paoe moht the acton free press thursday january soth 136 matleea blrtba ibnlwn aaj daatka ara taaertad ia thla witboat cfcaraa la afqocuis motleaa aas aad me par uaa aavhllnail far poctrr died wood in winnipeg on saturday jan uatyiatbllwgrwuuain batooad husband of rebecca arthurs fjusskli at the weuesfcry hospital toronto on monday january 37th 1030 elisabeth bone russell daughter of the late mr and mrs alar russell of tjnionvllle locals the ttro weather has been pretty ateady the coal bins have faded badly dur ing the long cold snap wellington regiment formed 1857 la to be disbanded zero weather has been quite the usual thlnff the post week once again there call for the prophet who predict mild winter this year herrwtreet has resigned as clerk of milton after serving for twenty alx years mr cameron ii oommenood his duties as caretaker at the poet office on monday another sound equipment is being tried out at the arena with various degrees of satisfaction uflre completely destroyed the plant of tho guejph foundry co on sunday throwing 35 out of employment capt payne and three cadets of ha urn nrlo on sunday at crewsons ooraer the annual meeting of the baltoa lire insurance company to be held tomorrow in the town hall in acton the order of service used at acton on tuesday with the hymns is repro duced on pago seven of thlt issue of the pue puiom quite number of the young folio are enjoying the winter sport of aldlnii and several groups have enjoyed tripo during the week commencing this week the old man gives sketch of early days of acton ntreeu up to tlie present time btockattt with storm windows and other win ter protection and the changed location of the flro turen its warning la not licard so distinctly by many residents mr scott resigned as secre tarytreasure of erlrt school board after serving for twentyjive years ills bucocsior 13 mr hull editor of the erin advocate magkitrute mcllveen eavc notice tlmt 15 duy jail ujauis would be given as minimum to drunken drivers this year magistrate mcdvivn presides at italton county courts irovinclal officer joseph allen ap peared in police court at brampton on three charges and was acquitted on tne charge of being intoxicated while tn charge of motor car xm ox few reflections dear fane pmssa book of essays by luccock an american writer picked up this morn ing contained this statement in life is no status quo no place or condition of permanent abode we arrive pass through faro on it was very much in point with eomo remarks pencilled yester day after reading ttrx fas paras just to hand the continuation school re port was of very great interest the writer was considerably involved in the inception of that institution and later for years in caring for the welfare of the place and those therein but was struck with the almost complete change in tho report of any names of positive family identification times does work wonders when we come to look back it was gratifying however that one looked for was found although the only one definite and that one so near the top of averages as to bo almost there in fact that one and the only one above were much higher than the next below the one thus identified had good ante cedents and would not be surprising if in the course of the worlds history certain well conducted paper clean and wholesome would have its work enhanced by tho matured scholarship but time moves on this is amply emphasized by tho re port privately circulated yesterday even ing too late for tho newspapers tho king died about half an hour ago it seems so recent the kings jubilee and little further bock to some of us bis accession in i9l0 that it was quite surprise and still this morning usual avocations keep moving on tho flares are roaring and flaming their output and while we would wish otherwise notwlth while load uighldifiat thd baard tumor vallojvjuta more plant on monday wm reavcn was accidentally hit with one of the hides and received injuries to his kg and foot when he was knocked from the wagon when the car harry norton was driving skidded into the ditch and lodged in the soft snow last night it require the derrick to take it from thki position no one was injured or no damage was done canadian oyster tried in britain when julius cellar invaded britain back ln55 iieprohnhly nwlhia flrat taata of the british oytter which id considered the best in britain today andhcldutthdhigheatr c3tccrnbythd gourmet it is known as uie whltstahlc oysters ure much consumed in great britain and tho demand continues dur ing thd spring and summer montlis supplies uro imported from holland france and the united states accord ing to the natural ibjouroe department of tho canadian national hallways in tlio case of oystern from the united states those are imported from october to march with bluepolnts for immedi ate consumption and iut itlver for relay lug canadian oysters liave been tried out on tho british market but they have been too large to meet requlro muits of the importer who requires standing all official sympathy it is lo bo feared that tho unrest hi th nations will not be much halted this province has special interest this tlic king is dead long live tho klngl piiosc of our empire experience will ho ever come out again to tho ranch it is only few miles from till writing greater interests will now claim his attention and of course oven greater concern is extant will this jovial social successor measure up to the record earned by ills three immediate forerunners wluiin the lifetime oi many of us the influence of those three lias cer tainly had wholesome steadying clfct in the world other forms of kovvrn ment cliange tome of them violently so but throughout all britains monarchy remains and the representatives liave been wholesome in the book of snya mentioned above occurs one on tho oiler which cliows clearly that some of the words greauit benefactors are louly obscure but highly necessary from tho caw of niagaras immense turbines to the wheebt of your watch how many flamej uould burnt forth and how much immense meclianlsm ruined but far the faithful quiet oiler memory revertii to tlie immense engine seen under percy brownx care in brandon last october and through tho whole range of human experience the work of tho oiler in ths household in the church in society in general and from the dcpuu of uia mines the king on the throno ia thoroughly needed and abundantly manifested if ue uould but consider colman the local cartoon fourth in group drawn by jack hol llngcr and jphn drake mrs ronael hear you have your eleventh now mrs carr mrs corr yes maam and folne bouncln boy ho is too mrs wcnxei thats dandy you have quite string of little cam now mrs corr yes maam have that and this one id the caboose 1o0 acres are either more or less on account of the variable lines when this country was surwyed engineers appar ently saw the mistakes made by their ancestors and rectified them to great extent from north bay on tho east to sault sto marie on the west all tho land north was surveyed in square lots and townships each jpt 1g0 rods square and each township miles square con cessions number from couth to north and lots number cast to west each form contains 1g0 acres with allowance made for road on two sides instead of figuring ti miio between concessions or 14 miles between cross roads os you do in hal ton hero it is mlto eltrwiry75odistatictar locutions much easier found the roads if at all possible arc kept right on tho line and aru therefore straight our road for instance tlia first concession of arm strong runs absolutely straight for three towmhipu and tho line itself from tho quebec boundary on tho cast jx irakis superior on the west to point about three miles south of capo ciutye dis tance of about 2ss miles vom wliere we live the road is vkible on the cast for mile and we con stund on it slight raise of ground and sou thtf trains go up or down on the main line of tno hallway for nearly 12 miles its beauty tpot in the summer time dear futc pucks my letter intended for the loth issue uas week late duo to big storm which delayed the mall man two days the gale which started sunday night about 10 30 never let up until wed nesday morning aud during that period about foot of snow fell which blew into drifts from to 10 feet deep the thermometer was registering from 14 to 30 below rero so very little outside work was done our homo hj of log construction well chinked with wood and nios outside and papered inside so we didnt feel the cold wo impeded quite number of house plant and they were repotted into northern soil on ar rlval and strange to say they seem to 4wvodonomuchbottiiruianovf before and not one has been touched with frost water is one of thin countrys prob lems wheie there la no stream or lake in the early days there wait too much even tho roads had to be bridged with corduroy to keep out of it but now that the land li cleared this bountiful supply ij gone in wme localities how lug welli can be found by drilling and again in other uater cant be located peculiar condition prevails tills year since urn rartlumake wtlls that uere only llovilng half stream are coining full and ulth prcsure and others that hud fairly ruod rttiiuni liave stop ped entirely just in our immediate hmahvr oyster hlcl will pack from to 1500to ajsftrivl yllhn mini ithl 11 mum or 1000 oy stern light packhig la xl oiuiiitial to as to reduce movement in transit it is considered there is und windy spot in winter as write again for the 30th issue we are having another severe storm with sub xcro temperatures about 20 below at 30 im reminded of on article on refrigeration and wonder somcwliat why people talk of such things in tlu inter time we sure dont need any outside just now anyway radio is wonderful advantage in this country uhen so much of the time particularly during the winter trains are delayed and mall couriers are unable to make their trips and as consequence no news is available other tlian by radio we learned monday evening of our gracious icings death and are sorrowing with the rest of tho empire the death of hudyard kipling hi also great lass but ve can ever keep his memory fresh through the lines he has written which wlllgo down through th ages to come lout week even though sympathizing with the editors confinement to home really believe he has an opportunity lo give attention to greater extent to his own business and no doubt great many personal desires also that lie never lias time for when considered well for one appreciate the personal contact the success of both acton and george town fairs is encouraging im sure to the presidents and directors and is well uorth theeffort tlie trophy presented by mr ilumley for competition among the hockey players of the district is great encouragement and rm glad to see ijmehouse holding thelrendup ju koi tluwnloo johnson out faithful with ptulthuii uiiiivr iuut the top fur about or 10 feet uith cuhaultd liner to hold the surface from markei forjysteratriniluterir canada illv uhen bupplles ai more ubuudunt the great ostei bearing beds hi eastern canada ure located uloug the ihorts of the strult of nortluimborland and olf lrhice edurd lslaiul frederick the great once addressed corporal of his life guards the cor poral he knew wan brave soldier but lu alw knew that he had trace of vanity for the watch chain ho displayed sa proudly uas attached to no watch thinking to hae some fun with the fellow the monarch remarked one day corporal jau must liavu beau most frugal to buy 11 watch it is six oclock by mine tell me uhat is it by yours tim suldiiir promptly withdrew the end of the chain from ills pocket attached to it uas bullet si ho nald my springs are iiht iu common hen iu the mnith tlut win re they do occur are of trinitiidous one know of the ouici of the wabl ituer covri fulli nn acre of ground and li as cle ir ani blue looking ils uike ontario from dltanrr and kieju the rlw opn for itr thne mit rtnardu of whit tn tempi ruture may 1h one notleeabli fi uture of thl country juwnt inmitloniil fore the survey ilt on uih is pine differ ttt urn oh that only hl thorlt lay and ihrc lsna stmllt cunum or cxpliki11 rplfad the duuhllomdnvroad in the whole county tlu fairiil or lob while inundtd contain uuldi markti neither live nor ilx oclock but it tvlls me every moment that it is duty to perlli for your majesty the king uas impriud ulth this eidenre of lojalty hero my friend jir said take thu uiitch that joamuy able to tell the hour also and hw pirsrd him hl tlinepieee uhlrh uiu inlaid with precjuits jiuel intermediates continue to win continued from pago five scott defence post centre carter and davidson wlngsjjlckarr ran weils and wilson alternotea referee worthy hamilton prom t11k benches acton appeared to coast along too easily on monday and ookvlllo mode tho decision close mooney whs absent from tho lino on monday and woods took hie place mooney played hi tlie game on saturday under handicap ookvlllo still liavo chance ia got into tho playoffs but it is slim one they have scheduled garno with guclph and postponed gamo with tho name team if tho villon can toko both of these sudden death game will be necessary to sco who will meet acton in tho finals just tha trouble with tlie proreason picking tho crop isnt always tho same in tho harvest looks like guclph and acton for the playoffs just now but you never can tell out of possible 20 points acton now lias accumulated 17 of them with couple more to get in georgetown on friday night on monday georgetown dropped game to guelph by 0g and thereby out of tlie picture schonfeltl for guelph seems to be their strength remember the year tho royal city team put acton out of tlie play offs after tlie game was apparently clinched too well it looks like acton and guelph again this yearforhonors intermediate group standing goals fr agt pts acton guclph georgetown oakvllle 21 32 37 intermediate games next week tonlghtoukvllle at guelph friday acton at georgetown saturday if possible guelph at oak vllle postponed game guelph acton aotonuonuoutof tho plnynff tion in the junior grotrp lost night when the guulph juniors gave them 73 trimming in guelph the acton boys put up good bid for the game but were just beaten by faster team no alibis arc necessary and tho boys desurve credit for their shoeing of tho jear in the ilnit period ilyird and molozzlc combined on the first charge on guelph goal mason took pa4 from amuls and missed acton goal lambert lind holmes misled on nice attempt keuy got the first counter after 4i minutes of play on nice pass from mason that had woodu beat cold kelly missed an other nice chance when woods boat him murdoch had nice chancer nnd missed the net by block brush ahot on stade who went down with uie puck under him thu goal judge ruled if goal but illllman said it wasnt in and tho goal wasnt alloued woods was getting plenty to do and doing it nicely mason was thetoreieuswtisiilerth thctcwhy just noise luar that your son hob in the uorld of science xisltur making lid the jt st hint mother you dldn for com plete of take ul the irtl did jou sinui julk no muunr lju ak mi an for the rulpe that ou 011m liluk some like it uuti jhe uw nu unotlur pi li ultlumt my ilklng fur plenty of scrambles in front of tho acton net but no score the period was guclpho and thu ccore also at 10 there were no penalties the second period made up for tho first in penalties brush went off for boarding jones and mason followed for tripping eaard ainbls missed when he liad only woodu to beat mason took another penalty for boarding molozzle after he just got on acton peppered stade with rubber but no results ambis uvnt right in but woods boat him kelly and mason combined without luck kelly hit tho goal post and uie puck vcnt through an upstair window murdoch and armstrong went off for tnlxlnifirupaiidtronroiroedlcttjut penalty box mason went off again for xoughlngut urjmdjuubls iasliibchtuvc against woodu at 13 minutes kelly took ambls pass to make tlie count two and jonys made it minutes later on drive from inside the bluo line gibbons went olf for tripping auelph uas playing short when tho goals wore scored bayllsa drew penalty for trip ping ambls but woodt turned all ulioti back kefco tunt bllnco to the boards and knocked him out score 30 for guelph uith period as score auelph had six penalties to actons four prlod three uas only tuo minutes old uhen ambls sent lllpjier that bvat woods armstrong got in on stade but the gnilk won it wau nice rusi maon made the count lc for guelph vhen he took ambls pas it uiu nice pry stadewjis out of hti goil but alum failed to glider mjiojh trippicl kelly und took eat amu 111 uie it on an luslst uf kelly and muuii ami daw major penally lor iliek on hllnro that gave him uat cut mr the it eye and put him out of tlie of the game hnuli got alton mnt goal at eight minuui on like nuh and mlssul on the next try liiu unit olf for tripping murdoch and ki lo for tile uiiil offence holim 111l id on pa from brush at ltfun minute icellj and no on mai011 and ainbl osjlt brush unit jumping through again wood1 heat man when in tilid tosmiie bruh got another to at ton on corner shot ut tevenuln inluuh after si mmule in auelph leintoij blkins iiiimi 011 shot from mixup and the gamo ended at v2 for auelph three penaiaes lor guolplt to the period and two for acton tho lineup was acton woods goal armstrong and bayllss defence ezard centre brush and molozzlc wings gibbons bllnco hnrrn pd tinhjihfrt tip sub goalie guelph stade goal mosdn and jones defence ambls centre ii mason idirl kelly wings murdoch smith debruokl and kelso ajtcrnaus itcfcrec tee illllman kitchener just notes well thats that and it was perhaps asking too much for two teams in tho playoffs anyway tho boys from milton have been real heip on tho acton lino up and team and fanu appreciate their help this season looks as if guclph will toko tho group but after that thtt team will need an other line to get for tho lino of ambls mason aid kelly gots places hi tho acoro for the royal city crow mason spent too much time in tho penalty box to bo as effective as ho should ho had six minutes in tho box lu one period junior guoup standing oools oualph 35 10 17 lora 33 30 11 actoii 31 35 georgetown 25 18 domett bchedulcd 3oru at actoii old aeartjetown at oncjpl funeral op late james burns many frlciidu gathered to pay their last tribute at tlie funeral of tho late james burns who died at his homo in nassttgawoya following severe heart attack born seventyfour years ago he has been resident of nasogaweyo al most his entire life and had livod at hw late residence for tho last fortyfive years beside his widow and ono son mr burns is survived by two brothers john texas william of campbcllvuki and three skters mrs archie colo 3an william and mrs charlie allen of milton three lang ages merchant was persuaded to buy fc parrot it hod travelled far and could jabber several languages lie ordered it to be sent home tho same day his wife hod ordered ehlokon for dinner on leaving the house alio said to tho cook mary theres fowl coming for sup per have it cooked for mr richards when ho gets homo unfortunately uie parrot arrived first and mary following instructions dinner was served whats tills exclaimed mr rich ards mary told him but for goodness sake mary he said this is awfull that bird could speak three languages then why the dickens didnt ho say something asked mary good suggestion tlio young bore at tho party who was doing his sliaro of tho entertaining had already exceeded tho time limit now continuing my imitations ho said can mimic any bird will some body noma bird please homing pigeon suggested ono of uie company sure am connected with soma of the best famllcs by telephone go the limit how do you spell graphic asjced tho young man with ono or two tho old man sighed well ho said al last if you are going to use any you might as well go u10 limit royal guelph now playing franchot tone bette davis in dangerous satuk hon tues john boles gladys swartout in rose of the rancho musical western next wedprl lily pons tli mnvenly sinr dreamtoo much the famous virginia jubilee singers americas popul of colored will pr8eiitone ortfieirprogramsin the united church acton on saturday february 1st at 800 company of arlisls in program of outstanding versatility and meritr adults 2tc children 15c auspices united clmrth sunday school and unity mens club at during 1935 at at readers of the free press have received between 1800 and 2000 columns of reading from 250 to 300 full sized news paper pages acton news up to the minute of going to press community news as recorded by live correspondents editorial comment constructive and educational messages from the business firms meaning money savers for buyers at al ia at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at ahfor200 forthewhol fiftytwo issues less tlian 4c week start 1936 right by adding your name to the long list of those now enjoying tlie privilege ex tended or by renewing your present subscription for the new year our office is on mill si reec outstall awaits your coming and von will find it real pleasure to read the free press remember all for two dollars the acton free press