngc dpirt nearly 500 whertui the leril limit li itivndi thine ancient acrlllce 300 it appears poislbfc that eden mui humble and contrite heart lord clod or hot be ulth us yet oer century old ulll net its llrst rorbct uc the days of our years ore threescore yean and ten and if by reason of strength they be fourscore yeans yet their itrenuth labor and sorrow for it li soon cut olf and we fly away who knoweth the power of thine aniter even accordlnk to thy fear so thy wrath so teach us to number our days that ue may apply our heart unto ulsdom return lord how lony and let it repent thee concerning thy servants satisfy us early with thy mercy that we may rejoice and bc glad all our dnyti make us clad according to the drtyin wherein thau limit afflicted us and the years wherein wc have seen evil let thy uork uppear unto thy jer vonts and thy ulory unto their children and jet the beauty of the lord our god be upon us and establish thou tlie uork of our hand upon us yea the uork of our hands establish thau it rev baxter beware lest thou forget tlie lord thy god rircalled our navies mjlt auiy on dune and headland sinks the fire lo all our pomp of yesterday is one it li nlneeh and tyre judge of the nations spare us yet let ue forjjlt lest ue forget nd aiwmys flower garden lawnl llnwer garden of the purine win noi ulwan mitral paradise be fore adventurous silloru struck its khoreg it luul only limited crop uh heeds renebed the inrirl tbnt lie tieii yleldod only by their rare uiil fortune the kiindiilwnnd tree uns nntlve nnd tramlc in that emp wun fneinr in the introductliii of other phintti when the white man went to settle mi the la tin da be tool with him kiipllnifh and fl twf rub ud uliiuu fxum oll purls of tho pnelllc fuvnrnhlc climate of india with uh mem the nionuoypod tret arrow bus ijiavb westbound ims 114s except saturday 215 315 tai saturday oidy 51s kn 715 1115 105 kilurduyit sunday mnd llululvyti leave eastbound 100 hi daily except sutttljly 010 125 40 til g4s 000 itlnhualtltk ilannku to all 1oints canada unltti states mexico consult local ajjint vlles restaurant central ontario butt lhud tojtonto palteftsonro slvecbdut in kyo kata orthtiptlo trcatmenli lytmrjjrflm 10 wyndham sl next to loklw gudlpii piionk 210a quality aimurttcy bcanru polling uibdi vision necessary readjustment result ts first of the they thrived in the banmin tree derlng brancheii loouin like an umbrella decked gaily with unworn nnd mnhy other beautiful typea of fo unge were imported nnd the land be came iubii mower curden flint tempuranc society the records of till early peoplpj contain refcrencea in the eviin of in toklcntlon in the illhle nlxth chapter of numbora the vow of the nn7nrlln includea tlie reparation from wine und btrong drink including the juice of grapes fresh grapew and dried grnpea vvnhnotiijun lrnnd lw that temperance tncletleh witc formed lif great ilrltiiln about irto the move mont ntnrted in tlie united suites nnd the independent order of good temp luru waa founded in ism dacovry of grwat ston face the great slum iaie nhmil wlileb iliiulhnrne nte the old man of the mmijilnlns hi tbe white mountulnii of new iliiinphlilre ll uie discovered in by pniinl wlilieomh and luke llruitki uhlle uiirkliig on the notch tund it ulls llri described by gen martin field uh visited it in 1s07 ivmiii uie base if projfetlnn form iiil tbe chin to tin top of that fnriulnq 1or heathenheart that putt hertnut in recking lube and iron uhard all valiant dust that builds on dust and guarding cals not tlwe to miard for frantic boost and foolish word thy mercy on thy people lord amen rudyard kipling editors note thia very lnterestina scriptural reading from the new testament rev brillingcr hlstorfcnl skutch of the changes in vot ing in eramosa wm available to the prayer iev brillinger thli pbeto through the courtesy of mr gol who nrc not tne god of tnc dend hut of lne living and win dast sualio up death forever ue uinnk theu for the hope of life that is eternal we bless thee for the fellouship or the unseen for those who are all rone into the world of light uho sevi thy fate and servo thee still their heroism and their sacrifice their deed and their endurance shall bethe heritage of childrens children with humble hearts and memories and lowly pride ue commemorate before the the life and death of our most oraclous beloved sovereign king george minister in memory of hi uldom and knowledge and counsel ye shall know the truth and thu truth shall make you free people we bow before time lord minister in memory of his sympathy and uinf tilling kindness inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of uie least of tliese my brethren ye have done it unto me people we bow before thee lord mlnlntcr in memory tmhc dpfpttrmw fn htiihfst mnnlfrt in hi rteirffpiri inyni tnl duty through th frank day clerk of the township ikormous damage hv itats in dominion the broun rat in canada invades houitr store warehouui nnfl markets and besides destroying fabrics and leather goods it attacks all kinds of food meat groceries fruits vegetables and bo on in town and country it at taokpaultryr4usuroylngoagi andchi stove for jbverjiome ejectrlc coal and wood coal oil gasoline electric rot plate nnd splendid range of guaran teed used and reconditioned stovts we also furnish repalra for all makto of stoves your old stove accepted as part payment terms arranged we can savo you money vxoneer equipment co established 1023 10 woolwich st gufclph onl kens the foundations of buildings are also damaged by its activities every where it destroys unceasingly and yet its presence is tolerated in addition to the enormous destruc tion of food supplies the brown rat is erlous menace to public health it is carrier of bubonic plague one or the most devastating of human diseases which has been spread all over the world by tho in the 14th century it is estlmat cuinc not to do mine own will but the will of him that went me people we bow before tlrce lord minister in memory of his sacrificial life of service laid down on the altar of the british empire am among you us one that serveth people wo bow before thee lord minister in memory of lib influence far god nnd christ and tho cuurch ye shall bu my witness people wo bow before thee lord help us lord to live as faithfully as he has lived and died and through our witncui to byild the city of god in the empire for which he laid down his life thla ed that about 000 000 neodle died in ahk tlirou tllc meditation of jesus christ our saviour nnd rwleemer rest eu tnatauoutjoooooo people died in eu rant to hlm und 1t perpetual light shine upon him may lie europe from the blaclc death as this rcjl peace amen we commend lord to thy futhurly goodness mary the queen mother and all memberc of the royal fumlly strengthen thorn with tly arncioua consolations in this time of sorrow and bereavement lielp them tn lookup to thee and grant that they on earth ever rejoicing in thy presence may shoiv with him jlio has gone beyond but little before the rest and peace which thy presence lives through jesus christ our lord amen rat disease was then called and 2000000 deatlis arc stated to have occurred dur ing tlie epidemic in india in 1007 bubonic plague is transmitted from rata to human beings by fleas modern methods or preventing tlie spread of the plague involve the most vigorous eradication of rats and uie prevention of chelr lnnrjlngin seaports from ocean going vclic1s bladder weakness gettingupnights quickly relieved uv caum grandfalh jmir it auid ulfc uas at mu tht minister ybtirday my deai thai yuu 11 lie niulytuo years old lomorriiu 111 indignantly rulht to say jcli grandnuthi well ye had nn thing john jmu onv ye oilyhl to yuu talk abhu ill be niii ladys mil be ninety ertul uhi 11 if walu umtiti evifi wit 1ons and irtn say tlmi although enthu lasm 111 liih uiiioni the nldlcr and 1ui11 rv llcreii the prlnre happi ded to be the prln hlnimlf uc happy to me iu an officer with hls fellow oiric it can ci rtnlnly be mild of htm that thrmiih ttavilllng and thrutigh nlutlm ulth jutiplr al nir the em pre in ry ph ise of life our in king through pitaui il coutart hu jmllu rloer to the nie of hb gnat 1nipln than lias th inrelie in ml feet dl jiniulto tin ilrnunt llonip treatment worui inr vertical illhtitnce is umii by doctor lor many years hymn nearer my clod to thoo nearer to thee even though it be cross that itilseth me still all my jong would be nearer my ood to thee nearer to thee my soul thirsteth for god therelet thew ay appear steps unto heaven all that thou sendst to me in mercy given angels to beckon me nearer my ood to thee nearer to thee prujectvui in iniiluly ii pallle lo un iciuni in uiiymi now umnj this riddle if you pleaja which tnv can you hold up uith eiue soon will ttiule you understand tlie pulni tuch tlnu you rab you hulld of lili preden ri huriiw and kt alibi dr thoml liliclrlc oil ulll uike the lire out of 11 turn or raid it jjnmld be at hand in tiiry kltchi that it may be uwulubf at any time there no preparation iidulnd jut apply the oil to the liuri ui seuld and the pain ull abate mul 11 ihott time ciulc ultthlitlur protectant foreian miiilom ulille there were several attempt in ttie slvleeutb and seienteenth ceil tulle to ctliblldi fitrelgn illusions be miiveuienl gained it real liupellit jui before the duuii id the nliiileeiith ienliiry tbe mirit lulls uere the lirt iibd ehninilnii nf pnitestiiul tnr elgn till lugllsli urn ooli iii the ll id llld tn it 1h1t ou ll mil rlsl i1imii1 innl ihm tl what it uonderful comfort it li ep all night and licit up 01 finin illiidcler den and irnuuii the dilly atilioyante rcstli nlltllt at misery diaeua lies and ncivou lrrltabil ii that rult liom film lioiial ill wider tiouhh me urecklng hie hu of thui md uho might otlu iul be in he in of hcihn to at lour bet nu mu hale pen iul iiciilthgtwnc hep and fr dom frmn daily ifiltitl hats why tlie di hniilhuorlh uhata1j furniilla dve mull uondeilul hi fiwton made liom iipiclut foi inula and iced the doctor loi many year uka 11 ails mm tibt itnabli fioni your drug glit inr hit xii ir lie huiuey ue haw bimiglit qubk help and tomioit to niaiii thmi ids no mallei uhut your age may he bow many nudlcliiu you bin uieil ulthuit micetss if you want to forgjt you hnv bladder and njoy the 11 si or plateful uubioken leep try uka taltil tuiljy your drugget will re fund tht mull uist if you are not well ulnisil though like the uanderer the iun gone doun darkness be 01 er me my ntt stone yet in my dreanui id be niarer my giwl to thee nearer to thee or if on joyfulwlug cleaving tho aky sun moon and tars forgot iipwirl lly still ull my ming shall be niarer my ood to thee nir totu then with my ualdng thoughts bright ulth thy praise out of my itony griefs bethel ill raise so by lliy uoes to be niarir my ctwl to thee nctirer to thee amin ajlitls adum rev dr morrow new business pitiniu kblunmlublp will attrnct new butbicmd tokd uie ium of the eld that you sure losidjc get ir prlc ed urlutln the acton free press and pra ycr kcsuliition of luptiiliv and loyally to kiiik kdwurd proposed by ucuvc ii harrison hou liast uccu our jwelhnj place tn all ge hymn loiu goil our help in nips past our hope fur yearn to come our shelter from the tnr my bl it and our tenia home eiicrutioiis under the jhadow of thy tlironu thy lulnl luuv duell secure stilficicnl tlilnii urni alone and our del nee sine watts all itkiualn staudlni otcun the neat march in snul natinnulantlilui benediclion mr suit rev ii uemiic thou shalt not kill drive carefully